God/Satan- same team?


pubic diorama
Valued Senior Member
Flaw in biblical concepts?

If God rewards us in heaven for good behavior, and Satan punishes us in hell for bad behavior, aren't they both on the same side, and thus working together? If Satan was REALLY evil, wouldn't he REWARD bad behavior? So, he can't really be evil, because he is, in his own way, encouraging good, and the "struggle" between good and evil is really an illusion.

Of course, there is the argument that it's all bull, but assuming its true, isn't this a inconsistancy in this story?
Originally posted by spidergoat
Flaw in biblical concepts?
(Man, spidergoat, you are right on target!)
If God rewards us in heaven for good behavior, and Satan punishes us in hell for bad behavior, aren't they both on the same side, and thus working together? If Satan was REALLY evil, wouldn't he REWARD bad behavior? So, he can't really be evil, because he is, in his own way, encouraging good, and the "struggle" between good and evil is really an illusion.
(Yes, it is an illusion. Just like heaven is somewhere up there in the sky, and hell is beneath the ground. That's an illusion. Satan (should a dark force of evil actually exist), has no more power than an angel, so he is not at all in God's league. My perception of God is a positive force of energy that created the universe and dwells within the human race.)
Of course, there is the argument that it's all bull, but assuming its true, isn't this a inconsistancy in this story?
(It's an illusion, like you said. Unfortunately, the man-made religions created the Satan-person with horns and a pitchfork--yeah, we should be so lucky! All man-made religions are an illusion. Xians believe in the illusion of a savior, and on, and on, and on....)
If satan has a pitchfork, and the angel of death has a scyth, does that mean that the powers definded as evil in christianity are the ones who created agriculture? Or did they only adopt these implements after men had already started farming with them? If so what did satan hold before?
What did Satan look like before the Fall?

Originally posted by SpyMoose
If satan has a pitchfork, and the angel of death has a scyth, does that mean that the powers definded as evil in christianity are the ones who created agriculture? Or did they only adopt these implements after men had already started farming with them? If so what did satan hold before?
(No. It was the Goddess Ceres (as in grain/cereal, etc.) who created agriculture some 6,000-7,000 years ago or thereabouts. I really don't know when Xianity first identified Satan, but he is definitely a Xian invention. Now, way back when, there was Lucifer, and he was just an angel with angelic powers. So, since he was an angel, I would assume Xians identify him with wings and a harp. I really don't dwell much on dark forces, I try to stay in the light!)
Satan is only mentioned in the bible a few times. I'm suprised that people find flaws in their own interpretations and then extend this to the bible itself. Everything that God allows has a good purpose, otherwise it would not be allowed. So yes, evil has a purpose in creation but it only exist because of the allowance of our freewill and by conquering it we can grow to love God more.

On side note, M*W believes in a man-made religion, simply her own.
This is true what you say.
There's new religions each day.
But at least hers isn't greedy,
stealing money from the needy
to build great big palaces
and drink from gold chalices.
I'd much prefer her over any dull priest,
she's fun to watch, at the very least.
Man-made religion

Originally posted by okinrus
On side note, M*W believes in a man-made religion, simply her own.
(Yeah, and since God is not a man, there is hope for the world!)
But at least hers isn't greedy,
stealing money from the needy
to build great big palaces
Stealing? I've never been forced to donate money or anything like that. I've been "stolen" from more times by the goverment.

and drink from gold chalices.
I'd much prefer her over any dull priest,
she's fun to watch, at the very least.
M*W's religion comes from her own perception of God.
M*W's religion comes from her own perception of God

At least hers isn't spoon fed. Seems she got hers straight from the horses mouth without all the dogma.
I'm not sure what's with all these "at least she". The claim that your entire religion is not man-made when you made it is wrong. I'm pointing out this mistake to avoid hearing the same mistakes again and again. Of course we know that M*W's religion is not made but is continuingly evolving.
If you want to get a good fantasy view of satan and god, read "memnock the devil" Has an interesting theory to why the devil would be the way he's viewed as.

Of course it's only a fun idea, not really serious...
Anne Rice is my God.
Saul was a fraud.
That's all I've to say,
so have a nice day.
Zagen - Good suggestion, I really enjoyed the ideas presented in that book. I do not think it will make MANY Christians think though, they have already been warned about Anne Rice (her stories fit in the pure evil category, right along with Mr. Harry Potter).

- KitNyx
Originally posted by spidergoat
Flaw in biblical concepts?

If God rewards us in heaven for good behavior, and Satan punishes us in hell for bad behavior, aren't they both on the same side, and thus working together? If Satan was REALLY evil, wouldn't he REWARD bad behavior? So, he can't really be evil, because he is, in his own way, encouraging good, and the "struggle" between good and evil is really an illusion.
Satan has no authority to reward or to punish. Biblical concepts should preferably be got from the Bible itself, I would say.
That always made me wonder...
you know the passages in the bible, where Job gets struck down; loses his wife, children, home, etc--the whole thing and it was planned from the beginning. Ie,Satan goes to God and asks to mess up one of his most "faithful"followers and here is God, musing upon his mighty throne...
Probably rubbing his white beard and saying, yeahhhh. You know, go ahead, let's test him out.

