God said kill you first son

I have spoken with them. Demons feed on the flesh of soul and in way could be described as vampires, but the conventual definition is more movie and Bramstoker's imagination.

In case you missed my post, i did say something credible, not the delusions of a person obsessed with demons. I bet you give seminars on the film Excorcist and stuff.... I would post that quote again but surely you've seen it by now. And don't claim you're not a demon fanatic or i'll start copy/pasting every single post you've ever made.

I don't remember saying that, but the symbolism is there in the story, because from Jesus living water flows and Jesus represents the corner stone. When people use language like that they do not mean that Jesus is the very stone that Jesus struck or that Jesus is a stone.

Well, if that person wasn't you, you wouldn't know what the discussion was about. Someone said jesus was the rock, and moses hit jesus. End of story.

I'm not sure what you mean. In that sentance Jesus could be refering either to the fig trees or to that generation of disciples. I conclude that it's more likely to be the fig tree for obvious reasons.

There is no "obvious reason", you're just making up hogwash in order to prevent your brain from realising how contradictory and false the bible is.

Observe and see how (in the winter) all the trees seem as though they had withered and shed all their leaves, except fourteen trees, which do not lose their foliage but retain the old foliage from two to three years till the new comes

Basic man's science. They figured out that there's some trees that lose their leaves, and some that don't. Bears no relevance to jesus or anything else.

And again, observe ye the days of summer how the sun is above the earth over against it. And you seek shade and shelter by reason of the heat of the sun, and the earth also burns with growing heat, and so you cannot tread on the earth, or on a rock by reason of its heat.

Basic mans science. The sun is hot and makes the ground hot. Bears no relevance to jesus or anything.

1 Observe ye how the trees cover themselves with green leaves and bear fruit: wherefore give ye heed and know with regard to all His works, and recognize how He that liveth for ever hath made them so.

Basic mans theology. A big invisible guy made the trees and the fruit.... Obviously extremely trustworthy.

3 And behold how the sea and the rivers in like manner accomplish and change not their tasks from His commandments'.

Seas and rivers obey gods commandments?

Of course, these guys based their science on what gold told them.. here's a couple of examples:

god said: "You shall not eat these birds: eagle, penguin etc etc and bat." (Leviticus)

Bats are NOT birds.

god said: "And the hare, because he cheweth the cud, but divideth not the hoof; he is unclean unto you."

Hares do NOT chew the cud.

god said: "Yet these may ye eat of every flying creeping thing that goeth upon all four, which have legs above their feet, to leap withal upon the earth" "But all other flying creeping things, which have four feet, shall be an abomination unto you"

Insects do NOT have 4 legs/feet.

Honestly, they would have advanced better without the ill-informed scientific guidance of god. All it managed to do was give birth to idiots who think everything in the world is a demon, and jesus was talking to fig trees.

I remember on the TV show. The mount of Olives has fig trees some of which are 2000 years old. I'm not sure if I would say that a 2000 year old fig tree is miraculus. I don't study a fig trees, but here's an example of a 1000 year old one.

I will try to find data on some 2,000 year old fig tree.. i suppose all it takes is 1 and you'd still be convinced jesus spoke to that particular tree. "You tree, shall witness the end of the world!" Like the tree would give a fuck... But i guess insanity was created by jesus and continues to modern day, so yes, he might have been talking to the tree.
In case you missed my post, i did say something credible, not the delusions of a person obsessed with demons. I bet you give seminars on the film Excorcist and stuff.... I would post that quote again but surely you've seen it by now. And don't claim you're not a demon fanatic or i'll start copy/pasting every single post you've ever made.
No, I have never seen "the Exorcist". The field of demons is field of study just like history or anything else. The bible does of course talk about demons so some knowledge of them is necessary to understand it. You are assuming that everything maybe is as dramatic as "the Exorcist" and it's not. But there have been many exorcisms, even modern ones, where entire families can vouch for validity. I saw a show on one from connecticut on the "Learning channel" and even a researcher from Fordham university saw the demon.

Well, if that person wasn't you, you wouldn't know what the discussion was about. Someone said jesus was the rock, and moses hit jesus. End of story.
I think it was Jenyar. Jesus said "I am the vine". That does not mean that Jesus is a physical vine. Basically these are all <a href="http://www.webster.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?va=metaphors">metaphors</a>. The bible would be very boring without them.

god said: "You shall not eat these birds: eagle, penguin etc etc and bat." (Leviticus)
Bats are NOT birds.
In the hebrew language, bats were considered birds. It was only after Darwin that people begain calling bats mammals.

god said: "Yet these may ye eat of every flying creeping thing that goeth upon all four, which have legs above their feet, to leap withal upon the earth" "But all other flying creeping things, which have four feet, shall be an abomination unto you"

Hares do NOT chew the cud.

In short, these are not contradictions.

I will try to find data on some 2,000 year old fig tree.. i suppose all it takes is 1 and you'd still be convinced jesus spoke to that particular tree. "You tree, shall witness the end of the world!" Like the tree would give a fuck... But i guess insanity was created by jesus and continues to modern day, so yes, he might have been talking to the tree.
No, I really saw this on TV. I think the point it was making was that the you could go to the garden of olives and see the very fig trees Jesus may have seen.
No, I have never seen "the Exorcist". The field of demons is field of study just like history or anything else. The bible does of course talk about demons so some knowledge of them is necessary to understand it. You are assuming that everything maybe is as dramatic as "the Exorcist" and it's not. But there have been many exorcisms, even modern ones, where entire families can vouch for validity. I saw a show on one from connecticut on the "Learning channel" and even a researcher from Fordham university saw the demon.

