God should bow to man for we are better parents than he is.

@Pineal --

And god's track record with omnipotence is so great?
Sigh. The OP is asserting that we'd be better parents than God. I am not sure that is clear - and if we want to be fussy and scientific, I'd like to see the research backing this assertion. How did they set up the testing?

And, as I added, I am especially skeptical that 'we' would be better after some time, when 'we' got used to omnipotence and the schism this would entail between 'us' and everyone else.

I think the inner Hitlers would come whipping out of the ids. With many people I think we would all have been killed long ago. Let alone what they would do to the planet - replace the Amazon with a giant theme park - oh, wait, maybe that's already happened.
Would you care to expand on the newer superstitions you talk of?


Well this will deviate from the thread, but to state it briefly, all things Republican, all things forming the dogma of Christian Fundamentalism, all propaganda and hysteria, xenophobia, the class wars... as you see these manifest predominantly in the political slant - but they are all founded on superstition.

Imagine, as John Lennon eloquently said, a world without this to hold it back.

This is what we are bowing to - our own demise!
Well this will deviate from the thread, but to state it briefly, all things Republican, all things forming the dogma of Christian Fundamentalism, all propaganda and hysteria, xenophobia, the class wars... as you see these manifest predominantly in the political slant - but they are all founded on superstition.

Imagine, as John Lennon eloquently said, a world without this to hold it back.

This is what we are bowing to - our own demise!
Anyone who can say "dogma of Christian Fundamentalism, all propaganda and hysteria, xenophobia, the class wars" all in one sentence deserves promotion. You know I hardly know about just one of those. Thanks for replying, I'll have to Google them later.:)
This response makes no sense. The OP is presuming God exists. I realize you are an atheist, but the OP presumes God's existence, then concludes that really we are better than this God, if this God existed.

I point out that I would not trust humans with omnipotence and then you tell me that God does not exist. You are missing the point of your own thread.

Save your insults for yourself, please, and either actually respond to the content of my post rather than recounting your assumptions about me along with your off topic thoughts, or ignore my post. But this was just silly.

Did I not say that God has never been proven to be omnipotent?

He could not get out of heaven without a flaw. Satan.
He could not get past Eden without a flaw. A & E.
He could not get out of the O T without genociding the whole earth. A flaw.

Yep. That sure shows what your omnimax God cannot do with his bogus omnipotence.

You follow a loser.

Did I not say that God has never been proven to be omnipotent?

He could not get out of heaven without a flaw. Satan.
He could not get past Eden without a flaw. A & E.
He could not get out of the O T without genociding the whole earth. A flaw.

Yep. That sure shows what your omnimax God cannot do with his bogus omnipotence.

You follow a loser.

Bordering on Gnosticism here. There were some who noticed this thousands of years ago and thought "this can't be God, he makes too many mistakes! " Jesus revealed the Truth. Reassess your opinion of the God Jesus revealed, the blind were able to see and the crippled walk, even the dead brought back to life. Things we are able to master today, but back then, how was it done?:)
i am a good parent . you should not keep saying i'm not . I am as good as any Mother Goddess when it comes to raising kids . Imagination is my best gift . It releases potential in a human . Directs all that energy in a more focused way .
They lead happier lives to cause there little minds can occupy there otherwise boredom of life
Are you a satanist?
If not, why not?

he is what you call caught between heaven and hell . He is obsessed with getting back at God syndrome.

Actually he is an atheist. It is his way of shining the light . One step removed from the Gnostic. 2nd Cousins . Me and him understand each other pretty good . His roll play is Satan . Good Cop Bad Cop Kind of thing .

He is Bad and well I am Good . Or is it I am Bad and He is good

He is like my son . As my Grand Father would say to all the grand kids " Your the Greatest " so well I feel kind ship to his banner of " I am The Greatest "

Cousins : I believe and he don't
Or :: He believes and I don't

Wrong it is Me that does
Are you a satanist?
If not, why not?

No. Satan is not a big enough A hole when compared to God and I will follow the Christian way and only bow to the biggest A hole.

Did Satan order the smashing of babies heads on stones and raping women the way God did?

Did he use genocide against mankind the way God did?

Bordering on Gnosticism here. There were some who noticed this thousands of years ago and thought "this can't be God, he makes too many mistakes! " Jesus revealed the Truth. Reassess your opinion of the God Jesus revealed, the blind were able to see and the crippled walk, even the dead brought back to life. Things we are able to master today, but back then, how was it done?:)

Through B S and seems that you have swallowed that shit.
Grow up .


