God is real?

Thanks again.
SVRP said:
Thank you for your reply, sOmeguy, but where in my reply did I indicate or imply you were ignorant for believing that there is no God? Maybe I should take the time to further explain my response.

I'm sorry I misunderstood you.
But you said "It would be better to invest time and money at the self-help section of a bookstore." and I thought that was sarcasm.

I am not certain about it but I think the way of science is the real one. Do you honestly think that god created everything? Why do you think that? Because it is written in a book?
Does god actually communicate with you?

I hope you can give me answers to these questions. You seem like the first reasonable believer I ever been in discussion with.

My entire family is non-believer and they just keep saying everything about religion is untrue or basicly bullshit. When I meet a christian, I can't have a reasonable conversation with them. The Islam is too violent in my eyes. The type of people in my neighbourhood that believe in Islam even get violent when I try to reason with them. And mostly the people of around my age (17j, Netherlands) on high school (atheneum, a grade for the more intelligent. Obviously, the people that come here are different from those that live in my neighbourhood) that are muslim say they believe in Islam, but when I question them for some aspects of Islam, I find that, I as a non-believer, mostly understand the Islam better than they do. Once when I told a guy Allah can't be real he tried to throw a chair at me. Even though it's a grade for more intelligent people. I think it's really sad. They make their believe a disgrace. Lately I read a document on how non-muslim should be treated in what they call muslim countries. It makes me sick.

If I look at it from that angle I think believers are stupid, dumb, ignorant, blind. the majority of them that is.

But I will not be blinded by those people.

I want to search and find god if he is really there. One side of me tells me that god cannot exist, one side of me tells me "why not"?

There is no real prove that god does exist nor that he does not exist.

When I read comments of people here that keep telling people that god is nonsense I think why are all those people wasting their time at all? Because they are AFRAID that something like god does exist. And with that I do not mean people that are in a conversation like this one. But the people that just keep shouting "GOD IS NOT REAL!!! GOD IS NOT REAL!!!". Ok, fine, yeah, what I'm saying is rubbish isn't it? Then I must laugh at any one that knows this of him/herself.
Tell me s0meguy

When you see the same course of autumn, winter, summer, fall (in whatever order, I'm not from around here to know), do you think that these could have just fallen into place by chance?

When turtles know that every year at a specific time, they must beach to hatch their young instinctively, do you think this knowledge could have come just by chance?

Do you believe that if a tornado spun inside a room of broken car parts for long enough a car would eventually be assembled due to chance?

If you answer no to the first two questions, then you would think the 3rd to be ludicrous. If you did answer yes, you would find that the same "scientists" who support the notion that it all came about by chance are unable to reproduce the whole thing, although science depends on experiments having the ability to be repeated... therefore a baffling contradiction they zealously cling to.
You can believe that it was all chance, as easily as you can believe in some being that has constructed everything. A being which just is, and always was, unchanged. Tell me, why can´t those things you mentioned above just be?
Do you believe that if a tornado spun inside a room of broken car parts for long enough a car would eventually be assembled due to chance?

I forgot the exact numbers, but I read the possibility of this happening and it was a tiny bit slim..

If you would not put your life on the probability of that happening then how would you award chance the responsibility of designing vastly complex cells, clouds, planets, fusion, electricity, water and so on?

Suppose that a native, strolling through the jungle, should come across a watch. Examining it, he cannot perceive its function. Does the fact that he sees no practical purpose in the instrument prove that it has no design? Hardly. Keep this important concept in mind, for frequently atheists – unable to perceive design in various objects – argue (upon the basis of their own ignorance) against the existence of a Designer. - ChristianCourier

Have you ever known anything at all in nature to be constant? Nature itself is evidently changing all the time, another thing that can't be awarded to chance. For if chance was responsible for change, the pH of water would be changing all the time. It would be shockingly stupid to maintain that trees grow by chance but the pH of water does not change also by chance.

According to your argument of constancy, man and life should never have been on earth, as that would then lead you back to the topic of chance bringing us here eventually, which leads you to the tornado event.

The discussion calls attention to the wonderful balance in nature. If it were not for organic compounds, plants could not exist. But if there were no plants, animals could not survive. If there were neither plants nor animals, we could not live.
Last edited:
I know that idea with the tornado, it was something about 14 billion to one or so... however, that was not really my point.

