get rid islam

GB-GIL Trans- global

Ty's 16. I'm 18. Yep, we are young'uns here.

I'll guess that you're 14?

No, I'm 12.


And an XY chromosome!

Well put. But, one comes with the other. You need at least one Y to have a penis!

Bah! Marriage is simply institutionalized prostitution anyway.

Yes, it is if you really think about it. It's just that you no longer pay money...

In my neck of the woods, a slut is a woman who enjoys sex and is easy enough to get into bed.

That makes sense, I guess.
So, if america's way of life is Consumerism, whether she kills for oil, raw materials, patents on medicines, sale of military equipment (america's largest industry) etc.- the fact is, she kills for her way of life - Consumerism. Call it what you may. the US is no different than any other power (note i dont say country on purpose). And athiesm hasnt saved her, its only saved her from codes morals and values you'd call religion.

What morals and values does religion instill? Fear, the hatred of those who are different, complacency? Good values?

I think not.

No, I'm 12.

*Xev whistles*


Sheesh, you and Ty make me feel old, and I am only 18!

Yes, it is if you really think about it. It's just that you no longer pay money...

Yes, and you have less chance of getting any.

On the up side, a spouse might cook for you.

That makes sense, I guess.

A "whore", as Mostly Harmless noted, is a woman who gets paid for sex.

Although this becomes pedantic -
I like your definition of "bitch" too, MH!
Hey, can i jump into this prattle, you lot r having a real hoo-ha here.. (sorry, CERTAIN readers may not understand that- if you like i'll explain it further?:rolleyes: )


Xev, Ty - take a bite of this (and anyone else, of course)

Ty you said Marxist-Leninist/Mao Communism is really a religion. Xev, you say "Ah, but a quasi-athiestic one is in power - in the US of A. " that is, that the US is a quasi-athiestic country. THe US is not really quasi-athiestic, if you take Tys argument, then the religion of america is Consumerism, all wars proxy and otherwise have been fought for it, it is a belief/ideology that is followed with such fervour, it smacks of extremism. If you live inthe system, you feel its a way of life you've chosen and wonder why everyone else thinks you're stepping on their toes when america, for that purpose chooses to promote/uphold/defend its way of life and kills/murders/maims/bombs/imposes sanctions on/gives militry aid to those who support its cause for that purpose

To some degree. However, I think the religion of America is really Anti-Communism. Now, take a look at these:

Vietnam War:
It was presented to the citizens as the North Vietnamese (communists) trying to take over South Vietnamese (non-communists). This was quite true, but most South Vietnamese were communists. The US slaughtered millions of Vietnamese people for ABSOLUTELY NO REASON. I've been told that the reason for entering this war is because the US was afraid that the North Vietnamese would take over the US mainland-- that's a fucking dumb thing to say! They just wanted to unify their country under communism. FUCKING DUH!

Korean War:
There /are/ many South Koreans that are grateful today for US help, but WHY? Why were people sent in to fight against North Korea? WHY?

I can't really play this one down, as the US entered the war because it was attacked. Of course, dropping nukes on countries that are officially halting fighting temporarily and considering surrender is E V I L.

The US entry of this war was purely idiotic. The US was not attacked, but rather their economic partners provoked.

You will, of course say, "thats collateral damage" (much as Jack the Ripper should have (didnt have all those Harvard Lawyers as the US govt does i guess) and our own Madeline Albright on the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children who died as a direct result of US sanctions on iraq-- i suppose you'll wonder why they 'hate america' -EVIL WEST, EVIL WEST!)

Exactly. Hundreds of millions are already dead because of America, and more die every day. There are enough dead because of America to make up all the people in the world who speak Italian, Polish, and French as a first language-- combined. This means that if the US had focused these deaths on one population, Japanese might be an extinct language.

you may say, no Consumerism is not a religion, its a way of life.... welll yeh-hey, you'll sound like those pesky Moslems who also believe in a way of life that YOU choose to call a religion.

OMG! YOU FUCK! That's mean.

So, if america's way of life is Consumerism, whether she kills for oil, raw materials, patents on medicines, sale of military equipment (america's largest industry) etc.- the fact is, she kills for her way of life - Consumerism. Call it what you may. the US is no different than any other power (note i dont say country on purpose). And athiesm hasnt saved her, its only saved her from codes morals and values you'd call religion.

No, morals and values aren't religion. I believe that it isn't nice to rape people, or to kill people, or any of the other things that religious people say are what morals that can only be gained from religion compel them not to do.

As for the definition of 'slut'. it's not someone who jumps into the sack for cash, thats a 'whore' boys and girls.

Ever heard of SYNONYMS?

A 'slut' is someone who sleeps with everyone..... a 'bitch' is someone who sleeps with everyone... but you! (dont take it personally Randy) LoL ;)
It (Vietnam War) was presented to the citizens as the North Vietnamese (communists) trying to take over South Vietnamese (non-communists). This was quite true, but most South Vietnamese were communists. The US slaughtered millions of Vietnamese people for ABSOLUTELY NO REASON. I've been told that the reason for entering this war is because the US was afraid that the North Vietnamese would take over the US mainland-- that's a fucking dumb thing to say! They just wanted to unify their country under communism. FUCKING DUH!
Of course, let's convientenly ignore the fact that the communist government of Vietnam slaughtered more people under a flag of genocide in one year than all the civilians and soldiers who died on both sides of the whole war put together. No no, of course, I'm sure the communists committed genocide and wiped out whole cities by accident.

I can't really play this one (WWII) down, as the US entered the war because it was attacked. Of course, dropping nukes on countries that are officially halting fighting temporarily and considering surrender is E V I L.
Even if that nuke saved millions of US lives? Oh wait, who are we to decide who lives and dies? After all, who wants to survive.

