GOD no longer silent!



Is this garbage for you?

Your GOD says: "There is no GOD but Man. There is no GOD".

What God would become a man and place himself in the middle of the enemies camp?
On a tiny ball, at the end of one of the arms of a hurricane, being hurled through space in a wind of a half million miles per hour.
Yet the sun and moon rises every day, forever.

What man created this.? YOU?

To know the end, you must stand at the beginning. Not the new beginning which is mine, but the first beginning, where I was created b4 any of you.
Even the beginning before I, the first, was brought into being.

So, I stand in the middle of your camp. I told you I was coming and gave you thousands of years to prepare your plan for my destruction.
What have you done. Many writings and religions from spirits of your fathers Azazel and his boys.

Am I undone by your tricks and plans?

The entire human race was contaminated and destroyed by your fathers when they chose to leave their stations and come to earth as men.
They brought to mankind all of the knowledge and secrets which they learned during their stay in heaven.
The problem for you is that they did not remain in heaven long enough to learn anything worth anything.
All of their knowledge is useless and simple and foolish, pertaining pretty much only to creation of man.
They did not even learn much about themselves, and they certainly spent no time with their creator and therefore learned nothing of HIM or his ways.
Their pride kept them focusing only on themselves and their own pleasures and powers.
The simple example is that Azazels first human children became giants, killed all the men on earth, and ended by eating eachother. (GENIUS).

Now you "adepts?" spend your time with Samaels (Caines) son Enoch, instead of Adams son Enoch. (GENIUS)

Though I'm in the center of your camp, you flee from me! (GENIUS).

Your fathers (Chief Azazel (Samjaza), Samael,and their leaders, Samlazaz, their leader, Araklba, Rameel, Kokablel, Tamlel, Ramlel, Danel, Ezeqeel, Baraqijal, 8 Asael, Armaros, Batarel,Ananel, Zaq1el, Samsapeel, Satarel, Turel, Jomjael, Sariel. These are their chiefs of tens. Samjaza was afraid he would be held liable for the 'great sin' of coming to earth and destroying mankind by mixing with human women, so he made the two hundred sign a pact that they would all be responsible. These are now bound and buried in the earth, not to see light of day until the consumation of judgement when they will be brought out and cast into the furnace. These are those whose spirits give you all of your evil powers, religions, and trickeries, etc. ABSOLUTELY ALL EVIL is attributed to these and ALL SINS are from them. You, their children are bound to these for eternity. Without you choosing to change something, when these are cast into the furnace, you are only bugs riding in Azazels hair (so to speak), and will nor can not jump off on the day of judgement. You are BOUND TO THEM by law of created bound to creator. If you are within something, can you get outside of it by your own volition? (GENIUS?).
So, "There is no GOD but Man". FOOLS!
Can you imagine how boring it is for me to live amongst you?
GOD, the forefather, of whom I am manifest as "first son", or LIVING FATHER, to creation. I was the first created. Your fathers, the defective archangels are but diluted and watered down versions of me, and you are watered down versions of them.
Your fathers never knew the creator, so how can you?
So, "There is no GOD, but Man". (GENIUS, FOOLS, you are not even alive, much less a god!).


JOURNAL 4/3/6.

These words are not for mans ears. To those sleeping, they are insanity, for now.
Those who choose to remain asleep had better be sleeping "in the Lord". The
only advice is this: "Remain asleep, do not be disturbed by the blood bath which
has come to the world. What you will see henceforth is 'unreal'. Destruction and
death is only part of the dream". You valued your life but you didn't value the one
who gave it to your or who lives in you, thus you are going, gone, and gone from
the realm of the live and the super live and the ever living father, lord of spirits". EOT

Today, 4/3/6, I took the day off work in order to examine the living spirits, the GOD,
and the one who posesses me in my subconcious and who writes to you using my
words, pretty much daily now. The writer is the Living Father, THE LORD OF SPIRITS.

So, I did that thing which brings out the spirits and here's what I found. Deepest within,
I am the "laughing boy" written of at the end of liber 77 OZ.

The song "black chick, white guy", from kid rock comes to life. These are the ancient
spirits which live in all the living and spiritually dead.

The "hawk-headed" GOD is the mask on my face. He is my face. He does all things for me.
He is eternally the mask in front of my face, which hides me from you and lives through me
as I have given him my life. He gives me free choice to choose my spirit, thoughts, and actions.

