God/Satan- same team?

It's a blurry mirror we are looking into... But why would my remark make you wonder about your position?
Re: Angels

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
How do we know for sure that Satan really went against God? We have a story written by someone whom we think may be Moses. However, that is questionable. Do you think the author of the story of Satan's rebellion actually saw it happen? No. Even if he heard about it second hand from the actual observer of the rebellion, can it be confirmed?

If all ancient historians wrote down was what they saw with their own eyes, then we wouldn't exactly have a lot of historical writings. Even then, by your logic, how do we know that that anything happened back then? If you question something's validity, then you must have a reason for questioning and
some evidence to back it up.
Oh yeah and the part of Satan being cast out of heaven isn't in Genesis or anything Mosaic. It is found in Isaiah chapter 14.

The next question that comes to mind is, why did God allow Satan to rebel?

The answer is simple: freedom of choice.

Surely, being God and all, he could have prevented the rebellion, but he let it happen. Should we blame Satan or should we blame God for the terrible state this world is in? After all, it was God's creation. Did he create us just to watch us be destroyed?

If you want to blame anything, blame freedom of choice. God gave us a choice: we can obey him or we can not obey him. God didn't create us as robots, because then we couldn't really love him(which was why we were created), as love can only exist if there is an alternative(anything else is forced love, which isn't love at all).

When you said that Satan paid the price for his disobedience to God, I'm afraid you are wrong. Satan was given the wonderful gift of this world, the world we live in, and it is up to the human race to take it back.

Satan is a defeated one. He knows that his destiny is in the Lake of Fire(not controlling it). He then lures others to him so that they can have the same fate they have. Also he was thrown out of Heaven AKA Paradise. That seems like a pretty big punishment to me.
Re: Re: Angels

Originally posted by jcarl
If all ancient historians wrote down was what they saw with their own eyes, then we wouldn't exactly have a lot of historical writings. Even then, by your logic, how do we know that that anything happened back then?

Good point, jcarl!!! We don't know if anything happened back then!!! All those stories were created by very human writers--but NOT Biblical authors--by the Sumerians! The Biblical authors PLAGARIZED the Sumerian texts!

If you question something's validity, then you must have a reason for questioning and some evidence to back it up.

I question the Bible and Xianity, because they hold no validity. The reason, it was all a made-up bunch of malarkey. There's just too much evidence to go into here. Look it up on the Internet. Go to a book store...a library...it's all there in black and white. But you Xians refuse to use your own brain (you know, the one God gave you!) to find the truth!

Oh yeah and the part of Satan being cast out of heaven isn't in Genesis or anything Mosaic. It is found in Isaiah chapter 14.

Okay, so it's in Isaiah. I thought I'd read it in the Pentateuch. My bad.

The answer is simple: freedom of choice.

God gives you "freedom of choice," but you don't use it!

If you want to blame anything, blame freedom of choice. God gave us a choice: we can obey him or we can not obey him. God didn't create us as robots, because then we couldn't really love him(which was why we were created), as love can only exist if there is an alternative(anything else is forced love, which isn't love at all).

If God gave us "freedom of choice," why would we want to blame it? You don't make a lick of sense! In essence, you are saying to blame God. No, we're not robots, although Xians appear to be zombies of Christ, following the fairy tale blindly. You say God created us to love him? Perhaps. The reason God "created" us as human beings was to carry the One Spirit of God across the face of the Earth (in our Earthsuits--human body) for our lifetime. If this isn't love, I don't know what is. We are an EXTENSION of God's love. The human race is the face of God on Earth. Why would you need or want an ALTERNATIVE to this? You're saying this would require a Satan in order for you to truly love God! Nonsense! Love shouldn't need to be "forced." Our life is a gift from God.

Satan is a defeated one. He knows that his destiny is in the Lake of Fire(not controlling it).

Sheeeesh! The "Lake of Fire" you refer to means the "sun." You might wanna take notes. (Xians don't know this!) If Earth was Paradise, the Sun was Hell (taken from helios--Greek for sun).

He then lures others to him so that they can have the same fate they have. Also he was thrown out of Heaven AKA Paradise. That seems like a pretty big punishment to me. [/B]

Satan (give me a break), Satan is nothing more than a negative force of energy (opposite pole of God). Satan is like a vacuum. So let's not give him a pointed tail and pitchfork or an evil personality. Satan is the absence of God = a + and - force of energy. Now isn't that simple? Now, children, can we all say S-A-T-A-N is a
N-E-G-A-T-I-V-E F-O-R-C-E of E-N-E-R-G-Y?

If one is not WITH God, then one has an ABSENCE of God. Don't try to use a make-believe bad guy with horns who rules hell as an opposie of God. God is all there is. Without God there is nothing. (+ & -) Positive and Negative. How can negativity lure you anywhere? Hey, you physicist/scientists out there, please explain this to us scientifically.

