f those 'weak atheists' of yours can't be sure that 'God does not exist', then why should they be classified as atheists in the first place?
Simple answer; Theism, those whom believe in religious dogma, god or gods.
"Atheism is derived from the Greek, atheos, and means simply 'away from the belief in a god or gods.' " http://www.religioustolerance.org/atheist1.htm
The English language is very rich; and it must have some word for labeling this kind of undecided people.
We are not undecided, we are very well informed of the vagueness of religious scripture to produce any credible empirical evidence of their god. However we are not going to put ourselves in the same position as the theist is by asserting a positive statement. The positive statement "god exists" requires foreknowledge of what god is, and that it exists. As a strong atheist, he directly puts himself in the same position, because the positive statement "god does not exist" this would imply that such a person has foreknowledge of what god is, and that it does not exist, therefore he/she would require empirical evidence of what god is, and that it's non existent. Since no one knows what god is, even theists, the assertion is unprovable just as the theist's assertion are unprovable.
However, I think you mean, in this context, the politics of atheism. It's, here, that people who think 'God does not exist' can be divided into 'strong' & 'weak'; i.e. the militant & the passive.
Na,na,na,no,no, What you are doing here is classifying characters of an individual, I'm a weak atheist genre, but I can also be a total asshole when dealing with theists, just look around or read some of my posts directed at LightGigantic, amongst other theist around here who are constantly preaching and bible thumping. This is BTW a scientific forum with a sub-forum on religion, thus giving the opportunity for theist to present their believes in a scientific manner, and yada, yada, however this very seldom happens, and some get aggravated with the constant bickering amongst both camps of the debate.
And so, the 'strong atheist' is the one who dislikes very much his follow theists, refuses to put his hand on the Bible in court, and forces his wife and children to follow him. That is on one hand.
Again this happens to be with the character of the individual, I'm pretty courteous with my family, I'm the only atheist in my family, I'm not married but most of my X's have been religious. If I were to get married, "not any time in the near future" I wouldn't mind if she's religious, but I wouldn't want a religious wedding either, if I went through with it, this would make me a hypocrite. If I were to testify in a court room and asked to place my hand on the bible, I do think I'd tell the judge I don't believe in a christian god, or any god whatsoever, and don't consider the bible to be sacred, but a historical document of ancient people. BTW, I would kindly remind them of "separation of church and state"
On the other hand, the 'weak atheist' is the one who can afford to sit inside a church, relax inside a mosque, and take a nap inside a synagogue, all in one day!
I wouldn't know about anyone else, but I sat in church many times, (I didn't melt, faint, or burst into internal combustion) I was there with parents, and occasionally with some girlfriends as well, it does not bug me, nor do I think it bother any other atheist either. BTW most atheist were religious at one point in their lives.
In this sense of the term, the communists, in their heyday, must have been 'strong atheists', because they refused to co-exist with their follow theists under any conceivable circumstances.
This is a canard! atheism does not equal or imply communism.
By contrast, the Darwinians must be classified as 'weak atheists', because they tend to leave religion alone as long as the theists refrain from interfering with the science of biology.
Once again your characterizing individuals or generalizing their stance because of their scientific believes, many christians believe in Darwinian evolution and consider themselves christians.