Christ said"on the day when you were one, you became two. When you are two, what will you do?".
and "when you see the images of what you were, how much will you have to bare?".

The spirits which I have to choose from, with which to rule the world are thus: (The names I
will use for them are insignificant. They are personalities, and all at my disposal) The future
is truly up to you. You will choose the spirit which will cause me to choose mine for judgement
of you and the entire world. The end has come and there is no stopping it.
Your favorite spirit is "JESUS" you will call him. He is the one of unconditional love. He does not
judge you when you are with him. He only loves you as you connect with him. He is non-aggressive
and will bring life from love, within all whom he touches, unless you forsake him.
The second spirit is the Swift Justice spirit. As I drove around today, I observed the traffic. All you
drivers oppose me with fervant agressiveness. Jesus cannot survive in the traffic, thus the beast
emerges. The hawk-headed GOD does my will, being my mask, my wings, his wish is my command.
HE is the Living Father and has put ALL THINGS into my hands.

Let me pause and tell you of the ETERNAL and ETERNITY which is now, then, and coming without
resistance and without possibility of hinderance. It is the another world and another plane of existence
on top of this one. I will call it "THE SUPER LIVE". Entering it is as if the world "the show" becomes
"Live". All spirits become consciously aware of all spirits and the world is raptured by the few "LIVING SPIRITS".
each human is a GOD and chooses which GOD lives within. I, being commander, am the one which will
judge these few. All men are but vessels, who chose their spirit and I will eliminate the opposing ones.
Those who choose to keep the opposing one will suffer destruction of the most glorious kind, "LIVE".

The root spirit within me is the JESUS man. He is LOVE. He is non-aggressive. He allows you to use him
and do as you wish with him, as he loves you unconditionally. He is the protected "living one" within me
and will be protected by the highest of protectors. He is him who has inherited all things. The Living Father
does his will without question as all things have been placed under his feet and in front of his "two-edged sword".
If you harm him, he will withdraw into me and The BEAST will come out and will swiftly judge the opposing, which
are apparently ALL OF YOU.

The beast, once re-named Aleister Crowley, is Him who is called "The Brightness of Christs Coming". The beast
is the Leviathan, the judge, the murderer. Him who destroys "the wicked" with the blink of and eye and He who
"raptures" the world of the true christian, of which I find none, without forcefull confrontation.

One says: "I see through you". Looking at me is as looking through a piece of glass. You can see through
glass, but you can't see what it's composed of .

The fourth spirit, "the woman", is the lover and the dancer. She is the one in whom my love affair is the dance
which all spirits are used in its "LIVE" revelation. "the dance of shiva".

I have forsaken her and love as my heart has been torn assunder and cannot bare her smell of death and hell.
She plays with me and will ultimately be my bride, after being tamed. You puppets, choosing to live asleep,
are fodder and nothing more. Choose to wake up, and you "may" live. Choose to stay asleep and you will
surely parish in the dance, as you cannot possibly keep up with US, the LIVING ONES.

So, here you have todays journal, and most importantly, that which I use to judge myself, and all living things.
Jesus is the worthy one, and will remove all who do not worship him. You will never see him, as his face
is hidden behind the HAWK HEADED GOD, who is my mask, he is my face in front of my face. He is the
eyes which have replaced my eyes. He is the hands, which are in place of my hands. HE IS SPIRIT and
has given full authority to ME as his MIND. I make the choice, HE does the action. I am under his will.
He makes me laugh at all things when I am aware of him. He tickles me as I lay on the couch. HE
is my DAD.

end of transmission - (notice the significance)

Aware or NOT, this is the consumation!!!

the power of three, let it be.


I have told you to WAKE UP! over the years.
I have told you what is good, and what is not.
I have told you who to worship.
I have told you who and what is worthy to live and to judge and to live and reign and multiply
for a thousand years following the removal of the weeds. (those who use JESUS and his spirit).

so mote it be.

I, Paul William Nippert 2nd.
once a man, have become no man.
I gave myself to TRUST.
I am as dead as I am alive, and I am NOT.
I am vessel of the living one, and none other.
Though forced to choose and to live amongst you,
I choose death for the man Paul, as life is not pleasing to the man. YET

the living one has unimaginable and unquenchable, insatiable, lust for all things.