It's time we all grew up, boys and girls, and quit believing in fairy tales.
originally posted by Medine*Woman
Good point, jcarl!!! We don't know if anything happened back then!!! All those stories were created by very human writers--but NOT Biblical authors--by the Sumerians! The Biblical authors PLAGARIZED the Sumerian texts!
Since you don't believe in the validity of any source, Sumerian, Babylonian or Jewish - I would like to know what makes you believe in God? Why should you be a valid source of information about God, but not any other person throughout history?

And what, according to you, does constitute a dependable source?
Originally posted by Jenyar
Since you don't believe in the validity of any source, Sumerian, Babylonian or Jewish - I would like to know what makes you believe in God? Why should you be a valid source of information about God, but not any other person throughout history?

And what, according to you, does constitute a dependable source?

Where did you get the idea that I don't believe in ANY of the sources you mentioned? You're making up shit again, Jenyar! I'm more familiar with the Sumerian, so I take that into consideration when I hear other creation theories. However, they were stories created just like in the Bible. I don't know if they're true or not. That's not the point. The point is that we're here now, so what are we going to do with our life?

I believe in a higher power. I've posted this information before, and I don't like having to repeat it every time I post! I do not believe God is an entity. I don't like the name "God." That's a moniker humans gave it. There is no best name to call "God." God is a positive force of energy that created us all. God is not a being. God is not matter. God is simply energy. Why wouldn't I believe that? I don't need the Bible or any other publication to prove that God exists. My relationship with God is personal, as your's should be. There is no "dependable" source! That's why there's so much confusion! The One Spirit of God dwells inside the human race. The human race is the face of God on Earth. God is our energy field, our aura, our interconnectedness. God is our One Body (human race) and One Spirit (our cumulative soul).

Just because I am anti-Xian, you can't understand how I could believe in God. That's how simple minded you are! I'm a valid source of information to ME. I don't care if you don't understand my belief in God. That's not for you to judge. Just like any other person on this forum, I have my own ideas about God, salvation, everlasting life, etc. Why did I need to learn about these things from a book? My beliefs come to me through meditation with my higher power. Before you jump right in and say my higher power is Satan, I can assure you I do not dwell in negativity. I don't beseech you or anyone else to believe in what I believe. That is a personal relationship that each and everyone of us can have with our creator. Believing in our Creator has absolutely NOTHING to do with Jesus. Jesus tried to teach about the One Spirit of God, but his timing was not right, I suppose. Then what he did say got twisted into making him God. I just don't see it that way. That is why I'm not a Xian. Xianity interferes with one's relationship to God.

This forum being a scientific one, science and religion keep butting heads. I see this forum as a way to learn what other people believe about God, and what kind of relationship they have with their creator. Unfortunately, it's just bickering back and forth. Since I have been a member, I have found that there ARE other people who understand what I believe and they agree with me, so I know I'm not alone in my beliefs. I want to learn more about the spirit for that is where salvation comes. If I could do one thing to make a difference in this world, I would try to help each person I met to find the spirit of God within their own soul. Xians don't understand this concept, and that is the basis of my dislike of Xianity. If you're not dealing with the One Spirit of God, what ARE you dealing with?

Times have changed since Jesus walked the Earth. The time wasn't right then for Jesus to teach about the efficacy of God's spirit. Jesus never wrote down anything, so his message was brought to us by hearsay. That wouldn't even hold up in a court of law, yet Xians believe everything their church teaches about Jesus. No one really knows Jesus, the real Jesus. For 2000 years, Xians have believed in a mythological hero-savior. For 2000 years, what has happened to the One Spirit of God? Maybe that's why the world is in chaos. The answer to everything lies in the One Spirit of God which dwells within us all--if we let it.
Just because I am anti-Xian, you can't understand how I could believe in God. That's how simple minded you are! I'm a valid source of information to ME. I don't care if you don't understand my belief in God. That's not for you to judge. Just like any other person on this forum, I have my own ideas about God, salvation, everlasting life, etc. Why did I need to learn about these things from a book? My beliefs come to me through meditation with my higher power. Before you jump right in and say my higher power is Satan, I can assure you I do not dwell in negativity.
On the contrary M*W, I understand very well how you believe in God. I even have an idea why you believe what you believe, because I have experienced it similarly. For all that I know, you have experienced something of the Spirit of God, and mislabeled Him as something new. Something neither the Sumerians nor the Israelites were able to experience or describe.

My question was really, what makes you so sure that your "own idea about God" reflect who He is correctly? You describe him as an energy that isn't sentient and couldn't exist outside humanity, yet at the same time you say it created humanity. And you describe him as a positive force available to humanity, but unrealized or suppressed. What you describe is the Spirit of God who was already known in the Old and the New Testament. It was this same Spirit who decended on Jesus and his disciples.

You admit that it is a personal testimony, but why do you reject the people and scriptures who testified to God since history began? Why should you be able to experience Him correctly and no-body else, if their personal experience is just as valid as yours?

