God does not exist.

How lame, atheism is lame.

1.) People who are christians in the past made mistakes, such as the bloody crusades, etc. because people are sinners, therefore there is no God.

2.)I cannot see God, therefore God, King Henry,& Queen Elizabeth are also myths.

3.)The burden of proof is on those who claim there is a loving Father and a creator who comforts us after life's work, the burden of proof is not on us who claim that there is no God and no Hope.


1.) People have freewill, just because the grounded daughter learned to escape her room through the window and one day uses her freewill and intentionally beat up another girl, it doesnt mean the father is evil, or a myth. Atheist need to grow up to use this as evidence against God. Does being an atheist miraculously remove death and hatred away? No! In fact it may make it worst because of the removal of conscience. This is a lie that has been taught for a while now. People make mistakes regardless of belief, nationality, and cultures. Religion is a good medicine, but people who believes in religion makes mistakes, but it doesn’t mean religion caused man to make mistake for whether the religion is there or not, the man is still going to make mistake. Atheist makes mistakes, Christianity does as well, and so do Muslims and Buddhists.

2.) I can even be as stupid as an atheist and say King Henry is a myth, and not one of you can convince me otherwise. Prove it to me King Henry exist, signature? How do I know its not someone else ? Tomb? How do I know they didn’t placed another mans corpse there and claim its king Henry’s? God is a myth, and so is King Henry, Shakespeare, Queen Elizabeth, etc. All these have one thing in common, they all have solid proofs which atheist are too stupid to accept. Anyways if anyone will say God is a myth, Ill say back to them and so is King Henry, Shakespeare and the founding fathers...PERIOD

3.) BELIEF atheism is composed of this>no god(lies, opinion),no heaven (no hope), were here by accident(yur worthless), do whatever feels good(be lawless), seeing is believing(be stubborn). ATHIESM IS STUPID! Who has the burden of proof? This claim or the ones who claim there is Hope, there is a loving God and something you don’t see doesn’t always mean a myth. The burden of proof is on atheist for not only we outnumbered them by billions, but logically we function better in society, governing reasons. Belief Atheism got many ppl in carelessness. I need no faith in ATHIESM that have no solutions better than god isn't real, trust in our brain,&were here by accident. Only thing atheism is evident of is Satan's real.
to quote Biff Rose; "I wouldn't mind hangin' on the Cross if I knew what Jesus knew." (no disrespect intended from this Catholic boy)
How lame, atheism is lame.

Christians suck at worshipping God.

1.) People who are christians in the past made mistakes, such as the bloody crusades, etc. because people are sinners, therefore there is no God.

Yeah that whole crusades thing was FUN! Lets do it again! Sinners and saints, good and evil, noticing a trend here? Its always going to be good and evil no matter what. It only depends on what you think is evil and what you think is good.

2.)I cannot see God, therefore God, King Henry,& Queen Elizabeth are also myths.

Dude look in the history book! We know they excisted because well, we have evidence. Jesus was never painted while he was alive. All we have are artist representations of what he might be. We have painted pictures of Queen Elizabeth because she had people paint her.

3.)The burden of proof is on those who claim there is a loving Father and a creator who comforts us after life's work, the burden of proof is not on us who claim that there is no God and no Hope.

This is not true. I have hope that mankind can stop being stupid and come together in peace. The main thing that stops us from getting peace is God.

(EXAMPLE ONLY. My post is not about afghanistan. Example only.)
"Believe in my God." Said Afghanistan.
"No believe in my God." said America.

The next thing you know bombs start flying.
No true scientist believes anything without some sort of proof. Religious people believe on faith. Why? Noone knows but them.

Faith is the stupidest idea ever invented. Im sure it was invented by people in power to tell the ignorant many. "Hey, do what I tell you, slave. (slave) why? (other) Just do it on faith because im better than you."

Is there reason in it? No. So it would be counterintuitive to ask why you take something on faith. THERE IS NO REASON.

In my point of view (and many other atheists), to believe in something there needs to be supporting evidence for it, and mostly no contradicting evidence. It would be stupid to believe without reason.

This is where I am stumped. Why does a theist believe on faith? in other words, why does a theist believe without reason? I think it is because they have been brought up that way, and disregard evidence and education.

The only way I can be convinced of something is by reason and evidence. How does a religious person get convinced of something?

