

Friend to world's children
Registered Senior Member
so, where is he/she..in any religion? Any ideas? Sitting on a cloud watching people get their heads cut off in the name of Allah? Or watching over red-necks with white hoods drag a black boy from their pick-up trucks in the name of Christianity?
He/she is a made-up figure, designed to keep thousands of primitave people in check and to prevent them from runnig around and raping each other, etc.

So there.

The Flemster.
He/she is a made-up figure, designed to keep thousands of primitave people in check and to prevent them from runnig around and raping each other, etc.
Depends what book you read, in some translations they are allowed to kill, rape etc, but of course the primitive people cant read....
He is am omnipotent being in that delights in seeing people believe in him and worship him.
He does indeed exist, he's golden, he's great and he comes in a glass, sometimes in a bottle, he showed me enlightenment last night and I felt him flow through my body every 15 minutes when I needed a piss. Beer is great...drink enough and Biffas become attractive, sod tunring water into wine...water into wine indeed...yeah..tell me another...
spike_k said:
so, where is he/she..in any religion? Any ideas? Sitting on a cloud watching people get their heads cut off in the name of Allah? Or watching over red-necks with white hoods drag a black boy from their pick-up trucks in the name of Christianity?
Would you like to know?
Cyperium said:
Would you like to know?

He/She is either asking a rhetorical question, or waiting to make fun of your answers.

I would stay far from this thread for the time being too.
Crackity Jones said:
He does indeed exist, he's golden, he's great and he comes in a glass, sometimes in a bottle, he showed me enlightenment last night and I felt him flow through my body every 15 minutes when I needed a piss. Beer is great...drink enough and Biffas become attractive, sod tunring water into wine...water into wine indeed...yeah..tell me another...
You didn't need to say it was beer, we understood you allready.
just wondering if u were going to run from the thread like southstar told u to or speak your mind (dispite risk of ridicule). Well?
spike_k said:
so, where is he/she..in any religion? Any ideas? Sitting on a cloud watching people get their heads cut off in the name of Allah? Or watching over red-necks with white hoods drag a black boy from their pick-up trucks in the name of Christianity?
I see you are this much
desperate in search of him/her.. cool down ; you might miss him/her.
Enigma'07 said:
He is am omnipotent being in that delights in seeing people believe in him and worship him.
oh,so you know what God is thinking? :rolleyes:

and if he was omnipotent couldnt he make all people believe and worship him? ;)

also why would such omni being have the need to be worshiped? does he have low self esteem or what?
oh,so you know what God is thinking?

God gave us the Bible so we could learn what he is like.

and if he was omnipotent couldnt he make all people believe and worship him?

omnipotent means that he is everywere at once. And yes, he could make everyone believe in him if he wanted, it is just more meaningful if we choose to do so. The Bible aslo says that one day every knee will bow, so one day, everyone will acknowledge him.

also why would such omni being have the need to be worshiped? does he have low self esteem or what?

No, he does not need to be worshiped, but he likes it when we do.
Enigma'07 said:
No, he does not need to be worshiped, but he likes it when we do.

That's funny because you quoted in the "is god egocentric" thread that he smote the isrealites to punish them for not worshipping him properly.
religious dork's, never can make up there mind's.
there so sure there right, even when there proven wrong, ar'nt they.
I think someone else already said this, but here go's
an ignorant person, does not change there views, to suit the facts. but changes the facts, to suit there views.
who says it's even bound by gender, I know for brevities sake but anyway

there is no god to be worshipped

worship implies that theres something out there expecting this praise of itself for what it has done

and that we expect a reward for praising this creator

more like servitude

we serve the creator by acting in the manner we were created

we cannot escape the way we act, because that is what we are

we all play out our roles perfectly here

any god you come up with is still in a duality existence with you, where you are seperate and attempting to reunite by way of pleasing acts

yeah we were created in his image, his image of existence as we call it

we dont really exist, but it is easy to get caught up in this 5 sense prison

id say the only true sin is putting anything that will eventually wither away with time unaware of its loss ahead of something that lasts forever
You would stay away from the thread? Good, then I can get on with posting messages without bumping into you...oh defender of the Jedis....lol