The US entry of this war (WWI) was purely idiotic. The US was not attacked, but rather their economic partners provoked.
Yes, we did enter the war because our economic partners were provoked, among other reasons. After all, who really wants to defend their friends when they're being attacked, anyways? I'm sure if you saw your best friend being attacked, you'd just say, "Oh well, that would be stupid for me to try and save him. Someone could get hurt." *thwap* The US has a duty to protect its allies. See that word there, "allies"? It's a derivitave of "ally," which is the name for someone that is a friendly. If we don't protect them, they might not protect us. The US had a damn good reason for entering WWI, we were protecting both our own interests and the interests of our, here's that new word again, allies.

Exactly. Hundreds of millions are already dead because of America, and more die every day. There are enough dead because of America to make up all the people in the world who speak Italian, Polish, and French as a first language-- combined. This means that if the US had focused these deaths on one population, Japanese might be an extinct language.
I could say the same thing abour Russia, Britain, or heck, just about any country that is or was a world power. Guess what? The US isn't the only country that has killed people. In fact, I'd wager that on at least one occasion or so, every country on earth has killed.

OMG! YOU FUCK! That's mean.
Well, at least I agree with you there. :)

No, morals and values aren't religion. I believe that it isn't nice to rape people, or to kill people, or any of the other things that religious people say are what morals that can only be gained from religion compel them not to do.
Whew! I agree with you again! :) Well, kinda, my opinion is a little wierd, but I agree that morals are different from religion.

Of course, let's convientenly ignore the fact that the communist government of Vietnam slaughtered more people under a flag of genocide in one year than all the civilians and soldiers who died on both sides of the whole war put together. No no, of course, I'm sure the communists committed genocide and wiped out whole cities by accident.

Now let's see... perhaps the South Vietnamese did the same? And genocide? I don't recall the North Vietnamese trying to kill off a peoples.

Even if that nuke saved millions of US lives? Oh wait, who are we to decide who lives and dies? After all, who wants to survive.

It didn't. Japan had officially put the war on pause. Soldiers were ordered to halt, and they did. However, by the time Mr. President heard of this, it was too late and he assumed it was because they had heard of the bomb. Japan had even said it was considering surrender. And one more thing-- not THAT NUKE, THOSE NUKES. And as of today, they've killed over 3 Million innocent civilians, many of which were children. Not only did they die innocent, they died horrific, disgusting, upsetting, and sad deaths.

When Japan considered surrendering and told the whole world, some idiot fuck newscaster translated a word wrong. If one reads Japanese-language newspapers from the day, they'll find that the government had acutally considered surrender. However, it's been printed in US history books (as well as all others, because other news was translated from the English, that being the only source) that Japan refused surrender.

Yes, we did enter the war because our economic partners were provoked, among other reasons. After all, who really wants to defend their friends when they're being attacked, anyways? I'm sure if you saw your best friend being attacked, you'd just say, "Oh well, that would be stupid for me to try and save him. Someone could get hurt." *thwap* The US has a duty to protect its allies. See that word there, "allies"? It's a derivitave of "ally," which is the name for someone that is a friendly. If we don't protect them, they might not protect us. The US had a damn good reason for entering WWI, we were protecting both our own interests and the interests of our, here's that new word again, allies.

Hmm, let's see. Those that were fighting against our economic allies were also our allies (before the war), but we decided to put the others in first priority because we did more trading with them.

I could say the same thing abour Russia, Britain, or heck, just about any country that is or was a world power. Guess what? The US isn't the only country that has killed people. In fact, I'd wager that on at least one occasion or so, every country on earth has killed.


Almost none of these countries have killed as many as the US. ...or permanently devastated lives. And then there's the counts of innocents murdered in the name of war.

Well, at least I agree with you there. :)

LoL yeah what would that person do if I said Christianity wasn't a religion?

Whew! I agree with you again! :) Well, kinda, my opinion is a little wierd, but I agree that morals are different from religion.


Now let's see... perhaps the South Vietnamese did the same? And genocide? I don't recall the North Vietnamese trying to kill off a peoples.
Of course South Vietnam did the same thing. Not <b>nearly</b> as much, but they did it. They were pretty f--ked up too. And just because you don't recall North Vietnam killing off a people doesn't mean it didn't happen... :rolleyes:
North Vietnam wiped out entire cities. As in cities the size of St. Louis becoming ghost towns. They eliminated all teachers, all musicians, the scientists, etc. etc., all the people they deemed inferior. They had these things called "re-education camps." Basically the same thing as a concentration camp. They killed around 2 million people! (Not just the Vietnamese, this includes the surrounding communist governments as well, but still that's 2 million people.) Don't you dare say it didn't happen. Unless you're one of the types who claims the Holocaust didn't happen either... In my opinion, we should have continued the war simply to save those 2 million people. Oh sure, the American government may kill 50,000 civilians in the process, but that's a lot less than 2 million!

It didn't. Japan had officially put the war on pause. Soldiers were ordered to halt, and they did. However, by the time Mr. President heard of this, it was too late and he assumed it was because they had heard of the bomb. Japan had even said it was considering surrender. And one more thing-- not THAT NUKE, THOSE NUKES. And as of today, they've killed over 3 Million innocent civilians, many of which were children. Not only did they die innocent, they died horrific, disgusting, upsetting, and sad deaths.
The estimated casualty count of invading the Japanese mainland was well over several million US soldiers. 3 million civilians, huh? Last I checked, it was several hundred thousand in the blast, with about equal dying of cancer later. You didn't happen to make up this number on the fly, did you? :confused: Unless my history books are, as you would probably say, a product of American propoganda?