"as stupid as an atheist and say King Henry is a myth"

There happens to be sooooooo much more evidence of king henry and that he was king henry. Many people wrote about him, his doings, and other historical happenings. Not only do most stories fit with events before him and after him, but they come from such a variety of sources that he must have existed. Not only that, most of these people mentioned him as, well, king henry...

With god, the only source is the bible. No more, no less. Lets count it...... ....... ...... wow, I still count just ONE. King henry is sited by perhaps thousands of people, high and low, near and far. The bible also happens to NOT FIT events before and after it. Where were the dinosaurs in the bible? I don't think god ever mentioned making little deadly microbes..... or do you not believe in viruses? Why do you think god never mentioned that the mud he made man out of was composed of proteins and complicated carbon molecules?

Now sure.... king henry might not have existed. This would mean that thousands of documents were altered, also propaganda promoting this lie would have had to happen. The story teller to make such a lie would have to have been a genious.

What does Dr. faith say about this? I wonder if any religious person has taken biology?.....
Oh by the way, how great would it be if I were to convince these faith people that tobacco was good for them, actually making them live a full (biblical) 120 years!! They could take it on blind faith, despite all the evidence against it.

Do you still think tobbacco is harmful?
With god, the only source is the bible. No more, no less. Lets count it...... ....... ...... wow,

There was this one time that I thought I saw jesus at the taco bell, just turned out to be some homeless guy though.

And I do know religious people who take biology classes....at a christian college though.
Faith is the stupidest idea ever invented. Im sure it was invented by people in power to tell the ignorant many. "Hey, do what I tell you, slave. (slave) why? (other) Just do it on faith because im better than you."

I agree, sort of. I think that if you were a serf or similar, and spent 16 or 18 hours of every day slaving away (for someone else's benefit) and you knew that it was never - NEVER - going to get any better, that there'd never be anything more, then you might get a bit cross. You might decide that you may as well go a little beserk.

But then someone's convinced you it WILL be better one day. After you're dead, that is. If you've behaved. They have people in the community (who have lots of money too, like your virtual, if not actual, owner) to drum it into your head. And they give you a day off once a week and you're expected to go to church then, at least once. And the church has great big paintings on the wall, of paradise (a nice incentive) and hell (very graphic) just to keep it clear in your head. On your one day off.
What is faith? For the learning children (atheist)

Another misconception atheist use as an attack against Christianity is the word “Faith”. Faith= Trust; loyalty; belief on something without a need of proof; reliance; pledged word. For example, a close family friend approached you and asked if she can borrow your car for 2 days and promised to return it back, however, she gave you her credit card incase if the car gets totally wrecked you can take all the money out of her bank and keep it to replace your car. But because you have “faith” in her, you just told her “its ok, you don’t need to give me a blank check, you’re my best friend and a good driver for many years now and I know you’ll return the car on time safely, I trust you”. That’s faith. People use faith in many aspects in life. People put faith in family and friends, neighbors, experts, etc. We even put faith in science, otherwise if no one does, then people will not listen to it, will give no support and donation to it, therefore science wouldn’t exist today. Here’s another example of faith; when you buy a Toyota Truck, since your not a mechanic, you have no idea how the engine works, but you have faith in the car that it will take you places, it has a good reputation, many people testified that Toyota trucks have engine that last forever, even most mechanics recommend Toyota, because of their testimony, you put faith in Toyota trucks and rely on it, even if you have no clue how the engine works. And when your car breaks down, you take the car to them and get it fixed, and because that’s their profession, you have faith that they will get the job done. I can probably set over 100 more examples of faith. (By the way, you don’t call mechanics, brain surgeons, God, biochemist, and computer engineers “the magicians”, just because of the knowledge you don’t have.)

