God is a liar and I have the proof!

Does that matter ? If it was not a real tree, then what was it ?

I have seen strong evidence to suggest it is a metaphor representing the pine trees in Siberia from under which grew the amanita muscaria psychedelic mushroom (or "pineapple"). The "apple" being the mushroom. This of course explains how the tree is described as the "tree of knowledge".
I have seen strong evidence to suggest it is a metaphor representing the pine trees in Siberia from under which grew the amanita muscaria psychedelic mushroom (or "pineapple"). The "apple" being the mushroom. This of course explains how the tree is described as the "tree of knowledge".

lol that would be a cool explanation but where does Siberia fit into the bible stories ?
The fruit of the tree could just as easily be mushrooms growing on a cow patty, common in Africa.
The fruit of the tree could just as easily be mushrooms growing on a cow patty, common in Africa.

Or anywhere else for that matter. I would be interested to hear why he said Siberia, he must have a reason I guess..
Being rendered mortal from a defacto immortal state is dying. God is correct, again!
If Adam is peeing and letting it hang loose in front of Eve, why should he suddenly become ashamed of his genitals? Obviously, because he now knows another use for them connected to evil - the lust in his heart - as opposed to a good - the simple need to relieve one's bladder.
If Adam is peeing and letting it hang loose in front of Eve, why should he suddenly become ashamed of his genitals? Obviously, because he now knows another use for them connected to evil - the lust in his heart - as opposed to a good - the simple need to relieve one's bladder.

All astrological allegory. Sorry buddy, the truth is what the truth is! Can't twist it, cant make it go away! :D
If Adam is peeing and letting it hang loose in front of Eve, why should he suddenly become ashamed of his genitals? Obviously, because he now knows another use for them connected to evil - the lust in his heart - as opposed to a good - the simple need to relieve one's bladder.

Why didn't Adam go behind the tree. He might well have become aware of the gravity of his situation.