God is Absurd

Being eristic isnt my strong point so ill leave that to you.
You're short on a lot of strong points aren't you?

But you obviously are uneducated on the subject otherwise the arguments wouldnt be so primative
We specialise in "primative" arguments :rolleyes:

and ... well uneducated.
Arrogant assumption.

My belief is actually based on personal experience the books just confirm it.
Personal experience or hallucination?
How did you confirm it was a "real" experience?
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Again uneducated... quis ut deus? is the meaning of the name Michael... coming from saint michael . the angel who cast out satan. when he cast him out his war cry was "Quis ut deus?!" ("who is like unto god?" )as he shouted in disgust to satan as satan tried to convince michael they were better than god so arrogance or a statement?
So no i dont htink im like god moron
everything i experienced was already written with out my knowledge of it existing at the time of experiencing it after asking a priest 'wtf?' he then sat down and showed me several writings in which confirmed a scary reality . I had a conversion immidatley after this confirmation of experience.
Again uneducated...
False assumption after false assumption...

quis ut deus? is the meaning of the name Michael... coming from saint michael . the angel who cast out satan. when he cast him out his war cry was "Quis ut deus?!" ("who is like unto god?" )as he shouted in disgust to satan as satan tried to convince michael they were better than god so arrogance or a statement?
I know what it means.
You're comparing yourself to an angel.

So no i dont htink im like god
Reading problems?
Where did I state that?
Must be a guilt reflex at your own arrogance.

Quite, but once again you've got the recipient wrong.
everything i experienced was already written with out my knowledge of it existing at the time of experiencing it after asking a priest 'wtf?' he then sat down and showed me several writings in which confirmed a scary reality . I had a conversion immidatley after this confirmation of experience.

Which says exactly nothing.
How did you differentiate this "experience" from hallucination or other falsity?
Why did you go to a priest rather than a doctor or scientist - pre-existing religious bent?
note: im not saying your uneducated full stop. Im just saying on the topic we are speaking of GOD you dont seem to know what is written about him other than the negatives. Which everyone knows.
note: im not saying your uneducated full stop. Im just saying on the topic we are speaking of GOD you dont seem to know what is written about him other than the negatives. Which everyone knows.

I've read the bible (supposedly the word of god).
Everything after that was admitted as written by men.
So where's the problem?
i dont need to justify anything to you. Maybe you just cant accept i have found some meaning in my life. Stop trying to convience me against something i believe. You believe what you like, i respect your beliefs. Just read about it a bit more and make your arguments more effective. Its seems like you need to argue more than me so mine can be as pathetic as i want. Ive read both sides see the logic in both but just choose the one thats true to me. There is a lot of hate on this forum. Makes me laugh at satans ridiculous attempts to get to me. Please read up.

I've read the bible (supposedly the word of god).
Everything after that was admitted as written by men.
So where's the problem?

Wasnt written by god lol!

The bible by this milenias best selling author .......................................................................... GOD!

You have to admit that is funny

divine intervention

False assumption after false assumption...

I know what it means.
You're comparing yourself to an angel.

Reading problems?
Where did I state that?
Must be a guilt reflex at your own arrogance.

Quite, but once again you've got the recipient wrong.

I know what it means, after i tell you and youve looked at a wikipedia article? Actually my faith is devoted to this angel as i had a near death and was rescued by him. Im nothing like an angel im just as good as you.
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I've read the bible (supposedly the word of god).
Everything after that was admitted as written by men.
So where's the problem?

Wasnt written by god lol!
Did I say it wasn't?
I'm questioning why you claim I'm uneducated on the subject when ONLY the bible is (supposedly) written by god.
After that everything was written by men - with their own agenda.
So why should I believe their opinion?

i dont need to justify anything to you. Maybe you just cant accept i have found some meaning in my life. Stop trying to convience me against something i believe. You believe what you like, i respect your beliefs.
Don't have any, and you've shown little respect: spouting "god this" "god that" at me.

Just read about it a bit more and make your arguments more effective.
MORE effective?
When you haven't answered even ONE yet?

