God is Absurd

These quotes are classic examples of what happens when someone has nothing to say concerning the actual debate. Instead they tell the other poster that he knows nothing and consider that somehow worthy - while, and I must question it, if I am that uneducated fool that knows nothing wouldn't it be best to concentrate on the actual debate and respond to the points so that I could actually learn something from someone clearly more educated on the subject than I?

You even go and say exactly the same thing to another poster on your next post. Is this what a debate comes down to? Tell them they're all idiots, that'll do it?

If you have anything of value to add don't hesitate, but kindly forego telling everyone that they're stupid, it's inherently worthless.

You are clearly not stupid. And if you are looking to me for an education your barking up the wrong tree.
Yeah, it's amazing what interpretations people put on things.
But you can have a cookie anyway :)