God is almost omnipotent. He has many limits.

This thread is inane.

What it's really about is someone declaring thus: "God has many limits, look at all the things in this list I pulled out of my ass."

The OP is only really saying: "If I can think of a bunch of things that make my concept of God limited, then God is limited because I can think of limitations for God. You might notice how easy this is when I, erm, limit my concept to the strictly Biblical."

Meh. What a load of crap.
Sure. Omnipotence is logically compatible with freewill, in such a way that an omnipotent being cannot be said to have limitations, and thus be truly omnipotent. Any free agency acted upon by any non-omnipotent being would necessarily have to be an extension of any omnipotent being's agency. In other words, any free will must be co-opted from any omnipotent being.

Now this doesn't make free will nor an omnipotent being necessary existences, but it is fairly simple to find the two logically consistent.

You are trying to baffle at least 3 good brains here with B S.
It will not work.

This thread is inane.

What it's really about is someone declaring thus: "God has many limits, look at all the things in this list I pulled out of my ass."

The OP is only really saying: "If I can think of a bunch of things that make my concept of God limited, then God is limited because I can think of limitations for God. You might notice how easy this is when I, erm, limit my concept to the strictly Biblical."

Meh. What a load of crap.

Yet you did not even try to refute it.
That tells us much.

et al,

In any discussion, you have to define your terms.

What is "GOD?"

Propose a complete definition of GOD and then we have something over which we can discuss.

Most Respectfully,
et al,

In any discussion, you have to define your terms.

What is "GOD?"

Propose a complete definition of GOD and then we have something over which we can discuss.

How can one describe an absentee figment of man's imagination?

Greatest I am (DL), et al,

Science is all about exploring the unknown.

How can one describe an absentee figment of man's imagination?

Even a "figment of man's imagination" has qualities and characteristics. A "Werewolf and Vampire" are a "figment of man's imagination," yet we know what they are, we know the general characteristics and the qualities that make it near universally recognizable. Anyone how have watched the trilogy Underworld would have a concept of both imaginary entities. The Aliens and Predators (fictional extraterrestrial species) that haunted WO Shipley (Sigourney Weaver) are generally known.

We don't know if GOD (The Supreme Being) is a fictional character, a supernatural reality, or an Alien. We haven't defined our image. For that matter, we haven't defined if we (individually or collectively) are real; although that is an assumption.

Whether it is a "figment of man's imagination" or not is uncertain, since that - while a possibility, has not be explored. But if it is, then is must be one of several shared delusions in common with most of humanity. Is that reasonable to assume without a hearing?

We have to have some, who believes, define the powers, characteristics and attributes of the "GOD" in which they believe to begin the exploration.

Most Respectfully,
I guess we will have to wait for some believer then because from what I can see of all the various sects, beliefs go from a Universalist God who does not lose any souls, to one with the narrow path where only a few of us squeak through the heavenly gates.

To me, God is all myth and to some he is not.

In other words: God can do anything because I believe this is so.

No, it is merely the definition of omnipotent. Perhaps you missed where I said omnipotence didn't necessarily exist.

Now I am back to totally confused again. Is free agency a term that you created or its it an accepted vernacular used in a particular field of study? If it is accepted vernacular please direct me to where I can study it from layman's pov.

You might want to take note of what the "Religion" forum is a subsection of. Free agency is a common term in philosophy dealing with free will.


You are trying to baffle at least 3 good brains here with B S.
It will not work.

Well apparently you are admitting to being baffled. No surprise there, as you have consistently avoided addressing any of this every time I've told you.
God is almost omnipotent. He has many limits.

Omnipotent is defined in part as having power or authority without limits IOW, almighty.

Seems to me that God has a few limits.

He cannot reproduce true.
He cannot enjoy sex.
He cannot reproduce without bestiality or cross species breeding.
He can only reproduce half breed chimeras like Jesus.
He could not create a heaven without Satan.
He could not create Eden without evil in it.
He cannot control wayward demons or devils.
He cannot sin, although scripture says he does.
He cannot live without needs like adoration, honour, obedience, love.
He cannot accept a soul into heaven without us accepting Jesus and human sacrifice.
He could not forgive sin without having Jesus sacrificed.
Feel free to add to this list.

How then can Christians say that God omnipotent, all-powerful and without limits when he clearly has many?


Most likely, you may get awnser from following quote I posted in another topic:-

Let us for example try to better understand about GOOD (good act) and BAD (Sin or bad act) by the following image:-


Wavelength = disturbance or displacement

Amplitude= intensity of disturbance

Creast=positive/angel zone

Trough = negative/devil zone

Center Line= god state

Moving toward centerline=good act/moving toward god

Deviating from centerline= bad act or sin/deviating from god.

If so, centerline representing god state(though imaginary/indescribable) should be a balance of both positive/angel and of negative/devil and therefore should be able to end all odd thoughts.
God is almost omnipotent. He has many limits.

Omnipotent is defined in part as having power or authority without limits IOW, almighty.