Times have changed since Jesus walked the Earth. The time wasn't right then for Jesus to teach about the efficacy of God's spirit. Jesus never wrote down anything, so his message was brought to us by hearsay. That wouldn't even hold up in a court of law, yet Xians believe everything their church teaches about Jesus. No one really knows Jesus, the real Jesus. For 2000 years, Xians have believed in a mythological hero-savior. For 2000 years, what has happened to the One Spirit of God? Maybe that's why the world is in chaos. The answer to everything lies in the One Spirit of God which dwells within us all--if we let it.
The best I can do is tell you when your thinking about Christianity leaves the vicinity of "Christianity". You like to include many conspiracy theories, valid or not, as all being equally Christian doctrine. I don't mind that you don't like or believe in the God of the Bible, but misconceptions about what we believe won't do. Do you think Jesus represented a different God than the Hebrew Bible represents? Or do you believe they, too, were corrupt and uninformed about the "One Spirit".
Re: Re: Re: Angels

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Good point, jcarl!!! We don't know if anything happened back then!!! All those stories were created by very human writers--but NOT Biblical authors--by the Sumerians! The Biblical authors PLAGARIZED the Sumerian texts!

Ok. Somebody once said that history may become legends, but never the other way around. Through the process of word-of-mouth, stories get changed and twisted and so forth over time. This is proof that this stuff(big flood, etc.) actually happened, its just that some of it has been twisted around in the process of the story telling. That explains the similarities.
These writings were quite popular around Moses's time, just like Shakespeare was popular in the 1600s and Stephen King is popular today. Yet you only see the similarities in the text. What about the differences? In one form(I think its the Sumerians,but who wrote it is irrelevant) the god Tiamat battles with Marduk to create the Universe. In the Bible, Yaweh(God) did it without any contest. He just did it. In the Sumerians, the Tigris and Euphrates are formed when two gods die and fall in different directions. In the Bible, God speaks and the Tigris and Euphrates are formed. It all shows that the Christian God is above these other gods in.
Same thing with the flood account. First off the cubical ark of the Cueniform tablets' writings wouldn't have lasted very long in the ordeal that would have been a flood. The Bible's boat, of similar shape and proportion to a modern day cruise liner, at least would have stood a chance.
Let me also note that recent discoveries at Ebla confirm the Genesis account. A storage of almost 20000 tablets that predate the almighty Babylonians/Sumerians by about 600 years. These tablets speak of one being creating all things. It is also known that they believed in the Creation from nothing.

I question the Bible and Xianity, because they hold no validity.

Then please explain the fufilled prophecy.

But you Xians refuse to use your own brain (you know, the one God gave you!) to find the truth!

Might this be because we believe that we've already found the truth?

Ok it's in Isaiah. I thought I'd read it in the Pentateuch. My bad.

Its alright. A lot of people I know who are Christians wouldn't know that.

God gives you "freedom of choice," but you don't use it!

We choose to believe that the God that gave us this freedom, is the one that we should believe. What's wrong with that?

If God gave us "freedom of choice," why would we want to blame it?
You don't make a lick of sense! In essence, you are saying to blame God.

No. Because he loved us--and wanted us to love him back--he gave us a choice to decide for ourselves whether to obey/love him. Thus we have alternatives, that being the many ways that are not the true God/Jesus Christ. As stated before, love is when you have alternatives from something, but you choose that something anyway.

If this isn't love, I don't know what is. We are an EXTENSION of God's love. The human race is the face of God on Earth.
[ Why would you need or want an ALTERNATIVE to this? You're saying this would require a Satan in order for you to truly love God! Nonsense! Love shouldn't need to be "forced."

Exactly. God's love would be forced if Satan didn't existed as there would be no alternative.

Our life is a gift from God.

Indeed. And our duty is to offer our bodies as living sacrifices, wholly and acceptable unto God.

Sheeeesh! The "Lake of Fire" you refer to means the "sun." You might wanna take notes. (Xians don't know this!) If Earth was Paradise, the Sun was Hell (taken from helios--Greek for sun).

The lake of Fire is something eternal, something a star like the sun isn't. But its location is irrelevant. The point is it exists.

Satan (give me a break), Satan is nothing more than a negative force of energy (opposite pole of God). Satan is like a vacuum. So let's not give him a pointed tail and pitchfork or an evil personality.

For the devil is an angel of light. He is a deceptive one; he came in the form of a graceful snake in Genesis. And to be a negative force; that doesn't exactly like sound like an uplifting description.

Satan is the absence of God = a + and - force of energy. Now isn't that simple? Now, children, can we all say S-A-T-A-N is a
N-E-G-A-T-I-V-E F-O-R-C-E of E-N-E-R-G-Y?

Don't try to use a make-believe bad guy with horns who rules hell as an opposie of God. God is all there is.

First off: Satan doesn't rule Hell. Try and find anything in the Bible that states anything contrary to that. Secondly, if God is all there is within creation, then that means that he is both Good and Evil, Correct? So then, if one is an upstanding why worship something that is evil?

How can negativity lure you anywhere?