Atheist meanwhile got the word “faith” mixed up with “myth’. They think that to have faith on something is to believe on myths. How stupid. So if I have faith in family and friends, it means that they are myths? Their own definition of faith is “belief on something that cannot be proven; in other words, “Faith=belief on myths and non-existence”. Atheists are stupid like that; most of them are so ignorant. Hey cone heads! Yeah I’m talking to you atheist people, to have faith is to believe on something without a need of proof because of loyalty and reliance. Some may even put faith in mythical U.F.O’s, they may want or may not want proof, this may not even be proven at all! Or put faith in mythical Zeus the Greek god, you may want or may not want proof, but you can have faith in that as well, even if it’s existence have no proof thus making it a ‘myth’, your still entitled to that mythical belief, you can be that extremely loyal (to believe on something that have no proof, such as toothfairy and atheism). But once again, faith is NOT to believe on something that cannot be proven, but belief on something that you need no proof of because of loyalty and reliance. Stupid atheist kids… Whether God’s love is proven or not, you believe in Him because you trust Him, that’s what faith is. Confused or not, in good times and in bad, you remain loyal and faithful. Christianity requires faith because of its deep mystery each individual cannot comprehend, from the sacraments, Holy Trinity, laws and tradition, to the commandments and canonized books, faith doesn’t mean that God and religion cannot be proven.
For the learning children (Atheist)

Atheist speaks about the big bang theory, evolution, biology, law of physics, STUPID, its taught in Christian college, its good education, it explains & teaches "How" life began, but science teaches "Nothing is caused w/o reason" God is the reason & cause. LOL, Atheist are talking as if president Bush or catholic president Kennedy never went 2 universities,lol, they did&learned all bout Big Bang, evolution, physics, etc. became presidents & believes in God. 99% of universities r founded by Christians (harvard, princeton, ucdavis, stanford, georgiatown, etc.)I haven’t heard 1 founded by atheist. Why do atheist claim they are smart when most of them get their education from us? You want to prove your smart? Get a degree from universities then Ill believe your smart. By the way do u know 99% of universities are founded by Christians? So learn from Christians ok kids?

Anyways anyone with "brain cells" has something to say about "Chance" and "intelligence"?

What is the "chance" you might start to show some "intelligence ?"
Muscleman has just hit the high point of his stupidity...... Muscle man is fatty. fatty u r musicman!!!!!:D :) :) ;)

Muscleman like apple suace.:)

Muscleman wan ta fingar pant:confused:
Originally posted by musclehead (oops! muscleman)
Another misconception atheist use as an attack against Christianity is the word “Faith”. Faith= Trust; loyalty; belief on something without a need of proof; reliance; pledged word.

This "definition" is precisely what French meant… "belief on something without a need of proof". Take a reading comprehension course MM… the only misconception here is yours.

French, I'm not trying to slam your post here. Most of what I'm going to say I'm sure you understand but considering some of our current company, I wish to remain clear.

Originally posted by Frencheneesz
No true scientist believes anything without some sort of proof. Religious people believe on faith. Why? Noone knows but them.

Just to be clear… there is a clear difference between science and scientists… many scientists believe things without proof. Science, however, uses a systematic progression of objective and repeatable evidence (hypothesis to theory to fact (or law)).

Faith is the stupidest idea ever invented.

Unfortunately, the term "faith" is rather unclear. However, the context you obviously mean it in here is belief without (or despite) evidence or reason.

In my point of view (and many other atheists), to believe in something there needs to be supporting evidence for it, and mostly no contradicting evidence.

Actually, in Science, there can be no contradictory evidence what-so-ever. There can be things that are unknown or unexplained but the first iota of repeatable evidence invalidates the theory. The theory must then be modified to explain the new evidence or thrown out altogether.

This is where I am stumped. Why does a theist believe on faith? in other words, why does a theist believe without reason? I think it is because they have been brought up that way, and disregard evidence and education.

Many (if not most) people, in my experience, believe much of what they do without challenge or thought. It is perpetuated within the family, the schools, and churches… society in general. Most education is not directed towards improving the mind but towards conformity.

For example; think of high-school science class. Unless you had an exceptional teacher, I would bet that little was discussed in the way of alternative theories or the process of science itself. What, most likely, you were taught were the most popular theories at the time the textbook was written. This, of course, is not Science… merely the "teaching" of some of the theories that Science has developed. Science is a method not a static body of information.

Theist or Atheist this is how many people are about most things… and how most people are about some things. People fear the unknown and desire to make it known. And why not. We have big brains, it only makes sense that we have the desire to use them. Unfortunately, we also have the drive to fit the bits of knowledge we obtain into our worldview… when the bits we receive don't match we have a very strong tendency to reject the bits rather than the worldview. Thus the Creationist rejects Evolution, the Bigot rejects Equality, and the Scientist rejects un-testable hypothesis and anecdotes.

The advantage of science is that it systematically eliminates this tendency to maintain a specific "worldview". Religion, on the other hand, usually petrifies and either dies out or must undergo revolutionary change to survive.

