God should bow to man for we are better parents than he is.

Oh fuck too . I am God for the last time . Well maybe not the last time I take that back . I am learning what it is to gloat about one self . I am the best parent you could have buddy . I stimulate . Yeah thats what I do . It is my job . Listen to a major our minor third real close and you will see what I mean

I would comment but have no idea what you said.
I am listening to a third.

Are you a better parent than God?

If so, good.
The world needs to have poor examples of religion in order to avoid immoral theologies.

For this, Christianity is a great example.
The fact that it is based on human sacrifice shows how immoral it is.

Your are sick did you know that. How did Jesus die?:mad:
@Rob --

You get that wrong it isn't the 7th day yet.

That's quite an unbiblical stance for a christian to take. The bible says that the seventh day has already passed, he rested on it.

He is still weeding in the Garden. I hope he weeds out the likes of this thread.

Aw, is someone offended when another brings his religion's dirty laundry out into the open? How cute.

Your are sick did you know that.

Why, because he knows more about the biblical account of god than you do? Or because he notices that the "god is the father and we are the children" argument is fundamentally sick. After all, would you imprison your children for swearing and torture them for all eternity? No? But that's pretty much identical to what god says he'll do in the bible.

How did Jesus die?

What? According to the bible?

Well according to the bible Jesus was supposed to be the perfect blood sacrifice to wash away our sins. That was god's plan, according to the bible.

No he too is a better God than the parent he would try and be.

Ooh, swing and a miss. I realize that it's quite standard for you christians to start throwing around bile when you feel like your religion is being spoken poorly of, but that sort of stuff usually doesn't fly that well around here. And for good reason because it's a reaction that would be unacceptable even in the world of politics.
Your are sick did you know that. How did Jesus die?:mad:

God planned Jesus' murder when there was no need to.

It was God's plan from the beginning to have Adam and Eve eat the forbidden fruit. This can be demonstrated by the fact that the bible says that Jesus "was crucified from the foundations of the Earth," that is to say, God planned to crucify Jesus as atonement for sin before he even created human beings or God damned sin.

If God had not intended humans to sin from the beginning, why did he build into the Creation this "solution" for sin? Why create a solution for a problem you do not anticipate?

God knew that the moment he said "don't eat from that tree," the die was cast. The eating was inevitable. Eve was merely following the plan.

What kind of God would plan and execute the murder of his own son when there was absolutely no need to?

Only an insane God. That’s who.

The cornerstone of Christianity is human sacrifice, thus showing it‘s immorality.

The wage of sin is death. What sin did Jesus do to earn his wage?

God should bow to man for we are better parents than he is.
I would be proud to have my daughter be a better parent than I.

The tree of knowledge.
Two things. Do you value your moral sense?
Would you give it up along with most of what you know since most is subject to being good or evil?
why would I have to give up that which he has guided?

Why do you think A & E would value it any less than yourself?
IS there such a thing as morality if there are only two ppl in existence?

Life without morals is not worth living so we must thank Eve, then Adam, for making the right choice.
thats what i say..

The tree of life.
As to living forever. If you just created children and were going to raise them and teach them what to eat or not, what tree would you first feed them?
the Dollar Tree? (they sell baby food..)

If you do not agree that man is a better parent, then you are not much of a thinker and you should question your morals.


and we are back to my original statement..

the children SHOULD be better parents than their parents.
(but we are human.)
He didn't exactly die.

He did not exactly live either.

And where is it specified that all death is due to sin?

The bible, tradition and dogma of course.
It is a rather stupid saying isn't it?

Reality says that it is more like ---- the wages of sin is fun and reward and self gratification.

The bible, tradition and dogma of course.
It is a rather stupid saying isn't it?

If one wouldn't sin, one wouldn't die?
Yes, I have heard Christians reason like that.

Reality says that it is more like ---- the wages of sin is fun and reward and self gratification.

Which reality says that? Because I am sure not living in it.
If one wouldn't sin, one wouldn't die?
Yes, I have heard Christians reason like that.

Not any reason I use.

Which reality says that?

Real reality, logic and reason.

Because I am sure not living in it.

Have you never sinned?
If you examine when you did, if you did, your sins would likely fall into one of the three conditions mentioned.

@Signal --

That all, of course, depends on what one considers a sin. If sexual "immorality" is considered a sin then it's almost assuredly very entertaining and very physically(and likely emotionally) gratifying. If murder is considered a sin then perhaps not so much for a psychologically healthy individual.
@Signal --

That all, of course, depends on what one considers a sin. If sexual "immorality" is considered a sin then it's almost assuredly very entertaining and very physically(and likely emotionally) gratifying. If murder is considered a sin then perhaps not so much for a psychologically healthy individual.

It would take thought to know a bit about sin and what motivates it.

As you can see, Signal will deny without offering anything to refute. That means he will not take the time to think of the issue.

If he knew what drove his sin then he would have given it instead of an unqualified denial.

That is a sheeple trait.
Do not refute. Deny and run away.

@Greatest --

I don't see that in Signal. Sure his ideas might be frighteningly naive from my point of view, but he does generally think about things, maybe not enough, but the thought is still there. I think that sometimes Signal gets defensive(like everyone and their mum), but he still doesn't often give in to the "sheeple" tendencies, not that I've seen anyways.