get rid islam

People kill, not religions. Religion is a belief. If a belief condones violence and hatred then it cannot be a true, spiritual, religion.
So does Christianity. So does Judaism

They all also advocate war. Depends on which verses you wish to read.
And it follows that the problem is extremist PEOPLE who should be individually blamed for their own actions;

responsibility of this cannot be put around the necks of almost 2 billion people spanning most countries of the Globe.
Well, if things were so simple no religious related problems would exist.

religious problems should not be confused with political/economical problems.

the problem of Israel: this is by no means a religious problem, it is a set of people (Israel) stealing another set of people's (Pal.) land. (an example of changing an Economic problem using Religion- " oh its our land cause...ummm... GOD SAID SO!")

Now when the oppressors get the "world's greatest democracy" (US) (whether by "influencing" congressional members through "campaign funds" or other wise) to fight its proxy war and give it 3 BILLION dollars of US taxpayers money ONLY to be spent on Military equipment, then you cant say this is religious!

It has nothing to do with religion, everything to do with politics/economics.

the problem of the Midle East: Again you see, the "world's greates DEMOCRACY" sitting in Saudi Arabia, propping up an incredibly corrupt royal family (what happened to democracies protecting democracies???) in order to get cheap oil until a cheaper source is found. The same royal family who's oppressive rules subjugates 100s of 1000s of women etc. and supports fundementalism.

Remember, Osama BL SPECIFICALLY has referred to these two reasons for his "Jehad" against the US. Osama being a member of the Saudi Royal family himself. If today he proclaims "war against the US" it is a general cry with which he has been successful calling people to him who have also also feel thy have been wronged by the US (Politics using religion).

And i capitalise DEMOCRACY because if the US is a democracy then each and every voter is responsible for these very incidents, whether they know it or not, whether they are "brainwashed" by a very zionist driven media or not. And when incidents like WTC happen, you must also ask why? not just who.

"who" is hardly ever defined (nobody in the US to this day clearly knows who killed their favorite President, Kennedy). but "whys" can still be addressed.

And when you ask why, also ask these questions:

why wasnt the public told that OBL was a CIA operative during the USSR war, trained by them and empowered by them (information source: Colin Powel, press interview w US media, cant remember date, but not easily deniable because too well documented)

Why did the US govt/media refer to these WTC terrorists as "muslims" rather than "Saudis" when they knew 15 of the 19 were Saudis? IS that not brainwashing? the world does not refer to all Christians as Nazis.

Why did the media make such a huge thing about Anthrax as a muslim threat for sooo long brainwashing the public into linking 'muslim' to 'bioterror', just to mention once and shut up when they found that it was a home grown american caucasion terrorist-not muslim?

WHy did the media not appologise muslims after blaming them for these fals accusations?

why did the CIA not tell the govt that they knew the WTC bombers (wanted men on CIA list) were in the US learning to fly etc.

why is it that nobody noticed when each flight plan is monitored so closely, that 4 planes (not 1 but 4) had gone off route the same day, the same time in 4 key areas of the country, financial and political?

Why is it that despite the US's repeated insistence that ISrael pull out of occupied areas in the last several months of Israeli's increased attacks on Palistine, that Israel not only did not listen, but went further in?

Why is that the same president (US) today speaks no more of israel's pulling out but wants to establish a "provisional Palistinian State"

And what exactly does "provisional" mean? is it for 10 years? for 6 months? or until Israel has completed its genocide?

And ask yourself whether these actions will help increase or decrease terror in the world. Because masking these problems is not going to solve them, it'll only let the wounds fester .
The Big Three religions: Judiasm, Christianity and Islam are very very close in believes. Difference is that different races comprise the believers.

I would say that these wars have less to do with true religious believes than in personal intentions and the gap between the third and first world peoples.
Originally posted by
it is obvious that the muslim religion is not a peaceful one, the world would be a safer place without it.

Though I would like to defend muslim like the ACLU, I have been branded by two Islamists in the forum as anti-moslem. So from now on I decided to change my views only for the Islamists. Since 9/11 - we will hunt down and eliminate all Islamists anywhere in the world who happen to hide in the Moslem population.

Islam is a lot like socialism/communism. Techinically, communism does not mandate the genocide of millions of people. The real communism is good, right? But in practice it breaks down. Islam is similar. In Islam it's possible to be modern and have freedom, but in practice it never happens. It's not the real Islam, right?

