God Is Self-contradictory. Hence, God Doesn’t Exist.

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(as opposed to a claim that comes with a process that enables direct perception)

Sorry if you've answered this already, but this is such a huge thread and I haven't had a chance to read all of it yet.

1. Is the claim of God's existence such a claim?
2. If so, what is the process that I can go through to experience this direct perception you're talking about?


1 - Knowledge conveyed through scripture must be received from a qualified person in disciplic succession

What differentiates someone who became a Christian of his own accord through personal study of the Bible and someone who had it taught to him in the succession? Would the former be less qualified to convey the knowledge to me?

Just curious, which one are you lightgigantic? The former or the latter?
its amazing
everytime I bring up the high school drop out analogy all the opponents can do is let go with a gastric release of ad homs

Need I go and list all your own ad homs? Kindly dispense with the hypocrisy.

as for the lenny thing, what makes it stand aside from the claims of both physicists and theists is that it is simply a claim (as opposed to a claim that comes with a process that enables direct perception)

Incorrect, there is a process. What now?
"Believe and you will believe."

Other than that there is little in there.

Oh - apart from each generation of disclipic succession having the same "revelatory experience". This is just the point at which you realise "you believe".
And is nothing more than the entry point to the wonderful circle that you have then built for yourself.

I just find it a pity you don't see this, and are content to keep running on your intellectual hamster-wheel.
I haven't gotten the idea that you would believe in anything, the point was that if you were subject to someone elses belief that you lacked belief in, it wouldn't matter how many others believed in that thing or how many years they had believed in that thing. What remains is that to get you to believe in the leprechauns that they believe in, the onus is on them, not you.

All I actually did was reverse what you had said but with a more pertinent analogy. The best argument you could muster was that they had 'believed for thousands of years and were in the majority' which is meaningless to someone that lacks that belief. We could argue all day long, I could impress you with tales of leprechauns but if I were to try and get you to believe in those leprechauns the onus would be on me to support that claim with something substantial to you, the unbeliever. You claim the burden is on the atheist. Simply put, you're wrong.

All due respect but it was a tad better than your monkey brain scenario.

Disrespect, foolishness, ungratefulness etc are irrelevant to your lack of belief - and if they want you to believe as they do the onus is on them - absolutely smegging regardless to how long they have believed it and how many of them there are.

Oh praise the weakness of man.

It would be lazy and inaccurate on the part of anyone to think that atheists intend to do away with theism when they ask theists to prove (provide evidence for), their claims. Atheists, (that I know), don't give a rats shit what anyone else believes. It's when they start impressing that belief upon everyone else that it becomes an issue.


Hello SnakeLord;

The ODDS are almost the same, but it's a 'tad' better BET that you don't live in Ireland:
I gather from your post that you're a bit aggravated, or should I say 'pissed off' by people who wish to convert you. I agree that is annoying, but let's look at the BRIGHT side. First and foremost, and believe it or not, those meddling folks, really LOVE you; and they're saying to you, in their own way, 'we like you so much; and we look forward to spend the entire future ETERNITY with you'! When it comes from ordinary persons, this friendly invitation can be very moving; and unless having a 'heart of reptilian', one should observe every courtesy in the BOOK to soften the IMPACT of outright rejection.

As for those 'conversion' professionals, who have a clear motive for exploiting you, they usually know what they are doing and approach you only when the chances of converting you are very good. And with such simmering anger against all 'sacred things', this kind of guys would not dare, in my best judgment, to approach you twice; right?

Also, you have to be very careful about this CHALLENGE of " prove (provide evidence for)" of yours. Do you know why? It's because such a challenge is an open-ended INVITATION to your theists (whoever they are) to discuss the TENETS of their religion with you, each and every time they think they have stumbled upon the MOTHER-LODE of all theistic proofs. And so, if you really want them NOT to bother you, you have to stop asking for evidence. Don't ASK for it; PERIOD.

