God said kill you first son

Calm down.

{edit} Or don't ask f****** questions if you don't want a response. :D
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Originally posted by okinrus

Basically these are all <a href="http://www.webster.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?va=metaphors">metaphors</a>. The bible would be very boring without them.

Ooh! Getting a tad hoity-toity for a good, humble Christian, now aren't we?

Originally posted by okinrus

In the hebrew language, bats were considered birds. It was only after Darwin that people begain calling bats mammals.

Accordingly, Darwin must have discovered something that even God didn't recognize. Why else would God neglect to chide His assiduous Hebrew worshipers and tell them that bats weren't really birds?
Originally posted by okinrus
But there have been many exorcisms, even modern ones, where entire families can vouch for validity. I saw a show on one from connecticut on the "Learning channel" and even a researcher from Fordham university saw the demon.

That settles it! It was on TLC! Ergo, it's an incontrovertible and immutable fact! I mean, everything that comes on TV has to be true. Why, do you ask . . . because God says so, silly!

Originally posted by SnakeLord

Name me all the other winged creatures with 4 legs plz...

Well, there are Griffons, Hippogryphs, Chimeras, and Sphinxes. I'm relatively certain that any restpectable, fictitious God would warn His chosen people against the hazards of fairy-tale creature vittles!

Originally posted by okinrus
Some of the sexual stories resembles succubi type creatures but right now we can saftly assume that they are false.

You honestly believe in succubi? Does the bible even mention those lascivious whore-demons?

Originally posted by SnakeLord
Once more you're reaching off into the realm of fantasy and make-believe. I'm starting to think you live in the twilight zone.

*The scene freezes, and the camera angle swings over to a mysterious fellow in a business suit*
*His gaze turns your way, and he begins to speak in a deep, masculine voice**

[color=dark red]
The world can often be a hard place, and those whom fortune has not blessed may reach for things which most men would shy from.
Struck with regret and disillusionment, men will often favor fantasy over reality.

But eventully, the illness of a man's fantasy becomes severe, and the borders between the logical and illogical blur.
This is the time and place which demands remedial action, which demands a cure.
In the case of a certain Mr. Okinrus, an unsuspecting victim of the disease, this cure is about to become a dire necessity.

The diagnosis? Dellusion.

The cure? Unknown.

The place where the cure may be had?

Well, it's the very same place where borders blur, reason is negated, and universe goes awry. And it's where Mr. Okinrus is about to venture.
Welcome to the Twilight Zone.

[dorky scifi music]

Neenar Neenar, Neenar Neenar, Neenar Neenar . . . Na NAH!

[/dorky scifi music]

Originally posted by okinrus
It is possible that they take different forms, maybe they work in two . Forexample, the incubus will typically produce the desire for the female succubi. A sign of attack given by some is a sudden change of sexual persuasion. For example, if a female is attacked by a male demon she might feel sexual lust towards other woman. This is not the cause of most cases of homosexuality though.

Where did you get all this technical information on invisible temptresses? Is there some kind of cabalistic text book that your cuilt leaders distribute at mass or something?

Originally posted by Voltaire
I mean yeah there are negative forces trying to screw you up but a little red-horned man- never.
You make it seem as though these "negative forces" are sentient entities. Did you intend for that insinuation?

Originally posted by Circe
To the ancient people the serpent was a symbol of wisdom.

Which ancient peoples specifically? The Minoans perhaps?

Originally posted by GodLied
Writing predates gilgamesh.

This comment is irrelevant. No known story predates the Epic of Gilgamesh.
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Originally posted by SnakeLord
Calm down.

{edit} Or don't ask f****** questions if you don't want a response. :D

ha ha :D , whatever. i never asked you any f*****g questions only if you thought illusions were reality. i just wanted a yes or a no, not a rant about how drugged people can't control their minds. i dunno what's your problem, sorry if i got to your sensitive side when i said illusions are not reality but hey, this forum is for sharing opinions.
dude i think ur the one that needs to calm down. au revoir!
this forum is for sharing opinions.

Yeah, and i shared mine due to a question you asked. :D What happened, left the brain in bed this morning? But to answer your question via simplistic methods:

What happened, left the brain in bed this morning?

HA :D omg ur a loser (j/k). what did i ever do to you?
Too bad ya'll are unable to hear my indifferent tone when addressing these issues, I really lost interest in this topic. and dude calm down, really, my intention was not to "attack" you. Chill, man.

Originally posted by Circe
To the ancient people the serpent was a symbol of wisdom.

Which ancient peoples specifically? The Minoans perhaps?

Originally posted by Redoubtable

This comment is irrelevant. No known story predates the Epic of Gilgamesh.

Does Gilgamesh predate the sanskrit writings? Does the Epic of Gilgamesh predate Egyptian writing? Does the Epic of Gilgamesh predate written language in China?

If not, Gilgamesh is not the oldest story.

Originally posted by GodLied
Does Gilgamesh predate the sanskrit writings? Does the Epic of Gilgamesh predate Egyptian writing? Does the Epic of Gilgamesh predate written language in China? If not, Gilgamesh is not the oldest story.
"The Epic of Gilgamesh is, perhaps, the oldest written story on Earth. It comes to us from Ancient Sumeria, and was originally written on 12 clay tablets in cunieform script. It is about the adventures of the historical King of Uruk (somewhere between 2750 and 2500 BCE)." (source: ancienttexts.org)
Originally posted by EvilPoet
"The Epic of Gilgamesh is, perhaps, the oldest written story on Earth. It comes to us from Ancient Sumeria, and was originally written on 12 clay tablets in cunieform script. It is about the adventures of the historical King of Uruk (somewhere between 2750 and 2500 BCE)." (source: ancienttexts.org)
How far back does China's history go? Is its history older than 2750 BC? If not, are any Egyptian ruins older than 2750 BC? If not, consider India and how far back sanskrit goes. I am certain there exists a written language predating 2750 BC.

Originally posted by GodLied
How far back does China's history go? Is its history older than
2750 BC? If not, are any Egyptian ruins older than 2750 BC? If
not, consider India and how far back sanskrit goes. I am certain
there exists a written language predating 2750 BC.
Here is a timeline
Originally posted by GodLied
I am certain there exists a written language predating 2750 BC.
Regardless of whatever scripts existed, The Epic of Gilgamesh, enscribed on tablets in the language of Cuneiform , or "wedge-writing," was the first story ever written (to our knowledge).
Originally posted by EvilPoet
Here is a timeline
Ancient Egyptian writing is not much more than elaborated petroglyphs. Petroglyphs depict events and stories. There must be a petroglyph that predates 3500 BC. Such a story predates the Gilgamesh story.

Originally posted by GodLied
Ancient Egyptian writing is not much more than elaborated petroglyphs. Petroglyphs depict events and stories. There must be a petroglyph that predates 3500 BC. Such a story predates the Gilgamesh story.
As far as I know - the Gilgamesh story is the oldest story.
Originally posted by GodLied
Ancient Egyptian writing is not much more than elaborated petroglyphs. Petroglyphs depict events and stories. There must be a petroglyph that predates 3500 BC. Such a story predates the Gilgamesh story.

Hieroglyphics are comparable to petroglyphs only in that they are both inscribed on walls. Whereas petroglyphs are typically prehistoric art-work, crude illustrations of events, hieroglyphics are standardized, organized pictographs, a language of 604 characters.
[color=sea green]
With a basic number of 604 symbols, hieroglyphics were written in several directions, including top to bottom, but usually from right to left with the pictographs facing the beginning of the line.

Encyclopedia- Hieroglyphics[/color]

pet·ro·glyph Audio pronunciation of petroglyphs ( P ) Pronunciation Key (ptr-glf)
A carving or line drawing on rock, especially one made by prehistoric people.


Of course, petroglyphs cannot be considered a language.

Therefore, one cannot "write" a story in petroglyphs. One can create a story, but it would not be "written".

The Epic of Gilgamesh is the oldest known written story.

Originally posted by Redoubtable
No known story predates the Epic of Gilgamesh.

I'm sorry. I should've stated "written story".
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Originally posted by Redoubtable

Of course, petroglyphs cannot be considered a language.

Therefore, one cannot "write" a story in petroglyphs. One can create a story, but it would not be "written".

Petroglyphs are a universal language comprehensible by anyone with common sense. People less than 200 years ancient have written in petroglyphs. As a medium of written communication, petroglyphs predate cuneiform and sumerian. Petroglyphic writing is the oldest writing known to mankind.

Petroglyphs are pictures. One does not write a picture. Accordingly, there is no such thing as "petroglypic writing."

lan·guage Pronunciation Key (lnggwj)
1. Communication of thoughts and feelings through a system of arbitrary signals, such as voice sounds, gestures, or written symbols.

Notice that a language must be a "system" of "signals" or "written symbols".

There is no set of signals or written symbols that appear repetitively or systematically in Petroglyphic enscriptions. Thus, Petroglyphs are not a language.

Cave-drawings do not qualify as literature.
Originally posted by Redoubtable

lan·guage Pronunciation Key (lnggwj)
1. Communication of thoughts and feelings through a system of arbitrary signals, such as voice sounds, gestures, or written symbols.

There is no set of signals or written symbols that appear repetitively or systematically in Petroglyphic enscriptions. Thus, Petroglyphs are not a language.

Redoubtable, re-read the definition. Repetitivity and systematically are not part of the definition of language. Communication is the basis of language. Petroglyphs communicate events, conditions, and other notions. Petroglyphic stick people can be used to explain the rational for elementary math symbols for comparisons such as <, >, =. Mathematics is itself a language consisting of symbols.

Look at petroglyphs the world over and you will find simple images appear in petroglyphs worldwide to suggest commonality between petroglyphs. Therefore, petroglyphs are the first written universal language anyone with half a brain can figure out. Some petroglyphs had better artists than others.

Originally posted by Redoubtable
Of course, petroglyphs cannot be considered a language.
Your definition of language allows petroglyphs as a form of language.

Originally posted by Voltaire
Redoubtable, you confuse me.
Petroglyphs are symbols.

Redoubtable is confusing because he is confused. He chose to add to the established definition of language to discredit petroglyphs as language. Such ideas lend to the "superior" notions Redoubtable has on anything.