Again, it appears to be pleasing. You get momentary pleasure from it, so people go after it, thinking they'll get something from it.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Angels

Originally posted by jcarl

Well, jcarl, I must say that I am somewhat surprised and yet impressed that you are knowledgeable about Tiamat and Marduk. As a Xian, I assumed you wouldn't read such material. My bad.

I don't agree with you about the Xian God being above other gods. There are/were all kinds of gods--little gods, big gods, Greek gods, Roman gods, Sumerian gods, Babylonian gods, but there is only One True God. People may call it what they can identify with, but there's only One.

I do not attempt to deny ALL Biblical stories that they didn't happen. I'm not saying the flood didn't happen, actually, I believe it did, and I tend to believe the Ark is still on Ararat. I take each story for what it's worth, and I will study that particular story by reading alternate publications (non-Xian) for an unbiased viewpoint. Some, not all, Biblical stories interest me.

Please teach us more about the recent discoveries at Ebla(sp?). This information can be beneficial to Xians and non-Xians. I am especially interested in this because you mention that "one being creating all things." Also, I believe in creation from nothing. It had to start somewhere. I just don't believe that it all happened in 6000 years. I believe it is more like 200 billion years or some odd massive figure. We already know the Sumerians were earlier than 6000 years.

I don't necessarily believe in prophecy being fulfilled, especially if you're referring to Jesus. To me that is a fairy tale, a myth created by Paul and his cohorts.

What is truth for you may not be truth for me or someone else. We are each responsible for finding the truth in our own hearts. There may be a zillion different truths--but there's only One Spirit of God. I thought I had found the truth in Xianity, but I was deceived, just like you're being deceived.

We should believe the One God who gave us life. What we do with our life is the basis of our freedom. I never said I had anything against God giving us freedom. You may have misunderstood my posts. The freedom God gives us is not to decide which we want to do, good or bad. The freedom God gives us is the freedom to do with our lives what we choose. The catch is that everything we do should glorify our Creator. That's how we should "love" God. Technically, God doesn't want us to worship it. God gave us the gift of our body, the gift of our soul, and eternity. What we do with our freedom here on Earth should be ultimately to serve God. Human beings tend to want to serve their egos. Then they miss the whole concept of God. They may even call themselves "Christians!" If God had wanted his creations to be "Xians," God would have created it when he created humans, but God didn't do that. I believe you can get to your Creator all by yourself. Actually, there is no distance between you and your Creator. The Spirit of God dwells WITHIN YOU!

God's love is NEVER forced! Your concept of God is different than mine. I don't see God as someone "out there" who is unobtainable. I see God within my soul. There's no forcing going on. God's love dwells within our soul. Therefore, how could one NOT love God when God is the self? Humans have choices in this. You can either worship your ego (self) or you could worship God (self). Do you see the polar difference?

Sorry, I don't believe in a Lake of Fire, Hell, Brimstone, Hades, Shaol, Valhalla, etc. Hell is the absence of the Spirit of God. Hell is a vacuum. It is the polar opposite to heaven which is the Spirit of God indwelling. Hell is fear. Hell is what you make of it. Your hell may be different from mine and different from the next guy. We create our own hell, and we do it so very well! Hell's location is right between our ears.

I appreciate your thoughtful post. I enjoy communicating with someone who can bring up issues intellectually without preaching about Jesus. Perhaps we could learn from each other.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Angels

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Originally posted by jcarl

Well, jcarl, I must say that I am somewhat surprised and yet impressed that you are knowledgeable about Tiamat and Marduk. As a Xian, I assumed you wouldn't read such material. My bad.

Why thank you. When someone claims that my faith is based upon plagarism, then I simply look into it.

I don't agree with you about the Xian God being above other gods. There are/were all kinds of gods--little gods, big gods, Greek gods, Roman gods, Sumerian gods, Babylonian gods, but there is only One True God.

The concept I was trying to convey was that these gods did their thing but with conflict. My God has no equal, so he just spoke Creation into being. Not through conflict, but by command.

Please teach us more about the recent discoveries at Ebla(sp?). This information can be beneficial to Xians and non-Xians. I am especially interested in this because you mention that "one being creating all things." Also, I believe in creation from nothing. It had to start somewhere. I just don't believe that it all happened in 6000 years. I believe it is more like 200 billion years or some odd massive figure. We already know the Sumerians were earlier than 6000 years.

I actually read about it in a book,"When Skeptics Ask" by Geisler(It's a tremendous book upon which I use quite readily in these discussions and if you really want a look at the Christian side of this stuff, I would HIGHLY recommend this one.) But anyways, upon further research.....
I hope this thing works, but here's one site. If you want some more, just go to Google and type in "Ebla tablets"

I don't necessarily believe in prophecy being fulfilled, especially if you're referring to Jesus. To me that is a fairy tale, a myth created by Paul and his cohorts.

The prophecies were written hundreds of years before Christ, much less Paul. And even if you believe that Paul simply searched the scriptures to find some material to stick into this Jesus Story then why would Paul be jailed and eventually killed for what he knew to be false? I find that hard to believe personally. That doesn't make sense.

What is truth for you may not be truth for me or someone else.

