GOD no longer silent!

if i told you i was writing a book which was documentation of all of my momentary thoughts for a period of time, perhaps you would say "boreing". but, what if i told you these were my thoughts as i was conversing with god in the moment, and even GOD conversing with you in a moment?
perhaps you will buy.

Not likely, if you usually express things the way you are expressing them in this thread.
Today i became a grandfather. congrats?, thank you.
My answer today to the spirit worlds question: "WHO ARE YOU?"
A secret sect. (the music world) has been asking since "The Who" came out with "who are you", and now "Kid Rock" with Bawitdaba. Perhaps they are Rosicrucians. I do not know. Perhaps the world feels my emotions and they are bothersome or perhaps the world feels my love and they like it, I DO NOT KNOW, as you keep secrets from me.
The world came out with a simple answer some years ago by creating a local network television station in my honor.
WWHO UPN 53 (curious, today is 5/3) and i am PN.

Perhaps you are looking for Christ return, or Satan (God of this world), or both being the same person, me.

Nevertheless, Here am i in a nutshell:

"On the day when you were one, you became two"
"when you are two, what will you do?"
"when you see the images of what you were, how much will you have to bare?".
"when you are in the light, what will you do?".
ref. Didymous Judas Thomas, words of Jesus. (secret gospel of Christ).

When i was a child, i became two.
i hid the inner me and became a second, which was acceptable to humanity.
This was an automatic process. I was shy and quiet and always afraid of what others might think of me if they knew the real me.

As example: pretty much anything anyone ever says to me or around me is seen by me as ignorant, stupid, unintelligent, incorrect, and irrelevant. I just don't care what anyone has to say because it has nothing to do with what is on my mind.
The real me would respond to anyone making casual conversation: "So you're a F_king idiot. Tell me something i don't know". The second me is polite, quiet, etc. (a defense mechanism). The inner me would not think twice about raping or killing another for little reason.

I am a very large beast, trapped in a mans body.
I am the GOD of this world, or at least the biggest one of them.

My spirit is as small as its chamber in my body and also as large (seemingly) as the whole universe.

I can step into any beings 'shoes' and understand where it is coming from.

i strive toward good and perfection and wish not to harm any other being, which is probably the cause of all the opposition which i've been complaining about. The opposition comes also from me, but also from you.

from a child, i have searched for GOD fervently, as a dying man taking his last breath. I have found many things, the closest to GOD, being myself. I have found many others being awake and calling themselves "PLAYERS", i suppose in reference to Jim Humbles publication "Legacy of the Tiger".
Perhaps these players are the 200 fallen angels who contaminated mankind, and injured GODs plan for humanity. "Tree of knowledge of good and evil".

There are three worlds you can live and die in. SPIRIT, MENTAL, PHYSICAL.
as example: my mother has Altzheimers and does not know her name and cannot answer a question. Her spirit and body function well at this point.

The world system and "players" wish to play their systems game with me.
I will not play their game, as Bob says: "money ain't nothin".

I will play a game which most know not of. A game in my system.
It is called:"remove the unrighteous, users, oppressors, and all those who speak negatively of GOD, from the earth. Do you wonder if there's anyone on my side? perhaps many times 6 billion angels who are my army following me?. In combo with me on the inside of you, who among you can win or even play?
Either way, what is preordained will come to pass and cannot be hindered. ref: Enoch Parables.

All things point towards PARTY TIME.
have fun. you made your bed.

your own deception directed towards me is your undoing.
witnessjudgejury said:
Today i became a grandfather. congrats?, thank you.
My answer today to the spirit worlds question: "WHO ARE YOU?"
A secret sect. (the music world) has been asking since "The Who" came out with "who are you", and now "Kid Rock" with Bawitdaba. Perhaps they are Rosicrucians. I do not know. Perhaps the world feels my emotions and they are bothersome or perhaps the world feels my love and they like it, I DO NOT KNOW, as you keep secrets from me.
The world came out with a simple answer some years ago by creating a local network television station in my honor.
WWHO UPN 53 (curious, today is 5/3) and i am PN.

Perhaps you are looking for Christ return, or Satan (God of this world), or both being the same person, me.

Nevertheless, Here am i in a nutshell:

"On the day when you were one, you became two"
"when you are two, what will you do?"
"when you see the images of what you were, how much will you have to bare?".
"when you are in the light, what will you do?".
ref. Didymous Judas Thomas, words of Jesus. (secret gospel of Christ).

When i was a child, i became two.
i hid the inner me and became a second, which was acceptable to humanity.
This was an automatic process. I was shy and quiet and always afraid of what others might think of me if they knew the real me.

As example: pretty much anything anyone ever says to me or around me is seen by me as ignorant, stupid, unintelligent, incorrect, and irrelevant. I just don't care what anyone has to say because it has nothing to do with what is on my mind.
The real me would respond to anyone making casual conversation: "So you're a F_king idiot. Tell me something i don't know". The second me is polite, quiet, etc. (a defense mechanism). The inner me would not think twice about raping or killing another for little reason.

I am a very large beast, trapped in a mans body.
I am the GOD of this world, or at least the biggest one of them.

My spirit is as small as its chamber in my body and also as large (seemingly) as the whole universe.

I can step into any beings 'shoes' and understand where it is coming from.

i strive toward good and perfection and wish not to harm any other being, which is probably the cause of all the opposition which i've been complaining about. The opposition comes also from me, but also from you.

from a child, i have searched for GOD fervently, as a dying man taking his last breath. I have found many things, the closest to GOD, being myself. I have found many others being awake and calling themselves "PLAYERS", i suppose in reference to Jim Humbles publication "Legacy of the Tiger".
Perhaps these players are the 200 fallen angels who contaminated mankind, and injured GODs plan for humanity. "Tree of knowledge of good and evil".

There are three worlds you can live and die in. SPIRIT, MENTAL, PHYSICAL.
as example: my mother has Altzheimers and does not know her name and cannot answer a question. Her spirit and body function well at this point.

The world system and "players" wish to play their systems game with me.
I will not play their game, as Bob says: "money ain't nothin".

I will play a game which most know not of. A game in my system.
It is called:"remove the unrighteous, users, oppressors, and all those who speak negatively of GOD, from the earth. Do you wonder if there's anyone on my side? perhaps many times 6 billion angels who are my army following me?. In combo with me on the inside of you, who among you can win or even play?
Either way, what is preordained will come to pass and cannot be hindered. ref: Enoch Parables.

All things point towards PARTY TIME.
have fun. you made your bed.

your own deception directed towards me is your undoing.

Hi Paul , long time , no see !!

Con gratulations with your grandchild !!!!

Just want to say, that you seem to be a bit fast and very active again , almost like last time you wrote these very long posts last year .....
If you feel very active and can´t sleep , then it is time to see your doctor again - last time we talked, you were in a slightly manic phase ... I suspect it might be the case again ...

So , Paul , go see him , it is time .....
Take care Paul
We all love you
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