Hmm, let's see. Those that were fighting against our economic allies were also our allies (before the war), but we decided to put the others in first priority because we did more trading with them.
They were our allies... about 20 years before the war. :rolleyes: The US tried to remain neutral, but joined the Allies because Germany killed US citizens and enacted a naval blockade with countries we were trading with, among other reasons. And it makes sense to me to side with the countries we do more trading with. How dare the US try to protect its economic interest! What was the president thinking, trying to actually help the productivity of the country!

Almost none of these countries have killed as many as the US. ...or permanently devastated lives. And then there's the counts of innocents murdered in the name of war.
I'm sorry, are you trying to say that Russia (including the Bolshevik period) killed less people than the US over the combined histories? Is that actually what you're saying? Don't even try it. The US has killed far less people than most major countries over world history. There's a good reason for this: The US, is a lot younger than the other countries. Britain killed many many many, they've been around for thousands of years. Remember, Britain used to control most of the world (well, more than any other country, anyways), why aren't you complaining about their takeovers and colonizations? Communist Russia killed 60 million of its own people, not to mention the millions upon millions lost during the takeover of the Communist Bloc. Germany had the Holocaust (though to be fair, Germany is about the same age as the US). Spain and Portugal were once imperialistic, moreso than the US ever was, killing native populations of South America. Plus they have a few centuries of extra people-killing time over the US. Mongolia, China, I could name countries until my head explodes. Trust me, in the grand scheme of things, the US is a lot less murderous than most major countries.

I'm sorry, where was your justification that the US has killed countless more than other countries? Good god man, have you even taken a world history class? History was bloody long before the US came into the picture, dude.

Besides, you can complain and complain until the cows come home, the fact is, when nations interact, people often die as a result. Be it wars, economic sanctions, blockades, even humanitarian aid. It's a fact of life, and blaming the US for war/killing/whatever-you-call-it is like blaming someone for getting into an argument with their spouse. It happens. Every country does it. The US makes mistakes in the short run (just like every other country) of course, but in the long history of things the US is not that bad.

Of course South Vietnam did the same thing. Not <b>nearly</b> as much, but they did it. They were pretty f--ked up too. And just because you don't recall North Vietnam killing off a people doesn't mean it didn't happen... :rolleyes:

This is called WAR. It's spelled W A R, and it sounds like "whore". Maybe this word is new to you?

And the reason I didn't recall is because you referred to it as genocide. Perhaps you need to look up the definition of genocide.

North Vietnam wiped out entire cities. As in cities the size of St. Louis becoming ghost towns.

Hmm, let's see... didn't Israel do the same thing? Yes.

They eliminated all teachers, all musicians, the scientists, etc. etc., all the people they deemed inferior.

No, they sent them to re-education camps.

They had these things called "re-education camps." Basically the same thing as a concentration camp.

Hmm, let's see. Did you ever learn much about re-education camps? These were actually communes in which the participants were provided for (although they were forced to participate), and they learned the good of communism and the evil of capitalism. Almost 100% of the people who went into these camps came out (most of these were natural deaths, the rest were incidents where people became inflamed with one another)

They killed around 2 million people! (Not just the Vietnamese, this includes the surrounding communist governments as well, but still that's 2 million people.)

Hmm, let's see... If I recall correctly, these people all died during the war. And many, many more North Vietnamese (including many innocents) were killed by the US.

Don't you dare say it didn't happen. Unless you're one of the types who claims the Holocaust didn't happen either...

Oh, fuck off. You're assuming too much. Did I say it didn't happen? I just said I didn't recall hearing about it, perhaps because you referred to it as a genocide.

In my opinion, we should have continued the war simply to save those 2 million people. Oh sure, the American government may kill 50,000 civilians in the process, but that's a lot less than 2 million!

Did you check actual civilian death counts of North Vietnamese?

The estimated casualty count of invading the Japanese mainland was well over several million US soldiers. 3 million civilians, huh? Last I checked, it was several hundred thousand in the blast, with about equal dying of cancer later. You didn't happen to make up this number on the fly, did you? :confused: Unless my history books are, as you would probably say, a product of American propoganda?

And the estimated surrendering factor for the Japanese, as understood by themselves, was 99%. As understood by Americans, it was .01%.

Perhaps you should look into the mistranslation? It's never good when a president makes important decisions based on media reports. Perhaps we would've used our whole nuclear arsenal defending against the aliens that came during the "war of the worlds" broadcast?

They were our allies... about 20 years before the war. :rolleyes: The US tried to remain neutral, but joined the Allies because Germany killed US citizens and enacted a naval blockade with countries we were trading with, among other reasons. And it makes sense to me to side with the countries we do more trading with. How dare the US try to protect its economic interest! What was the president thinking, trying to actually help the productivity of the country!

Guess what? They were our allies until the war. We were forced to either stay neutral or choose between the two.

And to me, it makes more sense to side with neither, as they're both allies, and not to choose based on homeland economic benifits.

I also don't appreciate your witty comments based on things you assume I meant although I never said such things.

I'm sorry, are you trying to say that Russia (including the Bolshevik period) killed less people than the US over the combined histories? Is that actually what you're saying?


Don't even try it. The US has killed far less people than most major countries over world history. There's a good reason for this: The US, is a lot younger than the other countries.

But the US is much, much, much more involved in international affairs than the other countries (most countries are much younger than the US. you must be thinking of Europe...)

Over world history? Excuse me, but nobody has killed millions constantly over such long periods of time as hundreds of years. (except perhaps colonial powers, who killed not nearly as much as the US [which by the way was a colonial power in part as well mostly in the pacific])

Britain killed many many many, they've been around for thousands of years. Remember, Britain used to control most of the world (well, more than any other country, anyways), why aren't you complaining about their takeovers and colonizations?

