God...who believes?

Do you believe a God/Gods/Higher Being exists?

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Ok, so are rats imperfect ? Or locusts ? What about any other species that can grow out of control and cause problems in the natural world ?
By the way, the above is all caused by humans of course.

It's not that they are "imperfect" it's their numbers that are the problem. A natural balance has been upset.
If our numbers would be reduced to a manageable size the problems would fly out of the window.

You cannot understand that the solution cannot be maintained because any solution that's main focus is the reduction of the worlds population and the removal of the damage caused by our technological civilization would not only need to do away with 99% of the worlds population but it would also require the remaining 1% to give up the current technological civilization. And i mean totally

No more writing not more schools no more learning Everyone back to the forest and back to hunter gathering society.

Now once that is achieved we have a problem because you need teaching and a civilization to maintain the knowledge of the damage that over population and civilization brings.

Therefore as soon as the solution is achieved then the problem would automatically start to form itself again. Because the population would slowly but surely increase and then people would start to re-invent the plough and agriculture and brick making and metal working and so on and so on until we get to biological and nuclear warfare again.

Face the facts. The solution can never be maintained. Humanity is locked into its current path. All it can do is try to invent solutions to repair the damage it creates but it can never go back to the point where it caused no damage.

My view of the future: This world is on a one-way path to destruction because humans are faulty. The solutions they are coming up with now are way to late and way to short of what is needed. Some of their solutions such as going full nuclear are far worse in the long run then staying with fossil fuels. What are they going to do with the 1000 or so old shutdown Nuclear reactors they have in the world now in 100 years time?? Who is going to pay for the giant efforts that will be needed to keep them together for 1000's of years? How long do they think that a nuclear reactors core remains radioactive after you close down a nuclear reactor power plant? LOL

These "solutions” will need an advanced civilization to keep them from destroying life on earth for 10,s of thousands of years. Are a bunch of forest dwelling hunter and gathers going to maintain the ancient, cracking and leaking nuclear power plant cores? You should see the current state of the “oesophagus” that they rush built around the Chernobyl nuclear reactor that blew it’s top off 20 years ago, the thing is falling apart.

This world is stuffed. Your ideology is pure escapism.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
You cannot understand that the solution cannot be maintained because any solution that's main focus is the reduction of the worlds population and the removal of the damage caused by our technological civilization would not only need to do away with 99% of the worlds population but it would also require the remaining 1% to give up the current technological civilization. And i mean totally
Why 99% ?
Why will they have to give up technology completely ?

No more writing not more schools no more learning Everyone back to the forest and back to hunter gathering society.
Utter crap. Why ?

Now once that is achieved we have a problem because you need teaching and a civilization to maintain the knowledge of the damage that over population and civilization brings.
Yes, so we keep that :rolleyes:

Therefore as soon as the solution is achieved then the problem would automatically start to form itself again. Because the population would slowly but surely increase and then people would start to re-invent the plough and agriculture and brick making and metal working and so on and so on until we get to biological and nuclear warfare again.
You're talking about your backwards version of my solution..

Face the facts.
Oh, I am.
The solution can never be maintained.
Humanity is locked into its current path.

All it can do is try to invent solutions to repair the damage it creates but it can never go back to the point where it caused no damage.
No damage ? lol
Not too much damage, you mean.
And we can, it's just that we don't want to.

My view of the future: This world is on a one-way path to destruction because humans are faulty.
I addressed this before, but you refused to reply.
Why are humans 'faulty' ?
Are rats or locusts faulty when their populations grow out of control ?
Are invasive species such as the rabbits in Australia or the snakes on Guam faulty ?

The solutions they are coming up with now are way to late and way to short of what is needed.
I agree.

Some of their solutions such as going full nuclear are far worse in the long run then staying with fossil fuels.
Perhaps. This doesn't address the population issue though.

What are they going to do with the 1000 or so old shutdown Nuclear reactors they have in the world now in 100 years time?? Who is going to pay for the giant efforts that will be needed to keep them together for 1000's of years? How long do they think that a nuclear reactors core remains radioactive after you close down a nuclear reactor power plant? LOL
Yea, "lol".. how is this relevant ?

These "solutions” will need an advanced civilization to keep them from destroying life on earth for 10,s of thousands of years. Are a bunch of forest dwelling hunter and gathers going to maintain the ancient, cracking and leaking nuclear power plant cores? You should see the current state of the “oesophagus” that they rush built around the Chernobyl nuclear reactor that blew it’s top off 20 years ago, the thing is falling apart.
Irrelevant. With much a much smaller population size there are no energy problems.

This world is stuffed. Your ideology is pure escapism.
It's not an ideology, it's the only solution.
yeah, the bible has a rather short blip at the very end describing a population of the kingdom that lasts for 1000. even gives a number of 144,000, then it really doesn't say much about what will happen after that. no real detail of it anyway.

I believe the 144,000 are innocents. Descendants of Abraham that are saved from the destruction. Revelations describes them as being 12.000 from each tribe of the tribes of Hebrews. I believe the Old testament refers to them as the Remnant

Isaiah 37
31 And the remnant who have escaped of the house of Judah
Shall again take root downward,
And bear fruit upward.
32 For out of Jerusalem shall go a remnant,
And those who escape from Mount Zion.
The zeal of the LORD of hosts will do this.

I believe the saints (followers of Jesus) are separate from these people. While we have taken part in the first resurrection, they are saved little ones of the descendants of Abraham. They will live and have children as before. While we will never die and live through the 1000 years and beyond into eternity, they will live and die as before having children as before and will be looking towards the second resurrection for eternity.

All Praise The Ancient of Days
I don't understand that sentence.

Maybe he means:
"Well, I guess, since you don't believe in anything. Outside of nature it doesn't apply."

Still not sure what he would mean by that, but then I didn't read the context.

Edit: On second thought, this makes much more sense:
"Well, I guess, since you don't believe in anything outside of nature, it doesn't apply."

So 'it' doesn't apply because you don't believe in anything outside of nature.

It goes without saying, of course, that nothing is outside of nature.
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I believe the 144,000 are innocents. Descendants of Abraham that are saved from the destruction. Revelations describes them as being 12.000 from each tribe of the tribes of Hebrews. I believe the Old testament refers to them as the Remnant

Isaiah 37
31 And the remnant who have escaped of the house of Judah
Shall again take root downward,
And bear fruit upward.
32 For out of Jerusalem shall go a remnant,
And those who escape from Mount Zion.
The zeal of the LORD of hosts will do this.

I believe the saints (followers of Jesus) are separate from these people. While we have taken part in the first resurrection, they are saved little ones of the descendants of Abraham. They will live and have children as before. While we will never die and live through the 1000 years and beyond into eternity, they will live and die as before having children as before and will be looking towards the second resurrection for eternity.

All Praise The Ancient of Days

hm...i don't understand what you mean by "innocents". as far as i can tell, and confirmed by scripture, there are no such thing as innocents.