Now; 'Lord of all Reptiles', you're giving me no other option, but to defend my 'hunky-dory' Monkey-Meat Analogy! My 'monkeys', within this context, are a WORLD better than your crash-landing 'planes'. And this is the reason why: my Scenario is real and true and actual and up-to-the-point and brief and very effective in making my 'theists' look like 'cannibals' and bad. Your Scenario, by comparison, is imaginary & unlikely (on a small planet like ours) & poorly assembled & verbose & bulky & giving the exact opposite of the intended effect by making your 'theists' look welcoming, generous, and warm-hearted. Therefore, my analogy, by all standards, is a lot of 'tads' BETTER than yours. That is true; don't protest against it; my dear 'SnakeLord'; okay? By the way, the COMMENT in my previous post on your 'less-than-perfect' Scenario was, in fact, a compliment; go back & look at it; and try to be more reflective next time.

Finally, you've boldly stated that "Atheists, (that I know), don't give a rats shit what anyone else believes"! How could say that? Sorry; you fare, here (on the scale of reason), far worse than a typical theist does! Do you actually think those (atheists whom you know) could constitute a sufficient sample to allow you to speak in this manner for that HODGE-PODGE collection of all sorts of people called 'atheists'? Sure, your assertion must be false, SnakeLord. Therefore, I repeat once again that theological propositions cannot be proved TRUE by any kind of evidence; because they are propositions of principles. And because propositions of principles (religious or otherwise) can only be proven invalid and FALSE and unfounded by whatever suitable means of investigation; and that is it.
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The ODDS are almost the same, but it's a 'tad' better BET that you don't live in Ireland

Given that my profile clearly states that I live in England, I'd consider it less of a "bet" and more 'plain bloody obvious'.

Anyway, my apologies but I don't get the relevance of your statement to anything I said.

I gather from your post that you're a bit aggravated, or should I say 'pissed off' by people who wish to convert you.

Not really, no. I absolutely resent people trying to indoctrinate the young and innocent, but I am far beyond the stage of believing in fairy tales because someone else happens to.

Let's try and stick to the discussion here. You claimed that the onus is on the atheist to disprove the claims of the theist. Simply put: you're wrong and I have shown why. You now talk about Ireland and conversion. What is that all about?

First and foremost, and believe or not, those meddling folks, really LOVE you; and they're saying to you, in their own way, 'we like you so much; and we look forward to spend the entire future ETERNITY with you'! When it comes from ordinary persons, this friendly invitation can be very moving; and unless having a 'heart of reptilian', one should observe every courtesy in the BOOK to soften the IMPACT of outright rejection.

And, seeings as they love me oh so much, the very second I say "thank you but no", they should respect that and walk away right? Furthermore, by loving me ever so much the minute I ask them questions they should not take it as me attacking their faith, but should answer it as politely as they possibly can and understand that questions are an integral part of life - that others will not instantly believe what you say simply by virtue of you saying it. The 'atheist' cannot answer those questions for himself - no sir, the onus is on the oh so loving theist - which was the very point of my post.

Oh, and just incase you are one of those oh so loving theists.. I don't want to spend eternity with you. Man, I don't want to spent a weekend with you.

Let it also be said that while they might love me, I have no such feeling in return. In saying I really don't care about softening the impact on their poor little loving hearts when they decide to try and shove their beliefs in my face. I have no need nor desire to "observe every courtesy in that book" and I get the impression you would be the same if I told you to observe every courtesy in the Book of Lenny simply because if you don't I'll be offended.

As for those 'conversion' professionals, who have a clear motive for exploiting you, they usually know what they are doing and approach you only when the chances of converting you are very good. And with such simmering anger against all 'sacred things', this kind of guys would not dare, in my best judgment, to approach you twice; right?

You mistake anger for questioning belief. If you make a claim I will call you on it. It's not because I'm angry, it's because I'm a sane, normal human being. If some guy knocked on your door and started impressing you to a belief in leprechauns you'd either slam the door, (even though he might very well love you), or you'd question him. If you just bowed down and accepted everything he said then you're ill.