I asked why things in nature cannot just exist, but I´ll go along.

So, it is highly unlikely that we as an example exist. Let´s go with the above mentioned 14 billion to one. That of course, is highly unlikely, seeing that we are a very complex being and so on.

But how likely is it, that an omniscient/omnipotent being has created all universe without ever being created itself? Such a being is more than just complex, it is incredible. But you claim that such a being just exists. A being of unknown knowledge and power, able to create everything. So, if such a being can just exist, without any kind of evolution or birth or natural selection, why can a complex being on earth not just exist, without ever being created/developed.

Also, I doubt that we know how long our universe, the stuff everything is made of exists. Time flows for eternity, and if there is enough time, even slim chances are sure to happen.
Because, by your very own argument, we would be capable of doing the very same things God is capable of if we "just exist".

And since we are not, you would then conclude that it must have been chance that we existed all along at an inferior level to this higher Being. Which would in turn be grasping..

P.S. I edited my post to further reply to your post.
Oh, I nearly forgot....

I think that example with the tornado and the car (or a 747 or whatever else was used) is greatly flawed. It is a parallel to the existance of complex beings such as us. Yes, it is very unlikely that chance just assembled us.
But believing in evolution, there were only simple life forms at the beginning, consisting of only one cell, in a way, they were simpler than plants. Those are not complex, and they could be assembled in a tornado...
And from there, everything was built on one another. And there are not unlimited possibilities when things develop from a handful of different one-cellers. There were only few directions that evolution could take.
§outh§tar said:
Because, by your very own argument, we would be capable of doing the very same things God is capable of if we "just exist".

And since we are not, you would then conclude that it must have been chance that we existed all along at an inferior level to this higher Being. Which would in turn be grasping..

P.S. I edited my post to further reply to your post.

It is not necessary that we just exists, let us suppose that only one thing just exists, a simple life forn with only one cell... Then look at my previous post.

And we would not be the very same as God, just because we existed, doesn´t mean that we are omniscient and omnipotend.

And still, what are the chances that a perfect being like god just exist?
Oh, and I think you took my post too literal. I wanted to say that the chances of a tornado creating a complex being/machine are still better than the chances of a being like God that just exists....
Dreamwalker said:
It is not necessary that we just exists, let us suppose that only one thing just exists, a simple life forn with only one cell... Then look at my previous post.

Ok, then a simple life form with only one cell. How did that one cell turn into all this? How did that one cell turn into inanimate matter? How then did light and the planets and supernova form from a simple life form? It begs questions that cannot even be answered in the least by such a proposition.

And we would not be the very same as God, just because we existed, doesn´t mean that we are omniscient and omnipotend.

And still, what are the chances that a perfect being like god just exist?

In that case you are saying that by chance one of us got to be infinite and the other got to be finite. Of course you don't believe that but even if you did, what chance could there be if this pertained to eternity? None whatsoever since there was never a starting point for our alledged existence to begin with.

That is like saying a stupid dog and a smart dog existed for all eternity. Surely it would have to be chance that one is stupid and one is smart because if you are saying they just are, that is a cop out and a baseless explanation, not to mention there is no such evidence. But even if you did persist there is, my first example should prove otherwise.
Dreamwalker said:
Oh, and I think you took my post too literal. I wanted to say that the chances of a tornado creating a complex being/machine are still better than the chances of a being like God that just exists....

In that case, you would have to know the chances of a being like God existing. Which is of course a baseless claim because the finite cannot contain the infinite , but if you actually believe the stuff you are saying, then tell me what the chance of a being like God that just exists is compared to the chances of a tornado creating and tell me how you came by your numbers.
§outh§tar said:
Ok, then a simple life form with only one cell. How did that one cell turn into all this? How did that one cell turn into inanimate matter? How then did light and the planets and supernova form from a simple life form? It begs questions that cannot even be answered in the least by such a proposition.

Well, this of course was only written considering the life forms and their evolution, not the simple matter from which everything is made.
I thought that this would be pretty easy to understand...

But still, can you answer the question how and why a god can just exist? Ah, I will include the post you wrote while I am still formulating my response:

In that case, you would have to know the chances of a being like God existing. Which is of course a baseless claim because the finite cannot contain the infinite , but if you actually believe the stuff you are saying, then tell me what the chance of a being like God that just exists is compared to the chances of a tornado creating and tell me how you came by your numbers.