So Satan does his thing, nearly destroys Jobs spirit..
and in the end, the moral here is, if you keep your faith strong, you will be rewarded TWOfold so the poor guy--who isn't poor anymore--gets an upgrade; more beautiful wife, happier and healthier children, a bigger house.

Something just doesn't seem right there. I know the moral of it and the pep talks of suffering till you get to understand...

I can go on about different areas of where Satan was mentioned and argue why this and why that.
God/Satan- same team? In the beginning they were, are.

Originally posted by spidergoat
Flaw in biblical concepts?

If God rewards us in heaven for good behavior, and Satan punishes us in hell for bad behavior, aren't they both on the same side, and thus working together? If Satan was REALLY evil, wouldn't he REWARD bad behavior? So, he can't really be evil, because he is, in his own way, encouraging good, and the "struggle" between good and evil is really an illusion.

Of course, there is the argument that it's all bull, but assuming its true, isn't this a inconsistancy in this story?

God/Satan- same team? In the beginning they were, are.

This is all true but it is not true, it is and is not a lie.


Myth is the Truth of Reality, a truth that becomes perverted, adulterated, becomes just so much Babel.

If a Word has a duplicity of meaning, is two fold, where is the singularity of meaning, what is the Absolute Truth that is spoken of, sworn to, the Truth, the Whole Truth, and nothing but the truth.

A Truth that is misspoken of, a half-truth, is a Deception, a lie, an Illusion of Reality.

Words are just so much Babel, there is no life, no Reality, in a word, a name, which can only be spoken of.

A thought, Idea, itself is not a Reality.

Reality exists independent of out thought ideas concerning it.

Words, Names, if not understood, spoke of, with or without intent, create confusion, Illusions of Reality, lies, deception.

An Illusion is a Graven, dead, Image of Reality, a Non-BE-ing, a Reality that has no existence, no Life, yet it is a Reality, an Imagined Reality.

What does it mean if you say that someone is a snake in the grass, speaks with a forked tongue, is duplicitous, guileful.

Eve was beguiled, deceived, by a Be-ing, that spoke with a Split, forked, Tongue, that was duplicitous, Wise, Wily, Wilful, Willful.

Wisdom, cunning, while, is Man's Salvation and his downfall; it just depends on what man does with it.

Wisdom is to know, to have knowledge of both Reality as it is and Reality as it is not, Reality as it was, is, and the potentiality of Reality, Reality as he chooses ot to be, Reality that could, be, should be, Reality as he wills it to be, the Knowledge of the Illusion of Reality.

Wisdom, to know difference between Reality and Illusion and to be able to choose Wisely, Willfully, to choose Reality over Illusion of your own Free Will.

The Creative Imagination, Man’s non-Material, Non-physical side, Man’s stubborn streak, Man’s Feminine Wile, Willful, Side, the Right Brain which controls the left, the Evil, Wrong Side, side of man.

Good is to choose Reality over Illusion.
Evil is to choose Illusion of Over Reality.

If Illusion is chosen, preferred to Reality, Evil raises its Ugly Head because and Imagined Reality, a Illusions of Reality as Seen in the Mind’s Eye, the Evil Eye, is a Reality, is Good.

An Illusion of Reality, the Knowledge of a Dual Reality, a Reality that is both Good and Evil.

Eve, was beguiled, became insidiously cunning; artfully deceptive; wily, her Truth, her Wisdom has a twofold or double state or quality, Eve is duplicitous, Her speech, her knowledge of reality which she speak of, her Truth, a Duality, duplicitous, the Knowledge of Reality an Illusion, both Good and Evil.

Good, Absolute Truth, is Man’s knowledge of Reality that is a singularity of Truth, the Whole Truth and noting but the Truth.

The singularity of Truth, the knowledge of Reality that is spoken of if it is the absolute truth is only good, only beautiful, is not Two Fold, guileful, duplicitous.

Lucifer the Angle of Light cast down to Earth to rule over the heart and the mind of Man, he and she, becomes the Angle of Darkness.

A Reality that has no material, no physical, worth, value, meaning, existence, being, that exists only because it has been fixed, in, tattooed on the forehead and with the Right hand raised is sworn to be the Truth, the Whole Truth and nothing but the Truth, that is it the Absolute Truth, is a Lie, a Deception, an illusion of Reality, a Graven Image.

...without the dogma!

Originally posted by heart
At least hers isn't spoon fed. Seems she got hers straight from the horses mouth without all the dogma.
(Thanks, heart. I think you understand where I'm coming from.)
What a great poem!

Originally posted by Angelus
This is true what you say.
There's new religions each day.
But at least hers isn't greedy,
stealing money from the needy
to build great big palaces
and drink from gold chalices.
I'd much prefer her over any dull priest,
she's fun to watch, at the very least.
(What a great poem from a fellow poet! I'm really flattered!)
Your very welcome my dear,
twas nothing I fear.
Just a sad little rhyme
to pass my sad time.