God does exist.

Hi Cris,

Yes, I see your point. Initially, it seemed to me that he was making a contradiction of his statements.

Thankyou for your thoughts

I did not say that if someone believes something that means it is correct. I stated that if someone believes something they also believe* it is correct. Don't you agree Dark? Be honest. I actually respect you as a theist.

You should've been clearer on that. "Believes correct" and "was correct" are different. That is why I stated people should stand by their beliefs. "I believe this is correct..." instead of "This is correct!"

Well why would you believe it if you didn't think it was correct. O.k. I am quoting the Oxford Dictionary for this one > BELIEF - "a feeling that something exists or is true...".

Correct in beliefs is very subjective, just as how we think which "morals" are correct. Clearing this up, one may think one's beliefs is correct, but one should not assume theirs is correct over others without solid proof.

A exaggerated example: "

Christian: Christianity is the right religion.

Muslim: No, Muslim is.

Christian and Muslim:Ok, since we both think we are correct let's fight. Whoever wins is the correct one!"

Read again Adam. Did I say I believed there isn't evidence for neutrinos? Read again bro. You can be sued for such defamation of character. Read in context.
Well, let's see what you did in fact write previously:
Way back in the early 20th when the tau neutrino was hypothesised there was no evidence for it... But hey, those who seek pure evidence would have said in the early 20th that there is no such thing as a neutrino. Hey I can't see it. Can't feel it. It hardly interacts with anything. There is no EVIDENCE for it. So IT CAN'[T BE THERE! Oh... oops it's there huh?
Now if you want me to repeat myself (obviously you do, because you're an idiot):

Way back in the early 20th when the tau neutrino was hypothesised there was no evidence for it.
Wrong. There was supporting evidence for it.

But hey, those who seek pure evidence would have said in the early 20th that there is no such thing as a neutrino.
Wrong. They found supporting evidence suggesting its existence, expected direct evidence, sought direct evidence, and found it.

Hey I can't see it. Can't feel it. It hardly interacts with anything. There is no EVIDENCE for it. So IT CAN'[T BE THERE! Oh... oops it's there huh?
Wrong. It can indeed be seen interacting. There IS evidence for it. So, oops, yes, it can be, and is, there.

Now for more of your idiocy...

I can accept the theories which man uses to exlain his natural world... as long as they make sense and do not contradict Biblical revelations - which so far most of them don't [contradict] in my eyes.

You know what the central verse in the Bible states?

PSALM 118:8 "It is better to trust in the Lord for protection than to trust anyone else [anyone else meaning man]."
Ah, I see. You've shown me the light. When the christians massacred various towns on their march to Jerusalem, many of those town christian but not speaking the appropriate language, your god was there for the inncoent victims? I'm sure they trusted him/her/it. The many scientists and witches burnt over the medieval years? Do you really want people to list examples of instances throughout history where "trust in god" resulted in massacres?

In short, don't ever say anything even vaguely related to science, as you'll no doubt be very wrong. Also, don't ever say anything about me being wrong, because I'm basically too damn smart and you're an idiot. That said, I think I've had enough of repeating the same crap for delusional superstitious freaks. Back to the sapient threads I go...

You possibly had a point you wanted to make, but I think you forgot to make it.

Omni benevolence creates a paradox because evil exists in a universe created by the same god with omnipotence.

Darkness is the mere absence of light, and darkness itself is an illusion. The same as with evil and good.

I meant that evil is just the abscence of good. I actually said that only God exists and that evil is just an illusion, like darkness is. It's just a matter of perspective, of how you see it. In this way there is no paradox, as God didn't create evil at all. Evil is our creation, not His...

It is also written that God does not exist. Are both then true because they have both been written?

I meant that it is written in the Bible (as we are basing the discussion in the Bible and in what it says)...

And back to the point...

Omniscience creates a paradox with the claim of human free will.

It's also written that God knows the hearts of people...

God knows the choices we will make. That's also written in the Bible.

Are you scared about the possibility of the existance of some... let's say... living organism greater than you?
Yes. Logic.

Originally posted by MarcAC
Logic is consistent? Logic originated from common sense. Logic is entirely dependent on the facts which are known at that point in time... or the 'evidence' which is present.
Yes, formal logic as a system of reasoning is consistent. Yes, logic originated from common sense. Logic is common rationality applied with rigor. No, Logic is in no way dependent upon facts it is a systematic method of analysis and can be applied to unreal concepts as well as factual concepts.

