God's commandment?

(Q) said:
no, I don't think so. I mean that could be true, but I don't think that's it. The Bible is supposed to be the complete truth, but I don't get it.

Yes, the bible is 'supposed' to be gods word, that is what theists would like you to believe. I'm not telling you to believe otherwise, but you should, for your own benefit, think about alternatives.

She said, of course that the Bible doesn't contradict itself, that we're not sure of how to translate it.

If the word of god cannot be translated correctly, what good is it? If the tranlations are wrong, then you are following false doctrine.

It would make more sense that the bible was written by men who knew nothing of the world and were probably deluded themselves. The stories they wrote were on par with other works of fiction like Aesop and Grimms.

I've been iffy about Religion and everything, and I know that I've been raised Christian my entire life. You may not think I'm thinking for myself, but I really honestly believe. I may not understand everything in the bible. I know there are a lot of anti-gay things in the bible as well. I don't really like that, sure, but it's not my place to judge anyway. It's not my place to play as God. I don't like preaching anyway.
This is just me honestly speaking, I don't think I could ever not believe. I'm not narrow minded or anything, or a radical, I just believe.
It's not my place to play as God.

You're not really playing as a god, you're simply questioning others perceptions of something that has never been shown to exist.

it's not my place to judge anyway

On the contrary, it IS your place to judge. You should look critically at the bible for what it is and those who would have you believe in fantasies. Judge them very harshly, for they are only interested in one thing, that you follow them blindly.

This is just me honestly speaking, I don't think I could ever not believe.

Oh, but you CAN not believe, it's not that difficult once you begin to question those who would make you a follower.

You should question as to why the religion you believe is the right one and why everyone elses is wrong. Why aren't their religions right?

I'm not narrow minded or anything, or a radical, I just believe.

Then, the first thing you need to question is why you believe? Do you need to believe in religion? Why?
(Q) said:

Do not blame God for any flaw in a book written by men.

Think what you want about the bible... or any other book..

they are just books...

Considering that the bible is supposed to be the word of god, which you claim is merely a book written by men, a most correct assumption btw, how is it possible for you to still believe in a god if no reference to him is available aside from the bible?

Because God proves himself to you personally, over many years, and you reach an epiphany when you realize he has always been there, even when you didn't believe in him, or even in your deepest sin. Such that, you will no longer need the Bible to prove that God is real; instead, you will need the Bible for its true purposes in life.
Because God proves himself to you personally, over many years

That is a delusion.

Such that, you will no longer need the Bible to prove that God is real; instead, you will need the Bible for its true purposes in life.

The bible can be interpreted in any fantastic way once you've convinced yourself fantasy is reality.
(Q) said:
It's not my place to play as God.

You're not really playing as a god, you're simply questioning others perceptions of something that has never been shown to exist.

it's not my place to judge anyway

On the contrary, it IS your place to judge. You should look critically at the bible for what it is and those who would have you believe in fantasies. Judge them very harshly, for they are only interested in one thing, that you follow them blindly.

This is just me honestly speaking, I don't think I could ever not believe.

Oh, but you CAN not believe, it's not that difficult once you begin to question those who would make you a follower.

You should question as to why the religion you believe is the right one and why everyone elses is wrong. Why aren't their religions right?

I'm not narrow minded or anything, or a radical, I just believe.

Then, the first thing you need to question is why you believe? Do you need to believe in religion? Why?

Oh no, I wasn't talking about that. Sorry, that wasn't very clear. I was saying that when people sin it's not my place to judge them, since that would be playing as God.
(Q) said:

Then, the first thing you need to question is why you believe? Do you need to believe in religion? Why?

I believe because I do. I mean I've prayed on it and all and I follow my gut. The Bible is full of truth.
(Q) said:
no, I don't think so. I mean that could be true, but I don't think that's it. The Bible is supposed to be the complete truth, but I don't get it.

Yes, the bible is 'supposed' to be gods word, that is what theists would like you to believe. I'm not telling you to believe otherwise, but you should, for your own benefit, think about alternatives.

She said, of course that the Bible doesn't contradict itself, that we're not sure of how to translate it.

If the word of god cannot be translated correctly, what good is it? If the tranlations are wrong, then you are following false doctrine.

It would make more sense that the bible was written by men who knew nothing of the world and were probably deluded themselves. The stories they wrote were on par with other works of fiction like Aesop and Grimms.

