God does exist.

Originally posted by Xelios

No, actually that's not what I said at all. I said that for our brains to function they require electricity, more specifically the flow of electrons that is generated in many chemical reactions (such as batteries).

Yes for televisions to function it also requires electricity, and? Whats your point? How do this observation prove that it exist by "chance"?
Yes, and we drink h20, water that is..And we take a dump, then we eat. and? Whats your point?
How does that prove that earthquake, wind, and lightning created life forms? If not them, maybe the "MYSTERIOUS" UNKNOWN physics...HAHAHAHAHA, silly kids...

Originally posted by Xelios

What do you claim is essential for life to exist? The soul? Then this is your claim, now can you demonstrate and prove this? I can prove the brain requires electricity simply by replicating the reactions inside the brain, then shutting off the electric current to them. How do you propose to prove life cannot exist without a soul?

O yeah? Brain needs electricity and your kidney needs h20? again whats your point? So what if you discovered something, that DISCOVERY PROVES NOTHING!
A soul is given by God alone, can you prove that false? If so, then do it, prove to me God didnt create life forms...Indeed the burden of proof lies on me, and I only have once evidence...fact is we can detect light and subatomic particles, to now quarks...BUT STILL WE CANNOT CREATE LIFE FORMS, BECAUSE THERE IS ONLY ONE GIVER OF LIFE, GOD ALONE....THIS IS MY ONLY EVIDENCE, THAT EVEN THOUGH YOU CAN DETECT THE VERY SUBATOMIC PARTICLES, YOU STILL CANT CREATE SIMPLE LIFE FORM, EVEN A CELL!

You'll note that I indicated a system of processes.

Nope……never saw it!!!! :( soz!!
Could you please reiterate it?

What a silly question. Technology is a human tool.

I was being sarcastic Raithere.

This does not mean that there is anything supernatural occuring.

But it could do…..right?

Gee, I don't know... maybe the entire history of life sciences.

You mean the sciences which you accept? :p

What is it that you think life is? Any proof to support your hypothesis?

Why ask, you know what I think life is, it is very nicely explained in the Srimad Bhagavad Gita. :rolleyes:

and how do you explain the biological evidence that exists?

What evidence? (here we go again)

I would never refuse to consider alternate explanations but you have to provide support for it. Simply stating that you do not believe in evolution does not make that your position is correct simply because it is an alternative.

You don’t say!

I can say the same of yours

Can you? Very interesting.

but I really don't see that this has any relevance to the discussion.

At the point in history, when “theists” believed that they had the correct interpretation of the correct religious document, was the point religion began ceasing to exist.
As western history does not predate 2000 years or so, and Kali Yuga became present (according to sciptures) 5 – 6 thousand years ago (which is the time Religion started its downward spiral), it can not give accurate interpretations of those times. The only way to access such information is by understanding history from the scholars of the times. If you only accept western history as credible, then your judgement could seriously be clouded. ;)

Of course there is nothing to disclude a perfectly mundane explanation.

Of course.
But from what I can see, it is a perfectly mundane explanation, how else could these primitive people obtain such knowledge and understanding, when the scientists in the west were unable to, at that time.

It seems to me you're very quick to leap to conclusions, particularly ones of a supernatural nature, rather than giving the situation proper consideration.

Who said anything about the supernatural?
There are trillions of planets, don't you think it is possible that life exists on some if not all of them?

What would you suggest “proper consideration?”
Why should I dis-believe them?
What is it about their history and culture that you find hard to accept?


Jan Ardena.
Whatsup - Why do you belittle everybody? These are intelligent people you are insulting, and it's going nowhere. You can't just take a stance and then blast everybody in a 360 degree radius for not agreeing with you. You can never be "right", no matter how close to the truth you may or may not be.

CAPS WORKED VERY WELL FOR TERRY PRATCHETT, but here they do not add to anything.

You are doing a good job of repeating the flaws in various arguments, but repetition isn't a convincing argument in itself.

The truth builds up, it doesn't destroy. The removal of preconceptions only occur after a greater truth has been discovered, not before. You can't strip people of their beliefs with the paint-removing remarks you are forever making. You can only add things they did not consider or calrify understanding.

Where's the love? Where's your humility? I shudder to think what would have happened if Jesus used your kind of language. The Bible would have had a lot of **** sections.