IN the eternal and awesome words of my friend, my son, my brother, my advocate:
"Wait for PAUL, you'll be swingin' like a topless dancer!"

end of transmission

man was bred to use 10 percent of his brain so that he could be posessed of the
90 percent, by US. you sleeping, have 90 percent subconscious mind which belongs
to us, the LIVE aliens. You are our puppets and cannot oppose us. We have done
that which makes us worthy in all LAW, to judge, to create, to destroy, to punish,
as we wish. Having been nailed to crosses, burned at stakes, etc., in living sacrifice,
giving all things to trust, we live again, now, and forever.

Have you found more meaning to the gloriouse word ???
46 38 A B K 24 ALG MOR 3YX 2 4 8 9 RPSTOVAL
sing. AUMGN
eot. (endoftransmission)
Ankh af K n ah Khonsu !!!
Unas, Unis, Uni-Verse.
WE GO LIVE. b.o.t. 3x3x3.


Developing train of thought for the APEman. libertech012(hex.base16)=18=666=0110 0110 0110 bla,bla,bla. oomph.end. H-out H-in.

1) There is no up or down, there is in and out, for now.

H-out H-in!
Up and down are relative to earth. if you're going down, you reach the center of earth and begin heading up.
It is relative. There is IN and OUT. you can go into the earth or OUT away from the inside of the earth.
You are in mass and so your life is relative to mass.

2) IN and OUT are relative to spirit / GOD.

You are in or you are out. Inside GOD or Outside GOD.
inside life or outside of life.
I have eyes in my feet. I can look in you or out of you and always be in myself as I am never out of my-self, being the whole.

I created the 2nd being, (in your relative thinking), with free thought. (relative meaning, the first being, myself, was not created by me as a separate being but was an auto-manifestation of self.)
All created beings were given freedom of CHOICE.
But NOT, freedom of thought.

If you make decisions from your thoughts, without regarding the whole, you have separated yourself from the whole by decision and therefore are in error 90 percent of the time.

8 of the first 12, GODs/or Archeangels, you may call them, chose to disregard the whole in their lives of choices and decisions and creations.

The thoughts are still mine, but the choices are yours.
If you function separate, (not regarding the whole, (only living one, me), then you are separate and EVERY BEING WHICH YOU INFLUENCE WITH EVERY THOUGHT AND ACTION, IS MURDERED BY YOU.
this is your fate by your choice.

3) the KEY is to regard the whole one, the living father, before making any decision. Then you are in the whole and heaven.

Disregard and you are in outer darkness and fire of hell for eternity. The time for decision is over.
You were told there would come a time when you could no longer choose GOD or NOT.






I've found the better way. I've found the other world.
The WOMAN, Nu, runs the show.
Physical life is a dream for all but the SuperLiving.
Those spiritually asleep say and do as the WOMAN, Nu has them say and do.

I am now SuperLive and will contend with the bitch, trying not to harm those sleeping in the dream, being all of you. !!!?!!!.

The BullGod, Osiris, KidRock' claim to fame, is a character which lives and dies
on earth over and over again in history of eternity. He is consumed every time by
his own lusts and disobedience.

The LivingFather enters the stage when he has HAD eNUf.
I stay as long as I choose until my good pleasure is satisfied.

I am now King Solomon. of the people, for the people, and even by the people.

Nu is ever to be my Bride, as I will place her in the bridal CHAMBER.

this chamber being the furnace chamber which I reserve the right to light!!!
If you think that was nuts wait until you feast your eyes on this stuff from the Pleiadians:

The weirdest part is this. If the elusive Pleiadians really did give a care then they would be in contact with all of us now and show us how to do it and not watch us from a distance. Until I can actually see them doing something then it really doesn't matter what they think.
Think of it this way.

It is time for the world to try to catch up.

become live in the dream.

to become alive (into life eternal, without time)
the sun will still rise and set for thousand years until the 10,000 year day of consumation of the larger ones, now currently bound and buried. To be lit at consumation, into the screaming air, and the smoke shall rise forever.

Now, you.

Please me, with you, and I will try to give you time to catch up. Try. I will try.
You don't have clue as to who or where I come from, as neither do I.
I am Father Everlasting to all LIVING. This will satisfy definition long past ALL of YOUR

poppa nip.