No, you are assuming that i assume everything is as dramatic as the excorcist. I was merely stating i could imagine you as being an excorcist fanatic 'cause you're a demon fanatic.

As for modern families being able to vouch for validity... I know modern families that can vouch for the presence of alien ufos.. hell, forget families- try whole towns! - people of all ages, all lifestyles, non believers, skeptics and mentally sane people. Does that instantly make it a fact? I guess you think it does.

A researcher from the Royal Free in england stated the video of bigfoot is completely real and not a fake.

Kindly note that people from universities etc do not neccesarily know the facts. Whatever they claim as seeing/thinking etc is merely the same sort of assumptions everyone else makes- regardless of scholarly attributes. Without evidence it's pointless.

At least the royal free researcher had evidence at hand that is openly testable by everyone and anyone. What evidence did this university chap have? Oh, just his "word" that it happened.

I think it was Jenyar. Jesus said "I am the vine". That does not mean that Jesus is a physical vine. Basically these are all metaphors. The bible would be very boring without them.

I'm glad we agree.... Perhaps you mis-read my post. The theist was claiming jesus WAS the rock. I said there was no basis with which to claim jesus was in fact a rock, being smacked, but they insisted otherwise. This was quite a long while back- and i don't remember seeing you here then.

In the hebrew language, bats were considered birds. It was only after Darwin that people begain calling bats mammals.

Irrelevant. god said it. ok so i assume you think god would just mislead the people because they had no scientific understanding? It's easier right just to keep things simple so the humans can understand?

Well then we need to look at your link about hares "chewing the cud". The site goes into a long-winded scientific explanation that cows have 3 stomachs etc etc etc... Now god's doing it in reverse- hoping these ancient people have a great understanding of intricate mammal anatomy. (although god already knows they dont).

So, kindly make up your mind... Did he want to keep it all simple, (as with bats and insects), or did he want to completely confuse people who didn't know anything about the inner workings of pigs, cows, t-rex, or hares? You can't have it both ways.

An animal chewing the cud would have been witnessed with the eyes, not with a scalpal and a biology lab.

You guys just make it up as you go along....

As for the insects....

The website you gave is pointless. Ok, sure grasshoppers mainly walk on 4 legs. The majority however do NOT share that trait.

"But all other winged creatures that have four legs you are to detest."

Name me all the other winged creatures with 4 legs plz...

And while the site is being pedantic claiming that just 'cause it says 4, doesn't mean 'all' i suppose "creatures" can include things like birds... do birds have 4 legs? Do fly's, wasps, bees, daddy longlegs, dragonfly, butterly, etc etc etc etc? No they don't but like i said god wanted to keep things simple for simple people right?

So on the one hand he expects all of ancient humanity to understand the intricacies of hare anatomy but on the other hand can't be bothered explaining that insects do NOT have 4 legs.

Lol, what a joker.

No, I really saw this on TV. I think the point it was making was that the you could go to the garden of olives and see the very fig trees Jesus may have seen.

I'm sorry to inform you of this, but: "No, i really saw this on tv", is not what i'd call evidence and unlike some people i will not take your word as being fact. If it's all the same with you, i'll just research it for myself.
As for modern families being able to vouch for validity... I know modern families that can vouch for the presence of alien ufos.. hell, forget families- try whole towns! - people of all ages, all lifestyles, non believers, skeptics and mentally sane people. Does that instantly make it a fact? I guess you think it does.
No, but generally the UFO stuft is under hypnosis. Many of it might be demonic. Some of the sexual stories resembles succubi type creatures but right now we can saftly assume that they are false.

A researcher from the Royal Free in england stated the video of bigfoot is completely real and not a fake.
There were multiple researches that saw the beds move up and down. Like they were sleeping on them and this happended. I singled out the one researcher because he was the only one who saw the demon take the form of a man. The Church has to obtain proof of demonic activity before doing an exorcism. The accounts of Big Foot on the otherhand are usually not up close. There is no proof. The account given also left an unexplained cross. One of the kids of the family had cancer which disappeared miraculusly after the exorcism. I found the evidence overwealming but the publicity was kept at a minimum.

I'm glad we agree.... Perhaps you mis-read my post. The theist was claiming jesus WAS the rock. I said there was no basis with which to claim jesus was in fact a rock, being smacked, but they insisted otherwise. This was quite a long while back- and i don't remember seeing you here then.
The evidence for Jesus representing the rock is there. You cannot use a particular claim to prove an universal. Well you could, but then I would win :)

Irrelevant. god said it. ok so i assume you think god would just mislead the people because they had no scientific understanding? It's easier right just to keep things simple so the humans can understand?
No, until proven otherwise, we use the definition of the word when the bible was written. The birds were all those flying creatures.

Well then we need to look at your link about hares "chewing the cud". The site goes into a long-winded scientific explanation that cows have 3 stomachs etc etc etc... Now god's doing it in reverse- hoping these ancient people have a great understanding of intricate mammal anatomy. (although god already knows they dont).
Chewing the cude probably meant something different to the ancient Israelites than it does to modern science. What the article shows is that the rabbits are close enough to the modern definition of chewing the cud. The Law was to classify certain animals that were clean or unclean. If some scientist later defines chewing the cud with a definition not covering rabbits, it's not the bibles fault.