It is the complete thoughts that are important, not specifics. It is like the theory of the origins of life missing vital data. Does that negate the fact of evolution? In context, the underlying messages are always the same throughout scripture, even though cultural changes instituted new laws and/or traditions. That is why it is equally important to be knowledgable in history, archealogy, and anthropology to truly understand the scriptural meanings accurately and precisely. Another "feature" of the Bible is that it often presents a concept that is confusing, but redefines the idea right after the concept. It is a lot of critical thinking and spirit leading to understand a poorly translated scripture. The Bible is literal, but within the context of the cultural influences and mannerisms. It is not as easy as deciphering a single book because the collection was written over many generations.
I was saying that when people sin it's not my place to judge them, since that would be playing as God.

Sin's are irrelavent since one can easily confess their sins and are exonerated. Ridiculous in the extreme.

You have every right to judge harshly those who do harm to others. They will continue to do so regardless of your beliefs.

I believe because I do. I mean I've prayed on it and all and I follow my gut. The Bible is full of truth.

Perhaps you should start following your brain instead of your gut.

If the bible was full of truth, why would you say you don't understand it? Why would you believe the bible to be full of truth when much of the bible has already been shown to be false?
(Q) said:
I was saying that when people sin it's not my place to judge them, since that would be playing as God.

Sin's are irrelavent since one can easily confess their sins and are exonerated. Ridiculous in the extreme.

You have every right to judge harshly those who do harm to others. They will continue to do so regardless of your beliefs.

I believe because I do. I mean I've prayed on it and all and I follow my gut. The Bible is full of truth.

Perhaps you should start following your brain instead of your gut.

If the bible was full of truth, why would you say you don't understand it? Why would you believe the bible to be full of truth when much of the bible has already been shown to be false?

Whoa whoa whoa don't call me stupid. I don't believe the same things as you, but oh well. I believe in God, and well maybe you do but maybe not...
I do read up on other religions, you know. But I'm all Christian.

Your sins are not always forgiven, you know. Try finding a priest that'll forgive you for murder and rape.

There are somethings I don't understand sure, but from what I know I believe.
(Q) said:
Because God proves himself to you personally, over many years

That is a delusion.

What is delusional is a matter of perspective. People didn't always believe we could have the light bulb. Besides, what are we talking about? I cannot dispute that X happened to me just at the right time so that Y would occur, even though Z was a better solution given the information at the time of X. At what point does this culmination of coincidences become more than chance? At what point can we say that these coincidences could not have happened by chance, and is it a coincidence that all these coincidences bring me to God. 1000 coincidences? 10 billion? How about infinite? That is what I experience when I trust in God. I am always pleasantly surprised that he shows up. It never ceases to amaze me. If I choose poorly, I pay the price, and God turns it around. If I choose according to God's plan, I am sometimes persecuted by unbelievers, but I am filled with joy, peace, love, and happiness.

(Q) said:
Such that, you will no longer need the Bible to prove that God is real; instead, you will need the Bible for its true purposes in life.

The bible can be interpreted in any fantastic way once you've convinced yourself fantasy is reality.

No, the opposite is true. If you don't believe in God, the Bible can be interpreted in any fantastic way. Once you are filled with the spirit, it leads you to the true interpretation...which other Christians may disagree with, but those are small matters. And it is more likely that, in controversy among the spirit-filled, that both parties are wrong because only God is right. In other places in the Bible it teaches of how to debate with Christians, and that is always with humility, not arrogance.
It is the complete thoughts that are important, not specifics. It is like the theory of the origins of life missing vital data. Does that negate the fact of evolution?

Please don't confuse or compare scientific theories with religious fantasy. Specifics are as important, if not more important than the complete thought. If the specifics are false, the complete thought is pointless.

That is why it is equally important to be knowledgable in history, archealogy, and anthropology to truly understand the scriptural meanings accurately and precisely.

If history, archealogy and anthropology are applied, scriptures become meaningless, vacuous myths, which they have already revealed them to be.

It is a lot of critical thinking and spirit leading to understand a poorly translated scripture.

When critical thinking is applied to scriptures, they dissolve into fables.
Whoa whoa whoa don't call me stupid.

I did no such thing.

I don't believe the same things as you, but oh well. I believe in God,

Yes, I know, but you don't why you believe in god, you just do. You've never seen a god yet you believe in one. Have you seen a fire-breathing dragon? Do you believe in dragons?