Also, you have to be very careful about this CHALLENGE of " prove (provide evidence for)" of yours. Do you know why? It's because such a challenge is an open-ended INVITATION to your theists (whoever they are) to discuss the TENETS of their religion with you

Certainly, what do you think happens on this very forum? You know, I was speaking to my wife about 30 minutes ago. She mentioned my brother who is now borderline christian, (he says he wont label himself but he has a belief in god). He's a troubled person and ended up making friends with some of the 'god squad' as he calls them. I have been going along with him to church on a Tuesday, (I'm leaving in around 2 hrs time), where they do a 'course' for would be christians.

They preach the bible, sing religious songs and.. thankfully.. hand out free booze.

my wife said that my brother has become a lot calmer since joining this thing. My wifes sister asked why I go along. I explained that, (aside from the free booze), people need to hear different perspectives. If for instance you raised your daughter with the express belief that prostitution was the best thing she could ever do - and there was no outside perspective to that, not only would it not be fair on her, but she would undoubtedly live life on her back. In the same way I go to this church thing to provide a different perspective to people that are on the edge.

Now, while there I welcome the thoughts, beliefs and opinions of others - but I will question them, and would expect the same in return. Currently, not by preaching but by questioning, 2 people have decided to leave the church and course. Now, in the larger picture a disservice might have been done, but it is simply unfair to not hear all sides of the picture. The only person that can give it the atheist perspective is me, the only one that can give it the theist perspective is them. Again: the onus is on them to support their claims and they must accept and welcome questioning. The fact that they fall apart because of those questions is not my fault or concern.

And so, if you really want them NOT to bother you, you have to stop asking for evidence. Don't ASK for it; PERIOD.

jews don't, muslims don't, evolutionists don't. christians on the other hand push their beliefs upon others, (at your home, in schools yada yada). I disagree with that. To discuss religious issues I come to this forum or visit a church etc - and in those instances I do ask for it. Not asking for it doesn't change anything, the doorbell still rings.

That is true; don't protest against it; my dear 'SnakeLord'; okay?

A) Less with the condescending.

B) See, you make a claim and just expect me to accept every word of it. If you don't now want questioning, (which you clearly don't by telling me not to protest), then you're a fool of the highest order.

C) Let's look at the evidence:

You stated that the onus is on the atheists and as an example used a case of monkey brain eating jungle dwellers that believe it is healthy. You then stated that the atheist was trying to convince the theist that monkey meat was unhealthy when this is an unrealistic way of looking at the scenario. In reality the monkey meat eater is trying to convince the atheist that monkey meat is healthy and the atheist is questioning that claim. The onus therefore without a shadow of a doubt is on the monkey meat eater. IF the atheist was telling the monkey meat eater that monkey meat is unhealthy then yes, the onus would be on him to show it to be the case because the positive claim is being made by him. Still with me so far? Good.

If the theist, (the monkey meat eater), makes the positive claim - ergo monkey meat is healthy, the onus is on him to support his claim with something valid.

Now to my analogy: A man that doesn't have a belief in a specific entity crash lands on an island where everyone else believes in this entity. You argued that length of belief and amount of believers is suitable for you to believe in it also, but I argued that this was wrong. I showed you that to you, the unbeliever, the amount of them is irrelevant to your disbelief. IF they intended to get you to believe in their leprechaun, (they are making the positive claims), then the onus is on them to support their claims.

Whether these leprechaun believers are nice and welcoming, generous and warm hearted is of no relevance to your lack of belief and their needing to support their claims.

I hope that was made clear to you. I'd hate for you to puff up your ego again that much for no good reason. Ok, my dear little friend?

Finally, you've boldly stated that "Atheists, (that I know), don't give a rats shit what anyone else believes"! How could say that?

Well, quite simply because me, (an atheist), and all the atheists I happen to know don't give a rats shit what other people believe in. Wasn't that obvious?

Sorry; you fare, here (on the scale of reason), far worse than a typical theist does!

Well then, you clearly know more about me and my friends than I do. Bravo. Sorry, now I'm being condescending. Let me ask instead..

Hi, AAF.. do you know my friends? If the answer is no do you honestly think you can speak for them? Do you think, by not knowing my friends that you can honestly state that I lack reason because I know them well enough to speak for them? Well?

