God writes straight with crooked lines.
Do you claim to understand an omniscient being? Anyone who claims to know that an omniscient being exists probably has no idea what they are talking about. How can you claim to know someone who is so beyond our little minds? Hence, the agnostic one is the wise one.
I'm not an atheist. I'm agnostic.
There is no way to explain god with words we have created to explain mysteries we dont understand ("omniscient" for example). However, god* if "omniscient" would be so powerful that one could argue that he could let each of us have a personal basic understanding of him in relation to our individual souls. e.g i know bill and bill knows bob but both bob and i know different things about bill due to our individual personal relationship with bill, furthermore i dont know everything about bill but i do know he exists through my simple understanding of him.
Moreover, surely the wise thing to do would be to accept there is a god. for this
basic, cut down logic:
If a devote atheist (one who spreads the hatred of the existence of god) dies and then finds out there is a god, he will realise all his life he has been tricked by something and will ultimately reject god.
If a devote theist (one who spreads love of god) dies and there is nothing then there is no wastage of a life, as he wont know any different. Besides his good works in the present eternity on earth may live on.
However being agnostic is the super easy option as it gives you the best of both worlds. The freedom and ease of not worrying about sin (not to mention the lack of stigma) and just in case, you've left a possibility for god (love*). But will this work to your advantage on earthly material/flesh needs?
yes. What if you have a soul? The lack of nurturing your "soul" through just focusing on material/flesh/social status/ambition/lust would leave it so unprepared and malnutritioned that come the after life that you could end up no better off than the atheist.
So why not nurture both sides of your assumed existance... Fair enough, You will never understand the mystery of gods love, but the benefits of believing, both in our eternity (present) and his, are more beautiful than creation and although hard to believe its more powerful than any argument on this forum ;D
* in this use of the word 'love' and 'god' im mean the fundamental belief in god being the 'putting of oneself last for the benefit of those around him'.