God is real?

s0meguy said:
No offense, but I think what you people believe in is not true. God is supernatural, and yet I have not seen anything supernatural in this world. You can't prove that God (Jesus or Allah or the like) exists and if you can, please enlighten me.

I believe people have made up religion to scare and suppress people. Or maybe to help people. But God is not real.

I do not wish to offend you people and I respect your religion.

Yet it is a mystery for me why this universe and all it's objects exist so for that reason I might believe that there is some kind of supreme beiing and maybe an afterlife or something like that.

I figure you all are smart enough to figure that (most of) you wouldn't have any religion at all if you weren't raised with one.

There are so many different religions, how can one tell that yours is the 'right' one?

I am verrrry uncertain about the whole religion thing, and I have tried talking about this with other religious people but they were offended and I did not succeed in having a reasonable conversation with them.

I hope you people can give me that.

If you feel you need to flame me please do not post here.

s0meguy said:
I believe people have made up religion to scare and suppress people. Or maybe to help people. But God is not real..
Biblically speaking you`re ignorant about religion.

James 1:27 says Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. (King James version of the Holy Bible) source http://www.addbible.com

I advice you to have an in-depth study of your wonders about the existing (us) and the universe. Don`t forget there is a middle part of heaven and earth. I invite you to our websites http://www.theoldway.org or http://www.theoldway.tk . Thanks for reading.
enton: Biblically speaking you`re ignorant about religion.
M*W: Biblically speaking, you're just a pawn in the hands of Satan. Every word you write is evil. Satan is working through you to bring evil to this forum. You are possessed with many evil demons. You preach Christianity, but Christianity is Satanic. It will destroy you! You must at once remove any Christian thoughts from your mind. You must denounce Christianity forever. Free yourself from this vile beast!
Godless, the site doesn't seem to realize the Shannon-Weaver model isn't the only theory of information. It's extremely basic (I learnt it in as an introduction to Information Science, see here) and applying it to metaphysics (as that article does) is quite a stretch. It's like trying to explain a black hole using only Newtonian physics.

The fact is that Ayn Rand's "objectivism" depends on objects (similar to Plato's "forms") as defined within her system. But one establishes measuring tools (or theories) in response to an already observed object - it doesn't help to invent a ruler, and then go around trying to determine the length of time between two events. It's not suited to the task. At most, the website can claim that God cannot logically exist given the premises of Ayn Rand's objectivism, or measured by Shannon's theory of information.
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Medicine Woman said:
enton: Biblically speaking you`re ignorant about religion.
M*W: Biblically speaking, you're just a pawn in the hands of Satan. Every word you write is evil. Satan is working through you to bring evil to this forum. You are possessed with many evil demons. You preach Christianity, but Christianity is Satanic. It will destroy you! You must at once remove any Christian thoughts from your mind. You must denounce Christianity forever. Free yourself from this vile beast!
And who are you that I should listen to you? And who am I that you are concerned to care for?

And who are you that I should listen to you?

And who is Jesus or god that you should listen to them? Your only evidence for them is no more powerful than the evidence for MW. Face it. MW is real, God and Jesus are fantasy.
Huh? A fellow human being? And in what way do you think my post exhibits any degree of care beyond the casual internet discussion?
superluminal said:
Huh? A fellow human being? And in what way do you think my post exhibits any degree of care beyond the casual internet discussion?
That`s general not only for you.
enton: And who are you that I should listen to you? And who am I that you are concerned to care for?
M*W: I am Medicine*Woman, and I speak the truth. You are enton, and you speak lies.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: I am Medicine*Woman, and I speak the truth. You are enton, and you speak lies.

I guess you really need phsychiatric treatment or maybe a lie detector test.

Don't you think it's the least bit arrogant of you to claim you are correct in all this religious business without a single bit of tangible proof for your god?
superluminal said:

Don't you think it's the least bit arrogant of you to claim you are correct in all this religious business without a single bit of tangible proof for your god?

Can you find a single post that I claim I am correct?
superluminal said:
Well, yes. You claim to know that the bible is truth. I think that counts.
I don`t claim. I was able to comprehend the biblical messages.
I don`t claim. I was able to comprehend the biblical messages.

So you STATE that you understand the biblical messages. That they convey some TRUTH to you. Yes? Therefore you know the TRUTH and we don't. Yes?
superluminal said:
So you STATE that you understand the biblical messages. That they convey some TRUTH to you. Yes? Therefore you know the TRUTH and we don't. Yes?
I don`t know about your state but with the help of the Holy Spirit I understand biblically.
Godless said:
Technically speaking your ingnorant of reality
The Ontology of Information, and Hard Atheism

Sorry to bring you down to earth! :D But sky daddy is not real.


Why bring me down to earth when I`m just here on earth? And how do you prove I`m ignorant of reality?

I guess you`re trying to prove that I`m ignorant of reality ontologically.

First, define ontology before we will discuss about reality and how come you relate me into ignorance of it. Okay?