Hmm, let's see... was the US takeover of Hawaii brutal? Yes. Was it for humanitarian reasons? No. Was it for the economic interests of the American people? Yes. Selfish country. Hidden motives. Seems helpful to residents, but in fact is quite destructive...

Also, the US colonized and killed many other countries (mostly pacific, but a few carribean nations and one or two others). What about the Phillipines? Although they may now be independent, for a long time they belonged to the US. What about the Spanish Civil War, where 3,000 Americans killed more than centce as many people? Or the Korean War? Or the Vietnam War? Or supplying weapons to Israel?

Communist Russia killed 60 million of its own people, not to mention the millions upon millions lost during the takeover of the Communist Bloc.

Hmm, let's see... how many people have been killed by the US, including Native Americans ("its own people"), pacific islanders, Asians, and people of Middle Eastern, South Asian, and European descent?

Germany had the Holocaust (though to be fair, Germany is about the same age as the US).

If I recall correctly, Germany is a bit younger. The formation of Germany is why the US recieved so many German immigrants.

Spain and Portugal were once imperialistic, moreso than the US ever was, killing native populations of South America.

Hmm, if I recall correctly, they only wiped out costal populations and populations a tiny bit inland. The Maya, Aztec, and the Inca still live today and speak their languages and hold their cultures, but they don't have empires.

Plus they have a few centuries of extra people-killing time over the US.

Hmm, let's see... These countries started such actions a little before the US was born. Although they may have existed longer (Spain was actually half its size, Portugal 3/4ths of its), they weren't colonial powers much before the US was inhabited and wars were waged killing Native Americans.

Mongolia, China, I could name countries until my head explodes. Trust me, in the grand scheme of things, the US is a lot less murderous than most major countries.

LoL. Why would I trust you? The US is more murderous, in the grand scheme of things, than most major countries.

I'm sorry, where was your justification that the US has killed countless more than other countries? Good god man, have you even taken a world history class? History was bloody long before the US came into the picture, dude.

Yes, but the blood wasn't mostly on the hands of one country.

Besides, you can complain and complain until the cows come home, the fact is, when nations interact, people often die as a result. Be it wars, economic sanctions, blockades, even humanitarian aid. It's a fact of life, and blaming the US for war/killing/whatever-you-call-it is like blaming someone for getting into an argument with their spouse. It happens. Every country does it. The US makes mistakes in the short run (just like every other country) of course, but in the long history of things the US is not that bad.

Oh, and what makes you think this? The fact that you've thought this since you were old enough to think such things, but searched for facts to back up such claims, and didn't notice facts that may refute them? This is called patriotism. Patriotism has killed somewhere from 100,000,000 people to 1,000,000,000 people since the beginning of mankind.
This is called WAR. It's spelled W A R, and it sounds like "whore". Maybe this word is new to you?
No, this happened after the war was over, and in the neutral countries surrounding Vietnam.

And the reason I didn't recall is because you referred to it as genocide. Perhaps you need to look up the definition of genocide.
It was genocide. They picked varoius groups of people they didn't like and shipped them off to slave camps.

Hmm, let's see... didn't Israel do the same thing? Yes.
No debate there, I agree with you on the Israel thing. Israel should back off to the UN designated borders. If at that point Palestine fails to cease terror attacks, Israel has a right to protect its own people.

Hmm, let's see. Did you ever learn much about re-education camps? These were actually communes in which the participants were provided for (although they were forced to participate), and they learned the good of communism and the evil of capitalism. Almost 100% of the people who went into these camps came out (most of these were natural deaths, the rest were incidents where people became inflamed with one another).
That's a pretty cushy way of describing the re-education camps. They were slave camps, period. Inhabitants were forced to leave their homes and live on these camps in which they harvested rice over 14 hours a day at gunpoint... They didn't "learn the good of communism," there was no attempt whatsoever made to educate anyone. Kinda like calling the US prison system the Department of Corrections. They're not really correcting people, though they make a feeble political attempt to show they are every once in a while. Not exactly a school atmosphere.

Hmm, let's see... If I recall correctly, these people all died during the war. And many, many more North Vietnamese (including many innocents) were killed by the US.
No, this was officially after the war ended.

But the US is much, much, much more involved in international affairs than the other countries (most countries are much younger than the US. you must be thinking of Europe...)
Most countries that have at some point been a world power are older than the US. I should have been more specific.

As for the US nuking Japan... that's a whole debate in itself. I'm just gonna leave it alone.

And to me, it makes more sense to side with neither, as they're both allies, and not to choose based on homeland economic benifits.
They were hardly an ally. What with the whole invading other countries thing. I think it makes sense for a democratic country to defend other democratic countries, just like communist countries defend communist countries and fascist countries defend fascist countries. And there was no "neutrality" at this point, Germany was enacting a naval blockade which was hurting the US's ability to trade with allies. To remain neutral at that point would be telling thousands of US manufacturers, "Oh sorry, we can't do anything. Germany says we can't trade, so we aren't. We are powerless."

Over world history? Excuse me, but nobody has killed millions constantly over such long periods of time as hundreds of years. (except perhaps colonial powers, who killed not nearly as much as the US [which by the way was a colonial power in part as well mostly in the pacific])
You must read some pretty strange history books then. My history book does not constantly used the phrase "...which killed millions of innocent people." after everything the US is associated with. Like I said, you could say that about any major country today. The US has done a lot fewer takeovers when compared to Britain, or, depending on how far back in history you want to go, Mongolia, etc. etc.

Also, the US colonized and killed many other countries (mostly pacific, but a few carribean nations and one or two others). What about the Phillipines? Although they may now be independent, for a long time they belonged to the US. What about the Spanish Civil War, where 3,000 Americans killed more than centce as many people? Or the Korean War? Or the Vietnam War? Or supplying weapons to Israel?
Like I said, compared to the rest of the world's history, the US has far less imperialism. Britain owned India, a chunk of Southeast Asia (Opium Wars anyone?), Russian took over the Communist Bloc, though discreetly, they did do the whole "secret police" thing and kill civilians. Mongolia ravaged Asia and half of Europe, and so on and so on. Granted, the US is imperialistic, but not as bad as a lot of countries. And yes, the Phillipines was one of the US's darker moments, though no one seems to remember it today.

Yes, but the blood wasn't mostly on the hands of one country.
Just because the US is involved in much internationally doesn't mean the US is the exclusive cause of bloodshed. You say that as if the US is causing war. WWI and II would have happened regardless of the US. Vietnam would have happened (though ended a <b>lot</b> sooner and on a smaller scale) without the US. Korea would have been invaded and taken over by (gasp) imperalistic communist countries without the US. Israel... well, that's hard to say. It was mostly Britain, though the US had hand. If I had to guess, I'd say it still would have happened, but Israel would have been eradicated by now due to lack of US support. In fact, all major wars of the past century, except for Vietnam (Vietnam didn't become a major war until the US got involved is why) and the Pacific Theater (though the Pacific Theater of WWII was defensive) would have happened without the US.

Oh, and what makes you think this? The fact that you've thought this since you were old enough to think such things, but searched for facts to back up such claims, and didn't notice facts that may refute them? This is called patriotism. Patriotism has killed somewhere from 100,000,000 people to 1,000,000,000 people since the beginning of mankind.
So you'd prefer maybe Anarchy? Patriotism is necessary for a country to survive. Without at least some level of patriotism a country will fold, without the support of its own citizens a country will inevitably die. When a country dies, you get a situation like in Somalia, with warlords and mass famine. Too much of anything is bad, including patriotism, but it's a lot better than having no patriotism.
If I may, a few observations:

The US' record is far from perfect. I could go into our actions in Veitnam, support of dictators in Latin and Soulth America, the bloody useless sanctions against Iraq....*

But you see my point?

However, show me a country that would have acted better. We've been a better super-power than many, and hardly as bad as some.

The fault lies not in America as America, that is, there is nothing inherently evil about America. The fault lies in the nature of humans, and the nature of superpowers. Power is amoral, and power begets power.

This is why nations seek power.

*Note that I do not buy the "America is killing a million Iraqi children a day!" rhetoric.

No, this happened after the war was over, and in the neutral countries surrounding Vietnam.

Uhh... Well, I didn't know you were referring to re-education camps as genocide. That's different. The reason whold cities were sent to re-education camps is because they still thought that capitalism was better than communism. Think "brainwashing", but a more gentle approach.

It was genocide. They picked varoius groups of people they didn't like and shipped them off to slave camps.

Excuse me? Genocide? These people didn't die. And they didn't pick people they didn't like. They picked people who still thought capitalism was better than communism so that they could re-educate them. (this was done in the PRC to pu yi, the last emperor. he ended up working in a pencil factory)

Tell me one site that is NOT attempting overtly to pursuade the reader that communism is evil that says people were forced to harvest rice at gunpoint.

No debate there, I agree with you on the Israel thing. Israel should back off to the UN designated borders. If at that point Palestine fails to cease terror attacks, Israel has a right to protect its own people.

Why not create a NEW Israeli homeland? Perhaps the Israelis can move into an uninhabited area? Or-- god forbid- actually SHARE land with somebody? I don't think the military attacks by the guerilla army should cease until 100% of the former British colony Palestine is an Arab state with special laws ensuring the fair treatment of Jews, as people whose recent ancestors migrated to the land. Like Jews in Rabat and Casablanca (Morrocco), for the most part, except more like what it was like before all Arabs got 90% pissed...

That's a pretty cushy way of describing the re-education camps. They were slave camps, period. Inhabitants were forced to leave their homes and live on these camps in which they harvested rice over 14 hours a day at gunpoint... They didn't "learn the good of communism," there was no attempt whatsoever made to educate anyone. Kinda like calling the US prison system the Department of Corrections. They're not really correcting people, though they make a feeble political attempt to show they are every once in a while. Not exactly a school atmosphere.

Who told you this? Was it CNN? Perhaps it was TIME magazine? The State Department? A textbook from the Cold War era?

No, this was officially after the war ended.

So what? If civilians died in such camps as you say, civilians died there. Civilians died in bombings of Hanoi and other North Vietnamese cities, as well as "military" offensives (the way I think of it is more akin to your definition of "terrorism")

Most countries that have at some point been a world power are older than the US. I should have been more specific.

Yes, but they didn't go to other regions of the world to take sides with one native group. When the US is done with a country, they fuck them over. Hmm, let's see... Pakistan... Afghanistan (perhaps this is the reason why so many Tajiks living in Afghanistan wanted to ram planes into the WTC?)... I see the Mideast coming next...

As for the US nuking Japan... that's a whole debate in itself. I'm just gonna leave it alone.

It's not a debate. It's a matter of little-known facts. Also, the A-bombs could've at least been dropped on FUCKING MILITARY FACILITIES if they still decided to take fro-pay advice.

They were hardly an ally. What with the whole invading other countries thing.

Uhh... perhaps I meant before the war began? FUCKING DUH!

I think it makes sense for a democratic country to defend other democratic countries, just like communist countries defend communist countries and fascist countries defend fascist countries.

You know what, that does make sense. Why, then, was the US defending democratic countries? (for this remark, please refer to the government type listed for the US in a world almanac NOT made by the state department or CNN)

And there was no "neutrality" at this point, Germany was enacting a naval blockade which was hurting the US's ability to trade with allies. To remain neutral at that point would be telling thousands of US manufacturers, "Oh sorry, we can't do anything. Germany says we can't trade, so we aren't. We are powerless."

