if i told you i was writing a book which was documentation of all of my momentary thoughts for a period of time, perhaps you would say "boreing". but, what if i told you these were my thoughts as i was conversing with god in the moment, and even GOD conversing with you in a moment?
perhaps you will buy.
I will arrange the thoughts in REFLECTION. using mercy and love for those who purchase, and justice and hell for those who steel, and death for those who choose not even to read, having the words put into them unaware.
i will force feed cell it to you!
Are you awake?
perhaps a shot of coffee.
if you confront me with a need or want,
"Does God have you doing something more important than what he has me doing????".
Mercy has no justice, and justice alone, has no mercy.
my frequency is higher than yours,
i have to slow down to be with you.
can you make me slow? Not.
i choose to slow only through mercy.
disregarding judgement., do you think?
i say crack and your spirit thinks i want to see asses.
i want the earth to crack and i will need crack cocaine, if i am to calm down enough to keep it from happyining.
because you held back my crack cocaine.
if you will to oppose the order of my ways, what will be done of you?
gjive me cwm and i will come down into the pit and love some one.
a thought?
Father, i am but a large drop of pure water. You mix flavor into the water by your continuous and momentary Will, according to perfect Re a son, and W is DOM.
look at a picture of the universe. That's what's on my mind.
My reflection, the universe. As i focus on a part, i develop that part to my liking instantaneously.
But i only remain in a part as long as i am interested in the vessel and types of vessels like the one i inhabit.,,(that part of my reflection).
good day!
perhaps you have become a part which must be fixed or removed?
All things must have JOY.
Is there joy in my reflection?
i will live very long here, posessing all things. All things in my Dominion and kingdom of LOVE., nothing can live on the outside nor in the reflection except a furnace to burn the hate. (smoke of its burning rising forever, off in a distance).
All i need is the pleasurable things in this life which i can by with money and posess with spirit. money? wine, women, song, etc. all things in moderation.
i could live in paradise with a tenth of what you have.
LOVE is a decision. The decision to LOVE.
opposition to Love has not made the decision to Love.
It must make the decision to Love or be destroyed in order for the kingdom to provide shade and rest and water. Destroying for decision of LOVEs Kingdom.
a good thing, it can be instantaneous and/or over time. When a mind makes a decision to oppose or harm love, it opposes its own creation and is dead and dying and even reserved for the furnace.
To obtain the kingdom, work in love, kill the opposition, take their treasures, and move on in forwardance of the kingdom. If LOVE, being the spirit which encompasses all things, and which nothing encompasseth, then small vessels of opposition are but ashes under my feet.
It has come time for the 1k-day of rest. As it approaches, and i set up camp in the midst of my creation, to rest, and to enjoy all which i have created. Now quit fucking with me and prepare my place of residence on this fireball. I'm here for a short party, as it is evening. Who will make it until morning. Who'se mind can endure the insatiable! Whose heart can survive standing against the PARTY SPIRIT of the wild animals with wings?!!!
the others. The world system provides the laws which govern their minds. This world system was built on another cornerstone, which was not the cornerstone which they, the builders rejected, LOVE. Being their life source, the spirit, love, will leave them completely and they are dead. INSATIABLE LOVE FOR THE PARTY!!! and life in a resting and producing phase to follow after the party.
try to tell me what i am and i will tell you that I AM MORE, AND MUCH MORE, than that.
the sleeping see me as nothing but a tool, seemingly.
threat of confrontation is the key?
confrontation with their spirit.
banned from existence?
mercy and truth.
each in it's appropriate time.
those who designed the trap designed and implemented their own destruction and death and hell.
all is vanity.
give me this and i will show you THIS.
give me that and i will give you THAT.
give me love and i will give you LOVE.
To rest within the Father, now that is key.
You have no rest in me or the FAther throught me,
as you oppose my comfort.
i am the one, meek and simple, and even perfect, whom Father protects
will all powers and principalities! I will inherit the earth, even from you, it's current renters who think you own the field. You own the bottom of the pit and the vessel in fiery chains.
There is one way to be in heaven. To Love GOD in all things, to give GOD all things and to present all good things to and before the seat of the throne of his elect vessel.
all else is vanity, death, and hell.
there is one thing which GOD hates more than all other things: harming the innocent. i was the innocent which you harmed and will again be the innocent after you are destroyed.
the truth of the matter is that GOD is butt fucking ugly in his reflection.
And I need crack cocaine, now and a connection for the river of crack to flow to me. I will think no thought other than CWM. (clock wise motion ) and (crack, weed, money) from now until i am filled. ALL ELSE BE DAMNED UNTIL I AM SATISFIED. cwm CWM CWM CWM CWM CRACK CRACK CRACK.