Given, something obviously has to exist, something has to be permanet, else nothing would be here. Also, I do not think that there is no "god", but why view surely differs from yours... Sorry if I do not respond to everything you posted, but sometimes I have the impression that you do not intend to consider the possibilities that do not conform with your faith.

Anyway, as I said, something must be permanent, otherwise I would not write this, since I and all other things would be nonexistend. So, let us suppose that there is a god, he is constant, no matter what happens, but he is the only thing that exist. So (for some unknown reason) he starts to create something, the universe for example. But from what? There is nothing, absolutely nothing. And as I think that god just cannot go and turn nothing into something, since it would not be nothing then, he obviously has a problem: No matter to build from.
So he has to use the only thing available to him, his "body", from this he crafts the universe, time and all the other forces and of course matter. But he is not really creating it, he is remoddeling himself. So in fact, the god in my idea is the universe, not just some outsider. And when he reformed his body, he laid out a plan for everything to evolve and progress. Since he is infinite, so is the universe...
But then, there is the point of gods consciousness, it might be that god is "dumb", he is good at crafting, but he is like a computer programm, in control and structured. The code for everything is written within this programm, yet it is not really intelligent, only executing the parameters. This would mean that we live in a semi-conscious universe that more or less guides everything due to its programming.

Of course, there is still another possibility. (I still start from the point that god exists, but there is nothing except him, again, no matter to build. Same situation as above) This time, god does not really "create" anything physical as there is nothing physical. So, god creates a world, a universe in his mind. You could call it a dream, that is going on and on. And expanding over the time as god ads more things to his fantasies. As a result, we are not more than thoughts in a dreamworld. (Yes, from this theory, I have derived my name some time ago)
In the last case, god of course is the controller, we cannot disobey him since we are a part of him. And we can do nothing against his will. As a result, we act as puppets on a stage.
In the first case, god would only influence us moderatly, for example stating the parameters life and death, based on variables.

I have some more theories, but of course one cannot be sure of the truth. I prefer the last one.
And those things I said in this thread were obviously on a hypothetical basis and were only remotely associated with my beliefs. if at all.

(damn, already 3 AM, good night, and happy reading :D)
§outh§tar said:
In that case, you would have to know the chances of a being like God existing. Which is of course a baseless claim because the finite cannot contain the infinite , but if you actually believe the stuff you are saying, then tell me what the chance of a being like God that just exists is compared to the chances of a tornado creating and tell me how you came by your numbers.

This is beautiful.......Muslim and Christian agreeing on something :) ....peace
Dreamwalker said:
Well, this of course was only written considering the life forms and their evolution, not the simple matter from which everything is made.
I thought that this would be pretty easy to understand...

Hahaha! The evolution claim again? I thought you could come up with a better plan for stalling.. :rolleyes:


But still, can you answer the question how and why a god can just exist? Ah, I will include the post you wrote while I am still formulating my response:

Given, something obviously has to exist, something has to be permanet, else nothing would be here. Also, I do not think that there is no "god", but why view surely differs from yours... Sorry if I do not respond to everything you posted, but sometimes I have the impression that you do not intend to consider the possibilities that do not conform with your faith.

That is surely an absurd and baseless notion, let me tell you that. I did not even ONCE quote anything from the Bible or even give you any "religious information" for you to make that accusation against me.

Anyway, as I said, something must be permanent, otherwise I would not write this, since I and all other things would be nonexistend. So, let us suppose that there is a god, he is constant, no matter what happens, but he is the only thing that exist. So (for some unknown reason) he starts to create something, the universe for example. But from what? There is nothing, absolutely nothing. And as I think that god just cannot go and turn nothing into something, since it would not be nothing then, he obviously has a problem: No matter to build from.

Are you joking??? You continue to baffle me with this baselessness.

You are saying God can't create something from nothing because there is no matter? That is a disgraceful theory and any non religious person or atheist even can see the flawed mentality there. What you are saying then is that the Law of "Nothing can be created ex nihilo" RESTRICTED God from creation. Surely you see there can be nothing sillier than such a comment. That would therefore imply that God is impotent and there are actually obstacles in his way and laws He did not create (for logically He wouldn't create a law to restrict Himself). Consequently also implying that because you cannot fathom it, then it cannot be possible which is just as baseless as the first. I hope you see that there is surely no sense in being omnipotent if there was a fundamental law which restricted Him in the first place that He did not even know about.