Does this apply to everyone? Is this relativism applicable to everyone? Then its absolute. Is it not?

We are each responsible for finding the truth in our own hearts. There may be a zillion different truths--but there's only One Spirit of God. I thought I had found the truth in Xianity, but I was deceived, just like you're being deceived.

If this relativism of which you speak is true--that there are a zillion different truths--and that what truth is to someone is different from someone else's truth, then we come into a few problems. A) no one is ever wrong. Not only is that a socially dangerous view(no one can be punished for a wrong doing), it allows no room for learning. Learning, in this context, is the movement from a False belief to a True One. But if everything is truth, then that obviously prohibits such learning. B)If what you believe is truth and what I believe is truth, then we come into a problem. Our "truth"s are contradictory are they not? How then, can real truth contradict itself?

We should believe the One God who gave us life. What we do with our life is the basis of our freedom. I never said I had anything against God giving us freedom. You may have misunderstood my posts. The freedom God gives us is not to decide which we want to do, good or bad. The freedom God gives us is the freedom to do with our lives what we choose.

Choosing our lives involves doing/choosing good or bad/right or wrong.

The catch is that everything we do should glorify our Creator.

What happens if we don't?

That's how we should "love" God. Technically, God doesn't want us to worship it.

Indeed, we shouldn't worship our body or our lives on Earth, since it like a vapor(Psalm 39. v.5, et al)

God gave us the gift of our body, the gift of our soul, and eternity. What we do with our freedom here on Earth should be ultimately to serve God. Human beings tend to want to serve their egos. Then they miss the whole concept of God. They may even call themselves "Christians!"

If Christian are just self-serving egotists(and some indeed are, but not the true variety) then explain where these verses fit in:

-John 15:13: Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down his life for his friends
-Mark 44-45: And whomever of you desires to be first shall be slave of all. For even as the Son of Man came not to be served , but to serve and to give his life a ransom for many.
-I can find more if you're not satisfied

I'm going to go off on a tangent for a moment to elaborate on this point. There's one person on Sciforums(can't remember the name but he has one of the guys from Mony Python as his avatar) In his little signature he quotes from some book: "...what good is religion if you fatten upon it?..." It is very rare that I agree from a religious(notice that I said religion--the rituals--not faith) standpoint with someone who is out to topple Christianity, but in this case I agree. The Christian faith(not religion) is based upon service to others, as these two verses demonstrate, as did Jesus giving up his life/death as a ransom to cover our sins(whether you believe this to be true, that Christ was, is, and always will be our pardon from eternal separation from God or not is not relevant. The fact is the symbolism of service to others is there. Those who use Christianity to their own gain are perverting(literally, twisting) the faith, which reflects negatively on the true Christianity, and will be brought before God on this for due punishment. Now back to our regularly scheduled program....

If God had wanted his creations to be "Xians," God would have created it when he created humans, but God didn't do that.

Sin had not yet happened, and thus a redeemer wasn't necessary at the time of Creation. However, I feel it is evidence of the validity of Christianity/Bible that the common thread of Salvation is woven into the Bible from the beginning with the Fall of Man(exact verses to prove my point, Gen. 3:15: I will put of enmity(ememy) between you and the woman(meaning the Human Race) and between your offspring and yours and hers; he(the seed of the woman, Christ) will crush your head and you shall bruise his heel)all the way to Revelation, where Jesus comes again, raptures those who believed, defeats evil, judges the world and satan, and sets up his kingdom on Earth. The idea that so many different authors over such a long period of time could all write of a common thread without some divine intervention is incredible to me. Why isn't that the case for you.

I believe you can get to your Creator all by yourself. Actually, there is no distance between you and your Creator. The Spirit of God dwells WITHIN YOU!

"For by grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves; it is a gift of God, not by works, lest any man should boast."-Ephesians 2:8-9
I'll leave you to that opinion, but those are my beliefs on this. Man cannot work his way to God(for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God). God must show mercy upon us and lend us a hand, to give us a bridge that we could not build ourselves, the bridge that is only Jesus Chirst.

If God is within us, does that mean that God is within everyone correct? So God is/was in guys Ghandi, Luther, Luther King, and by the same token in Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and Lenin.
To take it one step further, if God is within everything in this finite world, then is not God also finite? Then he isn't eternal, which means that something is above him, and that he isn't almighty.

God's love is NEVER forced!

Never said it was, but without something against God which can be chosen, then his love would be forced. it's a hypthetical. Nothing more.

Your concept of God is different than mine. I don't see God as someone "out there" who is unobtainable. I see God within my soul. There's no forcing going on. God's love dwells within our soul. Therefore, how could one NOT love God when God is the self? Humans have choices in this. You can either worship your ego (self) or you could worship God (self). Do you see the polar difference?

What happens if we reject God altogether or choose to worship ourselves.