As for the can-God-create-a-rock-He-cannot-lift argument. Has nobody ever realised that the sentence itself is the problem?
A) God - the sentence used the existence of God as a premise
B) create - it also accepts that God can create
C) rock - after the above two premises, the word itself presents a problem. We know rocks because they already exist, and we are limited to what we know. If God created rocks as they are, then He created the very definition of what we call rock. Even metaphorically the argument does not hold. God Himself is compared to a rock, Peter was the rock on which the temple would be built. God is the rock, and created a rock in his image that no-one except himself could lift.
D) cannot - a very human word based on perceived failure, and perceived natural laws. The very word imposes failure. I'll explain:
E)lift - under what gravity? Under whose laws? Cannot doesn't exist where infinity is involved. Is there someone you cannot love? Who imposes that limitation? You, or someone else? What cannot be done under one set of circumstances is completely possible under another.

The whole sentence puts God in a human box and seals it with sticky tape. Nice hypothetical question - no intelligable answer. Computers work with yes and no answers. Can God create Himself? Can God kill Himself? Can God provide ultimate justice? The only human answer - and the one we are stuck with - is: does God exist? For people, the answer depends on God. But God exists whether you believe in Him or not. God merely said "I am", and Jesus added, "...with you".
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Originally posted by whatsupyall
Frustrating me that some one this **** exist!!!!
We feel the same way about you.

Honestly though, you're really not understanding me very well. You're taking little bits and pieces of what I've said and are trying to jam them together where they don't belong.

I'm not stating that abiogenesis as it stands is an absolute fact, it's not, it's a hypothesis that is still being developed and proven. The creation of life through supernatural intervention would be a different hypothesis but there is no evidence at all that supports this hypothesis. That abiogenesis is incomplete or flawed does not constitute evidence of creation this argument is logically flawed. It's like saying that if the Bears didn't win the Superbowl the Cowboys did... it's an invalid assumption. Your analogous argument is no better. Just because something is similar to something else does not mean that evidence for one constitutes evidence for the other...this is also an invalid argument. You need corroborating evidence to prove a hypothesis and thus far you have not demonstrated any.

You really need to calm down and relax about all of this. Take a few deep breaths and explore the concepts calmly and reasonably. You keep getting so worked up that you don't seem to be thinking straight.

Originally posted by Jan Ardena
Could you please reiterate it?
Sure. Here's the quote from my post on 12/18: " Life is a system of interdependent processes that begins to break down if the process is halted... for us to create this from scratch we would have to have the ability to hold such a system together while we were building it."

But it could do…..right?
Without evidence it is purely an assumption. While I would not go so far as to say that existence and intervention of a supernatural entity is absolutely impossible I find it highly improbable and the assertion to be incredibly presumptuous. Particularly after noting that there is a very plausible mundane explanation the does have supporting (although not conclusive) evidence. Given an unsupported fantastical explanation and a plausible mundane explanation I find it much more reasonable and intelligent to choose the mundane explanation.

You mean the sciences which you accept?
I accept all true sciences and many non-sciences.

Why ask, you know what I think life is, it is very nicely explained in the Srimad Bhagavad Gita.
As I understand it the BG deals with the meaning and goals of human life in regards to the human soul. An entirely different meaning of the word life that that with which we are using here. But I could definitely be wrong or forgetting something, could you please give me a synopsis of what you are referring to?

If you only accept western history as credible, then your judgement could seriously be clouded.
Don't worry, I don't. In fact I find the ubiquity of 'modern' western presumptions to be extremely problematic and erroneous.

But from what I can see, it is a perfectly mundane explanation, how else could these primitive people obtain such knowledge and understanding, when the scientists in the west were unable to, at that time.
The scientists of the west had hypothesized the existence of Sirius-B due to the wobble in 1844. Almost 100 years before Griaule studied the Dogon. Missionaries and explorers could definitely have related this information... such visitors often used their astronomical knowledge to impress aboriginal peoples. Columbus, for instance, is known to have used his prediction of a lunar eclipse to impress the Carib people. There is also the fact that many young men from French West Africa spent time in France during WW1 where they definitely could have been exposed to this knowledge and later related it the Dogon.

The assumed 'impossibility' of this knowledge is also greatly influenced by a western perspective. There are many ancient cultures that had a very high degree of astronomical knowledge. Much of this information was only rediscovered by western societies hundreds and even thousands of years later. There is also evidence that telescopes had been invented centuries prior to 1608... knowledge that had been discovered and lost it seems since ancient times.