You don't know. Get thee behind me Satan!:)

You sure about that ? You want to play that card ?We was let out of the cage and well we don't have to walk behind the man anymore . You didn't get the memo did you ! Not very many people can make Satan walk behind them. Ultimate in tough guys . He knows karate . He got that from the Asian culture

did anyone ever stop to think Satan was sent on a mission as a great educator.

See I am the greatest knows of that part of the Fairy Tale . We talked about calmly and we were in agreement . You all missed that cause well your stupid and only think you know every side of a person . There is so much more you don't see . Captain knows this also and is why he is one cool dude . The coolest of cats you can ever meet . Anti freeze runs threw his veins or is that big Whiskey Jim the gun trader and runner of whiskey . Fire water
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No. Satan is not a big enough A hole when compared to God and I will follow the Christian way and only bow to the biggest A hole.

Did Satan order the smashing of babies heads on stones and raping women the way God did?

Did he use genocide against mankind the way God did?


How bout the biggest horses ass with flapping gums
Get off your knees and we will side by side and lock arms . That will get em good
You don't know. Get thee behind me Satan!:)

You would be surprised at what I am the Greatest knows . He climbed the ladder of Jacob and grabbed the angel by the toe and made her hollor tell he let her go .

Wow is that you ? Surprise if it is . Whoa ! I can't believe the greatness that abounds on this Forum . Rise to the occasion is what I say . Stand up and be counted

O.K. another swindler in the Greathouse Family . God we get around don't we

Whiskey Jim Greathouse
Funny he morphed into Jane Greathouse of the movie Young Guns 2 . I wonder what day dreamer is responsible for that . I think I been set up . Who are you people ? Have you been following Me my whole life ? Are you part of that group in L.A. when I was a child ? Merle are you still alive ? Did you see this day coming ? Who knew what when ? How did you know I would listen ? Did you put that in Me when I was at that seminar ? So strange! Its a set up . I been set up . O.K. I am not mad about it . It has been fun in a sadistic kind of way . Smear the queer . Ugly ducklings do have feelings you know
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No. Satan is not a big enough A hole when compared to God and I will follow the Christian way and only bow to the biggest A hole.

Did Satan order the smashing of babies heads on stones and raping women the way God did?

Did he use genocide against mankind the way God did?


Wait wait woooo wooooo. This does not sound like my God. At all. Prove where this happened.
Wait wait woooo wooooo. This does not sound like my God. At all. Prove where this happened.

Wake up God !! The wall Jericho would be only one example . The first born child of the Egyptians just before the exodus is another . I am still mad about that! You fuckers! Greathouse don't like it when you kill our kids . We get mad as hell sperm and we come back just to seek revenge . You seen that movie about the scorpion kind didn't you . The wind is Mad about all that stuff and well Abrams wife when she sent Merle Haggard into the wilderness and provided water so she could go back and continue to be a slave to nobility well she bit her tongue . The day of tongue biting is over . She is seeking revenge that is long over due . Watch were you stand sperm . You don't want to have to shit your self . It is a very uncomfortable place to be . Sitting in shit that is . You will have to have your Mommy change your dippers for you
@Rob --

And now you've completely lost the argument.
I just said that because Jesus said that to Saint Peter when he made a stupid comment to Jesus. So it was an opportune time to say it again.
But the truth be known, I hate anyone walking behind me, and if it was the Devil, it would be even worse. I would prefer someone to be in front of me where I can keep an eye on them.:)
You sure about that ? You want to play that card ?We was let out of the cage and well we don't have to walk behind the man anymore . You didn't get the memo did you ! Not very many people can make Satan walk behind them. Ultimate in tough guys . He knows karate . He got that from the Asian culture

did anyone ever stop to think Satan was sent on a mission as a great educator.

See I am the greatest knows of that part of the Fairy Tale . We talked about calmly and we were in agreement . You all missed that cause well your stupid and only think you know every side of a person . There is so much more you don't see . Captain knows this also and is why he is one cool dude . The coolest of cats you can ever meet . Anti freeze runs threw his veins or is that big Whiskey Jim the gun trader and runner of whiskey . Fire water
I'd love to see a photo of you, for I get this image of someone like the wizard of Christchurch.
I'd love to see a photo of you, for I get this image of someone like the wizard of Christchurch.

wow he does have a similar resemblance. I don't have gray hair though . Strange that I don't . I am plenty old way past the point I should . I just don't go gray . I attribute it to my Motto . I don't get stress I give stress

He has my nose that is for sure . He might have some Greathouse Blood running in his veins. There is a definite resemblance