Name me all the other winged creatures with 4 legs plz...
Flying squirrels, bats etc. The Locust has two hind legs which are used for jumping. It is also possible that there may be other forms of insects that became instinct but we don't have records of them.
No, but generally the UFO stuft is under hypnosis. Many of it might be demonic. Some of the sexual stories resembles succubi type creatures but right now we can saftly assume that they are false

Lol! I actually choked on my tea, (a sign of demon possession?! arggggg). Maybe it was just a sign from god telling me i shouldn't drink and read stupid posts at the same time. well anyway...

I think now's about the time i bring that quote out once more.. You don't even realise do you? Everything out of the scope of your understanding instantly becomes a demon. It's laughable.

But for the sake of argument...

1) State some evidence suggesting ufo's are demonic, or any part of the ufo phenomenon.

2) State what gives you the ability to "safely assume that they are false"

3) State evidence showing most ufo related stuff is done under hypnosis. I have worked for the past 17 odd years with abductees, alien sightings, ufo sightings etc..... From my records the hypnosis count is minimal. Ok, a large portion of abductees do go under hypnosis, but not every man, woman, and child that sees a ufo.

because he was the only one who saw the demon take the form of a man.

And there goes any evidence to suggest it's reality. Beds moving up and down can hardly be seen as evidence that a demon turned into a man in front of him, now can it? Some strange shit's going on but without a demon claim it's not quite as wonderful a story. I could quite easily imagine a guy seeking fame and fortune adding a "minor" detail in just for the sake of it.

One of the kids of the family had cancel which disappeared miraculusly after the exorcism.

You here this often in the world of christian propoganda and yet there is NO evidence to suggest it's reality. Only cheapass tabloid headlines and the gossip of fat old church going women.

Of course medical records would be worthwhile right about now...

That in itself is proof of nothing however. I saw this south american shaman bloke rub his hands over a woman, do a jiggly dance to one of their rain gods and her cancer was cured. I also know my mother..... she got cancer but somehow went into remission and by george! she's still alive... No miracles, no demons in human form, no moving beds....and she's about as religious as mickey mouse.

The evidence for Jesus representing the rock is there. You cannot use a particular claim to prove an universal. Well you could, but then I would win

No, it isn't. Once more you're reaching off into the realm of fantasy and make-believe. I'm starting to think you live in the twilight zone.

No, until proven otherwise, we use the definition of the word when the bible was written. The birds were all those flying creatures.

fair enough.

Chewing the cude probably meant something different to the ancient Israelites than it does to modern science. What the article shows is that the rabbits are close enough to the modern definition of chewing the cud. The Law was to classify certain animals that were clean or unclean. If some scientist later defines chewing the cud with a definition not covering rabbits, it's not the bibles fault.

You sure use "probably" a lot, don't you? Btw your whole quote here is absolute tripe.

Flying squirrels, bats etc. The Locust has two hind legs which are used for jumping. It is also possible that there may be other forms of insects that became instinct but we don't have records of them.

Wow, you managed to name 2! :bugeye: And even if its "possible" or even "probable" (your second favourite word after "demon"), that there were other insects, that doesn't detract from the fact that the overwhelming majority of winged creatures do NOT have 4 legs.

Good try, no cigar.
1) State some evidence suggesting ufo's are demonic, or any part of the ufo phenomenon.
When you compare succubi accounts of the middle ages with modern day ufo accounts and you will see some similarity. Strange looking creatures, sexual in nature, etc. Probably in most cases due to some kind of pychology. Most of the UFO ones are done on a feeling. The UFO under hypnosis basically convinces himself that he has seen an UFO. There are accounts of demons able to change peoples dreams, but this is mainly in legends. I have also heard of a practicing protestant exorcist that demons can take alien form.

And there goes any evidence to suggest it's reality. Beds moving up and down can hardly be seen as evidence that a demon turned into a man in front of him, now can it? Some strange shit's going on but without a demon claim it's not quite as wonderful a story. I could quite easily imagine a guy seeking fame and fortune adding a "minor" detail in just for the sake of it.
The woman describes all the beads of her rosary breaking apart etc. The mother was also possessed for a short time.

2) State what gives you the ability to "safely assume that they are false"
If you believe in a UFO, nothing changes salvation wise. If you dismiss a UFO as fictional, nothing changes.

3) State evidence showing most ufo related stuff is done under hypnosis. I have worked for the past 17 odd years with abductees, alien sightings, ufo sightings etc..... From my records the hypnosis count is minimal. Ok, a large portion of abductees do go under hypnosis, but not every man, woman, and child that sees a ufo.
Specifically the correspondence with succubi to the alien abductees. The book by Peebles and the recent disclosing of US military secrets fully covers the ones in the sky. The book by Whitley Strieber, Communion A true Story seems genuine, but certainly false. Testimony of human beings should never be trusted and the hypnosis might in some way distort reality to the brain. I could also give examples of Satanic Ritual Abuse in the 70's. The mind basically sees what it wants to with these peoples. Give them a little hyponosis and the results are drastic. This is why I'm usually careful and will just give facts without implying hearing demons or what not.

That in itself is proof of nothing however. I saw this south american shaman bloke rub his hands over a woman, do a jiggly dance to one of their rain gods and her cancer was cured. I also know my mother..... she got cancer but somehow went into remission and by george! she's still alive... No miracles, no demons in human form, no moving beds....and she's about as religious as mickey mouse.
I don't want to say this but remission is not abstance of the cancer. It will come back just like it did to my grandmother.