Give these mundane facts the fantastic assumption that the information 'must' have come from visiting extraterrestrials becomes a rather absurd proposition.

Who said anything about the supernatural?
I was speaking generally, not specifically about the Dogon reference. Although perhaps it would be more accurate to say that I find that you accept fantastical propositions far more quickly than I find reasonable. I could be wrong but I do not see evidence of it in you posts.

There are trillions of planets, don't you think it is possible that life exists on some if not all of them?
There are probably many more planets than that and I do indeed believe that it is probable that life has evolved many times over. However, I find it rather unlikely that some advanced civilization traveled many light-years across the galaxy to teach a tiny tribe in Africa that Sirius has a companion star. One would think that such a civilization would have something quite a bit more important to relate to us primitive humans. One must also wonder why, if extraterrestrials did indeed visit us once upon a time, why they have not continued their contact with us. Particularly when we are now, generally, would be so much more able to understand who and what they are and what they would have to say to us.

Why should I dis-believe them?
What is it about their history and culture that you find hard to accept?
Only the fact that there are explanations that are far more reasonable.

Originally posted by Xelios
If cell respiration stops, then electricity is no longer produced, which means these reactions can no longer occur.

Surely, scientists can re-input the electricity needed to fire up the cells.

No, but technology is not necessarily a requirement of the abiogenesis of life.

I was being sarcastic Xel. :rolleyes:

But seriously, technology is needed to provide proof that abiogenisis did take place, does it not?
If technology can prove it did by creating life from zilch, then who is to say that it wasn’t the same technology that created life in the first place?
Unless you think there may be a number of ways to do it! :)

Just out of curiosity, do you believe this actually happened?

Yes, I see no reason to disbelieve it.
Do you?


Jan Ardena.