So he has to use the only thing available to him, his "body", from this he crafts the universe, time and all the other forces and of course matter. But he is not really creating it, he is remoddeling himself. So in fact, the god in my idea is the universe, not just some outsider. And when he reformed his body, he laid out a plan for everything to evolve and progress. Since he is infinite, so is the universe...

Well I already cancelled this "theory" so moving on...

But then, there is the point of gods consciousness, it might be that god is "dumb", he is good at crafting, but he is like a computer programm, in control and structured. The code for everything is written within this programm, yet it is not really intelligent, only executing the parameters. This would mean that we live in a semi-conscious universe that more or less guides everything due to its programming.

Ok.. so first you call God omnipotent and now you say He is structured? That would mean there was structure to BEGIN with.. that is STRUCTURE always existed, another impossibility because structure is evidence of intelligence, unless you are going to twist that too?

Of course, there is still another possibility. (I still start from the point that god exists, but there is nothing except him, again, no matter to build. Same situation as above) This time, god does not really "create" anything physical as there is nothing physical. So, god creates a world, a universe in his mind. You could call it a dream, that is going on and on. And expanding over the time as god ads more things to his fantasies. As a result, we are not more than thoughts in a dreamworld. (Yes, from this theory, I have derived my name some time ago)

That is claiming that an ALL-KNOWING, impotent being has the need to dream, a thing which is biological. Therefore classifying God as biological. Truly, where do you get these ideas? And as a fully sufficient God, there would be no need to "fantasize", when He is fully capable of supporting His every whim. Surely you can not believe this scenario?

In the last case, god of course is the controller, we cannot disobey him since we are a part of him. And we can do nothing against his will. As a result, we act as puppets on a stage.
In the first case, god would only influence us moderatly, for example stating the parameters life and death, based on variables.

I find this to be your most agreeable theory yet, the classic free will negation which I drool after so much.. But then that's only an excuse for human beings to do the things they do when no one is looking, you know.. ;)

I have some more theories, but of course one cannot be sure of the truth. I prefer the last one.
And those things I said in this thread were obviously on a hypothetical basis and were only remotely associated with my beliefs. if at all.

(damn, already 3 AM, good night, and happy reading :D)

I liked your last one but your first couple were a little bit off... 10 pm here and I'm off.. i've been hit with the flu bug in the middle of summer darnit!
You seem to think it absurd for something to exist without having been created, or for it to have been created "out of nothing". So, where did God come from? How was he created? If God doesn't require creation, then why does the Universe? You don't seem to have really thought this through.

I don't find it absurd for something to exist without having been created. I said that because that's exactly what the non-believers in God say. Just as you now said "where did God come from", well uh, where did the universe come from? I say God has always existed just as you say the universe has always existed so it's a silly circular argument that those non-believers accuse believers in an almighty creator of the same excuses they use and that's my point. Those people use words such as "magic" and the like to make the theory of God absurd when the same applies to any theory of something having always existed.

Would it not make more sense for a scientist to believe in an almighty creator since they themselves, unlike no other animal on Earth, is capable of unimaginable creations. With all the amazing things they're able to do, one would think they would become a bit more open as to what can be created. They want proof of an almighty creator God, hell, we're the proof, look what we can do! Is not the ability of an almighty creator more humanly plausible and believable as opposed to "something just being here with prewritten laws" such as the universe?

I could see if us humans had the brains of a donkey and didn't have the ability to create and then thinking the universe and laws of nature is what rules all, but since we do have that uncanny ability to create, the belief in no God only makes us look cockier. It makes us think we're the smartest creation in all the universe and that nothing can top us. It makes everything us, us, us as has been pointed out through our past actions and beliefs. To think that nothing else can create better than us is just silly and they're only fooling themselves. Heh, and I just can't wait until the day we become so evolved that we learn the secrets of the universe and are able to create planets and the like because maybe then would they finally believe in the possibility of a God since we'd basically be ones at that point. Oh, but wait, nothing is greater than us. :rolleyes:

Scientists say the universe has always just existed and the laws of nature have always just existed, so if anything is going to have always existed, it should make more sense for an almighty creator that creates and writes the laws of nature to be the one to have existed. To say that life all around us is all BY CHANCE due to the universe is insane. Let's see the odds on having H20, a human, a tree, a black hole, a freakin planet, or anything else being created all from luck and one reaches absurdaties. What makes more sense, all of creation as we know it exists because of billions upon billions of years of random luck of particles bouncing back and forth by the unknowing universe that has always existed, or does it make more sense for some almighty creator, whatever it may be, who has always existed and who actually knows what they're doing?

