God exists only in your mind!!!

There is no evidence that anything should exist outside of our minds, so why single out God?
the preacher said:
he does'nt want to change any bodies mind, he's wants people to wake up and change their own, atheism is the one only sensible way of life, it has no church, or gods, just humanity, being at it's best.
people have to change their own minds, but they first have to wake up. dont they.

They could just as well say the same of you.

How do you assess this awakening?

Like whoever agrees with you is awake and vise versa?

That comes across as conceit, not intelligence.

--- Ron.
There is no evidence that anything should exist outside of our minds, so why single out God?

... Can any females in this forum actually say anything relevant besides Medicine Woman?

I don't have that impression, of a growing concern.

I don't know where you have been for the last 6 years, but the problems with Islam and a religious extremist running the most powerful nation in the world backed by millions of fundamental Christians is something that warrants concern which more people are aware of now than at anytime I can recall in the past.

These events have raised attention to miscellaneous religious concerns which have become more frequent in the media (at least in Europe).
KennyJC said:
... Can any females in this forum actually say anything relevant besides Medicine Woman?

I don't know where you have been for the last 6 years, but the problems with Islam and a religious extremist running the most powerful nation in the world backed by millions of fundamental Christians is something that warrants concern which more people are aware of now than at anytime I can recall in the past.

These events have raised attention to miscellaneous religious concerns which have become more frequent in the media (at least in Europe).

You seem to assume that most people are enthralled by the mass media, which is simply not the case on a broader basis.

Near to us here in West Hounslow the local population is up to and over 60 percent Asian, with a large number of Sikhs and Muslim, including our next door neighbour, in the light of which I can't see or say that what you are talking about has made the slightest difference to community relations from day to day.

Here are some relevant statistics:

The USA constitutes scarcely more than four percent of the Global population.

The rest carry on with their own business to mind, much the same as they ever did.

--- Ron

If these issues are in many aspects of our media more than they were a decade ago, they can not possibly result in people actually being less aware of religious issues and in many cases being concerned. Call it perception, but the amount of anti religious programming on tv in the last couple of years has been evident. Public figures speaking out, news programmes featuring outspoken critics of religious figures and dogma. Most people I speak to are now aware of the dangers of religion since "the war on terror" and George Bush took office.

It's my perception that the media and the public are becoming more liberal.
DD said:
However, I think the value of a religion should judged by the effect on a person's life. If it makes them unhappy, then drop it, it's probably wrong! However, if it's a positive influence as it is in many cases, then it's obviously NOT the result of their psychopathology.
the same could be said about smoking crack.

DD said:
Most pioneering scientific theories & discoveries started out as what you would call "invented fantasies". Leaping from the known into the unknown is a risk... it's not for the faint hearted!
prove this.

I was under the impression that people observed phenomenon, used their existing knowledge to produce a hypothesis, devised tests that would likely disprove their hypothesis if it was wrong, and peer reviewing their hypothesis until it was reasonable to use it as a model of reality until a better theory could replace it.
DD said:
I see nothing attractive in the atheist worldview, and nothing that indicates it is more likely to be true than the theist's. So, what would induce anyone to become an atheist other than a mistaken belief that science has somehow disproved the existence of God?
once again, you show how poorly you understand theists. let me break it down and answer it in 2 parts.
DD said:
and nothing that indicates it is more likely to be true than the theist's
what would you consider criteria for something being true? evidence? atheists tend to believe what evidence and cogent reason point them to.

DD said:
So, what would induce anyone to become an atheist other than a mistaken belief that science has somehow disproved the existence of God?
all of the atheists I have ever talk to are of the same point of view here. atheists don't believe in things before they are proved. they also don't disbelieve things. atheists, like myself, simply keep on open mind about all things, but wont accept them as reality/truth until evidence is provided. the more extraordinary the claim, the stronger the evidence must be.
There is no evidence that anything should exist outside of our minds, so why single out God?
it is reasonable to believe in things that we perceive with our 5 senses, provided they can be Corroborated by others. it is also reasonable to assume that others are real. if we cannon make those assumptions, there is no point in exploring life for any reason other than personal pleasure. this discussion is based around the assumption that there is an objective reality.
...but the amount of anti religious programming on tv in the last couple of years has been evident
could you site examples? I have not notice anti religious programming? except in cases when terrorism was correlated with religion.
KennyJC said:
If these issues are in many aspects of our media more than they were a decade ago, they can not possibly result in people actually being less aware of religious issues and in many cases being concerned. Call it perception, but the amount of anti religious programming on tv in the last couple of years has been evident. Public figures speaking out, news programmes featuring outspoken critics of religious figures and dogma. Most people I speak to are now aware of the dangers of religion since "the war on terror" and George Bush took office.