Originally posted by Frencheneesz
Something being in two places at once? That is called TWO things... Give me an example where one thing is in two places at one time...
As I stated, it all depends on perspective, for current scientific theories to hold up this univer4se has to consist of more than four dimensions. Now when we discuss God, as I explained to the spurious monkey, we have to think in terms of more than 4 dimensions to avoid paradoxes, if He exists [happy?]. Now first we have to assume a standard definition for place. Do you define it in the 4 dimensional context? I prefer a broader context. For the broader context I'd tell you God, but you will just say it is irrelevant. Now in 4 dimensions I could say an electron if I consider the unit of time to be one second - within one second an electron can be in thousnds of 'places'. Definitions are key French.
That is much different from what I am describing. You are saying god can ONLY drive a car 50 km/hr but can also go 200. It is impossible because it is a paradox. Paradoxes = bad.
:confused:Not really, paradoxes = thought (paradoxes have lead to many advancements in math. and science knowledge). But, that aside, I stated that God can do anything, including limit his abilities. There is nothing impossible or improbable there. Just like a car capable of travelling at 200 km/h but is driven at 50 km/h. You must've misundeerstood.
Shluffing it away doesn't fix the problem. God simply can NOT do everything, because it creates paradoxes. If you would simply agree to my previous proposal (god can do everything exept not be able to do something) then it would work very well with both our perspectives.
I tend to avoid agreeing with such statements [especially when they're from you... jest]. Well your statement basically states God can do anything and it states nothing else, so yes, I guess it is safe to agree.
Love has many definitions. What's your point? Why don't you definie love instead of insulting me and trying to drag it out of me? Instead of implying that I am an idiot, why can't you just tell me what you think I don't know?
I did; "If you think love is caused by chemical imbalances you truly do not know what love is. As the Seeker of Truth, virtuously illustrated, true love comes from God." And we all possess a degree of ignorance on many subjects French - if you consider that an 'insult' you should get insulted a lot - if I want to insult you you will know.
You seem to be perpetually forgetting that I don't believe in god. "Chemical imbalances" is a stupid term.[illustrate that to Xelios will you please?] Your entire brain utilizes chemicals to "think". Love involves part of the brain. Why exactly do you think that love cannot be just another part of your brain?
You spout this stuff like it is ultimate truth. Just accept the fact that you don't know everything.
So you assume because I can define love and you can't makes me know everything? Then again you do say I insult you.
Who is "we".[I dogmatically assume that all who post on this site are human] I certainly wasn't there. If had given me any unmistakable signs, I would believe. Whats so hard about that? I don't believe simply because I don't have proof, and god isn't trying all that hard to give me that proof.
..'We' refers to mankind [women included, also boys and girls]. My mistake, I should say Homo sapiens. And French, God requires that you seek proof. Don't expect to see it on an atheist website.
Does that mean i'm in hell?
Well that's another matter. If you assume for a moment that Christians are correct in their knowledge then without God you have no conscience, no love - so basically you live like animals on the Serengeti plains or Botswana, Africa - eating each other - killing each other's kids - you name it.
And I suppose you have "faith" in this? I have, simply, no reason to believe you. I am not going to take your word for it. You do not posses truth. I'm respectfully sorry, but you do not carry "the answers". Don't tell me absolutes, give me reasons.
You yourself admit to your faith in your reasoning - why do you have faith in your reasoning? I only place my faith in God.
Anything? I doubt it.[you do?] Of course we already know that not everything is possible.[we do?] You refuse to aknowlege that god might not exist. I don't really think you believe that it is possible that YOU don't exist. You have also told me that you won't refute what science "prooves", again giving me evidence that not anything is possible.
I only refer to God's non-existence as a possibility for argument's sake. Impossibilities only exist as far as our knowledge goes. Scientists now theorise exotic phenomena as the existence of other universes and other dimensions where physical laws work differently, thus, as sure as we exist anything is possible, if you are truly open-minded [I am not - re: God] you can accept that.
Except of course, that which it has disprooven....
Perspective again. What is proven and disproven is relative. Some things which are impossible in three dimensions are possible in four.
Good job, you have mastered the skills of telling people this. Now stop that and tell me why I should believe you.
Why do you believe it? You stated you have faith in your 'sense and reasoning'. You should trust your reason more than mine.;)
Your insults are a bit annoying.
[If you had thought before you posted that errant assumption you wouldn't have been 'insulted'. Here you are stating that your assumption = bad and atheism = bad. What is annoying is you repeatedly stating I am insulting you.
Science assumes it is false, but realizes the small possibiliy. How bout this, to science all things without evidence have less than .0000001 % probabilty, meaning they HIGLY doubt it. The more evidence something gets, the higher its probability is. But then again, you don't understand probabilities.[?]
Just make sure you understand them French or you are going to provide evidence which will increase the probability that you are a narrow-minded ass.
You once again failed to understand me. Things SEEMED impossible, just the possibility that we will create life SEEMS impossible to you. I did not say that they were impossible just because our state of science was not up to the task.
Not really, you just failed to state your position clearly. I remember you specifically stated that in the past many things were impossible - and I simply capitalised on that.:D
Yes I have faith in my reasoning. You do too. Everyone does. My reasoning tells me that I could not think If I didn't exist. THEREFORE I EXIST! How fucking hard is this to understand.
The point is it does not need to be stated as you acknowledged earlier - it is implicit.Well, some futurists hypothesise a world where our mind lives on in computer sofware. Somewhat like the matrix but without any bodies, just transistors, by that time more than likely molecules [processors]. That can be applied to our present situation. Would you exist then? Or would it just be a couple of electrical impulses travelling from a to b to ? Would you really think? Would you exist? This is all opinion but I'm quite interested in your answer. Interestingly, for me, God assures me of my existence.
The only thing I have faith in is my reasoning and my senses,
Science is built on senses and reasoning of all our ancestors. Why do you have faith in your sense and reasoing?
Really. Some idiotic atheists. Have you no respect?
You are quite the jester. Here you are stating that your assumption was idiotic. Heh heh, wow, that was good.
You are prejudice against athiests arent you? All atheists are bad. All atheists are stupid. All atheists are liers. AND YOU SAY YOU DON'T INSULT ME!! What a riot.
I've never stated anything like this. I have to assume it's all in your head.
NO! NO NO! Its NOT a fact. [You idiot.] It is your god damned opinion. What part of opinion don't you understand!? A fact is something which can either be proven true or false. Your opinion cannot be proven. Naive indeed, I'm not the one claiming to possess ultimite truth.....
It can't? We'll see.

originally posted by MarcAC
God can do anything including limit his ability to do something. Our 'petty' little minds and, thus, logic can barely grasp it.
originally posted by French
Our minds can grasp it quite well, it just so happens that what you are describing to me is impossible (like it is for something to be in two places at once).
I didn't really get this part. Can you illustrate it for me please, if possible?