What I also find amusing when it comes to the blind luck of the universe creating everything, with all the billions upon billions of odds it takes to create one simple thing, how has SO much in the universe been created yet the billions upon billion odds have yet to be hit where all of existance as we know it simply disappears. In all the years and all the random luck it has taken to create everything as we know it, complete and utter destruction of the universe should have happened by now.

Ok, then a simple life form with only one cell. How did that one cell turn into all this? How did that one cell turn into inanimate matter? How then did light and the planets and supernova form from a simple life form? It begs questions that cannot even be answered in the least by such a proposition.

Exactly. If everything started out as one cell, what surroundings does it have to evolve? What does that one cell interact with? There are no other cells to bounce back and forth with enough to produce elements. How does that one cell split into another so it can interact with another? It takes two to tango, heh, so how can that one cell turn into everything? I could see at the very minimum if there were at least two cells starting out, heh, but one, surrounded by nothingness? Nawp.

- N
The concept of you is also wholly unnecessary. Scientists would have a hard time proving you exist if they paid no attention to you.
Uh, OK there.
There is no real prove that god does exist nor that he does not exist.
I refer you again to the link in my previous post:
When I read comments of people here that keep telling people that god is nonsense I think why are all those people wasting their time at all? Because they are AFRAID that something like god does exist.
Not at all. I keep telling people God is nonsense because:
1 - It is.
2 - I believe religion does more harm than good.
3 - Religion is little more than a social construct for controlling people.
When you see the same course of autumn, winter, summer, fall (in whatever order, I'm not from around here to know), do you think that these could have just fallen into place by chance?
Why do you persist in constructing strawman arguments? Or is it that you refuse to see the other side's position? Or perhaps you intend to perpetuate myths? The reason there are seasons is due to the orbit of the earth around the sun.
When turtles know that every year at a specific time, they must beach to hatch their young instinctively, do you think this knowledge could have come just by chance?
It's called evolution. You should read up on it: www.talkorigins.org
Do you believe that if a tornado spun inside a room of broken car parts for long enough a car would eventually be assembled due to chance?
Another strawman. It wouldn't happen because entropy increases, the chances of that happening are nil. The laws of nature dictate it wouldn't happen. Just like they dictate everything else you claim as miracle would happen.
Suppose that a native, strolling through the jungle, should come across a watch. Examining it, he cannot perceive its function. Does the fact that he sees no practical purpose in the instrument prove that it has no design? Hardly. Keep this important concept in mind, for frequently atheists – unable to perceive design in various objects – argue (upon the basis of their own ignorance) against the existence of a Designer. - ChristianCourier
A watch has clear design regardless of our ability to determine it's purpose. There is nothing in nature to indicate any design.
Have you ever known anything at all in nature to be constant?
Hm, the laws of nature maybe? :rolleyes:
Nature itself is evidently changing all the time, another thing that can't be awarded to chance. For if chance was responsible for change, the pH of water would be changing all the time. It would be shockingly stupid to maintain that trees grow by chance but the pH of water does not change also by chance.
Do you really have such a lack of understanding, or are you perpetuating such myths and strawman arguments on purpose?
But how likely is it, that an omniscient/omnipotent being has created all universe without ever being created itself?
Ok, then a simple life form with only one cell. How did that one cell turn into all this?
Why do you ask the question when you won't listen to the answer? The answer is evolution. Did you see that? Let me say it again:
See www.talkorigins.org.
So your saying there was no big bang?
The big bang is not the origin of all existence, merely the origin of the known visible universe.
Try reading at least some of the article.
Hahaha! The evolution claim again? I thought you could come up with a better plan for stalling..
LOL, it's funny that you're laughing at the "claim" of evolution. Evolution is known fact. Yes, proven. Try educating yourself. Christian sites only perpetuate myths, lies, and misconceptions about evolution and anything that proves something which their religion is based on to be wrong.
I hope you see that there is surely no sense in being omnipotent if there was a fundamental law which restricted Him in the first place that He did not even know about.
Omnipotence is impossible. Proof:
Omniscience and Maximal Power.
because structure is evidence of intelligence,
What gives you that idea? There is structure in the world that has nothing to do with intelligence...
To say that life all around us is all BY CHANCE due to the universe is insane.
:rolleyes: Education will help prevent you from making such ignorant comments.
If everything started out as one cell, what surroundings does it have to evolve? What does that one cell interact with? There are no other cells to bounce back and forth with enough to produce elements. How does that one cell split into another so it can interact with another? It takes two to tango, heh, so how can that one cell turn into everything? I could see at the very minimum if there were at least two cells starting out, heh, but one, surrounded by nothingness? Nawp.
Wow, I've rarely seen a comment demonstrating this much ignorance. You really have no idea what you're talking about.
I'm sorry but you guys' posts are full of so many flaws, strawman arguments, and pure ignorance, it's simply too much for me to tackle all at once.
Your comments are based on ignorance and flawed reasoning.
If you are such firm believers, then why don't you refute my proof?
How come I keep getting ignored when I prove religious people wrong on this forum now?
How come I keep getting ignored when I prove religious people wrong on this forum now?