You sure use "probably" a lot, don't you? Btw your whole quote here is absolute tripe.
I'm speculating on this. You will have to look up the Jewish history on this type of stuft.
When you compare succubi accounts of the middle ages with modern day ufo accounts and you will see some similarity.

No you wont. Well, you might, but i assume you havent spent the last 17 or so years working with the phenomenon or anything even closely related.

Strange looking creatures, sexual in nature, etc. Probably in most cases due to some kind of pychology.

And the apparent guilty party of so many women who shouldn't have got pregnant, ("oh shit, i had an affair, im up the duff- now my husband's gonna find out....... ummmm shit.... oooh here's a great excuse"). Women have affairs just as men do. In many societies it was quite alright for a man to have other women- whereas women were not granted that privilege. As such, far fetched excuses were devised to lead away from the truth. Unfortunately children often come out looking like their parents and it would be only a matter of time before the husband knew the child wasn't his. As such a being with a distinct 'evilness' would be the perfect excuse to create.

Furthermore the "belief" in incubi and succubi are just "belief". There is no credible evidence to suggest their existence. Some people believe they were the original vampires, some believe they were ghostly beings, and some, like you believe they were demons- none of which have any supporting evidence.

Most of the UFO ones are done on a feeling.

Sorry? You're either talking garbage or i've forgotten how to read English. Most of the ufo what's are done on a feeling?

The UFO under hypnosis basically convinces himself that he has seen an UFO.

I take it UFO means person? Either way, as i've already stated, the overwhelming majority of ufo/alien sightings involve no hypnosis whatsoever. While your comment might explain a lot of apparent abductees it does not explain the majority of people who witness ufo's.

There are accounts of demons able to change peoples dreams, but this is mainly in legends.

That's fascinating, but irrelevant. Once again... the overwhelming majority of people who witness ufo's never go under this whole hypnosis stuff and are awake at the time of their sighting. Furthermore, people under hypnosis are not asleep either. There's a big difference between dreaming and hypnosis.

Furthermore none of this disputes the existence of aliens/ufo's and none of this adds any credibility to existence of demons. You read in a book that demons can change peoples dreams and you instantly take it as fact....... bizarre.

I have also heard of a practicing protestant exorcist that demons can take alien form.

Well then it must be true! Why didn't you just say so in the first place? */end sarcasm*

I'm sorry, but saying you heard of a protestant who says demons turn into aliens is not a credible source.

The woman describes all the beads of her rosary breaking apart etc. The mother was also possessed for a short time.

And that's evidence to what exactly?

If you believe in a UFO, nothing changes salvation wise. If you dismiss a UFO as fictional, nothing changes.

Lol, tea choke time again... So something's only true if it holds personal gain for you? How very noble.

Specifically the correspondence with succubi to the alien abductees. The book by Peebles and the recent disclosing of US military secrets fully covers the ones in the sky.

Alas the day has arrived where an alien can no longer even be called an alien..... :rolleyes:

Admittedly i do not read christian propoganda nonsense, but aside from that i have heard nobody else even mention succubi when discussing aliens/ufo's. Sorry, i need to go to church more often.

Communion A true Story seems genuine, but certainly false.

I love contradictions in one small sentence.

Testimony of human beings should never be trusted and the hypnosis might in some way distort reality to the brain.

Unless it's Bob the protestant pig farmer who claims demons turn into aliens, in which case it's undeniable fact. Give it up.... Are you planning on applying to be one of jim hensons new muppets or what?

First you tell me to believe in all these things people have claimed, then with the flick of a wrist tell me not to trust the testimony of human beings....... Yeesh. Furthermore wouldn't that then lower the credibility of the bible? After all- that's testimony of human beings.

I could also give examples of Satanic Ritual Abuse in the 70's

You could probably write a novel on anything that mentions demons or satan. Just please don't inflict that morbid state of being onto your friends and family.

Furthermore satanic ritual abuse in no way offers credibility to the existence of demons, the existence of ufo's or the existence of bob the protestant pig farmer.

The mind basically sees what it wants to with these peoples.

One could quite easily say the same thing about you. In fact i'm sure most do. However these satanic ritual abusers wont listen to you anymore than you'll listen to anyone else.

Give them a little hyponosis and the results are drastic.

Offer them an eternal afterlife, (and if not, an eternal burning pit of fire), and the results are drastic.

Furthermore you keep going on about hypnosis even though i've stated hypnosis is a minority in the field of ufo phenomenon.

This is why I'm usually careful and will just give facts without implying hearing demons or what not.

LOL!! Quote of the week! You wouldn't know what a 'fact' was if it got up and punched you in the head, and the day you stop mentioning demons every 5th word will be the day hell freezes over... :bugeye:

I don't want to say this but remission is not abstance of the cancer. It will come back just like it did to my grandmother.

Well, the doctors said she was clear of any cancer but yes she most likely will... the same can be said of the wonder boy instantly cured. (Lovingly created by the christian propoganda brain). My point was quite simple: People do sometimes get over things like cancer with no traces left. That in no way implies or bears any evidence whatsoever to claim a god/s exist.

I'm speculating on this. You will have to look up the Jewish history on this type of stuft.