Hmm, let's see... Didn't those SAME MANUFACTURERS have to go through exactly that during WWII with supplies shortage?

You must read some pretty strange history books then. My history book does not constantly used the phrase "...which killed millions of innocent people." after everything the US is associated with.

Neither does mine. It says "When the US faught against North Vietnam, X number of innocent North Vietnamese died." after each CONFLICT the US was associated with (in almost every conflict, the US chooses sides)

Like I said, you could say that about any major country today. The US has done a lot fewer takeovers when compared to Britain, or, depending on how far back in history you want to go, Mongolia, etc. etc.

But at that time there wasn't the military technology. Most places that were taken over had the costal populations "thinned", and then the rest of the locals either surrendered and stayed unique or surrendered and assimilated.

Also, do takeovers really matter? Not at all. Takeovers usually do not mean very many innocent deaths at all, and often not military deaths.

Like I said, compared to the rest of the world's history, the US has far less imperialism. Britain owned India, a chunk of Southeast Asia (Opium Wars anyone?), Russian took over the Communist Bloc, though discreetly, they did do the whole "secret police" thing and kill civilians. Mongolia ravaged Asia and half of Europe, and so on and so on. Granted, the US is imperialistic, but not as bad as a lot of countries. And yes, the Phillipines was one of the US's darker moments, though no one seems to remember it today.

The Soviet Bloc actually only killed those who were against communism or against stalin. Many of these people were actually sent to prison, negotiated with, and released under heavy parole.

Just because the US is involved in much internationally doesn't mean the US is the exclusive cause of bloodshed. You say that as if the US is causing war. WWI and II would have happened regardless of the US. Vietnam would have happened (though ended a <b>lot</b> sooner and on a smaller scale) without the US. Korea would have been invaded and taken over by (gasp) imperalistic communist countries without the US. Israel... well, that's hard to say. It was mostly Britain, though the US had hand. If I had to guess, I'd say it still would have happened, but Israel would have been eradicated by now due to lack of US support. In fact, all major wars of the past century, except for Vietnam (Vietnam didn't become a major war until the US got involved is why) and the Pacific Theater (though the Pacific Theater of WWII was defensive) would have happened without the US.

Israel, mostly Britain? Perhaps it was Britain that started the whole ordeal. But it was the US that threw gasoline on the fire.

So you'd prefer maybe Anarchy? Patriotism is necessary for a country to survive. Without at least some level of patriotism a country will fold, without the support of its own citizens a country will inevitably die. When a country dies, you get a situation like in Somalia, with warlords and mass famine. Too much of anything is bad, including patriotism, but it's a lot better than having no patriotism.

Hmm, there's a such thing as too much patriotism. This is when people say "our country is #1, we can fuck you up, and we don't give a fuck if you like what we do or not".
What morals and values does religion instill? Fear, the hatred of those who are different, complacency? Good values?

I dont really want to argue on this as you're speaking from an athiestic point of view where no religion whatsoever, or rather no god is good. i understand why you say this, and, i think i was prone to say the same 8 months ago. but, the fact is, not many religion's.. lets say.. 'mission statement' is KILL EVERY ONE ELSE. its not, whether you choose to believe it or not.

most try to instill morals and values, for example, i'll speak of Islam (bec of thread and because i decided to study it recently so tht i wouldnt be one of those making CNN/Christian Evangilistic/Zionist driven "Islam is evil" "1.8 billion people are evil" "of course we are pure and have highly moral motives for killing while they (muslims) dont" speaches without a basis.

Values and morals is what 90% of the K'ran is about.. simple things you take for granted like: do not back bite, dont be unfair to orphans (or else), do not speak harshly to elders, give charity, give education (to children/women), give women their minimum due inheritance, give refuge to those who ask it, one of the biggest sins is: not giving water to one who is thirsty, another, one of the harshest is: not misinterpreting the K'ran to others etc.

Yes it also speaks of wars but that is not its sole purpose as media would like you to believe. and that is because,not of nature of religion, but nature of man. it discusses war/violence because it knows mans tendency towards it, his obsession with conflict and his obsession with power. it often does so by giving a parable, e.g as to how the Prophet would have done it at that time, or what happened at that time. And it allows you to take up arms against someone who tries to steal your property or exile you from your land(what Israel is doing to Palistine for 30 years- already twice the lenght of time many reading this post have even existed!).

In the States, the law (purportedly) gives you access to these rights (when it is not 'against the national interst', remember, even freedom of speach is a right the federal govt gives you and takes away, nowadays many muslims are being persecuted, with old enmities-business and otherwise-being settled, through the Salem witch hunt of today- 'he looks like a muslim, he's evil', with businesses being shut down etc., accounts frozen, all death knells for businesses and good will on account of a person looking like he's arab, its easily justifiable as 'looked suspicios' ). Many people living in countries which subjugat them dont have such luxuries we take for granted as 'our right', even that of education. nothing to do with religion. but politics and power. and tho US purports to give such rights (equally?not nec, but certainly tries), not every country does so.
So whats a 'right' for you, is a luxury for someone in a third world. while islam, at the same time, gives you the some of the same values as a god given right, regardless of whether u live in the US or not.

Fear, hatred of others is again, not anything religion preaches, but tries to mediate. Fear and hatred are the most basic human emotions. Ask any psychologist. Islam/most other major religions at the most try to set minimum standards of behavior in scenarios where fear and hatred would arise. e.g in war you have to behave with humanity. Even from her high ground the US cant stick to that, she's terrorised over a hundred men, and locked them in Guatamala Bay so those rights we take for granted dont have to be extended to them -e.g. torture(before you say they deserved it, almost 90%have been released because they didnt have anything to do with Al-Qaeda-but iguess as they had beards and wore turbans they deserved it. all look the same anyway!)