Do you actually think those (atheists whom you know) could constitute a sufficient sample to allow you to speak in this manner for that HODGE-PODGE collection of all sorts of people called 'atheists'?

No. Which is why I only mentioned the atheists that... I know.

SnakeLord. Therefore, I repeat once again that theological propositions cannot be proved TRUE by any kind of evidence

Why ever not?
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Therefore, I repeat once again that theological propositions cannot be proved TRUE by any kind of evidence; because they are propositions of principles. And because propositions of principles (religious or otherwise) can only be proven invalid and FALSE and unfounded by whatever suitable means of investigation; and that is it.
Please explain what you mean by "proposition of principles".
Both terms have a wide usage and I want to be clear of exactly what you mean before I decide how to proceed.
If you can, please provide examples of your meaning of "propositions of principles" in both religious and non-religious contexts.

What differentiates someone who became a Christian of his own accord through personal study of the Bible and someone who had it taught to him in the succession? Would the former be less qualified to convey the knowledge to me?

Just curious, which one are you lightgigantic? The former or the latter?
basically its like the difference between someone who taught themselves medicine and someone who was taught by someone who knows medicine (theoretically they could be both equally qualified, however practically the statistics tend to lend one category as more qualified than the other)

Need I go and list all your own ad homs? Kindly dispense with the hypocrisy.
where they ad homs in response to philosophical arguments or ad homs in response to the ad homs of atheists that wer ein response to philosophical arguments Mr. Horsepoo?

Incorrect, there is a process. What now?
its not obvious?
Discussion of the process of course (or more specifically discussion on whether your statement "my process is identical to your process" is actually true)
"Believe and you will believe."

Other than that there is little in there.

Oh - apart from each generation of disclipic succession having the same "revelatory experience". This is just the point at which you realise "you believe".
And is nothing more than the entry point to the wonderful circle that you have then built for yourself.

I just find it a pity you don't see this, and are content to keep running on your intellectual hamster-wheel.
I doubt you have even read past the two points
where they ad homs in response to philosophical arguments or ad homs in response to the ad homs of atheists that wer ein response to philosophical arguments Mr. Horsepoo?

I'm sure it's a mixture. I am aware that ad homs come from all different people for all different reasons but that was not the point of my statement. Further to which, I consider such playground attitude, (he did it first so I did it back), as a bit of a weak excuse.

Now, I'm not saying you're not entitled to ad hom, I couldn't really care less, I was merely pointing out the hypocrisy of telling others not to when you're equally guilty.

its not obvious?
Discussion of the process of course

Discussion with who?

or more specifically discussion on whether your statement "my process is identical to your process" is actually true

I suppose it's possible I did, but I don't remember saying anything about the process being identical to anything, I said: "there is a process, now what". However, why would it be relevant to anything if the process was or wasn't identical to other processes?

So using your logic, I can then assume that you will never ever claim that another religion, such as Islam or Hinduism, is false, unless you've qualified yourself to do so by obtaining knowledge in that faith via a qualified person in disciplic succession. Is that correct?
Is it possible to include atheism in that list along with the religions?
True so basically LG lacks the epistemology, and reasoning behind atheism. It just differs from his opinions, so he has to belittle it, he has to use his non-serquitus reasoning to justify his beliefs, and we in turn keep asking him for evidence of his claims. Of which he only evades the questions! and retorts with another question! It is a bit redundant keeping up with his intricacies as he reveals them, it only leads one to postulate more questions, that he basically never answers! :(
Given that my profile clearly states that I live in England, I'd consider it less of a "bet" and more 'plain bloody obvious'.

Anyway, my apologies but I don't get the relevance of your statement to anything I said.

Not really, no. I absolutely resent people trying to indoctrinate the young and innocent, but I am far beyond the stage of believing in fairy tales because someone else happens to.

Let's try and stick to the discussion here. You claimed that the onus is on the atheist to disprove the claims of the theist. Simply put: you're wrong and I have shown why. You now talk about Ireland and conversion. What is that all about?