Sorry, I don't believe in a Lake of Fire, Hell, Brimstone, Hades, Shaol, Valhalla, etc. Hell is the absence of the Spirit of God. Hell is a vacuum. It is the polar opposite to heaven which is the Spirit of God indwelling. Hell is fear. Hell is what you make of it. Your hell may be different from mine and different from the next guy. We create our own hell, and we do it so very well! Hell's location is right between our ears.

What we believe has absolutely bearing on reality. Fire will burn you whether you believe it will or not. I can not believe that gravity is real, but if I walk off a cliff, that principle will still apply to me. Where am I going wrong.

I appreciate your thoughtful post.

I enjoy doing this; its fun, I grow spiritually, and I sow some seed.

I enjoy communicating with someone who can bring up issues intellectually without preaching about Jesus. Perhaps we could learn from each other.

I will bring up the intellectual issues because they prove my point. However, as I have probably shown in this post, to argue the Christian side without talking about Jesus is self-defeating, as he is THE, not A, cornerstone of this faith.
Flaw in biblical concepts?

If God rewards us in heaven for good behavior, and Satan punishes us in hell for bad behavior, aren't they both on the same side, and thus working together? If Satan was REALLY evil, wouldn't he REWARD bad behavior? So, he can't really be evil, because he is, in his own way, encouraging good, and the "struggle" between good and evil is really an illusion.

Of course, there is the argument that it's all bull, but assuming its true, isn't this a inconsistancy in this story?
Well, I guess Satan has a lack of power to reward.

Though everything has it's purpose. It says in the bible that the evils purpose is for judgement day.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Angels

