God is a liar and I have the proof!

Being rendered mortal from a defacto immortal state is dying. God is correct, again!

I have argued against any claim that they were immortal at any point. Repeating your claim while offering nothing to support it except for a '!' isn't of much use or value.

If Adam is peeing and letting it hang loose in front of Eve, why should he suddenly become ashamed of his genitals?

When adam and eve realised they were naked they were seemingly quite calm and made themselves some clothing..

".. and they realised they were naked. So they sewed fig leaves together..."

It is when god comes strolling through the garden that issue is raised and that issue is not shame, it is fear. Maybe he thought god was a pervert.

Obviously, because he now knows another use for them connected to evil - the lust in his heart

Lust isn't in itself 'evil' and is indeed quite important in order for a species to multiply. Of course there would have been no need for it before eating the fruit because, as you seemingly agree, there wouldn't have ever been any offspring had they not have eaten it. Surely you should be very thankful to the snake and to adam and eve for not listening to that particular stuck up sky fairy.. Without them doing what they did you wouldn't even be here to worship that sky fairy.
I have argued against any claim that they were immortal at any point. Repeating your claim while offering nothing to support it except for a '!' isn't of much use or value.

When adam and eve realised they were naked they were seemingly quite calm and made themselves some clothing..

".. and they realised they were naked. So they sewed fig leaves together..."

It is when god comes strolling through the garden that issue is raised and that issue is not shame, it is fear. Maybe he thought god was a pervert.

Lust isn't in itself 'evil' and is indeed quite important in order for a species to multiply. Of course there would have been no need for it before eating the fruit because, as you seemingly agree, there wouldn't have ever been any offspring had they not have eaten it. Surely you should be very thankful to the snake and to adam and eve for not listening to that particular stuck up sky fairy.. Without them doing what they did you wouldn't even be here to worship that sky fairy.

Why? You've been OWNED!! :yay:
I guess he underestimated his creation. "Surely die" is merely a prediction. If you get bit by a snake, you will surely die. But some people don't.
See my post #38 and the answer is provided there. There was no tree, no snake and 'surely die' is something that needs to be hashed out. The fact is i wont say any more for now.
for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

But they didn't die, hence God is a liar.

Wasn't it in the same day that God banished them from the garden and from access to the tree of life, thereby condemning them to death by mortality? If condemnation to death is not close enough for you, then maybe you should remember that the bible was written by man, who is fallible. At any rate, it seems like a pretty small, and disputable point to be used to call God a liar... I'm sure there are better examples to be found.
Wasn't it in the same day that God banished them from the garden and from access to the tree of life, thereby condemning them to death by mortality? If condemnation to death is not close enough for you, then maybe you should remember that the bible was written by man, who is fallible. At any rate, it seems like a pretty small, and disputable point to be used to call God a liar... I'm sure there are better examples to be found.

the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
Means the SAME DAY, NOT YEARS LATER as was the case.
Which ones are the real ones? Seems to me that you read too much into those passages but then it really seems not enough. It is simple play on words.

Simple but they seem to say a lot.

You're wasting your/our time here. You have nothing intelligent or ground-breaking to add to the argument. You are naught but a buzzing fly! :yawn:
Huh how does this deal with the weakness of your argument ?
There's a whole pre-existing argument on what the verses indicate and how they are relevant/irrelevant to practitioners - if one wants to formulate a grand argument it could pay to examine these issues
(otherwise one runs the risk of simply countering an argument that not even practitioners hold as valid - kind of like preaching to the converted)