Alpha, your dealing with the ignorance of all ages, people who have been in the dark, and when shown a light educated & scientific answers to thier questions it's refuted because they don't accept, reality. They've lived in la-la land for so long that reality really sucks for them, they only accept the fairy tale, that heaven is a beutifull place they will end up when they die, the truth of reality is just too much to bear, they need quidance and opinions of self proclaimed religious leaders, who they themselves hardly even know the bible. Here's a little light for you bible readers, buy this one, don't let your children read it! the bible has more porn than most R rated movies!!.



A rude awakening for some, but regarless it's all true. Small sample:

17:9-14 Circumcision mandated
19:1-8 Rape virgins instead of male angels
19:30-38 Righteous man impregnates his 2 daughters while drunk
24:2-3, 9 Place your hand "under the thigh" (sexual organs) of someone swearing sacred oaths
25:1-6 Keeping mistresses is not adultery
32:25 God grabs Jacob's testicles
34:1-31 Brothers are riled when sister is defiled
35:2 Reuben sleeps with father's concubine
38:1-10 Onan's method of birth control not approved
38:12-30 Tamar plays the harlot to seduce father-in-law
39:1-20 Women tries to rape man
47:29 Joseph ordered to place his hand under father's thigh



s0meguy said:
Thanks again.

I'm sorry I misunderstood you.
But you said "It would be better to invest time and money at the self-help section of a bookstore." and I thought that was sarcasm.
No problem with that, sOmeguy. I understand. :)

I am not certain about it but I think the way of science is the real one. Do you honestly think that god created everything? Why do you think that? Because it is written in a book?
Does god actually communicate with you?
The reasons I believe can best be summed up with the article at this website.


I want to search and find god if he is really there. One side of me tells me that god cannot exist, one side of me tells me "why not"?
Well, sOmeguy, I applaud your inquisitive mind on whether God exists or not by promoting an open discussion on the topic. Science has provided a lot of knowledge for our modern world but it doesn’t answer the question of the purpose of man. Science may provide the answers on how things are made but not the reasons why things are made. In searching for the answer you have to understand the limitations what science can provide as far as proof.
IMHO, if God does exist then He knows that we are inquiring about His existence and wondering what He is like. It is God’s responsibility to satisfy our inquiries by providing some action in the past or present due to the limits of our finite minds. For example, through your responses I can surmise what your character and personality may be like, but it would be a flawed picture because in truth I don’t really know you. And if I don’t take the time to communicate with you and share more of a discussion with you, I may never really know what sort of person you truly are. I would be limiting myself in knowing you. In fact, if I make wild assumptions and carry it to an extreme thought, you could be a group of people replying to my responses or a glitch in a computer program that gives back clever responses (please don’t take that extreme thought seriously). In order to prove you are who you are, you must provide an action and document as proof of your existence and character. Unfortunately, science cannot give proof of your existence. Only a legal document can tell me of your existence, and communication that builds a relationship will tell me your true character. IMHO, it is the same approach one should take with the Bible and God.

De 4:29 - " But from there you will seek the LORD your God, and you will find {Him} if you search for Him with all your heart and all your soul.