Logical reasoning has often led to paradoxes where you often have two outcomes. One premise being wrong Or there is just something TOOOOOOOTALLY NEW that you didn't know before.
Yes, logic can sometimes lead to paradoxes but such paradoxes usually are due to mistakes known as logical fallacies. I'm always willing to consider something totally new... however if it fails the tests of evidence and logic I toss it in the trash bin or put it away to await further knowledge. I do not believe things without reason... and when my reason fails hard analysis I, unlike you, am entirely willing to admit it.

And thus I am to gather that logic didn't exist...
Thanks for all these excellent examples. Each of these mistakes involves some logical fallacy or another.

Please stop disrespecting my God by trying to use a protean human invention like... logic... to invalidate his existence.
I've done no such thing. I've only pointed out the errors in your reasoning. That you are mistaken is not my fault. If you don't enjoy discussing the correct application of Logic to this issue then I suggest you not bring logic into the discussion next time.

God is always here for us, even if we don't want him here. Not to really diminish him like this but an anology can be the time dimension - we don't see it but we see it's effects.
Really? Then why don't you give us an example that evinces God... and please do be so kind as to show us the logical argument that demonstrates why the evidence points only to the conclusion of your God and not something else.

God knows the choices we will make.

Can you tell me where? I GOTTA SEE THIS :) (I'm not going to argue that free will can't exist with him, I've tried over and over. But know I'll have a passage to use against reasonable people :))Happy happy happy :)

God knows the choices we will make.

In other words, no free will. Everything is predestined. No matter how many millions of decisions and choices are made every day around the world, each one is already well known in advance and will not change no matter what happens.

Are you scared about the possibility of the existance of some... let's say... living organism greater than you?

Scared ? Absolutely not. I would look forward to meeting said organism. Can you arrange a meeting at the earliest convenience ? I have several thousand questions.

In other words, no free will. Everything is predestined. No matter how many millions of decisions and choices are made every day around the world, each one is already well known in advance and will not change no matter what happens.

No. His knowledge is of potential rather than of active. He knows what we can do, but He let us do what we want.

Scared ? Absolutely not. I would look forward to meeting said organism. Can you arrange a meeting at the earliest convenience ? I have several thousand questions.

Well... I'm pretty sure He tries to talk with you everyday...

No. His knowledge is of potential rather than of active. He knows what we can do, but He let us do what we want.

Good answer.

Well... I'm pretty sure He tries to talk with you everyday...

What exactly am I supposed to be hearing ? What frequency am I to tune ?
Q, you are a weird sod, you answered this question yourself in an earlier post

This was written by you Q!

Free Will in Christianity

How can we have free will if God has a plan for our lives and knows everything we'll do in advance?

Since God is omniscient, God has foreknowledge, meaning he knows what everyone will do in the future and what any individual would do in any given situation. This foreknowledge enables God to have a plan for everyone's life. For instance, if God wants a particular action to occur, he knows who would choose to do that action, and under what circumstances they would choose it; thus he is able to plan for it to happen. However, God's knowing what choices we will make is simply knowledge - it doesn't remove our free will, for we are still the ones making the choices.

This may be more understandable if we consider that we have a type of foreknowledge from our knowledge of history. For example, we know that the Americans won the Revolutionary War. If we went back in time before the Revolutionary War took place, our knowing the outcome wouldn't force anyone to do anything. Our knowing the Boston Tea Party would take place wouldn't mean that the colonists would be forced to throw the tea overboard, it would only mean that we'd know what the colonists would choose to do. It's the same with God: his knowing what we'll freely choose to do doesn't mean we're forced to make that choice.


What exactly am I supposed to be hearing ? What frequency am I to tune ?

His voice is very subtle. If you try to listen to Him while your head is full of things, you won't be able to hear anything. It will be like trying to listen a bird singing in the middle of a traffic jam...

If you really want to listen to Him, all that you can do is to clean your mind and be completly impartial about the results, otherwise any belief against His existance or that He cannot talk with you will block His voice and you won't be able to listen to Him. If you don't believe He exists, how can He talk with you? So, you don't need to believe, you just need to be intentionally impartial about it.
Originally posted by (Q)

God knows the choices we will make.

In other words, no free will. Everything is predestined. No matter how many millions of decisions and choices are made every day around the world, each one is already well known in advance and will not change no matter what happens.

Then you write

It's the same with God: his knowing what we'll freely choose to do doesn't mean we're forced to make that choice.

???? Choice is therefore not predestined?
Muzzleman: You gonna read this or not?

"I dont, do you? I only believe in claims with proof, Im not delusional and believe in Giant purple squid monkey, aliens, atheism, and nature as chance, all these have one thing in common. THERE ARENT ANY EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT YOUR CLAIM."