Well i can smell a "give up" from a mile away. Nevermind i guess truth isn't important to someone so happy to deal only with speculation.
What you don't think I've ever woken up with lights surounding me? You'd laugh at me if I said there angels but as soon as someone say there're aliens. Oh boy that's scientific. That's gota be true. This the feeling that you have met a supernatural beast whose got way more intelligence than you. The Devil cannot hide himself. And I know that this creepy feeling is not due to visual senses alone and is typically described by those who have met demons. You'd think that aliens would be smart enough to wear a mask and hide themselves a little bit. But go figure. Maybe we are smarter than them. Then these people go under hypnosis where the practional gives a series of questions that form a typical UFO expierence. I don't have 17 years of expierence but I suggest that you read Peebles book: Watch the skies! A chronicle of the Flying Saucer Myth. It goes in more depth on this myth. Oh sure you will find a few outright liers who have formed their lies such as Adams without hypnosis but most of them have been gone under hypnosis.

And the apparent guilty party of so many women who shouldn't have got pregnant, ("oh shit, i had an affair, im up the duff- now my husband's gonna find out....... ummmm shit.... oooh here's a great excuse").
No not at all. Most of the accounts are given by male monks. They still occur and there are accounts of woman being raped or physically assaulted by demons.

Furthermore none of this disputes the existence of aliens/ufo's and none of this adds any credibility to existence of demons. You read in a book that demons can change peoples dreams and you instantly take it as fact....... bizarre.
Well this was in account given in the legend of St. Dominic. Most christians will agree that demons are able to influence dreams otherwise we'd all be in heaven.

Lol, tea choke time again... So something's only true if it holds personal gain for you? How very noble.
Aliens can be saftly dismissed with no harm done to me what so ever. I cannot dismiss the law given to us by God.

Alas the day has arrived where an alien can no longer even be called an alien.....

Admittedly i do not read christian propoganda nonsense, but aside from that i have heard nobody else even mention succubi when discussing aliens/ufo's. Sorry, i need to go to church more often.
I use my own research in such things. I don't speak for any particular church. The vatican has research such things to. I think they are undecided on the alien type activity. One of things about Peeble's book is it shows how aliens changed form over the years based upon scientific research on how aliens should look like. The first aliens looked like regular human beings then they started looking stranger. All I'm doing is just pulling the thread backward 200 years or so.

Well i can smell a "give up" from a mile away. Nevermind i guess truth isn't important to someone so happy to deal only with speculation.
Oh please. The modern medical science of opening up dead bodies and examining started in the 1700s. Israelites would know nothing about the internals of rabbits stomachs and so chewing the cud would be only defined on outward appearances.
You'd laugh at me if I said there angels but as soon as someone say there're aliens. Oh boy that's scientific.

Neither are based upon any form of fact. The same can be said of your favourite hero the devil, leprachuans, god, atlantis, loch ness monster, bigfoot, etc etc etc... However as it currently stands ufo's have a lot more evidence pertaining to them than demons do. Either way, i wouldn't just jump up and say "YES! They exist" That would be a bit premature, i wonder why you're so hasty to do exactly that.

The Devil cannot hide himself. And I know that this creepy feeling is not due to visual senses alone and is typically described by those who have met demons.

My quote about xenophobics etc bears relevance here. Perhaps it is not what you imagine as being "out there" that is the problem, but what is "in there". Go to a psychiatrist, (no reason to assume you're a loon if you go to a shrink- but they can really help you come to terms with what you feel inside). Once you sort the inside out- then you can start looking at the outside.

You'd think that aliens would be smart enough to wear a mask and hide themselves a little bit.

You mean like god did with moses etc? No wonder there's a speculation going round that god was an alien. But tell me, why would aliens need to wear masks or hide themselves?

I don't have 17 years of expierence but I suggest that you read Peebles book: Watch the skies! A chronicle of the Flying Saucer Myth.

I do have 17 years experience and i can cite many more credible sources than that book.

No not at all. Most of the accounts are given by male monks. They still occur and there are accounts of woman being raped or physically assaulted by demons.

I was trying to keep my reply short but looks like i need to expand. It's no wonder there is a masculine and feminine version of these sexually rampant ghosts/vampires/demons. And who of all people would make claims of sexual nature? Ah what a surprise- people who are denied the right to get laid. Go figure. Regardless of what supernatural being you believe in, you will have erotic dreams at times- and all the more prominent for people who never get sex.

Even monks have desires, hell they used to have to chain up their tools to resist the temptations.

If one dared go against that faith, and being of a fundamentalist nature like yourself, he would go find a woman- get laid and then his mind would create a fantasy in order to clear him of guilt.

As for women- they would undoubtedly be raped and assaulted. It's not like they could tell their husbands they actually enjoyed it.

Well this was in account given in the legend of St. Dominic. Most christians will agree that demons are able to influence dreams otherwise we'd all be in heaven.

Oh some dead dood named dominic says something and you lot have orgasms. If you want my advice on who you, in your current postion, should listen to i will give it...

Forget st dominic, he's morbid.
Forget god- he's contradictory
Forget jesus- he's as bad as his dad.

Listen to bob marley: Don't worry, be happy.

That single song line is more in tune with reality than anything those spiritual beings, (good and bad), of yours has ever said.

Aliens can be saftly dismissed with no harm done to me what so ever. I cannot dismiss the law given to us by God.

Imo truth is better than personal gain. Obviously your self-centered nature will make you disagree.

The vatican has research such things to.

