God should get rid of cancer

Actually it's simple. Imagine if life had absolutely no downside. If we all lived happy, uneventful lives and dies of old age for no discernable reason, we would all still be living in caves eating berries and slugs.
if you guys know anyone with cancer you should also know that a substance called zeolite kills epithelial cancer cells, and there's a u.s. patent to prove it. it's sold as a detox product called ncd (natural cellular defense). google it. apparently some guy discovered it's cancer killing properties on accident. it's a natural remedy so doctor's won't touch it, but it's cheap, and it's safe, and if i had cancer, i sure would try it.
yeah, i mean at this point it's encoded into our genes, and it's causes are by the millions in our air, food, and water supply, and those are just the ones we know about.
if you guys know anyone with cancer you should also know that a substance called zeolite kills epithelial cancer cells, and there's a u.s. patent to prove it. it's sold as a detox product called ncd (natural cellular defense). google it. apparently some guy discovered it's cancer killing properties on accident. it's a natural remedy so doctor's won't touch it, but it's cheap, and it's safe, and if i had cancer, i sure would try it.

Generally speaking, if doctors won't touch it, it's because it's not effective, not because there's a vast global conspiracy in medical care.
Generally speaking, if doctors won't touch it, it's because it's not effective, not because there's a vast global conspiracy in medical care.

doctors don't touch it because they're not allowed. it's not a pharmaceutical so it's not approved of by the fda. ultimately, it's not a money maker for the drug companies. let's face it, keeping us sick and on drugs and in surgery, in chemotherapy and radiation, is all big business. a cure means unemployment for a lot of people. pharmaceuticals don't cure disease they treat symptoms.
A plague song:

from "The Microorganism", by Boiled in Lead

God is good,
God is great,
God's a big invertebrate.
God made the river change it's route,
But won't pull the microorganism out.

O! the microorganism!
O! the microorganism!

Sorry 'bout the odd video. I didn't make it. But I really like that song.
Actually it's simple. Imagine if life had absolutely no downside. If we all lived happy, uneventful lives and dies of old age for no discernable reason, we would all still be living in caves eating berries and slugs.

so god meant for us to evolve based on disgrace?
doctors don't touch it because they're not allowed. it's not a pharmaceutical so it's not approved of by the fda. ultimately, it's not a money maker for the drug companies. let's face it, keeping us sick and on drugs and in surgery, in chemotherapy and radiation, is all big business. a cure means unemployment for a lot of people. pharmaceuticals don't cure disease they treat symptoms.

e.g. 'vast medical conspiracy'

There's nothing preventing a doctor for prescribing a treatment which isn't regulated by the FDA.

Stop reading Kevin Trudeau books. The guy is a fucking felon.
come on redwards, you know i don't read books. i mean, you know the pharmaceutical companies have the fda in their back pocket. everything is about money. why wouldn't the medical community be too? i mean come on!!!! keeping people sick and treating the symptoms is big business. isn't that the most obvious thing ever? the goverment controls the masses, doctors, hospitals, and drug companies make a ton of money, give the politicians a cut, everybody's happy.
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