God is a liar and I have the proof!

lol I'm not blind..
So they are not Gods, but as Gods..
What does that mean ? It means that, while they are not Gods, they have every property associated with a God.

in the role, function, or status of: to act as leader.

to the same degree, amount, or extent; similarly; equally

"And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us"
Who then ? If the unknown others are included in 'us', what else can they be than Gods buddies ? lol Who else lives in heaven or wherever He resides ? Certainly not any other regular humans..

I'm glad I don't have to break down every word of the text for everybody! :)
God did not lie. Adam and Eve did die. Before they ate the apple, they were immortal. Of course, the whole Adam and Eve story is fiction and at least the Catholic Church doesn't deny that. It's the meaning behind the story that's important. Nevertheless, Adam and Eve did die.
God did not lie. Adam and Eve did die. Before they ate the apple, they were immortal. Of course, the whole Adam and Eve story is fiction and at least the Catholic Church doesn't deny that. It's the meaning behind the story that's important. Nevertheless, Adam and Eve did die.

Even if so.. that's a good thing.
Can you imagine the mess if we wouldn't die ?
Before they ate the apple, they were immortal

Not true. If that were true there would have been no point in the Tree of Life or god throwing a hissy fit and getting the tree of life blocked off the minute adam and eve had eaten the fruit.
Not true. If that were true there would have been no point in the Tree of Life or god throwing a hissy fit and getting the tree of life blocked off the minute adam and eve had eaten the fruit.

So he threw a hissy fit and left ?
Good riddance... lol ;)
But, if Adam and Eve were not conscious of their genitals prior to eating the apple, they wouldn't have had sex - and there would still only be two people in the Garden of Eden. What mess?
If the tree of life was the source of immortality, then Adam and Eve would still have continued to eat of it and have been de facto immortal. Your argument still fails.
But, if Adam and Eve were not conscious of their genitals prior to eating the apple, they wouldn't have had sex - and there would still only be two people in the Garden of Eden. What mess?

Who said they weren't conscious of their genitals :confused:
Did they have feeling already ? Or were they just Gods play dolls ?
They covered their genitals after eating the apple, which leads to the conclusion that they weren't conscious of the sexual function of their genitals prior to eating the apple. There is nothing in the story to indicate that Adam and Eve would have had sex if they never ate the apple.
They covered their genitals after eating the apple, which leads to the conclusion that they weren't conscious of the sexual function of their genitals prior to eating the apple. There is nothing in the story to indicate that Adam and Eve would have had sex if they never ate the apple.

There is nothing to indicate they wouldn't either.. :shrug:
What they received for eating the apple is shame, not knowledge about their genitals.. lol

Edit: Maybe that constitutes the same for you though :D ;)
But, if Adam and Eve were not conscious of their genitals prior to eating the apple, they wouldn't have had sex - and there would still only be two people in the Garden of Eden. What mess?

So there's only two people? That would be the inevitable outcome if they hadn't have eaten from the tree of knowledge of good and evil anyway, regardless to life span. It was only upon eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, (something they were told not to do), that they became aware of their genitals. As such had Adam and Eve not eating the tree of knowledge of good and evil it would still be just those two - yes, regardless to longevity.

The [biblical] fact of the matter is that upon eating the fruit god quickly had to prevent them from eating from the tree of life so that they wouldn't get eternal life. That is a very clear indication that they didnt have eternal life.

If the tree of life was the source of immortality, then Adam and Eve would still have continued to eat of it and have been de facto immortal.

They didn't eat from it at all. Without knowledge of good and evil, they wouldn't even be able to recognise the value in eating from it to begin with.

If one claims that there was no death in the garden what exactly did the lions, tigers and tyrannosaurs eat? What about the vultures that only eat dead animal remains? That would be quite the predicament... explaining why a non-meat eater has sharp meat eating teeth.

If you have something valid to suggest that they did have eternal life then show it.
They covered their genitals after eating the apple, which leads to the conclusion that they weren't conscious of the sexual function of their genitals prior to eating the apple. There is nothing in the story to indicate that Adam and Eve would have had sex if they never ate the apple.

Wrong! That is not what it means. It means they were ashamed of their nakedness! Read the Bible, and get a clue! :rolleyes:
God did not lie. Adam and Eve did die. Before they ate the apple, they were immortal. Of course, the whole Adam and Eve story is fiction and at least the Catholic Church doesn't deny that. It's the meaning behind the story that's important. Nevertheless, Adam and Eve did die.

for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

The same day, not sometime later. Think about what you read before you make excuses for God!
Also note that "the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil" indicates God is not so innocent himself, but then he's a liar according to this passage so no surprise there.
There's a flaw in your proof, the Bible. The Bible is not evidence of anything. Good, sound scientific evidence is not ambiguous, doubtful, uncertain, open to more than one interpretation. The Bible, a minister's words or personal experience do not qualify. Evidence is testable through repeatable methods that show it is not ambiguous. It doesn't matter who agrees or disagrees with it. It yields the same results to all observers. That the Bible has resulted in thousands of denominations of faith is evidence itself of thousands of different interpretations of it's writings, evidence that the Bible itself does not qualify as evidence of anything.

It is also important to note that there is not one word in the whole Bible penned by Jesus or God themselves. The whole book is of the Paul-said-Jesus-said-Matthew-said-that-Jesus-said-Paul said-that-Matthew-said-that-Jesus-said type of hearsay. Much of it is written decades or even centuries after Jesus is supposed to have lived making it hearsay removed many times over. It is simply not a credible piece of evidence about anything.

I wouldn't worry to much about proving that God's a liar until someone can provide even the most remote evidence that there is even a God to begin with. For now you'd have better luck proving that some table or chair is a liar, at least you can prove they exist.
Nice way to refute and same time supporting QE case, at least when looking what he has been providing here in other threads as well ;) :thumbsup:
try it one more time.

17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

The answer is right there. And it matches with what is said below. May not mean physical death, i am not sure if it would or can.

-And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil:

is become (has) become- NOW HE KNOWS. Same as above.
try it one more time.

17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

The answer is right there. And it matches with what is said below. May not mean physical death, i am not sure if it would or can.

-And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil:

is become (has) become- NOW HE KNOWS. Same as above.

:confused: How is that the same ?
It clearly states "for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die"...
Did they die that day ? :shrug: