God is TRUE - Can this be the proof for God?!


Registered Senior Member

I will be posting some facts here, you're free to make your mind about. All facts can be found at site: Science and Mathematics in the Holy Quran.

Here I will present some scientific wonders related to human chromosome number and the distribution of the word "Human" in the Quran. Humans have 46 chromosomes arranged in 23 pairs. This number was discovered in 1955. Before proceeding I would like to clarify a distinction between two main types of numbers: Prime numbers: are natural numbers (1,2,3,4,5..) that are divisible only by themselves and one. The first few primes are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13.. and Composite numbers: are natural numbers (1,2,3,4,5..) that are divisible by other numbers than themselves and one. The first few composite numbers are 4, 6, 8, 9, 10.. Now to the facts:

- The word "Human" appears in all forms (definite & indefinite) 65 times in the Quran. Interestingly 65 is the 46th composite number in universe. Humans have 46 chromosomes.

- Chapter 76 of the Quran is named "Human". This chapter has 31 verses and it's the 31st chapter from the beginning of the Quran that the word "Human" appears at. Interstingly the 31st composite number in universe is number 46.

- The sum of chapters' numbers of the chapters that the word "Human" appears at up to chapter 76 "Human" is 961. This number is equal to 31 x 31.

- Chapter 46 of the Holy Quran is named "The Dunes". This chapter is of interest because it has the number equal to human chromosome number. The interesting facts are that the number of chapters with the word "Human" appearing in them up to chapter 46 "The Dunes" is 23. This is equal to the number of human chromosome pairs (called haploid chromosome number). The number of chapters with the word "Human" appearing in them after chapter 46 "The Dunes" is 19. This number is key miracle number in the Quran. In other words, chapter 46 "The Dunes" is placed between the two key miracle numbers 23 & 19.

- At the same time we find that there are 31 verses with the word "Human" appearing in them up to chapter 46 "The Dunes" and 31 such verses appear after this chapter. Again human chromosome number (46) is the 31st composite number in universe.

- The verse where the word "Human" appears in chapter 46 "The Dunes" is numbered 15 (it's the 15th verse in this chapter). Pay attention to that 31 + 15 equals 46 (Human chromosome number).

- The word human appears in definite form 46 times up to and before chapter 76 "Human". This is equal to human chromosome number. (This word appears only one time in Quran in indefinite form - in chapter 17 verse 13)

- I have mentioned in point 2 that chapter 76 "Human" is the 31st chapter with the word "Human" appearing at from the beginning of the Quran. At the same time, we find that the 46th verse with word "Human" appearing at from the beginning of the Quran is the first verse of chapter 76 "Human".

- Letter Alef is related to numerous numerical phenomena in the Quran. Maybe this is due to the fact that it's the first revealed letter of the Quran. When studying the text we find that there are 19 "Human" words in chapters initiated by letter Alef and there are 46 "Human" words in chapters not initiated by letter Alef. Note again here that the split is between the key miracle numbers 46 & 19.

- When studying the 19 "Human" words we find that 9 such words appear before chapter 31 "Luqman" and that 9 such words after this chapter. Pay attention to that chapter 31 "Luqman" appears right between two 9 "Human" word sets. The special thing about number 9 is that human haploid chromosome number 23 is the 9th prime number in universe. Note: chapter 31 "Luqman" is initiated by letter Alef and that it has one occurrence of the word "Human".

- The word "Human" in chapter 31 "Luqman" is the 23rd occurrence of the word human from the beginning of the Quran. At the same time it's the 43rd occurrence of the word "Human" from the end of the Quran. Interestingly, the word "Human" appears in 43 chapters of the Holy Quran.

"It is the Truth from thy Lord (O Muhammad), so be not thou of those who waver" - Holy Quran 2:147

More to come later.
I'd like to hear SAM's take on this because I personally don't see any connection at all. None. Zilch. But, then again, I'm atheist. Sorry, but for me, it seems you are looking for connections that in reality just don't exist. SAM's a Muslim, let's see what she thinks.
This has been debunked comprehensively several times.
The "facts" are a result of selective reading and even more selective interpretation.
Well, I could probably do the same thing with the bible, or a Stephen King novel. I'm pretty certain that there are more than enough chapters and verses and mentions of "humans" to provide me with the data.
I'd like to hear SAM's take on this because I personally don't see any connection at all. None. Zilch. But, then again, I'm atheist. Sorry, but for me, it seems you are looking for connections that in reality just don't exist. SAM's a Muslim, let's see what she thinks.
SAM doesn't think, all that often. Waiting to hear what she has to say is probably your first mistake.

I will be posting some facts here, you're free to make your mind about. All facts can be found at site: Science and Mathematics in the Holy Quran.

via Wikipedia
Humans have 46 chromosomes. But what about other animal species ?

