Given that humans (mainly males) have a propensity towards...


Valued Senior Member
Warring with one another - regardless of which religion they practice, IF you were interested in forming a religion that decreased war, this was your goal, what sorts of things would you include and emphasize and what sort of things would you not include - in the basic structure of your religion?

Would it be Monotheistic? Monastic? Polytheistic?
Based on Aliens? Based on Gods? Goddesses? All or Some?

What about killing? What would your advice be:
- Never ever kill (knowing that they will do so anyway, but going for the long term good)
- Sometimes it's OK to kill?
- Kill but only these people.

What attitude should people take towards people not of your belief? They are wrong, they are right, both may be right?

So, in the game: Build your own Religion that evolves towards Peace what's it going to be?
A religion that exalts and worships Human beings. Church attendance would simply be when people go to pay tribute to, say, a statue of a human being, and celebrate how wonderful and powerful humanity is.
One that exalts charity and is against war and mass violence. One that takes a stand against intolerance and ignorance. And, above all, one that takes no stance whatsoever on theology. Let the individuals decide that on their own. But, have some common rites that can be applicable regardless of theological position.

So, kinda just like Unitarian Universalism. :D
No, I don't think the religion should necessarily overly emphasize pacifism or so-called "tolerance"

It should exalt the human being, and make it understood that sacrifices must be made sometimes; not all violence is bad. It can sometimes be used for good.
Or, say, humanism..

Well, UU'ism seems to be like if humanism was an organised religion. :D
Which fits, really, with it taking from Enlightenment principles, which itself borrowed from Renaissance humanism.
A religion based on beauty, style, and artistry in everything we do. The deity would be a lone Goddess, not a God, and it would celebrate beauty as the ultimate, perfect, human state. Art would be revered, and everyone would produce it and they would adorn the churches with it. Those outside of the religion would not be discriminated against... they would merely be shunned as ugly, tragic, unlearned people. Battered by their outwardly imposed victimization by the Beautiful, they too would eventually seek to come into the fold and be met with open arms. Everyone wants to be beautiful.

WillNever I actually like that suggestion; especially with the use of technology we could create perfect human beings, and eliminate those that are "imperfect".
I suppose it's because testosterone and other hormones can cause violent and aggressive mood swings. Specifically, in males, higher testosterone levels tends to be correlated with aggressive behaviour.

Though it's not like women aren't aggressive or violent either. Women can be ridiculously petty, vindictive, violent, and cruel. Just less casually, and with more intensity.
Testosterone is directly linked to violent behavior in men. Men commit the most murders, the most thefts, the most assaults, all by a factor of about 8x. They commit 98% of all rapes out there. Women on the other hand are not burdened with enough testosterone to behave in the same way that men do.

The only crimes that women commit more often than men are:
(1) prostitution
(2) running away from home

I've always wondered how the world would be if women dominated our politics and if most world leaders were women rather than men. More peaceful, I would think. :eek:
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I've always wondered how the world would be if women dominated our politics...More peaceful, I would think. :eek:
Oh, puh-leeze. Can you be any more naive? Nothing would be any more peaceful or tranquil. Women lack testosterone, but they're still humans, for fucks sake. And humans are, by nature, a species of efficient killers. I mean, we're one of the few animals that kills for shits n' giggles; us and the damn dolphins.
A religion that promotes the idea of the best potential future for the entire human race--not just someone who worships the same god as you, or says the same prayers; but everyone in the world. All of the world's major religions have the same basic tenets, expressed in different words. All the different versions of God are merely the physical and cultural expressions of the same unitary idea--the Masks of God, as Joseph Campbell talked about. Once we see past those masks, and glimpse the eternal unity behind them, we're another step along the path towards the single family of all humanity.
Clearly one that requires mandatory castration of the violent types. Directed evolution.
Warring with one another - regardless of which religion they practice, IF you were interested in forming a religion that decreased war, this was your goal, what sorts of things would you include and emphasize and what sort of things would you not include - in the basic structure of your religion?

Would it be Monotheistic? Monastic? Polytheistic?
Based on Aliens? Based on Gods? Goddesses? All or Some?

What about killing? What would your advice be:
- Never ever kill (knowing that they will do so anyway, but going for the long term good)
- Sometimes it's OK to kill?
- Kill but only these people.

What attitude should people take towards people not of your belief? They are wrong, they are right, both may be right?

So, in the game: Build your own Religion that evolves towards Peace what's it going to be?

It would be atheistic.
The primary aim: minimize the human impact on the natural environment.
- Reduce the population to one-seventh of todays (max.) and keep it that way.
- Move all humans to one continent and keep them there.
- Worship nature :D

Edit: Make that 200 million instead of 500 million :D
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For there to be no conflict in the world, everyone on Earth would have to think exactly the same about everything. If not, then arguments would begin ...and with disagreement comes conflict.

Nope, a "religion" which makes everyone something like non-thinking bodies would be best. No thinking, no disagreements, no conflict.

Baron Max
Clearly one that requires mandatory castration of the violent types. Directed evolution.

Okay, but how do you find the violent types BEFORE they commit the violence? ....'cause if you wait until after the violence, you've started a cycle that could and probably would include the desire for revenge ....which is just more violence.

Baron Max
I wouldn't start a new religion because it would turn into just another probem over time just as most religions have. You see the crux of religions is the same, to do good, but those in charge always want to do whatever they want to do and twist the religion into something they can use to benefit themselves. So by not developing another religion it would prevent more problems over time. :)