And, seeings as they love me oh so much, the very second I say "thank you but no", they should respect that and walk away right? Furthermore, by loving me ever so much the minute I ask them questions they should not take it as me attacking their faith, but should answer it as politely as they possibly can and understand that questions are an integral part of life - that others will not instantly believe what you say simply by virtue of you saying it. The 'atheist' cannot answer those questions for himself - no sir, the onus is on the oh so loving theist - which was the very point of my post.

Oh, and just incase you are one of those oh so loving theists.. I don't want to spend eternity with you. Man, I don't want to spent a weekend with you.

Let it also be said that while they might love me, I have no such feeling in return. In saying I really don't care about softening the impact on their poor little loving hearts when they decide to try and shove their beliefs in my face. I have no need nor desire to "observe every courtesy in that book" and I get the impression you would be the same if I told you to observe every courtesy in the Book of Lenny simply because if you don't I'll be offended.

You mistake anger for questioning belief. If you make a claim I will call you on it. It's not because I'm angry, it's because I'm a sane, normal human being. If some guy knocked on your door and started impressing you to a belief in leprechauns you'd either slam the door, (even though he might very well love you), or you'd question him. If you just bowed down and accepted everything he said then you're ill.

Certainly, what do you think happens on this very forum? You know, I was speaking to my wife about 30 minutes ago. She mentioned my brother who is now borderline christian, (he says he wont label himself but he has a belief in god). He's a troubled person and ended up making friends with some of the 'god squad' as he calls them. I have been going along with him to church on a Tuesday, (I'm leaving in around 2 hrs time), where they do a 'course' for would be christians.

They preach the bible, sing religious songs and.. thankfully.. hand out free booze.

my wife said that my brother has become a lot calmer since joining this thing. My wifes sister asked why I go along. I explained that, (aside from the free booze), people need to hear different perspectives. If for instance you raised your daughter with the express belief that prostitution was the best thing she could ever do - and there was no outside perspective to that, not only would it not be fair on her, but she would undoubtedly live life on her back. In the same way I go to this church thing to provide a different perspective to people that are on the edge.

Now, while there I welcome the thoughts, beliefs and opinions of others - but I will question them, and would expect the same in return. Currently, not by preaching but by questioning, 2 people have decided to leave the church and course. Now, in the larger picture a disservice might have been done, but it is simply unfair to not hear all sides of the picture. The only person that can give it the atheist perspective is me, the only one that can give it the theist perspective is them. Again: the onus is on them to support their claims and they must accept and welcome questioning. The fact that they fall apart because of those questions is not my fault or concern.

jews don't, muslims don't, evolutionists don't. christians on the other hand push their beliefs upon others, (at your home, in schools yada yada). I disagree with that. To discuss religious issues I come to this forum or visit a church etc - and in those instances I do ask for it. Not asking for it doesn't change anything, the doorbell still rings.

A) Less with the condescending.

B) See, you make a claim and just expect me to accept every word of it. If you don't now want questioning, (which you clearly don't by telling me not to protest), then you're a fool of the highest order.

C) Let's look at the evidence:

You stated that the onus is on the atheists and as an example used a case of monkey brain eating jungle dwellers that believe it is healthy. You then stated that the atheist was trying to convince the theist that monkey meat was unhealthy when this is an unrealistic way of looking at the scenario. In reality the monkey meat eater is trying to convince the atheist that monkey meat is healthy and the atheist is questioning that claim. The onus therefore without a shadow of a doubt is on the monkey meat eater. IF the atheist was telling the monkey meat eater that monkey meat is unhealthy then yes, the onus would be on him to show it to be the case because the positive claim is being made by him. Still with me so far? Good.

If the theist, (the monkey meat eater), makes the positive claim - ergo monkey meat is healthy, the onus is on him to support his claim with something valid.

Now to my analogy: A man that doesn't have a belief in a specific entity crash lands on an island where everyone else believes in this entity. You argued that length of belief and amount of believers is suitable for you to believe in it also, but I argued that this was wrong. I showed you that to you, the unbeliever, the amount of them is irrelevant to your disbelief. IF they intended to get you to believe in their leprechaun, (they are making the positive claims), then the onus is on them to support their claims.

