God sins a lot but is there no end to God’s greed?

God is a soul vampire.

Dude I thought you gave up the pipe, Just joking. Physic Vampire and not god but Jesus the one who has you drink his blood and eat his dead body and then he takes your soul and the souls of your children. Makes your children sinners instead of perfect little Angels. He uses the parents to do the dirty work by making the parents tell there kids they are sinners when they are very young and this insures that they will do the same thing to there children and we know children believe there parents when they are little , so in turn they do what there parents tell them to do " Be Sinners and that way Jesus has the death grip on all the people that believe what he said. In Jesus's own words((( I did not come to make peace, but to put the son against the father the mother against the daughter. He said I come to divide. Can't blame him for he was illegitimate son of Mary and you know how nasty mean people treated kids like that back in the day. I would bet Jesus had a hard life and was extremely hard as a child for you know how step fathers treat the red headed step child.
DNA never existed prior to 1900's. :D

Peace be unto you ;)

DNA has physical impact on reality, that can be proven to take place now and in the past, god does not. We can't prove god has an effect on this world, we can't even prove god exists, the only place we know god exists for sure is in the metaphysical realm of peoples minds. Therefor god's very survival depends on the faith of the people, ask the roman gods, oh that right they are dead, because no one believes in them anymore!
If you are upset or worried about X, go talk it over with X.
Trying to take it out on or with everyone else does not help.

And FYI, 786 is a Muslim and LG is a Hindu.

You called ? It is Me mister X. God is the god of everyone not just Christens and if you want try taking it out on Me for as your High and Mighty would say Love your neighbor or do unto others as ? WEll I hope when you look in the mirror you can rid your self contempt. You will feel better I promise, and those around you will too. The duty of mankind " Eat drink and be marry" To experience joy brothers and sisters
DNA has physical impact on reality, that can be proven to take place now and in the past, god does not. We can't prove god has an effect on this world, we can't even prove god exists, the only place we know god exists for sure is in the metaphysical realm of peoples minds. Therefor god's very survival depends on the faith of the people, ask the roman gods, oh that right they are dead, because no one believes in them anymore!

I think you missed the point. Lack of recognition doesn't make anything not-exist anymore.

Peace be unto you ;)
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DNA has physical impact on reality, that can be proven to take place now and in the past, god does not. We can't prove god has an effect on this world, we can't even prove god exists, the only place we know god exists for sure is in the metaphysical realm of peoples minds. Therefor god's very survival depends on the faith of the people, ask the roman gods, oh that right they are dead, because no one believes in them anymore!
Nietzsche- God is dead
God - Nietzsche is dead
I just saw Eresh-ki-gal yesterday brother and she is pissed you called her dead.
You better watch your back. She can be quite vengeful, Not at all as merciful as God.
vulgar mentality? lol.

you don't know what god is, you are just expressing your opinion. it makes you seem more like an imbecile than you appear when you talk about god as if it's some definitive and known fact. my god, it's so laughable actually. the subject of god is really all about opinions except in relation to questioning and in some cases judging a possible creator in relation to what exists and occurs here.

what i've noticed often is the religious or staunch theists tend to pretend that their belief in a god or being part of a larger and higher being is not at all selfish and try to spin that those who don't are the selfish and narrow-minded ones only concerned with their welfare.

that's some devious shit right there considering the true factors are that everything people do and think is ultimately for themselves or for those they care for yet christians like you pretend it's for 'god's' will.

what if there was no god or if god existed, it did not care about you in the least, would you be able to handle it? what if there was no after-life to look forward to? what if this was all there is?

could you handle existing knowing this or do you need to feel self-important and matter in the larger scheme of things by hitching your self-identity to a larger reality or being?

hypocrite! lmfao!

how is he hateful and arrogant? because he doesn't have a high opinion of god? lmao

because he's not as dishonest as you and thinks everything is rosy about god and he actually questions? you mean because in actuality, he's more of a useful human being than you in that regard? that you are mentally dishonest but think acting nice about it somehow makes you more moral?

that's called disgusting, basically.

Careful my friend. She--------


That is why she lashes out.

Love is an emotion that must be shared to be complete.

If not returned by the recipient, then it is wasted and not true lave at all.

I love animals, even Grizzly bears , and they have been known to eat humans. Is my love wasted? I love you to man and you don't have to love Me , It is O.K. I don't think I have wasted my love for you or the Grizzly bear, but I guess it is my currency of love to spend how ever I want.

Best Regards

People of intelligence have outlawed slave ownership some time ago.
Get with the program slave and shed your shakles and get your head out of God's ass.

If the creator is not separate from his creations, then he used himself to reproduce a chimera without even coveting Mary. Now that is cold.

If it is God's law that two different species should reproduce then this is ok right?


There is still slavery . Yeah you are a slave your self. A slave of society, a commodity of the government. I can't believe you didn't know that. You are born into slavery from the time you take your first breath. The government puts a value on your life. Now it is true the value was down graded about 2 years ago so your slavery got a little cheaper, but not by much. It still cost to much to live


No what's childish is to continue to believe in fairytales.
I think you miss the point.

Its childish to relegate something to a fairy tale solely on the basis of one's direct perception ... especially if one stands hand and shoulders outside the discipline.

By the same logic, any idiot can relegate any of the high end claims of science, philosophy or anything to fairy tale, since all these things and many more require a degree of professionalism to verify, examine and comprehend.

