Given that humans (mainly males) have a propensity towards...

Warring with one another - regardless of which religion they practice, IF you were interested in forming a religion that decreased war, this was your goal, what sorts of things would you include and emphasize and what sort of things would you not include - in the basic structure of your religion?

Would it be Monotheistic? Monastic? Polytheistic?
Based on Aliens? Based on Gods? Goddesses? All or Some?

What about killing? What would your advice be:
- Never ever kill (knowing that they will do so anyway, but going for the long term good)
- Sometimes it's OK to kill?
- Kill but only these people.

What attitude should people take towards people not of your belief? They are wrong, they are right, both may be right?

So, in the game: Build your own Religion that evolves towards Peace what's it going to be?

tolerance, nonconformity, and complete freedom. which i believe would equate to an anti-religion wouldn't it? no institutions...everybody fend for themselves according to their own beliefs based on experience. survival of the fittest.
survival of the fittest.

Then most humans won't survive.

Edit: How you plan to counter people warring with each other through 'survival of the fittest' is a complete mystery to me.
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tolerance, nonconformity, and complete freedom. which i believe would equate to an anti-religion wouldn't it? no institutions...everybody fend for themselves according to their own beliefs based on experience. survival of the fittest.

Why not just develop LAWS as we have and use them to control the society we live in? Man made laws are easily made or changed if they do not work out. Laws are the way we all can approve of what we should comply with, not some mythological beings sayings !
Then most humans won't survive.

Edit: How you plan to counter people warring with each other through 'survival of the fittest' is a complete mystery to me.

well, at least it wouldn't be on such a large scale with innocent masses being tortured and destroyed at the whims of a very few.
Why not just develop LAWS as we have and use them to control the society we live in? Man made laws are easily made or changed if they do not work out. Laws are the way we all can approve of what we should comply with, not some mythological beings sayings !

there are already plenty of perfect laws that govern the universe. what i'm suggesting is that we allow them to control our individual fate.
well, at least it wouldn't be on such a large scale with innocent masses being tortured and destroyed at the whims of a very few.

Or the very few will be destroyed by the many who get fed up with all of their bullshit! ;)
well, at least it wouldn't be on such a large scale with innocent masses being tortured and destroyed at the whims of a very few.

Huh ? It would be far worse !
The not so innocent masses will be tortured and destroyed at the whims of the masses.
It would be total anarchy and, quite frankly, in complete contradiction with your first ideal (post 21); tolerance.
Huh ? It would be far worse !
The not so innocent masses will be tortured and destroyed at the whims of the masses.
It would be total anarchy and, quite frankly, in complete contradiction with your first ideal (post 21); tolerance.

how can personal freedom be intolerant?
You think that wouldn't lead to INtolerance (understatement) ?

no, i don't. i think that masses and their institutions lead to intolerance. the mob mentality. people are much less likely to be so assinine and arrogant without an army behind them. people get a lot more down to earth when you're one on one.
there are already plenty of perfect laws that govern the universe. what i'm suggesting is that we allow them to control our individual fate.

and what do you think has and is happening? even the laws and rules that you see implemented in society is due to someone's exercising their 'freedom' and what they wanted life to be, sometimes supported by a majority, other times not. someone's idea of freedom to do as they please may in fact be exercising intolerance toward another or infringe on their life or desires. so this idea of yours is no different than the course of history.

if you are suggesting creating more actual freedom from oppression or control for every individual, you would need certain types of very clever laws for that whereby no one is controlling anyone else. that's a utopia because some people's idea of a great time is controlling something or someone else's life. this would also require mass consensus as well as weeding out those who have characteristics that would be contrary to this purpose. this by evolution or by bioengineering or genetics or by technological innovation and advancement to the point most needs and desires as well as people's ills both mental and physical can be met or corrected. no more poverty, disease, etc therefore less reason or desire for predation, hate or war to gain resources they lack. i applaud your idea because it is overall good one that would benefit many and actually i see it may come to fruition in some form in the very distant future.
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and what do you think has and is happening? even the laws and rules that you see implemented in society is due to someone's exercising their 'freedom' and what they wanted life to be, sometimes supported by a majority, other times not. someone's idea of freedom to do as they please may in fact be exercising intolerance toward another or infringe on their life or desires. so this idea of yours is no different than the course of history.

if you are suggesting creating more actual freedom from oppression or control for every individual, you would need certain types of very clever laws for that whereby no one is controlling anyone else. that's a utopia because some people's idea of a great time is controlling something or someone else's life.

and if someone were to try to do that to me, then they could fail miserably.
no, i don't. i think that masses and their institutions lead to intolerance. the mob mentality. people are much less likely to be so assinine and arrogant without an army behind them. people get a lot more down to earth when you're one on one.

Creating a religion to stop wars and killing really defeats the purpose. Religion usually means the interjection of the supernatural, and what purpose would that provide? All it leads to is bigotry and hatred.

The entire concept should be scrapped altogether. No offense, Michael.