God is real?

superluminal said:

I detect that you are having trouble with the nuances of english.
Don`t worry I don`t see trouble about English, being my third tongue linguistically speaking.
enton said:
I advice you to have an in-depth study of your wonders about the existing (us) and the universe. Don`t forget there is a middle part of heaven and earth. I invite you to our websites http://www.theoldway.org or http://www.theoldway.tk . Thanks for reading.

I tried my best to read this with an open mind, but no matter how hard I try I come to the conclusion that the people who manage this website are simply people who think that they know it better.

The more I read this website the more I get the idea that the people behind this website simply have too much time on their hands in which they read the bible and other holy texts. Then, they shape this information according to what seems best in their own way of thinking. The information on this website has nothing to do with reality.

Some time ago I had a conversation with a Christian woman. I asked her why she believes in the bible. She said simply: Because it is the truth. I don't get it. What do these people see in the bible that I do not? What reason is there to believe in the texts of the bible?
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s0meguy said:
The more I read this website the more I get the idea that the people behind this people simply have too much time on their hands in which they read the bible and other holy texts. Then, they shape this information according to what seems best in their own way of thinking.
Didn't you just define just about every religious person on the planet?
Most people, in my experience, do not read "holy" texts in search of truth, the read it in search of justification for what they already believe to be truth and justifcation for their "lifestyle".
s0meguy said:
Some time ago I had a conversation with a Christian woman. I asked her why she believes in the bible. She said simply: Because it is the truth. I don't get it. What do these people see in the bible that I do not? What reason is there to believe in the texts of the bible?
Don`t try to stop. God will provide the rest. But remember, if I put 1 John 4:1 in a specific sense:

Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

you will note that one only need to avoid "false" prophets.

But the question is this: What are prophets? Does the term limit only to so-called messengers of God?

Remember not only are Bible preachers spreading nowadays but also "Anti-Bible" preachers, "Bible-Modifier" preachers , "Relax" hermeneuts.

Don`t focus only in the christian side. Give time to investigate too other realms of belief. And weigh them by your choice, whether it is good to remain free from any system of life. Anyway, people nowadays are influenced by the so-called "culture."

It is funny that cult has been neglected inside culture.

Well, for me, it`s just a sort of an advice being a 2+ year-old christian. Internet is also a vast world. You can do researches like what I am doing right now.
enton said:
you will note that one only need to avoid "false" prophets.

But the question is this: What are prophets?
I think the question is this: How you you determine whether a prophet is false or not?
one_raven said:
I think the question is this: How you you determine whether a prophet is false or not?

If a ruler hearken to lies, all his servants are wicked. Proverbs 29:12

He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God. John 8:47

As for me, this is my covenant with them, saith the LORD; My spirit that is upon thee, and my words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed, nor out of the mouth of thy seed's seed, saith the LORD, from henceforth and forever. Isaiah 59:21

It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. John 6:63

Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works. John 14:10

Okay now?
Oh! another bible thumping nut case. Who may I add doesn't even know what the hell "ontology" means. :rolleyes:

From Wikipedia: In philosophy, ontology (from the Greek όντος = part. of ειναι = being and λόγος = word/speech) is the most fundamental branch of metaphysics. It studies being or existence as well as the basic categories thereof—trying to find out what entities and what types of entities exist. Ontology has strong implications for the conceptions of reality.

That is great that you know three languages, what other language do you speak?.

Any Greek?.

Ο Θεός είναι μόνο στο κεφάλι σας, η Βίβλος είναι μόνο μύθος. Το κήρυγμα σε μας δεν έχει κανένα νόημα, όταν δεν πιστεύουμε το μύθο κηρύσσετε σε μας. Επιθυμείτε σε έναν τοίχο; Αυτός είναι αυτό που κάνετε κατά τον κήρυγμα της Βίβλου σε μας.

Translation just in case you don't:

God is only in your head, the bible is only myth. Preaching to us makes no sense, when we don't believe the myth you preach to us. Do you like speaking to a wall? That is what you do when preaching the bible to us.

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Godless said:
Oh! another bible thumping nut case. Who may I add doesn't even know what the hell "ontology" means. :rolleyes:

From Wikipedia: In philosophy, ontology (from the Greek όντος = part. of ειναι = being and λόγος = word/speech) is the most fundamental branch of metaphysics. It studies being or existence as well as the basic categories thereof—trying to find out what entities and what types of entities exist. Ontology has strong implications for the conceptions of reality.