I guess the only topics such a world view accepts are eating, sleeping and other animal activities that cover all common denominators

LOL, I can understand very well exactly what Obama thinks about a wide variety of subjects, this is a very poor example, maybe you can try again.

Obama is not a god.
golly gee huh

and you can understand all this without the requirement for a direct conversation ....

fancy that ....

You missed the point. We can speculate somewhat intelligently about aliens/ET because we have a lot of data to go on and more to come.
thats my point precisely - if your ideology prohibits the relevancy of the data (for whatever reason) - as in the case of atheists\agnostics who deem there is no way that anyone anywhere anytime can know anything about god - than the so called relevancy or intelligence of it amounts to a big fat zero (although arguably the intelligence behind such a supposition is a big fat zero)
God is a supernatural being that we can not know anything about. By it's very definition there is no way to further define it, or know anything about it.
there is nothing about the definition of god that makes it impossible to know anything about it - the fact that you label it "supernatural" indicates that even a person of your callibre knows something about it - in fact you could say that god is the most famous person in the world since you can practically go anywhere in any period of time and people will have some clue about who or what he is. Even the host of jokes about god that one is likely to encounter on an atheist hate site work out of a literary comprehension of who or what god is.

A cursory study about who or what god is could lead one to the conclusion that there is no way one can empirically approach god ..... which is certainly not the same as saying there is no way anyone can know anything about god

Yet here you are once again claiming that if only people would try harder they would understand.
Its not so much about harder but understanding the discipline in which the knowable claim lies.

For instance its not so much an issue about trying harder to measure distance with a thermometer. If anything its about trying less harder but using the right tool for the job - namely a tape measure.

Which is my question. What are you understanding ?

When you have nothing to go on. Nothing + nothing = nothing.
Even buddhist doctrines, which essentially relegate the essence to nothing, can literally provide you with enough reading to last your lifetime

What clues can be determined or found from nothing.

If a murder took place between 2 unknowns in a stainless steel room that was completely sterilized so that not one clue was available in any form, could you tell me who was murdered and who commited the crime ?
Now compare to what clues one can gain from a reading list that can outlast your life time.

I think the real question is why are you so intellectually lazy while simultaneously trying to vouch for the intellectual high ground?
If I asked you 5,000 years ago what a computer was giving you not one clue could you tell me what it is ?

now if I asked you what clues could you get from literally miles of books about a subject that is so well known in all time places and circumstances that you would be hard pressed to locate a geographical region in a time period that was in total ignorance of it, what then?

The problem here is that we truly have nothing to go on, so it's all speculation, it's all guesses. Yet some want to turn their guess into knowledge.
actually the problem here is that you don't have ability to approach issues of application - this is hardly surprising since its not something an atheist is really looking for in their so called investigation of theistic issues.
This is different than claiming there is no god. Which I am not doing. I am saying that man has created the gods, none of them are correct because they can't be.
and as I said earlier, if you don't bring the tools of professionalism to the question which designate a source as authoritative, your opinions are no more valid than Charles Manson's ideas on social harmony.

God can not be known. Only believed in. It's called faith and one needs to make that leap because one can't have that type of knowledge. Period.
ALL pedagogical models require faith to catalyze learning.

IOW one cannot have ANY sort of knowledge without faith.

Its what bridges the gap between theory and application. If a person is so weak hearted as to always succumb to doubt, they couldn't even successfully proceed with following the instructions of a kiddy lab set

after you
If you can make choices then you own your freedom-of-will. As such it can be coveted - I think this is part of what the OP was driving at.
So why is the choice to agree to work as god directs an act of covetousness?

I mean its not alien to live in a society built on a host of institutions that direct us in beneficial ways, is it? (or does your burning individualism demand that you drive on the opposite side of the road to everyone else?)
I treat all Abrahamic religions the same so Muslims are part of the groups whose God is greedy. The Hindu God I do not know well enough to comment on but if it demands us to love honor and obey then he is also within my sights.

Love can never be demanded - in fact if you do the opposite will more than likely occur. The thing about this world is that we opt out of love and honour to god (by our own choice) than we are relegated to meeting the demands of material existence. IOW we enter into a world where we are literally forced at every moment of our waking (and sleeping) lives.
maybe you are loony? :shrug:

No. just a sense of humor that like to twist the knife into those who deserve it.

I notices the link I put up did not work so I am not sure what prompted the remark but let me try again. At least then you will know what I was doing.

Remember too as you judge that I have a thick skim thanks to bumping heads with many of her deluded and ignorant ilk.
She made me what I am today.



PS. Tried it and it works.
DNA has physical impact on reality, that can be proven to take place now and in the past, god does not.
life has a physical impact, but, despite the hard work of gross materialists the world over, life is seen to only come from life.

IOW no one has the foggiest on the essential mechanism of life or consciousness, yet this glaring absence of proof does not render it any less real or even qualitatively unknowable

We can't prove god has an effect on this world, we can't even prove god exists, the only place we know god exists for sure is in the metaphysical realm of peoples minds.
The experimenting you are talking of requires that the subject be isolated to a controlled environment. A cursory examination of the nature of god reveals that this methodology cannot even come to the table.

IOW a quantitative examination of the problem of god is just plain stupid from the onset

Therefor god's very survival depends on the faith of the people, ask the roman gods, oh that right they are dead, because no one believes in them anymore!
And if knowledge of dna disappeared from the tomes of human knowledge and resurfaced at a later date tweaked by a different language in a different frame of knowledge, would we also have a new phenomena?