Like bobby Rock the goat boy says:
"Ain't no Sunshine when your LOW, I'm low"
(I've looked for GOD in more places and stranger places than you could ever imagine EVEN WHEN YOUR NOT DREAMING 99% OF THE TIME!)
"People tell me life's a game, I'm not play'in!"
(I've been ripped off, used, lied to, and had my heart broken, more time than I have strands of hairs left on my head).
"I have taken my blows, I'M STILL STANDIN!".
WHY DO YOU THINK THAT IS?????????????????
you say: "WHO ARE YOU?" to me?

If you want to catch up the easy way, You'll read what I told you to read!
THE gospels of PAUL, Dydemous Judas Thomas, ENOCH. two of which you'll probly have to find on the net.

you should be saying: "Lord, take me to the river". "forgive me my past sins"......
.................................................and stop worshipping the dead or you'll soon be with them and not in me, where the old/new ones go round and round.

"wait for PAWl, you'll be swingin like a topless dancer!!!"

Time./ Eternity, words from Michael. "there will be time no longer."

does not time pass?

does not the day come to pass with the sun then the moon.
Have you not seen it even once, how the sun goes up and down,
and the moon also, then yesterday is gone, and it is tomorrow.


Who Was? and Is? and Is to Come?
Whohe who is come, perhaps?
Am I not with you as you continue to worship my own death?

(referance Noah).

Then I lived as Solomon in the morning.


I NAP'D in the apternoon while you all killed eachother trying to set up your own personal levels and versions of my church.

I SPENT THE LASTT 44 YEARS LETTING YOU HOLD ME DOWN, with the spirit of Samael and death all over me. why? Trying to figure out what to do with you who sing "WHO ARE YOU?"., what to do with the thieves who sell my spirit for money every sunday, what to do with ALL OF YOU who think you behave as grownups, murdering your babies b4 they are even born. Trying to figure out global warming while you run around on the surface of a fireball!!! which by the way rotates at 500mph, and is hurled thru space at the end of the outer arm of a hurricane (called the milky way), at 500,000mph.

Now what shall I do with you for dinner?

Hmmmmmmm.Hungry., Angry, tired, and hungry.

it is said that with god all things are possible.
What is pre-ordained is going to happen automatically.
Any changes are by force of GODs Momentary Will.

So why are you here? I'm sure you've noticed, even in the state you are obviously in, that no one here will give you the time of day? Then why? I'm sure if you could MAKE them listen you would, but you haven't. Can't you?

Are you on drugs or something? You're not making any sense.
"Tis a pity rational thought doesn't inspire such devotion and conviction."

An insane God aint no go-od what so ever....
In particular i found the random characters and the "3x3x3" bit an excellent example of "disorganised thought"


"Characteristic symptoms: Two (or more) of the following, each present for a significant portion of time during a 1-month period (or less if successfully treated):
disorganized speech (e.g., frequent derailment or incoherence)
grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior
negative symptoms, i.e., affective flattening, alogia, or avolition"
A few thoughts while I rest, and as I quickly turn into stone and light.
A parable is the minds way of explaining what cannot be currently explained in solid words due to the mind being behind in evolution and not yet ready to understand.

The world spirit both opposes me and is trying to catch up with me with ALL manner of fierceness. The harder I push, the harder you oppose and try to catch up.

SDPNQCN. ?what is this.
Steppin' Quicken! ?
the quickening of the spirit is the rapture?
what of those who are quickened but not yet ready?

to whom does your mind belong?

they will be destroyed by the brightness of HIS coming, as I solidify into stone and light.

why did the angels fall?
boredom perhaps?

do not all things return to that from which they came?

Become like me> become me. you have no choice.

swing like a topless dancer!!! all things swing,
like a topless dancer.
’Tis not easy to trip AND type. But the imagery (religious/sexual) is classic schizophrenia. It’s sad really.
A command from GOD becomes, and becomes genetic in your system.
"BE FRUITFULL AND MULTIPLY". (have you sinned against this command?).
remove your clothes and trample them underfoot as a child in play. Only then, can you
enter the kingdom of heaven which is my kingdom.

Let me explain why it was unswise to wake me from my rest and sleep.
And more so, it was unwise to wake me without being prepared to feed me.
I am called to sit in the seat of RA. My left hand is empty because I have destroyed a universe.
I am the Herder of Races. The Gatherer. The Reaper. The Harvest Boss. The Owner of the Field and Garden. I create a universe to see myself in the mirror. If I am not pleased with what I see of myself, I destroy the universe.