There are surprisingly few comparative lists of chromosome numbers to be found on the internet. I admit : it does not make a lot of sense. What would be the scientific value of that ?

Just out of curiosity I searched a bit and as far as I know below is the only list of animal species with 46 chromosomes :

- Humans (Homo sapiens)
- Muntjacs (Muntiacus reevesi)
- Black rat (Rattus rattus) , but not all of them have 46
- European hare (Lepus europeus)
- Merriam’s ground squirrel (Spermophilus canus)
- Southern short-tailes shrew (Blarina carolinensis)
- Mountain beaver (Aplodontia rufa)
- Beach vole (Microtus breweri)
- Nilgai (Boselaphus tragocamelus)
- Kirk’s dik-dik (Rhynchotragus kirki)
- Grey vole (Microtus arvalis)

I had heard about the hare but do we trust this list? :shrug:

Can Yosef make this list go away? I think he should have to prove it's invalidity, no?
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So basically after all these mental calisthenics we find out that there are numbers and words in the Quran. Now what?
I meant that I will be posting more such facts. I am aware of the criticism that such phenomena can be found in any text. I have considered and read about some attempts that tried to do the same with other texts but the phenomena don't match. What I am talking about are hundreds of interesting phenomena in the structure of the Quran. I have discussed some of those many phenomena with other people elsewhere in net and even they have maintained the're atheists they said that what have been presented is simply stunning.

I guess it needs belief in order to appreciate truly what I see there:

Word human appears 65 times in the Quran. At the same time the word "Quran" appears 65 times up to chapter 76 "Human". And the verse where the word "Quran" appears in chapter 76 "Human" is the 65th verse having the word "Quran" in from the beginning of the Quran. Number 65 is the 46th composite number in universe and 46 is human chromosome number.

Moreover, the word "Quran" appears one time in chapter 76 "Human" in verse number 23 and 23 is human haploid chromosome number. This verse is also the 9th from the end of the chapter and number 23 is the 9th prime number in universe. Again this chapter consists of 31 verses and the 31st composite number is 46.

I can also tell about this one:

Some interesting phenomena can be seen when adding up verse numbers of all verses that have the word God - Allah - الله in them from Qurans beginning up to chapter 76 "The Human". The total is: 181838. Consider these facts:

This total divides perfectly by human chromosome number (46). It's equal to 46 X 3953

The factors of the number 181838 are given below with the serial position they have among the prime numbers in universe:

2 is the 1st prime number
23 is the 9th prime number
59 is the 17th prime number
67 is the 19th prime number

The intriguing thing is that the sum of the serial positions of these prime numbers (factors) is human chromosome number 46.

All of this and much more can be found at "Science and Mathematics in the Holy Quran" - Google it!
Yosef, instead of all this piddling about, why doesn't God simply appear on the top of Mount Everest in the form of a giant fire-breathing blue giraffe, and send out his holy messages as smoke rings?
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Hahaha. Yosef, the fact that you actually think this is a convincing argument that is worth sharing is proof of how deranged your thinking is.
SAM said:
So basically after all these mental calisthenics we find out that there are numbers and words in the Quran. Now what?
Now we might conclude that theistic belief is the core stimulus to the human imagination, and that without it we lack the ability to abstract from materialism, conceive of transcendent pattern or entity.

IIRC I've run into argument of that kind before, anyway.

I will be posting some facts here, you're free to make your mind about. All facts can be found at site: Science and Mathematics in the Holy Quran.

The word "Human" in chapter 31 "Luqman" is the 23rd occurrence of the word human from the beginning of the Quran. At the same time it's the 43rd occurrence of the word "Human" from the end of the Quran. Interestingly, the word "Human" appears in 43 chapters of the Holy Quran.

"It is the Truth from thy Lord (O Muhammad), so be not thou of those who waver" - Holy Quran 2:147

More to come later.

After reading your equating with prime numbers and the Qu'ran I thought about the bible code.

The Bible code, also known as the Torah code, is a series of messages alleged to exist within the Bible text, that when decoded form words and phrases supposedly demonstrating foreknowledge and prophecy. The study and results from this cipher have been popularized by the book The Bible Code.

Can anybody place any credence in Science and Mathematics in the Holy Quran or the bible code?
The same codes have been worked in Shakespeare's complete works with equally stunning results. It's just what happens when you have a ton of letters strung together and you go searching for a pattern.

I'd be more impressed if predicted claims were THEN found by following prescriptive rules. I wouldn't call it proof, but it would still be more impressive than this post-hoc scavenger hunt.
Has anybody read the FSM bible? I heard there's one out there. Maybe more than one but is there one that's official. I really want to do a word count:D