going into someone elses dream

Shared dreams are performed mostly by those with access to hallucinogenic drugs. Where you enter a dream state in full consciousness. Also helpful in creating cults as the mind is more prone to believe the false reality a person could portray to an individual.

Now actual dreams being shared is one of those things you could deny out of evidence all day long, but probability says that two people's streams of subconscious are bound to eventually overlap a bit. Our minds really aren't that different from one another. For two people to say they had "the same dream" is not an uncommon happenstance.
Well, I had a weird dream last night where a shadow entered my bedroom. I saw it in the hallway earlier and thought it was a demon so I hid by the closets and then it came into the bedroom and I stood up and walked towards it, in order to show that I don't give a shit if you're a demon, this is my place, but it was a friend who then came to bed with me, not in the dirty sense (unfortunately) just to sleep or talk, but it was real, like someone visiting my dream.
As the world becomes smaller and communication improves, you can expect more of this type of realization. Because most people don't remember their dreams, don't expect a flood of recognition.
The correct parapsychological label for my experience last night is however not dream, but astral visitation, or by some narrowminded besserwissers that would be a dreamlike state, but not entirely the same.
mmm i now think jumping into other peoples dreams mite be real.

as of lastnight id never heard of dream jumping, or never even thought of it. ive always had very real dreams since i was a child. but lastnight i was dreaming and all of a sudden i saw myself literally jump out of my physical body and straight into my partners where i saw a glimpse of another place. i woke up laughing and heard myself say "oh my god, i just jumped into ur dream". mmm weeeiirrrird. Ive never believed in any of that stuff or even comprehended the idea, but what the heck was that. Im glad i woke up as its probably not good to actually invade sumone elses subconcious or dreams or watever. hope it never happens again. of course im sceptical. i dont believe in that stuff. has any body else had an experience like this.
Have any of you seen a movie called dreamscape. Dennis Quaid was in it. All about jumping into other's dreams.

Thank you! Becuase of your post I just ordered this film. Looking forward to it. Cheers.

as of lastnight id never heard of dream jumping, or never even thought of it. ive always had very real dreams since i was a child. but lastnight i was dreaming and all of a sudden i saw myself literally jump out of my physical body and straight into my partners where i saw a glimpse of another place. i woke up laughing and heard myself say "oh my god, i just jumped into ur dream". mmm weeeiirrrird. Ive never believed in any of that stuff or even comprehended the idea, but what the heck was that. Im glad i woke up as its probably not good to actually invade sumone elses subconcious or dreams or watever. hope it never happens again. of course im sceptical. i dont believe in that stuff. has any body else had an experience like this.

Its called mutual dreaming, it is a form of dream telepathy. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dream_telepathy

Theres a book out on the subject by Linda Lane Magallon called Mutual dreaming: when two or more people share the same dream. I have not read it yet. I am very interested in this sort of thing. Perhaps the afterlife might be a shared dream? I am open to that idea.

The only one I have ever known to enter someone else's dreams is this guy
dream telepathy ey. interesting.

do u know what can make a person start going into others dreams. like emotional things or other things. do they know much about it or how to stop it from happening. like i dont know if i was in his dream. i was just in another place, all i saw was bright green mountains and a man standing to my right. i didnt even get to see if it was my partner before waking up as the jump was so abrupt and it woke me suddenly. ah well i wont talk about it anymore and fingers crossed doesnt happen again.just makes me feel unsettled. thanks for the info and the research to follow.