"GOD'S GATES: THE NEW HEAVEN'S GATE. New Mass Suicides for 2007.

Bells said:
Did I think you were joking? In all honesty yes I did. But then as I read through the rest of the post I realised that you were not. But it's ok Ads. I understand that you are probably unable to answer them.

Oh bells if you honestly though i was joking and then after reading the rest changed your mind then you would have removed the "Yes" from your post before posting it. :rolleyes:

Me thinks you knew i was serious all along, but just threw that "Yes" in as some pathetic attempt to mock.

It is amazing how people reveal themselves in here. Your a liar bells running from one position to another depending on the circumstances.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
It is amazing how people reveal themselves in here. .

Yes it is. I for one Adstar, and I've never told you this before because I play along until I get bored, but I don't think you believe a single word of what you write. I think you get some kind of perverse pleasure manipulating the forum populace with great performances of cyberspace acting. I'll give you credit for making your points and initiating debate.

Biblical scholar? Probably. Not much use for that other than to do what most people with vast amounts of knowledge on nothing do, strut their stuff. I envision an Adstar sitting behind a pc, armed to the teeth with biblical references just waiting to deliver the holy counterpunch to every argument. It is really good stuff. You are rare ... who would ever think that a religious authority could play the Devil's advocate. Genius

Ah..the anonymity of the internet.
Adstar said:
Oh bells if you honestly though i was joking and then after reading the rest changed your mind then you would have removed the "Yes" from your post before posting it. :rolleyes:
So you expected me to scroll right back up and delete things from my post to please you? HEH!

Me thinks you knew i was serious all along, but just threw that "Yes" in as some pathetic attempt to mock.
If I had wanted to mock you I would have done so openly. I really was surprised the more I read through your post as I was replying that you were in fact serious. But it takes all kinds to make a world I suppose. You have the sane and the raving lunatics. I'll leave you to guess which category I place you in. And yes that was me mocking you. :)

It is amazing how people reveal themselves in here.
Indeed. You have always known my stance on religion, so you can hardly be amazed or surprised that I find your wish to becoming a 'martyr', so you can get to god quicker, to be abhorrent and disturbing, to say the least. I had always pegged you as a conservative christian, but I never realised you had gone so far as to think your own death could bring you pleasure since you'd get to spending eternity with god that much quicker and that you'd consider yourself blessed if you died spreading the word (for lack of a better term). You then attempt to distinguish yourself as being above other people who've died for their cause, saying yours is better because you are a christian. Please, you are as bad as all the people who go to their deaths thinking themselves martyr's and doing so with a smile lusting for the life after death that does not exist. You still haven't answered my question by the way. I find it interesting that you keep dodging it. So I shall as it again...

"If your dying for your message, would mean that others would also die along with you, would you still do it? What if your death causes the death of others, would you still be willing to become a martyr?" I am not asking with the thought of you blowing yourself up to get your so called blessing, but if say your death would result in others dying as a consequence, would you still go to the burning stake as though you were a child running towards a lolly?

Your a liar bells running from one position to another depending on the circumstances.
Am I? How so? Because I personally think you are a raving lunatic who would harm himself if he thought he could convert someone or pass the word of god? Damn straight I do. I was being honest when I said I find you frightening. Sadly so. How have I changed position in regards to that or in regards to religion in general?
PsychoticEpisode said:
Yes it is. I for one Adstar, and I've never told you this before because I play along until I get bored, but I don't think you believe a single word of what you write. I think you get some kind of perverse pleasure manipulating the forum populace with great performances of cyberspace acting. I'll give you credit for making your points and initiating debate.

Biblical scholar? Probably. Not much use for that other than to do what most people with vast amounts of knowledge on nothing do, strut their stuff. I envision an Adstar sitting behind a pc, armed to the teeth with biblical references just waiting to deliver the holy counterpunch to every argument. It is really good stuff. You are rare ... who would ever think that a religious authority could play the Devil's advocate. Genius

Ah..the anonymity of the internet.

Interesting theory. But wrong. You think i am satans advocate. Strange to hear that from someone who professes not to believe in such beings. I have a theory myself PsychoticEpisode. That there are worshippers of Lucifer on this board who are feigning atheism.