Interesting analogy. Never thought about that. May be Iran might change that.
Originally posted by Mostly Harmless
the problem of Israel: this is by no means a religious problem, it is a set of people (Israel) stealing another set of people's (Pal.) land.
Actually, it is religious-socio-political-economic& ethnic. For almost two thousand years during Passover, Jews have always said, "Next year in Jerusalem", they felt God gave them the land, via Abraham. The Romans kicked many of them out in 70AD & 132AD after failed revolts. Check this link out:
They wanted to go back ever since. And yes, it is stealing; the Israelis used the same methods as the Europeans did to the Western Hemisphere aborigines, the so-called "INDIANS'. It just didn't work as well there. Arabs, already are exposed to all Western diseases, and have ready access to it's technology & tactics. So it's a draw, we'll be fighting each other for ever, if we don't resolve this to everybodies satisfaction.

Now when the oppressors get the "world's greatest democracy" (US) (whether by "influencing" congressional members through "campaign funds" or other wise) to fight its proxy war and give it 3 BILLION dollars of US taxpayers money ONLY to be spent on Military equipment, then you cant say this is religious!
Actually, any group that can spend enough money, can buy influence here; China, Indonesia, Israel, name just a few examples

the problem of the Midle East: Again you see, the "world's greates DEMOCRACY" sitting in Saudi Arabia, propping up an incredibly corrupt royal family (what happened to democracies protecting democracies???) in order to get cheap oil until a cheaper source is found. The same royal family who's oppressive rules subjugates 100s of 1000s of women etc. and supports fundementalism.
What? what makes the Saud's any different from any other muslim or other tin-horn dictatorship past or present? Are you holding them or the US to a higher standard? No matter what they say, each country & indivdual does what they feel is the best for them

Remember, Osama BL SPECIFICALLY has referred to these two reasons for his "Jehad" against the US. Osama being a member of the Saudi Royal family himself. If today he proclaims "war against the US" it is a general cry with which he has been successful calling people to him who have also also feel thy have been wronged by the US (Politics using religion).
not Saud, his family's of Yemeni background, and what's with the land being 'holy'? How can non-Christians & non-Jews walk in Israel & the West Bank; while non-muslims can't in Arabia?

[And i capitalise DEMOCRACY because if the US is a democracy then each and every voter is responsible for these very incidents, whether they know it or not, whether they are "brainwashed" by a very zionist driven media or not. And when incidents like WTC happen, you must also ask why? not just who.
could be right, but maybe too commercialized, which may make it the same difference?

"who" is hardly ever defined (nobody in the US to this day clearly knows who killed their favorite President, Kennedy). but "whys" can still be addressed.
CIA, my guess

why wasnt the public told that OBL was a CIA operative during the USSR war, trained by them and empowered by them (information source: Colin Powel, press interview w US media, cant remember date, but not easily deniable because too well documented)
to cover-up our mistakes? I forget the CIA term, "throwback"?

Why did the US govt/media refer to these WTC terrorists as "muslims" rather than "Saudis" when they knew 15 of the 19 were Saudis? IS that not brainwashing? the world does not refer to all Christians as Nazis.
Cause they didn't die as 'Saudis', but as 'muslim Jihad warriors'.

Why did the media make such a huge thing about Anthrax as a muslim threat for sooo long brainwashing the public into linking 'muslim' to 'bioterror', just to mention once and shut up when they found that it was a home grown american caucasion terrorist-not muslim?
to sell papers, airtime; scary sells, wackos don't

WHy did the media not appologise muslims after blaming them for these fals accusations?
What? And admit that they were wrong? Never, they would rather go to court a million times that admit this, for other little things they will correct it, buried on page 4

why did the CIA not tell the govt that they knew the WTC bombers (wanted men on CIA list) were in the US learning to fly etc.
Why? I wish we knew the answer????

why is it that nobody noticed when each flight plan is monitored so closely, that 4 planes (not 1 but 4) had gone off route the same day, the same time in 4 key areas of the country, financial and political?
First time something like this happened, makes it the element of surprise, next time, was, "let's roll!!!".

Why is it that despite the US's repeated insistence that ISrael pull out of occupied areas in the last several months of Israeli's increased attacks on Palistine, that Israel not only did not listen, but went further in?
Because they do whatever they damm well please

Why is that the same president (US) today speaks no more of israel's pulling out but wants to establish a "provisional Palistinian State"
Quote or program of the day, 'soup d'jour' diplomacy by people trying to fix multiple problems & things (beyond their abilities?), so not good multi-taskers?

And what exactly does "provisional" mean? is it for 10 years? for 6 months? or until Israel has completed its genocide?
???? your guess is as good as mine, and it may be a stalling technique, because they really don't know an answer or may not know how to deal with 'real' world problems?(ie. Ireland, Bosnia (ethnic hatred); Colombia, Mexico (drugs & immigrants); Middle East (culture clash))

And ask yourself whether these actions will help increase or decrease terror in the world. Because masking these problems is not going to solve them, it'll only let the wounds fester .
That's because no one will listen, empathize or logically resolve this problem, they are all caught up too close to the problem to see the solution,(and they each may be the problem; via attitudes, beliefs, etc...), if any???????????

:confused: :( :(
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