That is great that you know three languages, what other language do you speak?.

Any Greek?.

Ο Θεός είναι μόνο στο κεφάλι σας, η Βίβλος είναι μόνο μύθος. Το κήρυγμα σε μας δεν έχει κανένα νόημα, όταν δεν πιστεύουμε το μύθο κηρύσσετε σε μας. Επιθυμείτε σε έναν τοίχο; Αυτός είναι αυτό που κάνετε κατά τον κήρυγμα της Βίβλου σε μας.

Translation just in case you don't:

God is only in your head, the bible is only myth. Preaching to us makes no sense, when we don't believe the myth you preach to us. Do you like speaking to a wall? That is what you do when preaching the bible to us.

And how do you know that I am actually preaching? God is only in my head, the bible is only myth to you.

Speaking to a wall is what you do when preaching the bible to us. (Any proof?)
If god is only in your head, then your a schizo hallusinating. Everytime you quote the bible, you are preaching.

This is a science forum, were's the science in preaching?. Thus you are speaking to a wall, when we don't believe the dribble that you so proffess as truth. ;)

Godless said:
If god is only in your head, then your a schizo hallusinating. Everytime you quote the bible, you are preaching.

This is a science forum, were's the science in preaching?. Thus you are speaking to a wall, when we don't believe the dribble that you so proffess as truth. ;)


Hello, you cannot understand. Scientifically, God cannot be contained in (MY) head. :rolleyes:
Hello, you cannot understand. Scientifically, God cannot be contained in (MY) head.

Good to know you are not going schizo. :)

And no he's not in your head, he's not even in your bed, he's not in your car, he's not even far. He is just not even an existent, it's just part of ancient imagination. From the mind of ancient schizophrenics.

Godless said:
Good to know you are not going schizo. :)

And no he's not in your head, he's not even in your bed, he's not in your car, he's not even far. He is just not even an existent, it's just part of ancient imagination. From the mind of ancient schizophrenics.

Maybe, you need to see a psychiatrist. You`re negating that God is not in my head, not in my bed, not in my car (because I have only a bicycle lolz), and not even far (maybe you feel him and is near to you,). Etc.

God is even in your username. So, think! God is even in your username.
has anybody noticed that enton is very much like angelic being/jadon.(he has'nt been around for a while, well not since we've had enton.)now it could be he's just another idiot, and just to make himself look different he's digging up old posts.
geeser said:
has anybody noticed that enton is very much like angelic being/jadon.(he has'nt been around for a while, well not since we've had enton.)now it could be he's just another idiot, and just to make himself look different he's digging up old posts.
Why evade my question in another thread?
Okay I understand you don`t know how to respond the question: Do God make evil?

Okay rephrase. Is there any scientific fact ascribing a phenomenon as proving the consequence of evil?
Don`t be amazed why I was not around because I don`t like most of the posts.And I did spend my time in another forum. When I see them as having not to do anymore with my responses, inasmuch as they`re requiring me OBJECTIVE EVIDENCE, and I`m inquiring too OBJECTIVE EVIDENCE, I feel I have to spend here my time, as usual, back to the old way, digging the uttermost depth before reaching the unreachable :m: :bugeye:
enton said:
Why evade my question in another thread?
Okay I understand you don`t know how to respond the question: Do God make evil?

Okay rephrase. Is there any scientific fact ascribing a phenomenon as proving the consequence of evil?
did'nt evade it answered it you were just to thick to realise.
Godless said:
And no he's not in your head, he's not even in your bed, he's not in your car, he's not even far. He is just not even an existent, it's just part of ancient imagination. From the mind of ancient schizophrenics.

What evidence do you have to back up this shit? :)

enton said:
Don`t be amazed why I was not around because I don`t like most of the posts.

Yeah, I also hate most of them.
*What evidence do you have to back up this shit?*

I guess you guys are just to damn idiotic, to understand sarcasm!.

*Yeah, I also hate most of them.*

So why the fuck are you here?.

Evidence of ancient mystics such as moses, abraham, et.all. being schisophrenics is here just read it!!

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