The vatican doesn't research anything, and they most certainly don't give a dogs dick about truth. They're still clinging on to the last weak strands of the shroud even though deep down inside they know it's nonsense.

One of things about Peeble's book is it shows how aliens changed form over the years based upon scientific research on how aliens should look like.

Wow.. i've been working on the subject for 17 years and yet would never claim to be in a position to explain alien evolution. This guy must really travel a lot.

The first aliens looked like regular human beings then they started looking stranger.

And demons looked like scrappy doo 200 years ago. Where in the world do you think there's any evidence or basis in reality for a claim such as that?

Oh please. The modern medical science of opening up dead bodies and examining started in the 1700s. Israelites would know nothing about the internals of rabbits stomachs and so chewing the cud would be only defined on outward appearances.

Lol thnx for completely making my point. Go read the former posts...

I explained the problem with god saying rabbits chew the cud...

you gave me a website going into mass detail about the internal organs of cows and hares..

I said the site was useless because people back then would not have known anything about the internal organs of cows and hares etc....

you didnt respond

I asked if you'd given up, and here you are now telling me they wouldn't know anything about the internal organs of cows and hares..... Doh!

Thnx for agreeing with me that the site you gave was pointless and god fucked up.
hey Christians Cannibals would be a great name, i like it but I dunno, my band would be called differently. okinrus you twist everything. where did you get the body of Christ from my post about pig eating?
and dude, it was an apple tree, when I was small and attended a Catholic private school they used the apple as the fruit so maybe... maybe not. apples are yummy.
I do have 17 years experience and i can cite many more credible sources than that book.
I don't really see your point here. I'm 21 so it's not like I've been studying these things for many years. Peebles is credible but it does not really matter though. All of the evidence is well cited and he puts together a compelling argument.

My quote about xenophobics etc bears relevance here. Perhaps it is not what you imagine as being "out there" that is the problem, but what is "in there". Go to a psychiatrist, (no reason to assume you're a loon if you go to a shrink- but they can really help you come to terms with what you feel inside). Once you sort the inside out- then you can start looking at the outside.
I have experienced this feeling somewhat but not in full force. I'm sure that everyone has felt it. I'm specifically referances Padre Pio's process of determing if a revelation is from God or from Satan.
hey Christians Cannibals would be a great name, i like it but I dunno, my band would be called differently. okinrus you twist everything. where did you get the body of Christ from my post about pig eating?
and dude, it was an apple tree, when I was small and attended a Catholic private school they used the apple as the fruit so maybe... maybe not. apples are yummy.
Most say that it was a fig. Apple trees really do not play a big role in the bible. There's a referance in the song of songs and in "Israel was the apple of my eye" but fig leaves were what Adam and Eve covered up. You said that Jews are not allowed to eat pigs because they looked like human beings. So I thought that the Body of Christ would counter this, while at the same time being sort of a joke.

But tell me, why would aliens need to wear masks or hide themselves?
From the stories of UFO abductees, they appear to be hiding themselves. If they were a open benevolent race then they would have landed by now.

I was trying to keep my reply short but looks like i need to expand. It's no wonder there is a masculine and feminine version of these sexually rampant ghosts/vampires/demons. And who of all people would make claims of sexual nature? Ah what a surprise- people who are denied the right to get laid. Go figure. Regardless of what supernatural being you believe in, you will have erotic dreams at times- and all the more prominent for people who never get sex.
It is possible that they take different forms, maybe they work in two . Forexample, the incubus will typically produce the desire for the female succubi. A sign of attack given by some is a sudden change of sexual persuasion. For example, if a female is attacked by a male demon she might feel sexual lust towards other woman. This is not the cause of most cases of homosexuality though.

The vatican doesn't research anything, and they most certainly don't give a dogs dick about truth. They're still clinging on to the last weak strands of the shroud even though deep down inside they know it's nonsense.
Much of the research might be secret. They do research aliens because they are part of the paranormal.

Wow.. i've been working on the subject for 17 years and yet would never claim to be in a position to explain alien evolution. This guy must really travel a lot.
No the accounts of aliens changed formed. Just look at the comic books and you've got your aliens.

And demons looked like scrappy doo 200 years ago. Where in the world do you think there's any evidence or basis in reality for a claim such as that?
All you have to do is look at the alien accounts of the 1900s, 1930s and onward. You have to study Adamski describing human form aliens and threats of nuclear war. Abductions only came later in the UFO myth around 1970's. We've already found evidence of wide spread hoaxes such as the crop circles. The crash at Roswell was highly sophisticated balloon, which is why the goverment covered it up sort of.
I have experienced this feeling somewhat but not in full force. I'm sure that everyone has felt it. I'm specifically referances Padre Pio's process of determing if a revelation is from God or from Satan.

Why be so certain it's either? In essence that list would be endless.... maybe the revelations are from any one of a billion apparently real, but more than likely fictional, entities.

It remains true to state pretty much all of us cling to a vast world of unexplained, unprecedented beliefs without a shred of evidence in support. Why we do this is quite simple when we realise just how fragile and "alone" we truly are. From children having invisible friends, to people crossing their fingers for luck- all are born out of fear, out of need for companionship and complete understanding.

Every day i sit down and get a tad upset that i can't go off and explore the cosmos.. damn it's annoying.