You are buying into the fear.

There are better things to invest in.

--- Ron.
Vega said:
Why are people so afraid to let "God" go???
... because its burned in your mind!!!,..and its been transferred from generation to generation through a series of mind programming ..yet its still only in our heads!!! and wars are still waged over it!!!,..why can't we face reality and conclude that the mathematical probablilty of finding "God",..in person is far less than finding aliens on a another world in our own galaxy !!

the mathematical probability of matter anywhere in the universe coming together under just the right conditions to support life is the same probability as taking an area the size of texas, covering it 6 ft deep in quarters with one red quarter thrown in anywhere and letting a blind man, wandering around, pick up a quarter and it be the red one. :cool:
courtesy history channel
...yeah... becasue those odds make sense... [/sarcasm]

the question of the universe being the way it is, is a pointless one. the weak anthropic principal covers it well. the universe must be this way, for if it were any other, we would not be here to see it.

Good argument that shows that evolution doesn't work that way.
You are buying into the fear.

Not really. You pulled me away to discuss a point I don't think is that important.

the mathematical probability of matter anywhere in the universe coming together under just the right conditions to support life is the same probability as taking an area the size of texas, covering it 6 ft deep in quarters with one red quarter thrown in anywhere and letting a blind man, wandering around, pick up a quarter and it be the red one.
courtesy history channel

Yes, and the likelihood of all the matter in the universe coming together to support life designed by an intelligent creator is an extra variable which makes it a teeny bit more unlikey.

Becuase Vega, some of us realize that just becuase the chance is small doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
What chance? On what basis can you calculate the probability that a god exists?

One example could be that since the god concept is simply one fantasy imagined by humans and that humans have the potential capacity to imagine an infinite variety of things then the probability of just one of those fantasies being true would be 1/infinity, which mathematically equates to zero. I think we can safely assume on that basis that gods as currently portrayed do not exist.

We also realize that right now we don't have nearly the breadth of knowledge we would need to disprove God.
Who really cares? The real issue is that there is no knowledge whatsoever to even come close to indicating that a god might exist or could exist, let alone does exist.

We never will as the universe expands faster than we could ever possibly explore it. So call physical God's existance a farce is about eight hundred billion years premature.
And the odds for actually finding a god are?
Cris said:

What chance? On what basis can you calculate the probability that a god exists?

That God exists 100% that any living person will meet or talk to God in a verifiable way. 1 in 10^777

One example could be that since the god concept is simply one fantasy imagined by humans and that humans have the potential capacity to imagine an infinite variety of things then the probability of just one of those fantasies being true would be 1/infinity, which mathematically equates to zero. I think we can safely assume on that basis that gods as currently portrayed do not exist.

No each fantasy would have a chance of being real that was not interdependant. I mean once upon a time a flying machine was fantasy as was exploring space. So your anology is ridiculous.

Who really cares? The real issue is that there is no knowledge whatsoever to even come close to indicating that a god might exist or could exist, let alone does exist.

There is plenty of knowledge, just not in places you are willing to look and sift through the bad kernals.

And the odds for actually finding a god are?

100% when you die.
KennyJC said:
... Can any females in this forum actually say anything relevant besides Medicine Woman?

we can't know if there's something outside our minds because if we see and sense something it's in our consciousness, in our mind, otherwise we coulnd't be consicous of it.
TW Scott said:
That God exists 100% that any living person will meet or talk to God in a verifiable way. 1 in 10^777

100% when you die.

100% ? !?!? Really? How did you work that out? Have you spoken to a dead person and asked them if God exists?
If I ever see with my own eyes a corpse stand up and tell me God exists then I might believe in God.
wsionynw said:
100% ? !?!? Really? How did you work that out? Have you spoken to a dead person and asked them if God exists?
If I ever see with my own eyes a corpse stand up and tell me God exists then I might believe in God.

What is the event of dead?
Assuming it happens at exactly 12:00 sharp; at an instance of time before 12:00 one was defined as alive, and at an instance of time after 12:00 one is defined as dead.

How do atheists explain the event of die? At that very instance of time, not after.

Theist's explanation for this event: one's soul is going to the next world; leaving behind one's body in this temporary world. No communication could be done between this soul and world of us.