The only way I can be convinced of something is by reason and evidence. How does a religious person get convinced of something?

For those that are not as above, I find two main things: 1) Their concept of God is much broader and more vague than most orthodox doctrines. 2) They put as much, if not more value, in subjective experience than in objective information.

For the rational theist (yes, such people exist) God, the supernatural, magic, esp… what-have-you is actually a term for the infinite and unknown. Some decide to personify this great unknown… others (such as Taoists) leave it un-personified.

Anyway, these are some of my thoughts towards your question. Have at them as you will. :)

Originally posted by Raithere

Theist or Atheist this is how many people are about most things… and how most people are about some things. Atheist fear the mysterious God and desire to make it go away by rambling and whining. And why not. They have small brains, it only makes sense that they have trouble using them. Unfortunately, we also have the drive to fit the bits of knowledge we obtain into our worldview… when the bits we receive don't match we have a very strong tendency to reject the bits rather than the worldview. Thus some stupid atheist thinks that the Creationist rejects Evolution, when the fact is science is very helpfull to prove existence of God and any theories supported with evidence is welcome in christianity, only some protestants disagree with evolution, and the Scientist rejects un-testable hypothesis and anecdotes.

The only way I can be convinced of something is by reason and evidence. How does atheist person get convinced there is no God when the fact is no evidence supports such claim?[/I]

For those that are not as above, I find two main things: 1) Their concept of God is "toothfairy with a magic wand" or "zeus with a lightning rod" 2) Atheist put as much, if not more value, in subjective experience(if there is god why do i have pimples) than in objective information.

Anyway, these are some of my thoughts towards your question. Have at them as you will. :)

~Raithere [/B]
That was almost clever MM

Hope if you don't mind if I rip it to shreds :)

Originally posted by musclehead
Atheist fear the mysterious God and desire to make it go away by rambling and whining.

What God? Where? You have any proof? No? Well then, I'll just sit back and keep watching Jerry Springer till I see your next post or see you on the show.

They have small brains, it only makes sense that they have trouble using them.

Ah. Very nice. An attack "Ad Hominem". You are proving to be an endless source of examples of logical fallacies.

when the fact is science is very helpfull to prove existence of God

You keep saying this, however, repetition does not make it true. I'm still waiting for you to demonstrate this "proof".

How does atheist person get convinced there is no God when the fact is no evidence supports such claim?

Not all atheists are convinced there is no God. Most (I would estimate), in fact simply believe there is no reason to believe there is a God. Not the same thing at all. But I expect that this is a bit too subtle for you to understand.

Atheist put as much, if not more value, in subjective experience(if there is god why do i have pimples) than in objective information.

I believe you're making a sarcastic reference towards the argument against an omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent, God. The basic query is; if God is all powerful, all knowing, and all good… how can evil exist.

I wonder if you have an answer for that one.

proof of God.. For those who can read...

Originally posted by Raithere

What God? Where? You have any proof? No? Well then, I'll just sit back and keep watching Jerry Springer till I see your next post or see you on the show.< Raith

Since some atheist are cone heads and stubborn, ill repeat the evidence of God once more. If intelligent cause doesn’t exist, then the effect (detailed life) doesn’t exist but because detailed life forms exist, then the intelligent cause exist (God); every complex and detailed form is an effect of intelligent cause (as observed and studied), from mechanical to biological. ALL DETAILED AND COMPLEX PIECE OF DESIGN IMPLIES A DESIGNER; God exist because the detailed and complex universe exists; . Reality triumphs over Lies, Fact triumphs over Opinion…

Could the design that obviously now exist in a man & in a human brain come from something with less or no design? Such an explanation violates the principle of causality, which states that u cant get more in the effect than u had in the cause. If there is intelligence in the effect (man), then there is an intelligence in the cause. But a universe ruled by blind chance has no intelligence. Therefore there is a cause for human intelligence that transcends the universe: a mind behind the physical universe.