That's it? That's your proof of God? We can't create life at our current technological level and so God must exist? That is complete and utter crap MM. What about when we couldn't create electricity? Did electricity come from God then? Or what about when we couldn't get airplanes to fly? Was it then God that made birds fly? Your logic is flawed in so many ways that I can't even begin to figure out how you thought of it.

What if in 20 years we are able to create life in a lab? What then?

Please MM, take a step back from your views for a minute and really look over them.


So what if we can detect subatomic particles? What the hell does that have to do with creating life? Life is by no means simple MM, a cell is by no means simple. We can't cure cancer either, does this mean a cure is impossible? We have thousands of years of science in front of us MM, and I have no doubt that we will be able to create life in the near future, perhaps even in our lifetimes. Unlike religion, science adapts and changes as new things are discovered, which is why it will thrive much longer than any organized religion ever will.

You want proof that life wasn't formed by God, fine here it is. Life wasn't formed by God because we've never seen him make life out of nothing. For this reason, God did not create life. What do you think of this evidence MM?
Originally posted by Xelios
That's it? That's your proof of God? We can't create life at our current technological level and so God must exist? That is complete and utter crap MM. What about when we couldn't create electricity? Did electricity come from God then? Or what about when we couldn't get airplanes to fly? Was it then God that made birds fly? Your logic is flawed in so many ways that I can't even begin to figure out how you thought of it.

Earlier I said "What does chemistry have to do with how life exist?" then you said "It has a lot to do with it"..YOU DIDNT GET WHAT I MEAN, I meant what does chemistry have to do with demonstrating and proving that life exist from "THE MYSTERIOUS" physics? Chemistry EXPLAINS EXISTING LIFE FORMS, NOT HOW THEY EXIST, OTHERWISE DEMONSTRATE IT TO PROVE YUR POINT.....
Your either the most stupidest man whoever lived, or just plain mentally challenged, the topic above is the "necessity of soul" in life forms..THATS THE TOPIC, not the evidence of God, I presented them to you much earlier but you never made a comment on them and instaed said "You dont have proof of god" over and over again...U want proof of God? Here it is AGAIN...
Miracles scientifically documented and CURRENTLY EXISTING which scientist CANNOT FLAW (and lying atheist scientist make false accusation)...A FACT, lady of Lourdes, guadalupe, akita japan, etc. Bleeding statues, etc STILL HAVE MILLIONS OF FOLLOWERS TODAY, SCIENTIST THROUGHOUT THE WORLD HAVE DOCUMENTED THE over 500 yrs old cactus cloth which scientifically speaking shouldnt last over 40 years! It is a true miracle, plus the painting have no brush strokes and no sketch, it appears as if it has been printed, THIS IS A PROVEN GENUINE FACT... Martyrs for their faith, people are willing to give up tyheir wealth in exchange for simple life, not like "doing what feels good" accordsing to frenchy...

for thousands of years since the beggining of time, human race are aware of existing spirits, though they didnt clearly understand their creator, as much as they dont understand their surroundings...

Originally posted by Xelios

So what if we can detect subatomic particles? What the hell does that have to do with creating life? Life is by no means simple MM, a cell is by no means simple. We can't cure cancer either, does this mean a cure is impossible? We have thousands of years of science in front of us MM, and I have no doubt that we will be able to create life in the near future, perhaps even in our lifetimes. Unlike religion, science adapts and changes as new things are discovered, which is why it will thrive much longer than any organized religion ever will.

Good luck with your psychic prediction...:)

Originally posted by Xelios

You want proof that life wasn't formed by God, fine here it is. Life wasn't formed by God because we've never seen him make life out of nothing. For this reason, God did not create life. What do you think of this evidence MM?

Your evidence is stupid.....Like you were saying earlier, nothing is tinier than subatomic particles which we cant detect (though i thought u were stupid because there is no limit to splitting an atom) but u insist and now I used that same words u post against you and said that "If so, then your proving that there must be a soul in order for life to exist when EVERYTHING THAT EXIST AS YOU CXLAIM ARE DETECTED".....
Your evidence is stupid.....