Originally posted by jcarl
Why thank you. When someone claims that my faith is based upon plagarism, then I simply look into it.
M*W: The issue of plagarism has been brought up several times by other members. Why did the Biblical story of creation story a lot like the Sumerian story of creation? etc.
The concept I was trying to convey was that these gods did their thing but with conflict. My God has no equal, so he just spoke Creation into being. Not through conflict, but by command.
M*W: These lesser gods were man-made myths. That was the point I was trying to make. There are also much earlier stories of Mithra, Zarathrusa, Zoroaster, and such, etc. that were born of virgins on December 25th. Were these gods man-made too? There seems to be a trend here when Xianity came later.
I actually read about it in a book,"When Skeptics Ask" by Geisler(It's a tremendous book upon which I use quite readily in these discussions and if you really want a look at the Christian side of this stuff, I would HIGHLY recommend this one.) But anyways, upon further research.....http://www.icr.org/pubs/imp/imp-046.htm I hope this thing works, but here's one site. If you want some more, just go to Google and type in "Ebla tablets"
M*W: I read a lot. I spend hours upon end in Barnes & Noble, the library and Internet.
The prophecies were written hundreds of years before Christ, much less Paul. And even if you believe that Paul simply searched the scriptures to find some material to stick into this Jesus Story then why would Paul be jailed and eventually killed for what he knew to be false? I find that hard to believe personally. That doesn't make sense.
M*W: I've read that NONE of the earlier prophecies refer to JC. I think Paul had a personal agenda. I've been down in the dungeon in Rome called Nero's Circus where Peter and Paul were imprisoned and crucified/beheaded. Paul was known to have a "big mouth." I would need to research the reason they were killed. I don't remember. Ultimately, they were professing JC as king. Of course the emperor didn't take a liking to this.
Does this apply to everyone?
M*W: Yes.
Is this relativism applicable to everyone?
M*W: Yes.
Then its absolute. Is it not?
M*W: Yes.
If this relativism of which you speak is true--that there are a zillion different truths--and that what truth is to someone is different from someone else's truth, then we come into a few problems.
A) no one is ever wrong. Not only is that a socially dangerous view(no one can be punished for a wrong doing), it allows no room for learning. Learning, in this context, is the movement from a False belief to a True One. But if everything is truth, then that obviously prohibits such learning.
M*W: We're only talking about our creator here, nothing else (not religion, faith, salvation, right and wrong, JC, etc.). More correctly, I should have said "a zillion personal truths." Every human being (for all time) may have a different perception of their creator, yet, there is still only one creator of all.
B)If what you believe is truth and what I believe is truth, then we come into a problem. Our "truth"s are contradictory are they not? How then, can real truth contradict itself?
M*W: Again, we're only talking about our creator. Our "truths" are not contradictory (or shouldn't be). There is only one God. You may call your creator Allah, and I may call mine Joe. The name is not the issue. God could have a zillion names, too. That makes Joe no less the creator than Allah. The real truth has been diluted by man-made religions. Just imagine if these man-made religions never existed. Who do you think us humans would look to for spiritual nourishment? Joe, Allah, God, etc. We would look to the source of our creation.
Choosing our lives involves doing/choosing good or bad/right or wrong.
M*W: "Choosing our lives" is more complicated than that. "Choosing our lives" is our destiny and not simply about choosing right or wrong. That would NOT even be an issue if we looked into our own soul for our creator. Within our soul is the knowledge of right and wrong. "Choosing our lives" is a spiritual phenomenon that we can either accept while we are entirely within the spiritual state (before birth), perhaps negotiate for, or choose the life we will come into at birth. Notice, I didn't include death as an option here.
What happens if we don't?
M*W: You mean if we don't "choose" to exist? I don't know if we really have control over that option. There is reason, a purpose that we come in human form (in our Earthsuit). The ONLY reason we are given life is to glorify God. Therefore, we contain the One Spirit of God on Earth. The human race is the face of God on Earth. We are co-creators with God. We have an obligation to be here. I don't think it's an option. We are here to serve God, Allah or Joe, whatever...
Indeed, we shouldn't worship our body or our lives on Earth, since it like a vapor(Psalm 39. v.5, et al)
M*W: Yes is it like a vapor. In eternity, we are iota. I don't think this means worshipping your body like a body builder or model, say. That falls under the heading of pride. The body should be "worshipped" as the temple of the soul. After all, your body is where the One Spirit of God resides. It should be worshipped for THAT purpose, and that purpose ONLY. You feed it, you care of its health, you don't put substances in it that might hurt it or take your awareness away from God. When you "worship" your body and your life in this way, Satan (the negative force) cannot prevail over your body or mind.
Sin had not yet happened, and thus a redeemer wasn't necessary at the time of Creation. The idea that so many different authors over such a long period of time could all write of a common thread without some divine intervention is incredible to me. Why isn't that the case for you.
M*W: Sin is the absence of God. Let me rephrase this, when you don't "worship" your body and the life that God gave you to serve your creator, you are sinning. You are denying your God-given rights. You are removing yourself (ego) from the One Spirit of God, your creator.
"For by grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves; it is a gift of God, not by works, lest any man should boast."-Ephesians 2:8-9
M*W: Yes, God's "grace" "saves" us through our faith and worship in our creator. This grace comes from the One Spirit of God that dwells within us. When you realize that you are One with God, you realize your importance in this world. You are important in this world because you carry the Sprit of God to the human race. This is how you serve God. You technically represent God. Otherwise, did you ever wonder why you were here and what was your purpose? Have you been waiting for God to send you a message to tell you what he wanted you to do in your life? This is it.
Man cannot work his way to God(for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God). God must show mercy upon us and lend us a hand, to give us a bridge that we could not build ourselves, the bridge that is only Jesus Chirst.
M*W: No, you cannot "work your way" to God. But not for one minute do I believe that we fall short of the glory of God. We ARE the glory of God! (the human race). God is not a "bridge" to somewhere else, God is within. God is also without. No bridge is needed.
If God is within us, does that mean that God is within everyone correct? So God is/was in guys Ghandi, Luther, Luther King, and by the same token in Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and Lenin. To take it one step further, if God is within everything in this finite world, then is not God also finite? Then he isn't eternal, which means that something is above him, and that he isn't almighty.
M*W: God is with us, the human race, so he was also in Ghandi, Luther, MLK, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and Lenin, and let's not forget Saddam and Bin Laden. The difference is the former group recognized the creator within themselves, whatever they called their higher power. Otherwise, they wouldn't have been able to be the movers and shakers they were. For the accomplishments they made with their lives, they recognized the fire of God's Spirit within their soul. Not that I, personally, agree with the messages they all brought, but I would definitely say they were God-centered. The latter group were created for the same purpose as the rest of us were, but they worshipped their egos more than God. They replaced the One Spirit of God that dwelled within them with the spiritual negativity produced by their own ego.
What happens if we reject God altogether or choose to worship ourselves.
M*W: See previous paragraph.
What we believe has absolutely bearing on reality. Fire will burn you whether you believe it will or not. I cannot believe that gravity is real, but if I walk off a cliff, that principle will still apply to me. Where am I going wrong.
M*W: True, but God created you with an intelligence and expects you to use it! This example may apply to lower animals, but not normal humans. Your intelligence does not offend God. God expects you to be all that you can be. It's when the ego gets big, it crowds God out.
I will bring up the intellectual issues because they prove my point. However, as I have probably shown in this post, to argue the Christian side without talking about Jesus is self-defeating, as he is THE, not A, cornerstone of this faith.
M*W: Yes, Jesus was self-defeated, too, when he tried to teach the spiritual wonderment of God's grace in our lives, but his followers made him out to be God. Jesus knew his spiritual "kingdom" was not of this world, it was in his soul. He also tried to teach that the "kingdom of God," (the One Spirit of God) is within. We need to pay more attention to what JC really said, not what Paul and his followers created as a myth. The man-made religion they created was a figment of their egos, and it has replaced the One Spirit of God on Earth.
M*W: The issue of plagarism has been brought up several times by other members. Why did the Biblical story of creation story a lot like the Sumerian story of creation? etc.

Do you now see why that argument is flawed?

M*W: These lesser gods were man-made myths. That was the point I was trying to make. There are also much earlier stories of Mithra, Zarathrusa, Zoroaster, and such, etc. that were born of virgins on December 25th. Were these gods man-made too? There seems to be a trend here when Xianity came later.