Intelligence can find cure for diseases, cause brain and heart surgery, cause breast implant, observation and study of events, solving crimes, molding artworks, creating cars, rocket space ships, television, refrigerators, etc. Intelligence is capable of creating and forming spare cartilages to replace missing ears or nose construction. Intelligence is also capable of creating living creatures off existing cells, from humans to insects (cloning). Intelligence are even beginning to discover growing a human heart like a plant. Can you provide one example of any detailed and complex form from biological to technological that are caused by a non intelligent matter; such as a cell phone forming a 2 story house through 8 years of lightning and hurricane or a Reebok running shoe cloning a pit bull through 6 years of rain and hurricane, are those claims true? No! You only have 2 options, "intelligence" (God), and "chance" (ultimate infinite luck) and chance is already proven FALSE BY SCIENCE, AGAIN NOT PROVEN FALSE BY IGNORANT PEOPLE 400 YRS AGO THAT LACKS TECHNOLOGY.

For many years of observation & study, biochemists can only limitedly identify & label what’s contained in a cell, but never successful in creating one. Considering all the technologies modern science has to offer (electron microscope, etc.) they can even split an atom into half! Yet even then NOT ONE scientist are able to successfully create a single cell, NONE! If this was the case, why then do atheist claim that series of earthquake, wind, & lightning created life forms by accident "chance" when scientist with far better technology than wind & sunlight can't?

The impossible of the impossible. I don’t care how many millions of years lightning, earthquake and wind has. Fact is natural resources cannot gather the atoms/inert compounds, molecules together & shape it to become a cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, mitochondria, etc. & thousands of other parts to form a cell, the wind cant do it, earthquake cant, neither lightning (too strong) for a cell is extremely defenseless delicate life form. I don’t care how many millions of years quantum physics, hurricane, or lightning have, FACT is no life form & creatures in this known universe can exist & function with one eye & no brain behind it, or one leg without muscles to move it. Fact is it’s all or nothing!
Don’t try to compare organisms to automobiles, car parts can wait before creating the rest of the parts, did u actually think there’s a brain lying around waiting for the rest of the parts to develop? Your stupid you know that, u watch too much cartoon network! I don’t care how tiny or huge life form is (ostrich egg, cell, insects, etc) or how much time quantum physics, quantum mechanics, lightning, & wind have, the fact is the whole parts of the living organism must appear all at once or it will never survive! Impossible, no "chance" at all. This is your "belief/theory", the brain luckily appeared (nucleus), then the eyes luckily appeared, then the nose luckily appeared, etc. thousands of parts appeared all at once by luck (magic)! LOL, super impossible! Any life form survive & grew in size because of their digestive system, liver, throat, intestines, acid, rectum, brain, muscles, etc. And to you, the complex, tiny & delicate, mitochondria, cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, ribosome, etc. thousands parts of cell's body working together all appeared AT ONCE BY ACCIDENT thanks to earthquake, wind & fire, LOL. Super extra miraculously incredibly impossible!!

[I believe you're making a sarcastic reference towards the argument against an omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent, God. The basic query is; if God is all powerful, all knowing, and all good… how can evil exist.

I wonder if you have an answer for that one.


Its proven that God exist, the designing intelligence, a mind behind the physical universe. God is Spirit- John. If you say “prove to me Spirit exist”, the proof is that God exist and God is Spirit. What’s the proof God is Spirit? The proof is that neither air nor food exists before time, and the big bang took place over 15 billion years ago, no flesh scientifically can last that long without food and air supply. For that reason God couldn’t be in flesh, but is Spirit as it is the claim of the Book of John, what else could the intelligence be made out of if not biological or spiritual? Robot? Computer intelligence? God couldn’t be a machine or cyborg either for even metals decay and rot in a period of time, and even if it didn’t, if God is a robot or machine then there must be a intelligent cause of God for machines has been observed to be created, so then the next question will be is “Who created God”?

~Raithere [/B]
Muscleman, that isn't proof.

This picture is proof that you really do look that way...

So you are saying that the proof god exists is that intelligence exists? Is that all you got? Certainly there is a lot of proof of intelligent life.

I believe something that not many people belive. I believe that nothing is random, nothing is by chance, and nothing has freewill. I believe that humans think through complicated particle interactions. And I also believe that all particles interactions have no random aspect. Therefore Everything could be predictable with the right amount of information (that amount is all the speeds, and positions of all the particles in the universe). Many atheists believe in Freewill, and its easy to see why.

But if god is intelligent, then what created god? Many other theists have said "YOU IDIOT! Don't you know that god is everlasting, perpetual, immortal? He has always been." If you believe that, what was god doing in the infinite time behind us, just sitting around?

By the way, would you mind stop putting your replys INSIDE the quotation?