I do read up on other religions, you know. But I'm all Christian.

Then perhaps you can explain to me why Christianity is right and all the other religions are wrong. As well, there are 22,000 different versions of Christianity, which one do you believe in and why are all the other version wrong?

Try finding a priest that'll forgive you for murder and rape.

No problem, they do that all the time. Priests aren't the police.

There are somethings I don't understand sure, but from what I know I believe.

But, what do you know and why do you believe?
(Q) said:
Whoa whoa whoa don't call me stupid.

I did no such thing.

I don't believe the same things as you, but oh well. I believe in God,

Yes, I know, but you don't why you believe in god, you just do. You've never seen a god yet you believe in one. Have you seen a fire-breathing dragon? Do you believe in dragons?

I do read up on other religions, you know. But I'm all Christian.

Then perhaps you can explain to me why Christianity is right and all the other religions are wrong. As well, there are 22,000 different versions of Christianity, which one do you believe in and why are all the other version wrong?

Try finding a priest that'll forgive you for murder and rape.

No problem, they do that all the time. Priests aren't the police.

There are somethings I don't understand sure, but from what I know I believe.

But, what do you know and why do you believe?

I'm Catholic.

Are you trying to turn me out of my religion or something?

I believe because I do. You know that song by coldplay? God put a smile on your face. Well it says "where do we go, no-body knows. I've gotta say I'm on my way down. God gave me style and gave me grace, god put a smile upon my face. Where do we go to draw the line?....your guess is as good as mine" Like he said where do we go to draw the line?
I look at every religion as sort of being a road. I looked at this road and saw that it was good. ha ha
What is delusional is a matter of perspective.

Of course, you perceive fantasy and I perceive reality. We are of course looking at exactly the same things.

People didn't always believe we could have the light bulb.

So what?

At what point can we say that these coincidences could not have happened by chance, and is it a coincidence that all these coincidences bring me to God.

If your perspective is viewed from a point of fantasy, then everything will bring you back to that fantasy. Of course, it's still just fantasy.

Once you are filled with the spirit, it leads you to the true interpretation...which other Christians may disagree with, but those are small matters.

Au contraire, those are HUGE matters. If Christians can't even agree with one another on their views, then those views are worthless and only serve to be ones fanatasy.

And it is more likely that, in controversy among the spirit-filled, that both parties are wrong because only God is right.

Then those views are worthless and you are all wrong. God then, is pointless.
Are you trying to turn me out of my religion or something?

Would that be a bad thing? Free yourself from the slavery of religion.

I believe because I do.

That's an excuse, not a reason. So, why not believe in dragons?

I look at every religion as sort of being a road. I looked at this road and saw that it was good. ha ha

Is not reality a good road? Why believe in fantasies?
(Q) said:
Are you trying to turn me out of my religion or something?

Would that be a bad thing? Free yourself from the slavery of religion.

I believe because I do.

That's an excuse, not a reason. So, why not believe in dragons?

I look at every religion as sort of being a road. I looked at this road and saw that it was good. ha ha

Is not reality a good road? Why believe in fantasies?

Can't we just agree to disagree?
Can't we just agree to disagree?

Certainly, let's shut down the forums and we can all agree to disagree.

All I'm doing is asking questions as to why you believe in god and why not other things, but you don't seem to even know yourself, which is very curious indeed. And from your last statement, I can only assume you don't want to go there, that you don't really want to know those answers.

Is it because you know you might just find fault in your beliefs that could jeopardize your faith?

It sounds to me like you really do want to find real answers to real questions, but are hesitant since you know those answers will conflict with your beliefs.

Would you rather be of the mind to shun hard evidence in favor of fantasy? And if you ignore this evidence over here, why would you not ignore that evidence over there? Where do you draw the line between what is placed in front of you to what is placed in front of you?
I do see your points, sure on somethings. But what are you trying to tell me? Like what's the bottom line of this all? Stop being Catholic?
But what are you trying to tell me? Like what's the bottom line of this all? Stop being Catholic?

I don't know, you tell me. Would you continue to be Catholic if you found out that it was all man made fantasies? Maybe you should be a Muslim? Do you think that if you were born in Iraq instead, would you be a Catholic?
If I found out it was all fantasies, sure I wouldn't be catholic anymore. But I don't believe that. I have to get off. It's been nice talking to you. If you'd like you can email me at clairdelune_08@yahoo.ie, if you want to carry on.