Whether these leprechaun believers are nice and welcoming, generous and warm hearted is of no relevance to your lack of belief and their needing to support their claims.

I hope that was made clear to you. I'd hate for you to puff up your ego again that much for no good reason. Ok, my dear little friend?

Well, quite simply because me, (an atheist), and all the atheists I happen to know don't give a rats shit what other people believe in. Wasn't that obvious?

Well then, you clearly know more about me and my friends than I do. Bravo. Sorry, now I'm being condescending. Let me ask instead..

Hi, AAF.. do you know my friends? If the answer is no do you honestly think you can speak for them? Do you think, by not knowing my friends that you can honestly state that I lack reason because I know them well enough to speak for them? Well?

No. Which is why I only mentioned the atheists that... I know.

Why ever not?

Hi SnakeLord;

Admittedly, you are far more tolerant than I am.

I don’t think I can afford to listen to any religious
stuff inside any religious institution.

I apologize for misjudging you in my previous posts.
Admittedly, you are far more tolerant than I am.

While I thank you for what is seemingly a compliment, ultimately I wouldn't personally consider myself a 'tolerant' person. I suppose it depends on the person and circumstance.

I don’t think I can afford to listen to any religious
stuff inside any religious institution.

To be honest I find it rather funny, but also rather scary.. It's quite weird having conflicting feelings. Last night was particularly scary and funny all in one. I will make a thread shortly to explain it. :)

where they ad homs in response to philosophical arguments or ad homs in response to the ad homs of atheists that wer ein response to philosophical arguments Mr. Horsepoo?

I'm sure it's a mixture. I am aware that ad homs come from all different people for all different reasons but that was not the point of my statement. Further to which, I consider such playground attitude, (he did it first so I did it back), as a bit of a weak excuse.
Its more a case that ad hom gets a mention as a fallacy of discussion because it is unproductive and a sure way to throw all attempts at discussion out the window - this is what tends to distinguish discussion on this thread from the discussion amongst persons deemed as credible (regardless of their stance on theism/atheism) in the academic world
Now, I'm not saying you're not entitled to ad hom, I couldn't really care less, I was merely pointing out the hypocrisy of telling others not to when you're equally guilty.
basically your choice is this
- if you want to actually have an intelligent discussion don't ad hom
- if you want to have a 'style' forum then be sly and ad him to your heart's content

Expect appropriate reciprocation according to your choice

its not obvious?
Discussion of the process of course

Discussion with who?
you probably cannot discuss the empirical reasoning behind the cutting edge knowledge of rocket science - but you are probably capable of discussing whether a person who is making claims of the cutting edge knowledge of rocket science is qualified or not

or more specifically discussion on whether your statement "my process is identical to your process" is actually true

I suppose it's possible I did, but I don't remember saying anything about the process being identical to anything, I said: "there is a process, now what". However, why would it be relevant to anything if the process was or wasn't identical to other processes?
well if the process to identifying lenny is identical to the process of identifying god, then its obvious the issue is semantics - and if the process is identical to the process of establishing that red rabbits with horns are eating flowers that float in the sky, that too would indicate an issue of semantics

So using your logic, I can then assume that you will never ever claim that another religion, such as Islam or Hinduism, is false, unless you've qualified yourself to do so by obtaining knowledge in that faith via a qualified person in disciplic succession. Is that correct?
not quite

islam/christian/hindu are merely words that crop up in a time/place/circumstance - since god is an eternal phenomena, the means to approach (and qualities of one who is successful in approaching) God are practically identical
not quite

islam/christian/hindu are merely words that crop up in a time/place/circumstance - since god is an eternal phenomena, the means to approach (and qualities of one who is successful in approaching) God are practically identical

What god are you calling an eternal phenomena? It certainly can't be the Abrahamic God as that really showed up with the start of Judaism by establishing a personal relationship between man and God. Prior to that, gods were just facets of nature that people chose to glorify and worship.

And then you don't even want to get started and what we call Greek "myths" nowadays. In fact, I'm pretty sure there are people who are worshiping Zeus to this very day.
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