Sometimes i sit down and wonder who/what i am and why, out of a family of 6, i'm the only one with blonde hair and blue eyes. My family are all black haired- so how did i end up blonde and fair skinned? I can't answer that..... It's depressing not having the answer right on my lap.

Many people, (sane or otherwise), have counselors and psychiatrists to help answer questions that cannot be answered. It's amazing when you realise the shrink doesn't give you any answers....... you do.

It's only when we understand ourselves we can understand anything else. Even the most simple of things like why do i like The Eagles and Fleetwood Mac, and my wife likes jungle music? There's a reason i like that music instead of others, damned if i know what that reason is exactly... and that's what causes the problems. Lack of knowledge. Yes my example was a minor one, but it shows the overall picture.

2000 years have passed since some people wrote/borrowed a collection of stories. The originals of genesis/exodus etc are most likely 5000 years old. If we are so unstable concerning our own existence right now, imagine how these people would have been 5000 years ago. When everything requires an answer, but there are none to be had, a "stop-gap" solution will always be made.

Some, (Sumerians and others), saw aliens, some saw gods. Some believed we would live again, some believed we'd never die, some believed a mixture of both...

It all ended up very convenient for everyone. You cannot question or doubt the validity, you cannot go against it and you must love- regardless of all the strife in your life- this particular being in order to get anywhere when you die. It demeans the very value of existence in the first place.

No, we don't have all the answers, but assigning something to it merely because it stops the need to ask questions is pointless and makes a mockery of humanity.

For ease of explanation i will use some escript:

If {cannot answer question= "must be god"}
If {your family dies= "it's gods will, they've gone off to heaven"} See {them all again as a happy family in the afterlife}

I could go on, but i'm tired- apologies. People spend so much time going on about sin and evil and downright nastiness- and yes this world is full of it- so it's no surprise their next life would be free from all that we must endure here. It stands to reason... i mean why would we do the same shit all over again?

I'm sorry, i can't tell you why people are nasty.. again you can't assign a variable of {big red guy with horns} just because the answer = unknown.

I could list you a billion and one superstitions that have plagued their way through the ages. Most don't offer eternal life and offer eternal damnation to anyone who doesn't suit up to eternal life, which is why god/heaven lasts longer than many other superstitions.

Tell you what... you go to a psychiatrist and ask why you see the devil so often, and i shall go to a psychiatrist and ask why all i see is a bunch of humans doing what humans do- completely devoid of anything remotely demonic.

There's an answer inside- only you can answer it.
Satan says....

Originally posted by okinrus
Most say that it was a fig.

According to what I have heard all my life, it was an apple. But since I never believed anything they ever said, I am now familiarly known to the Xians (and some of the athiests on sciforums) as the Evil, demon-possessed Medicine*Woman who plans to single-handedly stamp out Xianity in our lifetime. Yet, I feel the need to correct you Xians once again! Evilly, I sayeth unto youeth, your Bibles may calleth it an "apple," but Satan himself says it was a "quince." Hmmm? What's that? Huh? Oh, okinrus, Satan says he "is waiting for you," he said he "will be watching you," and he says he "will sacrifice your firstborn son for making Xian threats to the Medicine*Woman." Satan also says that the Bible does call it an "apple." Satan takes credit for "possessing Moses, Abraham, and all the Patriarchs," but he's "very proud of you Xians continuing to read the Bible," since he was "such a big influence on the writers!" Oh, and by the way, Satan says that "apple trees are found in colder climates, and not in the Holy Land.

Yeesh, i never sleep

From the stories of UFO abductees, they appear to be hiding themselves. If they were a open benevolent race then they would have landed by now.

Something about "never trust the testimony of humans" rings in my brain.. :bugeye:

However, as a personal thought on the matter, (and this doesn't require a great deal of experience with paranormal phenomenon), i view it like this:

When a human finds something new, the first thing he does is chop it up.

If you were in a spaceship flying through the cosmos and you found an inhabited planet, (intelligent species), you would be a fool to land and say hi. Of course this goes on the premise that aliens are similar in nature to us, and perhaps if they exist they are not. However, if aliens did visit us, and were smart, they would by now be aware of our nature to chop things up and as such have absolutely no reason to land. Furthermore the introduction of a 'foreign' species into a place can be, and most often is, disastrous. Think of the impact something like that would have upon us as young and knowledge-less species.

Furthermore, you wouldn't really go and introduce yourselves to a bunch of chimps and engage yourself in idle chit-chat. Ironically if you did the outcome would be similar to that stated above.

As sad as it might seem, aliens would be wise to avoid us, and vice versa. We are far from ready- and they could do us nothing but harm, (not meaning physical).

Stories of ressurrections, (like jesus), abound in early texts, (sumerian). These 'people' were alien beings who could ressurrect from the dead. Sometimes it failed, (as in the case of Damuzi, ["crying for Tammuz" in the bible], who was killed and could not be ressed). However these alien beings possessed this ability. They were mortal space travellers who lived a great deal longer than we do.

Now imagine the impact knowledge of this alone would have on the human race.. DNA testing to prolong our own lives, even at the annihilation of them as the cost, the ability to come back to life once you've died? Who wouldn't kill for knowledge like that?

I could go on, but i think you get the picture.

It is possible.....

Ok, it's possible- like everything i suppose. And that is what we must both understand. Here you are telling me it's possible jesus spoke to fig trees, its possible aliens are demons, it's possible etc etc..... By that same token you must understand and accept that it's also possible that there's no such thing as demons or god/s. It's possible jesus never existed but was a creation of human brain. It's possible i'll win the lottery on saturday.