I was in no way CLAIMing anything. You are jumping conclusions from my simple quetion. In any case, there was a reason for this question. You keep telling me that there are billions of witnesses to god, and then you say there are millions alive today. I know for a fact that billions of witnesses HAVE NOT been documented. You can speculate all you want about witnesses.
IN ANY CASE, you say you disbelieve in aliens. May I ask why? There are millions of "witnesses" to aliens as to jesus or god or whatever. Therefore, your arguement is a falicy. You prove god with many "eyewitnesses" (I won't even go into trying to disprove it, it would not get anywhere), yet you disbelieve in aliens, which also have "eyewitness" evidence.

So, can we let that arguement pass, so we can move on to your next argument?

"Show me healing, supernatural/miracles documented in the name of tooth fairy. How many died for tooth fairy to verify its value?"

HA! You use myth, following, and radicalism to verify something!? That makes me laugh. Greek mythology is something you obviously don't belive in, yet there were millions of people who believed them and I'm sure some people that do now. I can see how a prophesy that noone will believe them could make greek myth believers look stupid in your eyes. In greek myth, there were many cases of supernatural things and "miricles" although the greeks had a slightly less pathetic view of their gods. They feared them, but had the idea that their gods were not perfect and had human qualities, whereas christians depict god as human yet say he is perfect yet there is plenty of undeserved suffering. In greek mythology any suffering would be for a findable reason.

Many people died for the greek gods, does this make the true?
Many people "witnessed" (believed in) greek gods; does this make the true?

Again can we move on from these hypocracies?


You realize that talking in caps will not help illiterate people read, thats why me and cris think you are STUPID!! DO YOU GET THAT?!!!!


Ok I can see your point. DON'T fucking talk in caps ANYMORE though. I'm reading you idiotic arguments, muscleman, and I can understand your thinking. YET, I am trying to convince you that that way of thinking is a falicy. OK?

Ok, god knows what is going to happen. Therefore things ARE preordained. You can argue that god did not preordain things and I can accept that back arguement. BUT for god to KNOW that something will happen, SOMEBODY must have PREORDAINED it.

As you quoted, preordained means "1. To determine, decide, or establish in advance", correct? And if god KNOWS something in advance, is not it ESTABLISHED in god's mind before it happens? Its something to think about. For the other arguments you had I can safely say I disproved the validity of them, but this one is for you to think over.

"Quote the sentence where it says that, LOL, Im waiting"

I think most experts agree that the bible says that. I'm no expert and I have no time to bust out an internet bible and quote from it. Look it up and tell me if you find any date that people agree the bible tells that is more than a few thousand years old, for earth. K?
Originally posted by TruthSeeker

His voice is very subtle. If you try to listen to Him while your head is full of things, you won't be able to hear anything. It will be like trying to listen a bird singing in the middle of a traffic jam...

If you really want to listen to Him, all that you can do is to clean your mind and be completly impartial about the results, otherwise any belief against His existance or that He cannot talk with you will block His voice and you won't be able to listen to Him. If you don't believe He exists, how can He talk with you? So, you don't need to believe, you just need to be intentionally impartial about it.

A perfect answer TruthSeeker! :)

"Fact. 1. Not one scientist can create any life form
Fact. 2. Evolution, Big Bang, is a theory which have not been demonstrated
Fact. 3. Scientist cannot even explain how to cure cancers, why then do they claim they can explain the existence of a life form?
Fact. 4. Any claims, from "Nature as chance", to "God is real", needs substancial evidence"

Fact 1: Not one scientist can create a spaceship to travel to another star in the lifetime of a human

Fact 2: The existance of other solar systems is a theory which has not been demonstrated.

Fact 3: Scientists cannot even explain how other solar systems were made, so how can they claim to explain the existance of the universe? (note that this "fact" is also incorrect as "wasupall" 's was)

Fact 4: Everything needs substantial evidence. Other solarsystems have none, Satan tricking us into believing this, however, does have massive evidence. (again note the idiocy of this statement save the remark about evidence)

THEREFORE, other solarsystems don't exist. Do you agree?
Originally posted by Frencheneesz

THEREFORE, other solarsystems don't exist. Do you agree?

You mean that WASN'T another solar system that I saw through my telescope, shheeeesh! I wonder what it was then?

If you don't believe He exists, how can He talk with you?

But if he existed, there would be no need to have faith, hence no need to believe. I would suspect he would be most interested in providing me with some sort of indication that he did exist.

How did the forefathers of religion "know" he existed in the first place ? Why not impart this knowledge to me first hand ?