God is Absurd


Registered Member
I mean... think about it. An omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient living being? Absurd! How can any sane mind possibly conceive such notion?

Of course, one may consider God to be the universe itself, since the universe is "omnipotent", "omnispresent" and "omniscient". In this case, you would have to redefine the concept of life and the concept of sentience.

My question today is:
Is that possible?
I mean... think about it. An omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient living being? Absurd! How can any sane mind possibly conceive such notion?

Of course, one may consider God to be the universe itself, since the universe is "omnipotent", "omnispresent" and "omniscient".
why is it absurd to call god omniscient and yet not absurd to call the universe omniscient?

In this case, you would have to redefine the concept of life and the concept of sentience.
what is the current concept of life, and aside from trying to engineer yet another argument against the notion of god, why would one be required to redefine it?

My question today is:
Is that possible?
if you mean "Is it possible for me to get away with it", a suitable answer might be "in the company of atheists it could be feasible"
You could certianly define God in any number of ways. The one you described is deism.
I mean... think about it. An omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient living being? Absurd! How can any sane mind possibly conceive such notion?

Because you don't believe something, is that any excuse to denigrate others who do believe?

And why do you think others should believe exactly what you believe?

Baron Max
I mean... think about it. An omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient living being? Absurd! How can any sane mind possibly conceive such notion?

Of course, one may consider God to be the universe itself, since the universe is "omnipotent", "omnispresent" and "omniscient". In this case, you would have to redefine the concept of life and the concept of sentience.

My question today is:
Is that possible?

God is developed within a BELIEF system. Everyone who BELIEVES in God tries in their own way to conceive just how to understand what God is. Sane people want to BELIEVE that there is more to life than just what we see around us and have developed this God being to look up to and to follow. Those that developed this type of BELIEF structure were very intelligent people and very sane. They wanted to control others with the idea that there was something greater than just humanity.

God gives hope to many people around the Earth today for many people still live in terrible conditions and a little hope in God goes a long way in keeping yourself alive. They just can't believe in themselves any longer as well as many others that follow God blindly through their lives. God is a being made up of folklore, myths and tales in order to have the people follow those that seem to know where God is and how to get to be with it, Priests Ministers, Rabbis and others will lead them .
I mean... think about it. An omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient living being? Absurd! How can any sane mind possibly conceive such notion?

Of course, one may consider God to be the universe itself, since the universe is "omnipotent", "omnispresent" and "omniscient". In this case, you would have to redefine the concept of life and the concept of sentience.

My question today is:
Is that possible?

Typical atheistic logic "I can't understand how this can be true, so obviously its not, checkmate!!"

argument from personal incredulity...
People need to explain the unexplained. God evolved from that need. Eons ago we didn't understand a thing about the universe and therefore filled in the gaps with GOD! Later on, we began altering the nature of God to fit our understanding.

Maybe there is... maybe there isn't. I'm sure He/She/It, if there is a God, is nothing like we even scarcely imagine.

Because you don't believe something, is that any excuse to denigrate others who do believe?

So Because you Believe.... thats is an excuse
to denigrate others who do not believe

Which is exactly what religion does......... right ?
why is it absurd to call god omniscient and yet not absurd to call the universe omniscient?
I'm not saying it is not absurd to call the universe omniscient. However, I do recognize that a universe that came from nothing has a naturally absurd nature. ;)

Consider the nature of cognition. All that you are aware of is your own thoughts. Everything else is purely speculation. If you have the capacity of cognition, then why on earth would the universe not have it? It depends on your definition of cognition and life!!

Recently, I read that the matter between stars might be "alive". Our concept of life is still in construction.

what is the current concept of life, and aside from trying to engineer yet another argument against the notion of god, why would one be required to redefine it?
Our concept of life is constantly changing due to new discoveries. I will try to find the article that I just mentioned above....

if you mean "Is it possible for me to get away with it", a suitable answer might be "in the company of atheists it could be feasible"
HAHA! True...
Because you don't believe something, is that any excuse to denigrate others who do believe?
How is that denigrating them? I'm not saying they are stupid. What I'm saying is that the concept is absurd.

And why do you think others should believe exactly what you believe?
Where did I say that? Did you just pull that off your ass? HAHA!

Cheers, chap. ;)
God is developed within a BELIEF system. Everyone who BELIEVES in God tries in their own way to conceive just how to understand what God is. Sane people want to BELIEVE that there is more to life than just what we see around us and have developed this God being to look up to and to follow. Those that developed this type of BELIEF structure were very intelligent people and very sane. They wanted to control others with the idea that there was something greater than just humanity.

God gives hope to many people around the Earth today for many people still live in terrible conditions and a little hope in God goes a long way in keeping yourself alive. They just can't believe in themselves any longer as well as many others that follow God blindly through their lives. God is a being made up of folklore, myths and tales in order to have the people follow those that seem to know where God is and how to get to be with it, Priests Ministers, Rabbis and others will lead them .
I'm not discussing the benefits of belief systems, I'm very much aware of them. This discussion is exclusively about the logical implications of a "God".
Typical atheistic logic "I can't understand how this can be true, so obviously its not, checkmate!!"

argument from personal incredulity...
Do you claim to understand an omniscient being? Anyone who claims to know that an omniscient being exists probably has no idea what they are talking about. How can you claim to know someone who is so beyond our little minds? Hence, the agnostic one is the wise one.

