God should bow to man for we are better parents than he is.

wow he does have a similar resemblance. I don't have gray hair though . Strange that I don't . I am plenty old way past the point I should . I just don't go gray . I attribute it to my Motto . I don't get stress I give stress
You give poetical giberish like the Wizard too.
Have you thought of changing job? The Wizard has now retired.
Wake up God !! The wall Jericho would be only one example . The first born child of the Egyptians just before the exodus is another .

The whole baby killing was to prevent Moses.. God did not call that.

I am still mad about that! You fuckers! Greathouse don't like it when you kill our kids .

Hey, Greathouse, from me and mine to you and yours :mad::mad:
YOU killed babies, my babies.

We get mad as hell sperm and we come back just to seek revenge . You seen that movie about the scorpion kind didn't you . The wind is Mad about all that stuff and well Abrams wife when she sent Merle Haggard into the wilderness and provided water so she could go back and continue to be a slave to nobility well she bit her tongue . The day of tongue biting is over . She is seeking revenge that is long over due . Watch were you stand sperm . You don't want to have to shit your self . It is a very uncomfortable place to be . Sitting in shit that is . You will have to have your Mommy change your dippers for you

Me, not Greathouse is the true king of Egypt.
Did I not say that God has never been proven to be omnipotent?
Irrelevent. He has incredible power. Remember the adage about power corrupting, even if it is not absolute. We see that even with the power of world leaders and office tyrants, etc.

He could not get out of heaven without a flaw. Satan.
He could not get past Eden without a flaw. A & E.
He could not get out of the O T without genociding the whole earth. A flaw.

Yep. That sure shows what your omnimax God cannot do with his bogus omnipotence.
I don't know why you are connecting me and the Biblical God, but you are 1) confused in doing so, 2) still not responding to the issue I raised. Why are you sure humans would not be corrupted by having the power of a God, even if you think this is not absolute. In human terms it might as well be.

You follow a loser.
Irrelevent, ad hom, and very confused. You keep making assumptions.

Please try to respond to the issue I raised rather than hallucinating my beliefs and bring up irrelevent points as if they were a response.
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Any answer I would give would be speculative nonsense just like that saying is.

No one has ever had absolute power so to say that we know what that condition would cause is just un-provable speculation just like all discussions of God's reality.

Any answer I would give would be speculative nonsense just like that saying is.
So the OP is making a nonsensical speculation, since it is assuming things about how we would act that you know nothing about. That is close enough to my point to satisfy me.

No one has ever had absolute power so to say that we know what that condition would cause is just un-provable speculation just like all discussions of God's reality.