The December 25th tradition of Christ’s birth wasn’t started until some time during the Middle Ages(it’s a long story that I don’t feel necessary to talk about here.) In any event, Christ being born on December 25th, or even in winter for that matter, is unbiblical.

M*W: I've read that NONE of the earlier prophecies refer to JC.

Really? Here is a list of the verses that either give a prediction about the life of Jesus or allude to something concerning him:
Gen. 3:15;Genesis 49:10; Psalm 2:7, 11, Isaiah 11:1; Jeremiah 23:5; Isaiah 40:3; Genesis12.3; Psalm 69.9; Isaiah 53.9, 12; Isaiah 53.4-6; Zechariah 11:12, et al. There are many more if you’re not satisfied. But the point is that, yes, they do refer to Jesus.

I think Paul had a personal agenda. I've been down in the dungeon in Rome called Nero's Circus where Peter and Paul were imprisoned and crucified/beheaded. Paul was known to have a "big mouth." I would need to research the reason they were killed. I don't remember.

That doesn’t explain why he would die for something that he knew to be false. That’s the problem I have with Paul making It up story.

Ultimately, they were professing JC as king. Of course the emperor didn't take a liking to this.

Matt. 27:11: “and the governor asked him, ‘Are you the King of the Jews’. Jesus said to him, ‘It is as you say.’
Paul wasn’t the only one that proclaimed Jesus is King. Jesus did it himself.

M*W: We're only talking about our creator here, nothing else (not religion, faith, salvation, right and wrong, JC, etc.). More correctly, I should have said "a zillion personal truths." Every human being (for all time) may have a different perception of their creator, yet, there is still only one creator of all.


M*W: Again, we're only talking about our creator. Our "truths" are not contradictory (or shouldn't be). There is only one God. You may call your creator Allah, and I may call mine Joe. The name is not the issue. God could have a zillion names, too.

He does. Adonai, El Shaddai, Yaweh, etc. referring to the different aspects of one God.

M*W: "Choosing our lives" is more complicated than that. "Choosing our lives" is our destiny and not simply about choosing right or wrong. That would NOT even be an issue if we looked into our own soul for our creator. Within our soul is the knowledge of right and wrong. "Choosing our lives" is a spiritual phenomenon that we can either accept while we are entirely within the spiritual state (before birth), perhaps negotiate for, or choose the life we will come into at birth. Notice, I didn't include death as an option here.

M*W: You mean if we don't "choose" to exist?[/B]

No, If we don’t glorify God, then what is our punishment and/or what happens?

I don't know if we really have control over that option. There is reason, a purpose that we come in human form (in our Earthsuit). The ONLY reason we are given life is to glorify God. Therefore, we contain the One Spirit of God on Earth. The human race is the face of God on Earth. We are co-creators with God. We have an obligation to be here. I don't think it's an option. We are here to serve God, Allah or Joe, whatever...

So then we are on the same level as God. Which means that since we’re sinners, God is also a sinfilled being. Is that what you’re saying?

M*W: Yes, God's "grace" "saves" us through our faith and worship in our creator. This grace comes from the One Spirit of God that dwells within us.

It’s the other way around. The Holy Spirit lives in you when you accept the grace that God gave us at the cross. Because of this, we have the opportunity to spend Eternity with him.

Have you been waiting for God to send you a message to tell you what he wanted you to do in your life? This is it.

No the Bible is the message. It provides the essential link between a faultless God and sinfilled man, Jesus Christ(who is a part of God.)

ORIGINALLY Posted by JCARL: Man cannot work his way to God(for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God). God must show mercy upon us and lend us a hand, to give us a bridge that we could not build ourselves, the bridge that is only Jesus Chirst.

M*W: No, you cannot "work your way" to God. But not for one minute do I believe that we fall short of the glory of God.

See third paragraph up.

No bridge is needed.

We as humans are sinful beings. God is not; in fact he despises sin and will not tolerate it in his prescence(that’s why on the cross, when Jesus bore the burden of our sin and became(figuratively) sin, God turned away from him, prompting, “My God, My God, Why have you forsaken me?”

M*W: God is with us, the human race, so he was also in Ghandi, Luther, MLK, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and Lenin, and let's not forget Saddam and Bin Laden. The difference is the former group recognized the creator within themselves, whatever they called their higher power. Otherwise, they wouldn't have been able to be the movers and shakers they were. For the accomplishments they made with their lives, they recognized the fire of God's Spirit within their soul. Not that I, personally, agree with the messages they all brought, but I would definitely say they were God-centered. The latter group were created for the same purpose as the rest of us were, but they worshipped their egos more than God. They replaced the One Spirit of God that dwelled within them with the spiritual negativity produced by their own ego.

What we believe has absolutely bearing on reality. Fire will burn you whether you believe it will or not. I cannot believe that gravity is real, but if I walk off a cliff, that principle will still apply to me. Where am I going wrong?

M*W: True, but God created you with an intelligence and expects you to use it! This example may apply to lower animals, but not normal humans. Your intelligence does not offend God. God expects you to be all that you can be.

I don’t understand how that answers my question.