I'm not an atheist. I'm agnostic.

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
why is it absurd to call god omniscient and yet not absurd to call the universe omniscient?
I'm not saying it is not absurd to call the universe omniscient. However, I do recognize that a universe that came from nothing has a naturally absurd nature.
then if you don’t hold absurdity as a reason to dismiss a claim, its not clear why you reject the notion of god for appearing absurd

Consider the nature of cognition. All that you are aware of is your own thoughts. Everything else is purely speculation.
correction - all you are aware of is the extent to which your consciousness reaches – for the insignificant living entity, this usually means that all they are aware of is the physical body their consciousness inhabits

If you have the capacity of cognition, then why on earth would the universe not have it? It depends on your definition of cognition and life!!
also depends if you define the universe as god’s property, that is, a minor aspect of god’s body – in other words the consciousness of god extends to the entire universe since that is defined as “his body”
BG 9.4 By Me, in My unmanifested form, this entire universe is pervaded. All beings are in Me, but I am not in them.

Recently, I read that the matter between stars might be "alive". Our concept of life is still in construction.
“ what is the current concept of life, and aside from trying to engineer yet another argument against the notion of god, why would one be required to redefine it?
I guess we will have to wait and see ”
if you mean "Is it possible for me to get away with it", a suitable answer might be "in the company of atheists it could be feasible" ”
HAHA! True...
I guess the next question is “Is sciforums the place to make this possible?”
then if you don’t hold absurdity as a reason to dismiss a claim, its not clear why you reject the notion of god for appearing absurd
I don't reject the notion of God. I reject the notion of a human-like "God". I don't reject the notion of God being the Universe itself. Or energy, for that matter.

correction - all you are aware of is the extent to which your consciousness reaches – for the insignificant living entity, this usually means that all they are aware of is the physical body their consciousness inhabits
Yes, sort of like that.

also depends if you define the universe as god’s property, that is, a minor aspect of god’s body – in other words the consciousness of god extends to the entire universe since that is defined as “his body”
BG 9.4 By Me, in My unmanifested form, this entire universe is pervaded. All beings are in Me, but I am not in them.
I would say the universe is the manifestation of God's mind.


The point that I'm trying to make is that the notion of an omniscient God is inconceivable to a being with limited cognitive abilities. You cannot understand the mind of God because God is omniscient and you are not. How can you claim that you understand an omniscient being when you understand so little about the universe. No sane person would claim to understand God under those circumstances. That's my point.

“ Yonescoh
Originally Posted by lightgigantic
then if you don’t hold absurdity as a reason to dismiss a claim, its not clear why you reject the notion of god for appearing absurd ”
I don't reject the notion of God. I reject the notion of a human-like "God". I don't reject the notion of God being the Universe itself. Or energy, for that matter.
still it remains - if you don't hold absurdity as a reason to dismiss a claim, its not not clear why you reject the notion of a "human-like" god

“ also depends if you define the universe as god’s property, that is, a minor aspect of god’s body – in other words the consciousness of god extends to the entire universe since that is defined as “his body”
BG 9.4 By Me, in My unmanifested form, this entire universe is pervaded. All beings are in Me, but I am not in them. ”
I would say the universe is the manifestation of God's mind.
what is the difference between god's mind, god's body and god?

The point that I'm trying to make is that the notion of an omniscient God is inconceivable to a being with limited cognitive abilities. You cannot understand the mind of God because God is omniscient and you are not.
I don't have any problems with this

How can you claim that you understand an omniscient being when you understand so little about the universe.
No sane person would claim to understand God under those circumstances. That's my point.

hence the means we take to understand the material universe (I take it you mean empiricism) is different from the means we take to understand God

BG 18.55 One can understand Me as I am, as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, only by devotional service. And when one is in full consciousness of Me by such devotion, he can enter into the kingdom of God.
I know, the concept of God is absurd from our limited mind´s perspective; but I urge you to think about why you are asking this in the first place.

And I pose to you, limited mind or otherwise.. what is the only conceivable way to test omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence?

Without being able to test the claims, the claims are meaningless - brought about simply by those limited minds you speak of - ancient shepherds and nitwits that knew shit all about the planet/universe.

Perhaps we don't know much more, but do tell me.. how does one test omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence?

(I'll give you a clue: I am omniscient)
Whatever I post can be refuted and proved wrong, so what´s the point? I know that you have a million and one arguments against God´s existence; and you believe in the same God as I do, but you call it differently. Arguing about this is utterly useless and just plain stupid.
My point is, if you don´t believe in God, why are you guys so eager to prove the unexistence? Just because you have a million and one arguments against the unexistence, doesn´t make it true at all; whatever comes from the heart cannot be understood by the mind...
Do you have any proof that love exists? because love exists the same way that God do. So you can try to argue and tell me that love does not exist, but I can only pitty you for not knowing what love is. I cannot describe it to you either, it just is...
So if you don´t believe in God, give it up!!! it is the same as not believing in love... It just doesn´t make a difference wheather you believe it or not, really, it only makes a difference to yourself.
If you raise a question about God´s existence, and you don´t believe in God; don´t you think there is something missing in your argument? because I surely wouldn´t post a question about something that I´m 100% sure of. I mean, you guys surely don´t post questions just to find more people who believe the same as you do, do you?