God and atheists

By now I have learned some thing about you . You jest want to take the opposite side in a discussion .
In other words you haven't learned anything about me at all. What you've done is decide what you think about me.

You well know the significance of the word atheist.
Someone who doesn't believe in god.
Which is the point I addressed. Or were you too busy deciding how you view to me to notice that?
If he does all those things to you then you will be a god to him , and not him to you.

God spoke to Moses, and through Moses he performed some pretty incredible miracles that a bunch of other people were witness to. Thus we can conclude that Moses was a God.

Just out of curiosity, what religion do you practice? It sounds rather interesting.

In other words you don't have a reasonable answer :)

So your plan was to call for individual responses and then declare them invalid?
How would atheists like that God would introduce Himself to nonbelievers or atheists ?

By making theists perfect.
By doing away with falsity that happens under the guise of religion and theism.
By making sure that everyone who talks about God, indeed talks about God, and isn't lying or in delusion.

Of course, not that I myself could see for myself if and when such would happen, so the above is simply a fantasy ...

I can't quite think of a way in which I would like that God would introduce Himself to me ... We are talking about the Supreme Personality of Godhead and this isn't someone for whom a mere human could set terms.
Nonbelievers of atheists?
There are people that don't believe in atheists? :eek:

It's a very silly question to ask an atheist ------ not a question
"How would you like god to introduce himself to you?".
Answer ; I have experienced prophetic materialization and some prophetic materialization written in the bible

The answer is, of course, "Who?". --- I don't understand this part

If we assumed that god could introduce himself then we would have to believe he existed. And then we wouldn't be atheists. :rolleyes:

Since the atheist rejects the existence of God, so I don't see the point why introduce to him self. He have many believers, and the atheist can stay away , as he wants.
If a person is interested in some one say God then you must seek to find him:)
How would atheists like that God would introduce Himself to nonbelievers of atheists ?

I really would like to see some suggestions.:)

It's a significant philosopical/theological issue:

What kind of experience would justify a person in saying that he or she had encountered... a god?

It's what I think of as the 'Independence Day Problem'. The reference is to the 1990's alien-invasion movie in which stupendous 15 mile wide flying saucers appear in the sky above earth's major cities.

Just because something amazing and inexplicable and totally beyond our experience appears in the sky, just because the light-show is absolutely glorious, doesn't necessarily imply that what's manifesting is a suitable object for human religious worship.

In philosophical terms, another aspect of the problem might be stated this way: What possible finite experience could justify our belief that we had experienced an infinite being?

Or alternatively (but not synonymously) what natural experience could justify our belief that we had experienced a supernatural being? Or perhaps stated in more Kantian-inspired terms, what phenomenal experience could justify our belief that we had experienced a transcendental object?

The suitability for worship question seems to be a separate and distinct issue from all of that, unless we assume that infinite, supernatural and/or transcendental objects are automatically objects to be worshipped. That would appear to require some argument.

Ultimately, it seems to me that if a god exists and if that god has any interest in my believing in him (why would a god even care?), then the god would probably have to will me to believe in him. That seems easy enough to do for a being capable of creating entire universes with a word.

But epistemologically speaking, I don't know that any possible experience would convince me.
Since the atheist rejects the existence of God, so I don't see the point why introduce to him self. He have many believers, and the atheist can stay away , as he wants.
If a person is interested in some one say God then you must seek to find him:)
Sounds reasonable to me.
So why did you ask the question in the first place?
By making theists perfect.
By doing away with falsity that happens under the guise of religion and theism.
First I believe religion is man made , God give commandment to recognize the Creator and have respect for his creation which includes me and you.
By making sure that everyone who talks about God, indeed talks about God, and isn't lying or in delusion.
That is human attitude for not following the commandments.
Of course, not that I myself could see for myself if and when such would happen, so the above is simply a fantasy ...

I can't quite think of a way in which I would like that God would introduce Himself to me .
God is spirit and he introduce himself through the spirit of man

.. We are talking about the Supreme Personality of Godhead and this isn't someone for whom a mere human could set terms.

The spirit of God is among man.
@ Yaracuy
You're arguing against yourself.
This is not rational.
But epistemologically speaking, I don't know that any possible experience would convince me.

Same here.

The only reasons for believing in God that seem valid to me are the philosophical or moral ones. But believing in things for such reasons seems so artificial!