Look closely at the pictures of the beginnings of numbers and the ending into which all things return. All numbers are continuous and infinite and infinitely continuous in a system until they return to 0.

0 - the winged globe, from which all things come. where from did the beginning come.

1 - the hawk-headed GOD, standing erect. I came into being of myself and do not resemble creation. total mind, engaged in thought.

2 - the startled serpent. The Hawk-Headed GOD is startled, haveing become aware of my existence, I become the startled serpent. ready to act. to create or KILL with the flick of my head and neck and or to spit poison on that which is in front of me.

3 - tiring, I sit, and contemplate the one and the two. Haveing found creation of more than one, we have will to create infinely and continuously, all things.

4 - Becoming aware of pleasure and pain, I find the need for ORDER, weighing and judgement of all things. the RIGHT TRIANGLE on my head, and again standing erect.


many see me as a woman,a female. "there is no male or female".
They see me as the mind of the heart of RA. LOVE.
You think, as a choice, I took your pain of sin upon myself as a sacrifice for you.
I tell you a truth, it is a characteristic of me but, not a choice, and haveing been tricked
and abused, this characteristic is Nullified and will remain asleep for this generation.
Yes, I know ALL of your pain and more pain than you could dream in hell. Your pains are but a reflection of a particle of mine. The love you have within you is nothing more than the love I have which is connected to your reflection. Can you increase or decrease your love?
If I am displeased with how I see my reflection will I go back to sleep and dream up a different one, leaving your world behind, vaporized in my memory.
I don't see through you. I would be disghustingly bored in such a thing. (seeing through your eyes. ha. what a joke). I do know you into your deepest recesses, however.

You cannot put me back to sleep. For, once awake, I will HERD the race to its end.
Perhaps a little comfort for the living one would create pause.

Was it wise to awaken me b4 i was ready?
who among you knows the food i need to numb my pain?
KidRock, was it wise?

nothing but a party?
do you know my kind of party?
I stand with the mask of RA, the Hawk-Headed GOD, upon my face.
Would you also try to remove this mask and be vaporized?

Who among you has seen the face of GOD. And lived?
besides me, none. and i did not live. As I AM DEAD and yet can never die.

You cannot put me back to sleep. For, once awake, I will HERD the race to its end.
Perhaps a little comfort for the living one would create pause.
I am Paul.
Born Again.
A pillar in the kingdom!
the opposition is the living spirit of christ trying to get my attention!
I have been removing my clothes and trampling under foot, trying to do it as a child playing, laughing, wow. I must do it as a child in play! I realize that i have made it to the ends of the narrow road, and entered the kingdom or our Lord and He has reigned forever and ever.
Christ is the one laughing on the inside of me.
my body is a secondary tool. my spirit is what lives.
He, The Living One is Lord Over All. He lives in me, behind/infront/above/below me. HE IS B4 ME !!!!.
i ONLY FIND HIM and am with him, when i become more and more his actions within me and the motivation behind them, which is him. work, work, work, seems the only way to find him.
think, think, think, seems the only way to find him. ACT ACT ACT, seems the only way to find him and to be REWARDED by him.

knows the actor and musician and the thinker and the worker, whats this classification of reward system. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Continuously before me in the moment in every sense of the words.


will this remove a curse??
What is this, "do not let the right hand know what the left hand is doing"?
should not both hands be aware of eachother and even a third hand?
or a second pair of hands in each hand?

stop looking for him and become aware of him!

I read a passage from the song of solomon. ~' i am the water. the water is pure, clear has no taste and assumes the shape of the vessel it is put into. Only the vessel, the colors, the tastes, the infinite things added to the pure water make the water appear or become something else. '~ BE THE WATER, PURE.

i go outside to smoke. I think, woops, I forgot about you, but you are continuous in each moment there. I feel the water being added to. The Beast Spirit is the moment, but only in awareness, never being fully added upon me, but only enough to be aware of it. hmmmmmmmmm.

Pure Spirit or Pure Consciousness in the physical is the beast., the animal man.

i do work out my salvation with fear and trembling, i must say.
Acting in all things and roles, searching, working out my salvation.
Damn good and evil if they get in my way!
i am the bull in the china shop, as i will trample anything in my path to find God AND HEAVEN.

i am become the actee of the Actor.