Seems to me that God has a few limits.

He cannot reproduce true.
He cannot enjoy sex.
He cannot reproduce without bestiality or cross species breeding.
He can only reproduce half breed chimeras like Jesus.
He could not create a heaven without Satan.
He could not create Eden without evil in it.
He cannot control wayward demons or devils.
He cannot sin, although scripture says he does.
He cannot live without needs like adoration, honour, obedience, love.
He cannot accept a soul into heaven without us accepting Jesus and human sacrifice.
He could not forgive sin without having Jesus sacrificed.
Feel free to add to this list.

How then can Christians say that God omnipotent, all-powerful and without limits when he clearly has many?


He is being capable of doing every right thing and things needed to balance. but whether He want or do not want to attain a purpose is his choice/desire.
He is being capable of doing every right thing and things needed to balance. but whether He want or do not want to attain a purpose is his choice/desire.

Does that include creating evil and sin for balance evil?

I have this coming up later as an O P. and I think it speaks to what you just said.


Do you recognize that God gains pleasure in creating evil?

Revelation 4:11
Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

This quote indicates that the creation of evil is an ongoing process by God and that he does so for his pleasure. This makes sense in that God would not create something that he did not want in the world.

As a Gnostic Christian, I recognize that the concept of God is all myth. Literal and historic belief did not generally come about till about the years 80. 50 years after the death of Jesus. In fact, Jesus was not declared divine till the Trinity concept was accepted, by the force of Constantine in 380.

Having said this, I recognize why the ancient thinkers would say that God is pleased when he creates evil in the world.

Do you?

If not, why do you think God would create evil for his displeasure?

If Go does not do or create evil as some think, then who else has the power to create evil?

Does that include creating evil and sin for balance evil?

I have this coming up later as an O P. and I think it speaks to what you just said.


Do you recognize that God gains pleasure in creating evil?

Revelation 4:11
Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

This quote indicates that the creation of evil is an ongoing process by God and that he does so for his pleasure. This makes sense in that God would not create something that he did not want in the world.

As a Gnostic Christian, I recognize that the concept of God is all myth. Literal and historic belief did not generally come about till about the years 80. 50 years after the death of Jesus. In fact, Jesus was not declared divine till the Trinity concept was accepted, by the force of Constantine in 380.

Having said this, I recognize why the ancient thinkers would say that God is pleased when he creates evil in the world.

Do you?

If not, why do you think God would create evil for his displeasure?

If Go does not do or create evil as some think, then who else has the power to create evil?



"God does not make one suffer for no reason nor does He make one happy for no reason. God is very fair and gives you exactly what you deserve."[ resulting balance/homeostatis]

"God does not make one suffer for no reason nor does He make one happy for no reason. God is very fair and gives you exactly what you deserve."[ resulting balance/homeostatis]

So when a little new born baby has cancer or a brain tumor, God figures that baby deserves that. Somehow that baby had it coming? If that's the case, I see that kind of God as an asshole undeserving of worship or even respect.
So when a little new born baby has cancer or a brain tumor, God figures that baby deserves that. Somehow that baby had it coming? If that's the case, I see that kind of God as an asshole undeserving of worship or even respect.

Spritually, whatever a person deserve God only gives that--positive or negative. A person who deserve to be healthy loses his fats on obesity but gain on thinness.
Do you recognize that God gains pleasure in creating evil?

God created all his children. Some are not worthy...

Revelation 4:11
Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

This quote indicates that the creation of evil is an ongoing process by God and that he does so for his pleasure. This makes sense in that God would not create something that he did not want in the world.

Glory, honor, and power are all good things. Further, the auther is just giving praise to God.

As a Gnostic Christian, I recognize that the concept of God is all myth.

Except the theological aspect.

Literal and historic belief did not generally come about till about the years 80.

So you mean ancient civilizations around time had their own concepts of God, and gods with no foreknowledge of each other? Thats extreme. I wonder what people think of first, toilet paper, or God.

50 years after the death of Jesus. In fact, Jesus was not declared divine till the Trinity concept was accepted, by the force of Constantine in 380.

I believe in a man, and something one would recognize as thin air.

Having said this, I recognize why the ancient thinkers would say that God is pleased when he creates evil in the world.

Maybe the pleasure is seeing the good gods overcome the evil gods..

Do you?

If not, why do you think God would create evil for his displeasure?

My theory is God is super consciousness who evolved in turn creating us all through nature and a kick in the butt to apparently nothing to create a shell and in turn everything called the universe. His children wouldn't be planets, or stars, or black holes. If he is consciousness his children would probably be emotions like Jesus who is pacifism, or Pacifism.

I don't believe God would only have good emotions like Pacifism, Faith, and Hate, but also Temptation, War, and Deception. Theory is he created emotions as spirits in heaven good, or not good as he had them.

If God does not do or create evil as some think, then who else has the power to create evil?


If Jesus is Pacifism, maybe God is Love. Does Temptation love what he does? Family resemblance.