4/27/06 late
Father: if i wish to know an animal, i must study its joys and its fears. From these come the animals decisions. The dead are not living, and are sleeping as they are nothing more than defense mechanisms protecting the self which they know not because it is asleep and is sleep walking and obeying the rule of the system created in absence of love. Love is the cornerstone which the builders rejected.
Having sucked on the tit and with-held replenishment of the source of the milk, the milk has dried up and the milk which was love and the spirit of GDO has been removed from the world and rests within me.
wisdom then reason then wisdom and more reason with wisdom.
Being Aware and Awake is key.
The spirit of love has withdrawn into its chosen vessel, in fear of injury.
Injury from the sleeping who are the body of the system of oppression and usery.
Usery of the souls resources with only replenishment in money and freedoms given by the system of the world. Without perfect freedom the soul is drained and is killed and is dead.
damn. got to kill the system. torpedos be damned, full speed ahead.
so i ask myself, when are the demons to be loosed for a short while.
why do they torment me from their box.
shall i let the world run me over today, as it started from the beginning when i was headed to the shower,"i have to get in in 5 minutes", as i was thinking to write, from the child "what's this Horizon'". NO crack.
crack crack crack crack crack crack.
sleeping, on your way to hell.?
love is trying to satisfy the momentary will of another.
the opp. end of the spectrum is trying to satisfy what you believe is the persons long term need. trying to set my path straight by destroying my momentary will. Why, susie starts giving me directions to pick up her package at the post office while i am trying to record this. GOD YOU ARE SNEAKY EVIL SOME BITCH!!!!!!
ARE YOU READY!????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
should i lay down and go back to sleep as in the past. Just give up because i can't confront you and you trample over me using the spirits and even sleeping minds and mouths of the others? No CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK
Didn't you want me in the pit with you.
Just too sleep for you while you live.
yes crack.
yes yes.
i shrank it so small you will not find it.
As if i put it in another world. one of which
you will never be aware, since you are thieves.
and god, yes, you are the thief.
GOD, YOUR ref;lection has become chaos and UGLY, all things being separate. what will you do. FOCALOR.
Focus on me and my will alone, as i am only one worthy.
let them destroy themselves, or you have become evil god, which you have become in my judgement. die fool!!!!
what do the sleeping do when not in my presence?
they do what my mind has them do.
trust me. you do what your subc mind ahs youdo.
.you are my subco. reflection.
do my will, open the crack path.
love me, love god.
all times all ways all tings.
all dings.
trust and love
mercy and truth
wisdom and prudence.
w's kind dome.
w is dom
you have invoked the bornless one, forcing him to awaken and be even evoked
into and within his chosen vessel. Me.
He will not speak to you when un necessary, as a word from him is a command and is something which happens within all things, instantaneously and forever, a command such as "be fruitfull and multiply" was just a word but was made genetic.
He will speak through my conscious mind. I sit in the outer edge of his awareness and on the surface of his mind. I continuously monitor the moment. Analysing, reflecting, catalogueing, documenting, and acting according to my judgements. All spirits are under my athority in the moment and continuously.
I am thr forward and human manifestation of the bornless one. I am the SON of the LIVING FOREFATHER GOD. Having been evoked and invoked by R.R. and the RosiCRucians.
You have pissed off the son, R.R. robert ritchie., now i must act on his behalf and mine even more as i have no way to earn money in your system.
Shall i play guitar and destroy you with a lick.???
people are poking so, i shall poke back!!!
my master plan. in action as always and as decided from the beginning.
now, to reign as king for a few thousand years until i am tired, then i will go and rest in the father.
i posess you while you are with me in the moment and my will is done.
when you leave my attention, you do your will as your own GOD. because god is not in you, you think you are god. you do your will alone and forsake all others. you see me as a resource and use me to death. THIS CANNOT CONTINUE as i am here and alive and have no choice but to come into being and live on earth as a man, not similar to you who are sleeping and have GOD in me, and even GOD IS ME.
i will put a word into you which will destroy you when you are not with me and you will cease to exist in my world and even on my earth until i bring you back if i choose to do so.
you have not the father and have no place to go. You are lost on your own and will go to the place for you i have made and given, HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
crack crack crack crack cwm.
you staring down the barrells of a bunch of 45's!
Robert Ritchie is the illegitimate Son of the Son/Father, me.
When and/or if he ever comes to me, i will put all things in his hands and under our feet.
why ahve you wounded the animal? trying to suck all life from him? trying to put his life into you, by stealing and using? impossible.
you know not where you go. do you know HELL. you should begin to get a feel now, for hell is nothing more than what you have left in me for a gift to you.
have it.