How does that grab you?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
That there are worshippers of Lucifer on this board who are feigning atheism.

Lol, your statements just get all the more daft as time goes on. Have you ever sat in front of a mirror and said the things you say here to yourself? Perhaps you should try it out.
Anyone must be a piss poor leader if they think they can lead people in death.

Yes, suicide cults are nutjobs all wacked on someones belief system, do they deserve to die? thats not my decision to make, in reality it should be left to chance and old age and in certain respects their deaths aren't "Martyrdom" they are just a cowards way out of a system that they feel they can't be apart of.

The sooner people grow up and realise that religion is just a form of Subliminal neural linguistic programming (Mind Control), the better.
Adstar said:
Interesting theory. But wrong. You think i am satans advocate. Strange to hear that from someone who professes not to believe in such beings. I have a theory myself PsychoticEpisode. That there are worshippers of Lucifer on this board who are feigning atheism.

How does that grab you?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Worshippers of Lucifer are no different than worshippers of God, both equally nonsensical in their praise of mythical beings.
Adstar said:
I have a theory myself PsychoticEpisode. That there are worshippers of Lucifer on this board who are feigning atheism.

How does that grab you?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

M*W: "Feigning atheism" is an impossible feat. You either are or you're not. There is no "feigning." so called Christians, on the other hand, feign Christianity all day long. They even bother going to their churches to do their feigning! Some may even pray with their families at dinner time just for the "show" of it. Others may read the bible together or have prayer meetings and not be a bit sincere about it. Christianity can be feigned, but atheism cannot. Since atheism refers to the "lack" of belief in a religion, there are no handy props centerstage.

Even agnostics can do some feigning from the span between religion and atheism.

If I don't believe in dying demigod savior myths, then I also don't believe in mythological adversaries who rule hell. It's not surprising that some religions feign certain bible scripture while other religions take it literally.

Athiests on the other hand don't feign anything. We just don't believe in the power and control of the human being by some forced reasoning in faith. With all the contradictions and lies in the bible, and the tenets that were built upon these lies, the only truth to be found is in atheism, where there is no room for questionable authority.
Adstar, if you think I am going to respond to the insinuation that I and quite possibly some of the other atheists on this forum are actually followers of the devil then you are sadly mistaken. As I said, I find your attempts at goading comical but at least they're nicely camouflaged. I sense that you're running out of things to say, I don't blame you because whether you believe this gobbledygook or not there is a point when it becomes boringly repetitive. I am noticing that as you supposedly defend God and the hereafter that your usual impeccable wisdom has taken a turn for the worse. There are more comments on your lame reasoning than ever before. Maybe its time to claim a small victory in that you lasted this long than suffer an embarassing defeat while grasping at straws. Either way I admire the effort but I can't in all honesty and good conscience believe in your sincerity.
Adstar said:
Interesting theory. But wrong. You think i am satans advocate. Strange to hear that from someone who professes not to believe in such beings.
HEH! "Devil's advocate" is merely a saying Ads.

I have a theory myself PsychoticEpisode. That there are worshippers of Lucifer on this board who are feigning atheism.
Yes my son. And I am coming for your soul this very second. Can you feel my pitchfork stabbing you in the left cheek of your buttock?

Shish Kebab anyone? :D
wanderingstar said:
It would seem to have the potential to do so. To do what? To commit mass suicide on March 29 of 2007, exactly 10 years after the targic mass suicide of a UFO cult that called itself "Heaven's Gate". Well, this is a sister cult to Heaven's Gate. What's a sister cult.? A sister cult is a group that has alot of things in common with another group. God's Gates favor Heaven's Gate doctrines and verbally smash anybody who opposes them or Heaven's Gate, calling the opposers as Satanic. http://webspawner.com/users/thegatesoffoxmulder/ is the URL of the God's Gates website.

Any thoughts?
yeah ...HAVE A NICE TRIP morrons! :p :rolleyes:
few idiots less on earth is all the better
I do not intend to leave this place. There is some reason why God wants me to come here. I do not really understand why. I have often though to myself that i could be far more productive in offering the Love of God elsewhere then among committed anti-christs. But then again maybe there is someone here that God has sent me to gather. That must be it. Otherwise i am here so that you can hear the truth that you will reject and therefore be justly condemned to eternity in the lake of fire for rejecting the Love of The Truth. Either way i serve Gods will.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
I do not intend to leave this place. There is some reason why God wants me to come here. I do not really understand why.
You think it is god who sent you here? How did god do that ads?