It's the exact same reasoning you used as evidence for your arguement MM, exactly the same. So thank you for proving my point.
How do you want to make God redundant by proving that humans can create life, or at least recreate it? Even if we do manage to create or recreate life after so much research and with the help of all our technological and scientific advancements, all we would have proved is that life can be created. Isn't that exactly what atheists would want to avoid? If people were created in God's image, then they might even have the power to create life as well - under whatever definition you describe it - but wouldn't that mean that life had to have been created, that very specific thought and resources and great effort had to have been exerted so that life could "start"? If God formed Adam from the earth as Genesis seems to indicate, we might have all the ingredients we need right under our feet. We just have to find that "breath"...

I think you are safer by saying life had no start, and had no creator. Rather try to show that new life is still starting spontaneously, independent of human interference. The best you can do is recreate the circumstances under which life started, but not life itself. If the circumstances are the same as they were when life began, it should still be happening in nature just as it did then. And if the circumstances were different ... could we recreate the origins of the universe so that we can explain why life - or rather, humans - only endured on earth? We would have to make a universe in a bottle! Why does life still thrive, if the circumstances has changed so much that the original (optimal) conditions of its origins don't exist anymore? Are there any signs of life that might evolve into apes or humans in a couple of billion years from now?
"Are there any signs of life that might evolve into apes or humans in a couple of billion years from now?"

Well the whole idea is that species evolve to match the environment. By now, most animals have adapted perfectly to their environments I'd guess. I know the environment is changing, but evolution is a slow process. And won't Earth be swallowed up by the sun in a few billion years anyway?
Originally posted by croper
By now, most animals have adapted perfectly to their environments I'd guess.

that's a loaded sentence...it assumes that evolution is about progression.

Originally posted by croper
[BI know the environment is changing, but evolution is a slow process. [/B]
not on a geological timescale..then it is a fast process
Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
that's a loaded sentence...it assumes that evolution is about progression.

Well evolution is about progress. You don't evolve to an inferior form, for example.
So life started out unadapted to its environment, and had to adapt to survive? How could it have survived if it had not already adapted? Surely any environment that could exist would have been hostile to it in comparison?

The only conlcusion is that earth itself adapted to harbour life. So life is merely a byproduct of infinite possibilities. Is intelligence another adaptation for the sake of survival? Why then hasn't everything on earth - being subjected of an even longer period of evolution, like plants, developed even greater intelligence? If religion is such a primitive need, made redundant by scienctific understanding, why haven't humanity outgrown it yet, and apes started to show signs of it? Mice are genetically almost identical to humans, and have existed for much longer according to fossil records. What has hindered their evolution towards intelligence?

And if we are continuously adapting to an increasingly hostile world, it means that things are regressing instead of progressing. In that case we have outgrown adaptation and begun to adapt ourselves artificially, learning, studying, researching - to counteract the inefficiacy of natural evolution. In spite of death claiming us one by one. Wouldn't death be the first thing life would adapt out of? Why must we try to overcome it scientifically? What is the use of reason if every new generation has to question the previous one for truth?
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Big Banging

God loves me. Oh, yes. And he's been knocking at my door... i just can't hear him.

Well (God damn it!), i wish he'd knock louder.... Cause I'm sick of listening...
Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
unfortunately evolution is not about progress, but about adaptation

So that's progression from badly adapted to well adapted then?:p

Jenyar - interesting stuff.

I'm not expert but my take on it is:

Life came about in the first place down to pure random luck - as you say, a by-product of infinite possibilities. This first life was suited to it's environment as I guess it was a by-product of that environment.

As that life evolved, it could expand into other environments etc...

The mice... I'd guess at some stage, pockets of mice stopped evolving because they were perfectly adapted to their environments - a little extra intelligence in an individual would have had no advantage when it came to mating, passing on its genes. Hence intelligence didn't develop. Maybe mice have no use for extra intelligence.

Now, a band of rogue mice that ventured into a an area with a lot of predators would have benefited from being faster, more powerful. So on average, the faster more powerful individuals did better than the others. Give it a million years, and hey presto - mice become rats.

As humans we won't evolve because we don't need to adapt. A taller man has no advantage over a shorter man for example. I mean - I'm short sighted. In the natural world I'd be dead through not being able to hunt. As it is, science allows me to get away with such a defect. My shortsightedness will no doubt be passed on. So, I personally am to blame for the degradation of the gene pool! So, we are regressing, and it's partly my fault!

Scientists would not be attempting to recreate life in a test tube, they would attempt to recreate the conditions present on primordial Earth and then see if they can find a way to create life using only natural processes. If they succeed in this, it would prove that no outside interference by a supernatural being was needed to form life.