Given that humans (mainly males) have a propensity towards...

Okay, but how do you find the violent types BEFORE they commit the violence? ....'cause if you wait until after the violence, you've started a cycle that could and probably would include the desire for revenge ....which is just more violence.

Baron Max

Are they still violent after being castrated? :bugeye:
Oh, puh-leeze. Can you be any more naive? Nothing would be any more peaceful or tranquil. Women lack testosterone, but they're still humans, for fucks sake. And humans are, by nature, a species of efficient killers. I mean, we're one of the few animals that kills for shits n' giggles; us and the damn dolphins.

You're making assumptions about what would happen, accompanied by a lack of examples. Men kill, yes. Women on the other hand, kill hardly ever. The statistics prove that. Men commit almost all violent crimes. Women don''t. It's also a biological fact that male and female brains are physiologically different. Produce whatever rhetoric you want. The truth is the truth. :cool:

(BTW, making exagerrations like humans are a species of killers is useless. Most humans in the world have not killed anyone in their lives. If your goal is to come up with a negative defining attribute for humans, you may want to come up with one that that actually applies to most humans.)
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Warring with one another - regardless of which religion they practice, IF you were interested in forming a religion that decreased war, this was your goal, what sorts of things would you include and emphasize and what sort of things would you not include - in the basic structure of your religion?
equality, personal responsibility and the knowledge of life bound to the 'last word"

Would it be Monotheistic? Monastic? Polytheistic?
Based on Aliens? Based on Gods? Goddesses? All or Some?

everything you experience is a part of god (all mass, all energy, all time: the trinity)

What about killing? What would your advice be:
- Never ever kill (knowing that they will do so anyway, but going for the long term good)
- Sometimes it's OK to kill?
- Kill but only these people.

the big 'judgment' is caused by the nations as them big firecrackers get used

then the people come thru and clean up (kind of like what a prison does within its own walls; the mainline requires personal responsibility, period)

the reality behind it, is if a person is a 'loss to the common' and intends to remain a "self"; they best hide

What attitude should people take towards people not of your belief? They are wrong, they are right, both may be right?

beliefs will be over

the truth rules

eg.... that absolute is bound to nature not mankind; so the absolute is equal to all mankind, whether they like it or not!

So, in the game: Build your own Religion that evolves towards Peace what's it going to be?

teach the children and let nature take its course
Creating a religion to stop wars and killing really defeats the purpose. Religion usually means the interjection of the supernatural, and what purpose would that provide? All it leads to is bigotry and hatred.

The entire concept should be scrapped altogether. No offense, Michael.

i don't think the interjection of the supernatural leads to bigotry and hatred, i think the attempted ownership of it does.
Religion doesn't have to be about some supernatural thingy, per se.

true. some of them are about self-actualization. i like hinduism. it's tolerant of everyone and all beliefs.

as long as someone doesn't try to control me or victimize me, i'm cool.
true. some of them are about self-actualization. i like hinduism. it's tolerant of everyone and all beliefs.

as long as someone doesn't try to control me or victimize me, i'm cool.

Or nature religions. Although they can also worship personifications of some aspects of nature as a god (which I find shockingly weird, by the way).
Or nature religions. Although they can also worship personifications of some aspects of nature as a god (which I find shockingly weird, by the way).

i think a respect for nature and to see god in nature is cool as well. like the native american beliefs.
Why do you have to see god in nature for respect for nature to be cool ?

you don't i guess. but i see god in nature. the balance, and the laws, and the beauty. it's just so perfect. and then when you consider it's not ours to exploit...that it belongs to god...and to have respect for that balance...

gee, i guess we wouldn't be destroying it huh? :mad:
you don't i guess. but i see god in nature. the balance, and the laws, and the beauty. it's just so perfect. and then when you consider it's not ours to exploit...that it belongs to god...and to have respect for that balance...

gee, i guess we wouldn't be destroying it huh? :mad:

that's the thing. nature isn't perfect in the way you assume it is. why i mention this is you also stated that your ideal is where everyone is tolerant and as long as you aren't victimized. nature is predatorial. this is why i stated in another thread that is why we have consciousness and will to bend nature as much as we can to our will. there is the constant offense and defense in this existence which i feel is temporal. in other words, you try to make it as close to perfection as possible but it's not really designed for tolerance for everyone or respect for all life which is unfortunate.
The supernatural is a requirement for a religion, by definition.
No, it's not. It's a requirement for theism and spiritualism.
Religion is simply a coherent, systematic way of life or pattern of opinion. Assuming the supernatural to be a necessary part of defining a religion is, to say the least, a narrow and limited view of religion and philosophy.
No, it's not. It's a requirement for theism and spiritualism.
Religion is simply a coherent, systematic way of life or pattern of opinion. Assuming the supernatural to be a necessary part of defining a religion is, to say the least, a narrow and limited view of religion and philosophy.

Then, dictionaries sporting the definition, "A strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny" are narrow and limited in their views. What can I say? :shrug:
Yes, they are. Dictionaries usually are quite limited, narrow, and biased.