I have often though to myself that i could be far more productive in offering the Love of God elsewhere then among committed anti-christs.
You're one of those guys who stands on benches in shopping centres and screams out passages from the bible, aren't you? Or who stands outside clubs and bars trying to preach and gather in the wayward flock?

But then again maybe there is someone here that God has sent me to gather. That must be it.
Whoever that person may be, may then run very fast away from you. I would pity anyone caught in the clutches of your hot little hands.

Otherwise i am here so that you can hear the truth that you will reject and therefore be justly condemned to eternity in the lake of fire for rejecting the Love of The Truth.
How very christian of you.

Either way i serve Gods will.
So it's gods will that you come off like a raving lunatic?
I do not intend to leave this place. There is some reason why God wants me to come here. I do not really understand why.

Oh! the humility, the sense of self rightiouness comes to save us poor souls, this idiot like many others come to sites like this for one reason and one reason only. To strenghthen their beliefs by our rediculing him, yes, he turns the other cheek, yes he does take the abuse, but he believes he is doing god's work. You better do praying out in the middle of the park, and please have a hat with some monetary change, some will give, most will not. Preach, preach, and preach till your throat goes soar, spread the word out there, not in here, where brains exist, where satanists dwell, were atheists rule, go to central park, there's some of your homeless comrades waiting there for you! :p
Adstar said:
I do not intend to leave this place. There is some reason why God wants me to come here. I do not really understand why. I have often though to myself that i could be far more productive in offering the Love of God elsewhere then among committed anti-christs. But then again maybe there is someone here that God has sent me to gather. That must be it. Otherwise i am here so that you can hear the truth that you will reject and therefore be justly condemned to eternity in the lake of fire for rejecting the Love of The Truth. Either way i serve Gods will.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days


M*W: Like other Christians who have come here, you came here to preach. The truth of the matter is, you came here to learn, and that's why you choose not to leave.
Adstar said:
..... i am here so that you can hear the truth that you will reject and therefore be justly condemned to eternity in the lake of fire for rejecting the Love of The Truth. Either way i serve Gods will.

I think you have done more for atheism than anyone here. You have showed us the nonsense in a way that should convince any religious fence sitter to kiss god goodbye.
This is all so hysterical. First the forum is overtaken with racists and now the religious freaks are swarming all over the place.

Bells: What there is are people who are willing to go to extremes for their beliefs and stupid enough to allow themselves to die for said beliefs. No one should be willing to die to spread any message

Well you know Bells Jesus did willingly lay his feeble body on the cross to save the world and pass his father's message. I say let em go! Rid the earth of them all. I wish them gods speed in search of their father's house. Too bad there are not more willing to lay themselves peacefully down to rest.

Hey Bells have you ever considered perhaps this may be a strange form of natural selection? I mean those with a diseased mind and spirit (or simply the dim-witted) self-destructing and unwittingly taking their memes out of the meme pool. I say we should encourage them, especially if they don't intend to harm the innocent.

Abster it is commendable that your freak folk only target those over 18 and 21 and don't intend to bother the rest of us whenever it is they decide to exit this earth. Too bad you are not seriously suicidle I would have had more sympathy for you .
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Adstar said:
All you need is a warped Charismatic leader and people who want to believe it.

Seems to me the biggest mass suicides of recent times were the trench fighting battles of the first world war. Millions of people blindly following orders for king and country.

Bells said:
There is no such thing as being a martyr. What there is are people who are willing to go to extremes for their beliefs and stupid enough to allow themselves to die for said beliefs.

So all those people through history who have risked and lost their lives fighting social injustice, oppression and racial hatred and discrimination are all stupid are they !!!
Light Travelling said:
Seems to me the biggest mass suicides of recent times were the trench fighting battles of the first world war. Millions of people blindly following orders for king and country.

Yes, at the beginning of that war they danced in the streets waving flags. They where so existed that the war to end all wars had begun. They soon found out war was not fun. It’s a pity they died for nothing. If they had been followers of Jesus they would have taken no part in it.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days