God and atheists

How would atheists like that God would introduce Himself to nonbelievers of atheists ?

He should descend from the heavens in the form of a bearded human man. He should preach peace and tolerance and love of thy enemy. Then he should get nailed to a cross and crucified to death. Thats should do it....
I believe the current buzzword is "Climate Change".

long time buzzword is "apocalypse".

it seems like circumstance would factor into survival as much as genetics. i mean, i don't care how weird your genes are, when it comes to catastrophies like tsunami's, failing economies, war, famine, nuclear bombs and such, you're not likely to survive unless you happen to be in a right place at a right time.
long time buzzword is "apocalypse".

it seems like circumstance would factor into survival as much as genetics. i mean, i don't care how weird your genes are, when it comes to catastrophies like tsunami's, failing economies, war, famine, nuclear bombs and such, you're not likely to survive unless you happen to be in a right place at a right time.
Well, duh. Thank you Captain Obvious!

But what does that have to do with anything?
Well, duh. Thank you Captain Obvious!

But what does that have to do with anything?

well, from what i've heard the effects of "climate change" are catastrophic so i'm not sure if i understand how genetics are relevant.
Religion can't be perfect if humans aren't perfect.

that is beautiful Sidey . Does that mean the more perfect humans become the more god like they become or the more perfect religions become. Or should I say "belief systems of humans become" since people are moving away from organized religion
He should descend from the heavens in the form of a bearded human man. He should preach peace and tolerance and love of thy enemy. Then he should get nailed to a cross and crucified to death. Thats should do it....
Na the nailed to the cross thing has been done all ready by the fool Jesus. Spidergoat wouldn't like that I don't think?
There are a lot of places barren of life in the universe (what if there was life everywhere?), when life appears, that is god working. That life is measurable by energy and mass. After a while you got life forms able to doubt about how they got where they are. Then you get religion. Life appears first, then religion appears. Religion is invented, first life forms are created from matter and energy. And all this time, there are natural disasters and beautiful sunsets, happening where there is life and no life. Those events have nothing to do with god. I think that personalizing god is a pagan practice. People can love people with or without a belief in god.
The first person who thought up monotheism had a valid point. Now that there are many groups all with their one and only god, I would say that monotheism means there is one god you can choose among many. You end up with large numbers of people believing that their god is the one and only. And once you got more than one god you are back to pagan style. And no, I don't believe people can claim that each single god version is only a different way of seeing the same god. We are apparently too far from the source.