Now, can you see why "possible" is not good enough? Can you see why nothing is good enough? Can you see the importance now of having evidence? It might not give an absolute definite but it will at the very least increase or decrease the probability of its truth.

Much of the research might be secret. They do research aliens because they are part of the paranormal.

Nothing wrong with a good conspiracy theory! :D That in itself is yet another human "need", another groundless evidence-less thing humans cling to in desperation, hoping somehow it will give answers to something, to anything...

We have 9:11 conspiracy that blames the israelis and the american government, we have area 51, we have "who shot jfk" and so on and so forth. Such is the nature of human beings. If a question is complicated- make it simple, if it's simple- make it complicated.

No the accounts of aliens changed formed. Just look at the comic books and you've got your aliens.

For something to be understood and "seen", it is given an image. Santa claus for example is a big fat dood with a snowy white beard and some reindeer. We all know that, regardless of how old we are. The devil is pictured as a red dood with horns and a 3 pronged barbecue stick. god himself is very often pictured. Usually some dood surrounded by light, similar to santa, and sitting on some bigass stone chair. Man, people even make images of ghosts....

We find more images in everything we do, every day... Images of mary in out beef sarnies, pictures of E.T in tree stumps, michelin man with a penis was found in a pack of walkers crisps...

Man finds it easy to identify with something through an image- and will always find a face regardless of what he's looking at. The face on mars, the face in the clouds, the face on the brick wall.

Now, there are typical alien images- greys, blues, and so on.. many of which are based upon people's "accounts" and depictions of what they claim to have seen. However the validity of that is minimal. Once an image is shown to the world it is imprinted upon the human psyche, (just like santa). Further 'encounters' will most likely bring out an identical looking alien and who can dispute something like that? If it's been seen once, surely it will look the same the second time.. but by then that person would have already been inflicted with the 'chosen' image.

(sorry if im waffling, i do that when im tired)

All you have to do is look at the alien accounts of the 1900s, 1930s and onward. You have to study Adamski describing human form aliens and threats of nuclear war.

No discernible difference from the 00's with god destroying all mankind and us looking like him etc.... It stands completely to reason when you understand the way humans are.

Abductions only came later in the UFO myth around 1970's. We've already found evidence of wide spread hoaxes such as the crop circles.

We've also found widespread hoaxes such as god giving people gold teeth. Every single tested claimant has been proven a liar/ someone mentally ill/ or just someone who believes so deeply they cant tell fact from fiction.

Again, this stands to reason if you understand the way humans are. Emphasis on humans.

People create, design, imagine anything.... why? it goes back to the whole question of why man needs a god.

The crash at Roswell was highly sophisticated balloon, which is why the goverment covered it up sort of.

A highly sophisticated balloon..... ok- evidence to support that? Mainly it's testimony from humans which you told me not to trust. What actually makes this conspiracy though is the original claim of ufo, and then the ammendment straight after. However, again you must accept the possibility that it was a ufo, and i will accept the possibility it was a highly advanced weather balloon... (imagine telling someone about a weather balloon!? It could start the next world war! :bugeye:)
I cannot afford to pay for psychiatrist. Anyways my family would not believe me and are atheist. It would seem like I'm making this up in some attempt to save them.
If you were in a spaceship flying through the cosmos and you found an inhabited planet, (intelligent species), you would be a fool to land and say hi. Of course this goes on the premise that aliens are similar in nature to us, and perhaps if they exist they are not. However, if aliens did visit us, and were smart, they would by now be aware of our nature to chop things up and as such have absolutely no reason to land. Furthermore the introduction of a 'foreign' species into a place can be, and most often is, disastrous. Think of the impact something like that would have upon us as young and knowledge-less species.
The nearest star is like 2 light years away. Were talking a species here able to travel 100s of light years. They are certainly capable of making some kind of good disguise so that there would be no trace of their existance. However if they are not benevolent then we'd be finished by now.

Most people were pretty convinced that the roswell incident was hoax anyways. No space shuttle that could fly light years would all the sudden just crash on the earth surface.

Now imagine the impact knowledge of this alone would have on the human race.. DNA testing to prolong our own lives, even at the annihilation of them as the cost, the ability to come back to life once you've died? Who wouldn't kill for knowledge like that?
This begs the question of that really you. For example let's suppose that the soul does not exist. Then your killed. You do not exist. Then someone brings you back to life and puts all of your old memories back. If that is really you, then "you" do not exist.

Now, can you see why "possible" is not good enough? Can you see why nothing is good enough? Can you see the importance now of having evidence? It might not give an absolute definite but it will at the very least increase or decrease the probability of its truth.
There is evidence. I find all of the Mary apparitions convincing. I have talked with person online who have seen her and her son. He seems trustworthy.
Originally posted by Voltaire
Ok about the pig thing, the only reason why it is not reccomendable that you it the freakin animal is because their body (inner.. don't get all freaked out) structure is very similar to ours. It would be like eating another human. Surgeons have even used a pig's heart to replace the human one when it is really deffective. Now if you don't really care that its heart is like our then it the pig, you won't go to hell, I assure you.
Cannibals refer to humans as long pigs or pigs on two feet.

Originally posted by okinrus
... However after eating the fruit of knowledge of good and evil, they had the opportunity to commit many sins.
So, everyone is innocent of murder until someone tells them about the illegality of murder?
