God did not create heaven and earth.

Damn cannot read the article sorry looks like it is the Blockage from the Firewall Damn. But what it will mean to Religous people Nothing most likely cause they will do what they all ways do when things like this are put forth. They will spread there legs bemd way over and insert their head in their ass as it will test their faith a little to far for the more exterme ones.
Damn cannot read the article sorry looks like it is the Blockage from the Firewall Damn.

God 'separated' heaven and earth: professor
Thursday 08 October 2009

The opening section of the Bible which states God created heaven and earth is a mistranslation, according to a professor at Radboud University in Nijmegen.

God did not create heaven and earth but rather he separated them, says Ellen van Wolde in Thursday's Trouw. Van Wolde, an expert on the Old Testament, defends her doctoral thesis on Friday.

She bases her conclusions on a new interpretation of the Hebrew version of Genesis, 'placing it in the context of the rest of the Bible and creation stories from Mesopotamia'. Van Wolde concludes the Hebrew word 'bara' does not mean 'create' but 'spacial separation', the paper says.

The professor says this implies heaven and earth existed before they were separated, a direct contradiction of the accepted biblical intepretation.

But what it will mean to Religous people Nothing most likely cause they will do what they all ways do when things like this are put forth. They will spread there legs bemd way over and insert their head in their ass as it will test their faith a little to far for the more exterme ones.

First response to the article...
LOL....ok, so if God only "separated" heaven and earth, why isnt it possible for him to have created it in the first place? so, she's saying that these existed pre-God and when He came along he merely separated them? lol...makes me even more sure that these "scientists" are grasping at ridiculous straws to disprove what they can't even prove. God created the world, that's all. Maybe she can spend more time coming up with something useful- like cures for AIDS or swine flu.

By Karen | October 8, 2009 2:03 PM
...of course.
I was able to bypass my firewall and I read the article and the first post for comment on it was this below..

LOL....ok, so if God only "separated" heaven and earth, why isnt it possible for him to have created it in the first place? so, she's saying that these existed pre-God and when He came along he merely separated them? lol...makes me even more sure that these "scientists" are grasping at ridiculous straws to disprove what they can't even prove. God created the world, that's all. Maybe she can spend more time coming up with something useful- like cures for AIDS or swine flu.

By Karen | October 8, 2009 2:03 PM

So that just upholds my first statement about the religous people and the way they think.
I still can't really comment, because there is no supporting evidence or reasoning there - just a statement that she says this.
I'd like more insight into the translation - what she used as her original text and whether her claim of the correct translation is supportable.
Yes agreed more informantion is indeed needed but I think she is on to something using the hebrew translations as must of not all but most of the contributors to the bible were indeed hebrew.
Yes agreed more informantion is indeed needed but I think she is on to something using the hebrew translations as must of not all but most of the contributors to the bible were indeed hebrew.

But so did the translators of the NIV and the NSRV.
I still can't really comment, because there is no supporting evidence or reasoning there - just a statement that she says this.
I'd like more insight into the translation - what she used as her original text and whether her claim of the correct translation is supportable.

I agree, there is too little information. I want to see more.
Who is she?

To true students of the Esoteric, this is no shocker, it is a given. But to the people who care? They don't care what this person has to say. She is a nobody, with no authority. Not a professional historian of the Hebrew people, nor a religious leader. . .

Thus, for the people who care about the Judeo-Christian interpretation of these texts, it is unimportant.
Seems mostly like media sensationalism if you ask me.
To true students of the Esoteric, this is no shocker, it is a given. But to the people who care? They don't care what this person has to say. She is a nobody, with no authority. Not a professional historian of the Hebrew people, nor a religious leader. . .

Thus, for the people who care about the Judeo-Christian interpretation of these texts, it is unimportant.
Seems mostly like media sensationalism if you ask me.
lol That's really badly translated :D
Are you serious by the way? :confused:
lol That's really badly translated :D
Are you serious by the way? :confused:

My friend, we've had this discussion many a time. You are not going to convince me that what we see, sense and detect with science in the third dimension, our material world, is all that exists of "reality."

And likewise, I am not going to convince you that what is organized around you is something we cannot put words or ideas on, but there is something more at work than just happenstance.

Aside from this guys persistent adherence to a primitive Aramaic paradigm, it is clear concise work that capture the mystery nicely. If you don't see the mystery, boo hoo for you dear friend. You have my condolences.

All the difference in the universe, of course.

It separates the insane from reality.

Insane would be that God created the Heavens and Earth and sane would be that God separated the Heavens and Earth from one another?
I don't see how it makes much of a difference. A sculptor that separates the form from the wood also creates it.
I don't see how it makes much of a difference. A sculptor that separates the form from the wood also creates it.

yes, i agree.

i have proposed several times out here that god is law. that is at least a part of what god is.

so there's mass. and the mass is separated and formed into various things according to law. so god creates these things.

and i suppose that is in contrast to the idea of some white bearded guy in the sky on a throne with a magic stick going "poof! it exists!"

well what a fucking breakthrough this must be!!! :rolleyes:
yes, i agree.

i have proposed several times out here that god is law. that is at least a part of what god is.

so there's mass. and the mass is separated and formed into various things according to law. so god creates these things.

and i suppose that is in contrast to the idea of some white bearded guy in the sky on a throne with a magic stick going "poof! it exists!"

well what a fucking breakthrough this must be!!! :rolleyes:

Ok if God creates all Matter then who or what created GOD where did God come from.
Ok if God creates all Matter then who or what created GOD where did God come from.

i think god is law and a part of all things. who created law and all things according to it and when? i don't know. honestly, i don't care. why would i?
Well it would be fundimental to the answer of what was created and when I would think. and if God indeed had a creator then the creator had a creator and so on.