Its seems like you need to argue more than me so mine can be as pathetic as i want. Ive read both sides see the logic in both but just choose the one thats true to me. There is a lot of hate on this forum. Makes me laugh at satans ridiculous attempts to get to me. Please read up.
Get real: you start posting on a science forum, and you start your SciForums "career" with demonstrable nonsense and then accuse me of trying to convince you?

I know what it means, after i tell you and youve looked at a wikipedia article?
Arrogance in action.
Why should I
A) bother with Wiki or
B) wait for you to tell me (especially since I castigated you BEFORE you said what it meant)?
I had an education - simple Latin phrases are easy.
Failure to think, again.

Actually my faith is devoted to this angel as i had a near death and was rescued by him.
You can prove this or was it just oxygen starvation?

Im nothing like an angel
That's true - they're not supposed to be arrogant.
Oh wait, there WAS one wasn't there...?

im just as good as you.
At what?
Spelling, grammar and thinking (and eristic behaviour - in itself the aneristic fallacy, as Eris tells us), evidently not.
What else?
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If a devote atheist (one who spreads the hatred of the existence of god) dies and then finds out there is a god, he will realise all his life he has been tricked by something and will ultimately reject god.

Not really, because atheists use reason. If the atheist 'see' that god exists, in other words perceive god, have a reason to believe that he exists, why wouldn't he 'accept' him (whatever that means, care to explain)?
I've read the bible (supposedly the word of god).
Everything after that was admitted as written by men.
So where's the problem?

It's funny because if you think about it.

God designs man and knows everything that the man is going to do in his life (hes all-knowing)->man writes some book

Since God designed man and thus their lives, he is also the designer of that book.
God designs man and knows everything that the man is going to do in his life (hes all-knowing)->man writes some book
He's all-knowing?
So he knew before hand which of us would/ wouldn't believe?
So the whole thing is just an exercise for his sadistic enjoyment?
He's all-knowing?
So he knew before hand which of us would/ wouldn't believe?
So the whole thing is just an exercise for his sadistic enjoyment?

The definition of God in religion as we know it makes no sense at all...
Rejecting God as the simplest answer to the cosmos is itself absurd. All of the complexity you think you see in the universe is what's absurd. As non-believers you're missing one simple thing.

The percieved universe is an illusion!

Yep. All you know is that your mind "percieves" something. You have no proof whatsoever that it is anything more than God presenting His cosmos to you via your conscious awareness.

Clearly you all need a "reality" check. Consciousness is the portal to God and the only true "thing".

Think about it. You'll see I'm right.
Rejecting God as the simplest answer to the cosmos is itself absurd. All of the complexity you think you see in the universe is what's absurd. As non-believers you're missing one simple thing.

The percieved universe is an illusion!

Yep. All you know is that your mind "percieves" something. You have no proof whatsoever that it is anything more than God presenting His cosmos to you via your conscious awareness.

Clearly you all need a "reality" check. Consciousness is the portal to God and the only true "thing".

Think about it. You'll see I'm right.

Of course, Supes.
Go lie down and you'll feel better in the morning.
How could I mock?
That would be absurd and illusory.
again you have no understanding of the being you don't believe in. Read up about it before you make an opinionated uneducated assumption. Dont you think you should know what you are talking about before you make ridiculous arguments that are explained in the beliefs doctrine. Do you think out of all the millions who believe they haven't questioned this? Some times peoples arrogance is so embarrassing.

Ooooooh, ive never thought of that before and neither has any one in the past 4000 years!.
Damn youve got me.
Read up about it learn both sides before you formulate an argument.

These quotes are classic examples of what happens when someone has nothing to say concerning the actual debate. Instead they tell the other poster that he knows nothing and consider that somehow worthy - while, and I must question it, if I am that uneducated fool that knows nothing wouldn't it be best to concentrate on the actual debate and respond to the points so that I could actually learn something from someone clearly more educated on the subject than I?

You even go and say exactly the same thing to another poster on your next post. Is this what a debate comes down to? Tell them they're all idiots, that'll do it?

If you have anything of value to add don't hesitate, but kindly forego telling everyone that they're stupid, it's inherently worthless.