No, morals and values aren't religion. I believe that it isn't nice to rape people, or to kill people, or any of the other things that religious people say are what morals that can only be gained from religion compel them not to do.

Again, none of the major religions send you out to rape/kill people and you answered your own question by "or any of the other things that religious people say are....". who told you to listen to them? you're more educated than the uneducated muslim follower, why are you falling for the same rhetoric? one of the problems many people in west (of christian backgrnd/jewish) have, is that such and such maulvi (a muslim clergyman) said that there should be Jehad against the West and all westerners are evil. Well, for a start... there is no place for a priest in Islam! No priest makes gods laws for you. It is a very indevidual religion for that reason. no one can excommunicate you or burn you as a heretic (because your relationship w god is one on one, noone there to make it better or worst, what you are judged by, is your relationships with others!). just goes to show? it actually encourages learning and questioning. Many muslim fundementalist has never EVER read a translation of the K'ran, most cant even read! so even you can go and spread Cthuluism, they'd prob. believe you too.

the fact that uneducated minds believe the clergy's wild rantings (often the only thing which gives him authority over the people, and the money to stay in business---again economics,not religion) is due very much to the fact that they are uneducated and impovrished. the clergy-the people you quote- have a very minor role in Islam, the maulvis just to help read the K'ran. the fundemental reason for the breakdown in the perception of Islam has been the slow erosion of the Ulema (the educated minds of Islam which are the ones who are meant to interpret it according to the times). it is also the reason why moderate muslims are shy of defending the perception of Islam as portrayed by opportunist clergymen. so tho they may stand behind the reasoning which Islam stands for, i.e. stand together with other Muslims where they are being persecuted and killed (e.g. standing behind Palistine) they may not stand behind the way islam is being portrayed, by the west i.e. if you stand behind islam you r standing behind 'the AXIS of EVIL'....... or by the clergy that you take the stand the"West is evil"

Many people are trapped behind the lack of options and see each as the flip side of the other, there is no tolerance on either side, and, as neither represents Islam or its teachings, most moderates remain quiet due to the sheer arrogance of both sides purporting to define islam according to their political agendas.
Originally posted by GB-GIL Trans-global

Uhh... Well, I didn't know you were referring to re-education camps as genocide. That's different. The reason whold cities were sent to re-education camps is because they still thought that capitalism was better than communism. Think "brainwashing", but a more gentle approach.[/B]

There are Hmong, Cambodians, Laotians and Vietnamese in this country, and their homelands, that would disagree. Pol Pot basically had 2 million people killed in Cambodia; all the weak, those that wore glasses, that spoke foreign languages, that had military training, that had Western educations or careers. Look up "killing fields". For the Hmong, see the PBS link below:

Excuse me? Genocide? These people didn't die. And they didn't pick people they didn't like. They picked people who still thought capitalism was better than communism so that they could re-educate them. (this was done in the PRC to pu yi, the last emperor. he ended up working in a pencil factory)
Hmong were shot or tortured by the Communist Laotian & Vietnamese governments, that's why they left in the 70's. Vietnam started to discriminate against it's ethnic Chinese after the Sino-Vietnamese War, so most left as 'boat people' in the 80's.

Tell me one site that is NOT attempting overtly to pursuade the reader that communism is evil that says people were forced to harvest rice at gunpoint.
You need to talk to some people that were there, quickly, they are getting old. Or read the literature available on-line or in libraries.

So what? If civilians died in such camps as you say, civilians died there. Civilians died in bombings of Hanoi and other North Vietnamese cities, as well as "military" offensives (the way I think of it is more akin to your definition of "terrorism")
So human life is meaningless, if they are 'civilian' casualties? Or do you mean 'collateral damage'? Explain?

Neither does mine. It says "When the US faught against North Vietnam, X number of innocent North Vietnamese died." after each CONFLICT the US was associated with (in almost every conflict, the US chooses sides)
That's true, but are you holding the US to higher standards than other countries? Anyway, sad too say, it's like any other country in history, superpower or not.

But at that time there wasn't the military technology. Most places that were taken over had the costal populations "thinned", and then the rest of the locals either surrendered and stayed unique or surrendered and assimilated.
Not always the case, find out what happened to the Assyrians and the Arameans of antiquity, most are gone after the Arab conquests. Your statement applies more to the conquest of the Western Hemisphere by the European powers.

Also, do takeovers really matter? Not at all. Takeovers usually do not mean very many innocent deaths at all, and often not military deaths.
Look at the history of the aforementioned Assyrians, if we had to chose between them & the US warmachine, pick the US. Look them up. By the way, they were heroic artists.

The Soviet Bloc actually only killed those who were against communism or against stalin. Many of these people were actually sent to prison, negotiated with, and released under heavy parole.
You might want to chat with those that lived and stayed in the old 'Soviet Bloc', I think they would beg to differ. Most literary
sources, don't paint a pretty picture of the 'Gulags'. I wouldn't recommend asking fervent anti-Communists, they are too biased to recount what happened accurately, but there's plenty of 30-somethings that won't chew your head off, if you happen to be a socialists. Also, find out what happened to Wallenberg, here is one site:

Hmm, there's a such thing as too much patriotism. This is when people say "our country is #1, we can fuck you up, and we don't give a fuck if you like what we do or not".
Yep, agree with you there. Too much war and killing, but who will stop first? No superpower has ever 'blinked' and stayed on top. At least, not willingly.
Originally posted by
it is obvious that the muslim religion is not a peaceful one, the world would be a safer place without it.
Getting back to the first post, that started this thread:

This is just wishful thinking, can't get rid of 1 Billion followers of Mohammad. But, I think that several starting points could be, by bringing up these sticking points;

1) That it would be inconsistent for the 'God of the Universe', to only be able to make himself understood in Arabic, (as they say of the Koran), which implies he is an Arabic god.
2) That the notion of a 'seal of the prophets', (which implies that Mohammad was the last & therefor incorruptible of the prophets), is self-serving, all religious factions that started after islam, could say the same thing about it, that it says of Judaism & Christianity.
3) That the idea of praying in the direction of Mecca, implies that the 'God of the Universe' has a home there, or that he is really an Arabic god.
4) that the Satanic verses that were in the Koran, imply that Mohammad could not tell the difference between Satan & the angel Gabriel, when receiving his revelations, (and that's bad for a prophet!!).
5) that conquering half your know world, does not imply that the 'God of the Universe' is really your god, only that you have a good army, (otherwise the British, Spanish, etc. could say the same thing).
6) Islam can not say that Moses & Jesus were really 'good muslims',(but that the followers of Judaism & Christianity were evil & changed those religions into their present apostate forms), otherwise, why couldn't Jews say that Mohammad was really an 'observant Jew', but that his evil, Jew-hating followers, changed the Koran to it's present apostate form?
7) That when Mohammad could not get Jews to convert, he did two things; a) changed the' Qibla'( the direction of prayer), from Jerusalem to Mecca, & b) killed or forced the conversion of all the 'Jewish' Arabic tribes in Arabia. There's an interesting sura in the Koran, on that god was testing muslims, by changing the 'Qibla' after so many years. (By the way, Mohammad supposedly went to Jerusalem on his horse, then went to heaven from the place where they built the 'Dome of the Rock' Mosque there).

Anyway, let the arguments begin!
1) That it would be inconsistent for the 'God of the Universe', to only be able to make himself understood in Arabic, (as they say of the Koran), which implies he is an Arabic god.

Ok. so those 2 neurons are at it again, are they?

God is not "an Arabic god" the K'ran was revealed in arabic because....wait for it.... Mohammad was ARABIC!! Had the K'ran been revealed in Japanese or English there is a strong possibility that Mohammad would'nt have understood a single friggin word!

THe reason why it was revealed in arabic was also because the Prophet M is meant to be the figurehead muslim. Islam being a way of life has to be understood by the person (the Prophet) establishing that way of life and each and every other person who adheres to it. If he, his followers didnt understand it, then how could they live their life according to it?

today, w/ technology and education etc. the sit is very diff. and you can get translations of the K'ran, which most muslims who dont read arabic, generally do.
2) That the notion of a 'seal of the prophets', (which implies that Mohammad was the last & therefor incorruptible of the prophets), is self-serving, all religious factions that started after islam, could say the same thing about it, that it says of Judaism & Christianity.

They all do. it is the nature of these religions. whats your point?
3) That the idea of praying in the direction of Mecca, implies that the 'God of the Universe' has a home there, or that he is really an Arabic god.

No Sunshine, thats your twisted interpretation. Praying in the direction of Mecca creates a sense of togetherness for muslims. it is their 'holy place of worship'.

I'm sure you wouldnt have complained if everyone prayed in the direction of Washinton D.C. And you know what, if the US had existed then, maybe it would have been.

But it wasnt, so stop whinging about 'why do they pray facing there, it must be because their God is a camel-jockey". wrong. islam says 'there is only one God' that included the Christian one and Judaistic one.

4) that the Satanic verses that were in the Koran, imply that Mohammad could not tell the difference between Satan & the angel Gabriel, when receiving his revelations, (and that's bad for a prophet!!).

Interesting. However, there are no "satanic verses". what you may be refering to is supernatural beliefs. there are verses in the K'ran that are seen - yes, even by muslims - as very powerful verses. Now, as we all know, power can be used for good or bad, they are the flip side of each other. These verses are purportedly used by people who dable in the supernatural to bring about or help bring about changes in peoples lives; get better if sick, do better at jobs etc., and some purportedly 'use' them to get the opposite effect.

remeber, islam is a way of life. there is good and evil in life and Islam accepts this. your point is not really to do with the religion of islam but of the various beliefs held by some factions, like evangilists in Christianity who go around giving people back their eyesight or healing arthritis. like many christians most muslims dont belive in such 'majic' anyway. good or bad.
5) that conquering half your know world, does not imply that the 'God of the Universe' is really your god, only that you have a good army, (otherwise the British, Spanish, etc. could say the same thing).

except Islam says, no insists, that Islam should be spread through example, i.e. living the way of life, not by battle, which is allowed for self defence.

and, islam does not ask to 'conquer' the world. Christianity tried that in its 'crusades' (thanks to bush we're in the middle ages again). Hinduism is based on that belief in fact, and goes beyond to subjugate or destroy all others. the aryan theory Nazis favoured was borrowed directly from those very texts. the swastika the symbol of world domination also was taken from such militaristic hinduism. By the way, both are on the rise.
6) Islam can not say that Moses & Jesus were really 'good muslims',(but that the followers of Judaism & Christianity were evil & changed those religions into their present apostate forms), otherwise, why couldn't Jews say that Mohammad was really an 'observant Jew', but that his evil, Jew-hating followers, changed the Koran to it's present apostate form?
You're talking complete and utter rubbish here and just repeating your own brainwashing. Islam never speaks of Moses or Jesus with disrespect (they couldnt be good or bad muslims as Islam did not exist then! DUH!!!) they were/and are more than that, they are also in islam, ...Prophets! the k'ran brings them into its own ambit so that they are never disrespected.

and Christians and Jews are not evil, rather they are considered 'people of the Book' ie. book of God. the glaring difference in the 3 religions is that Judaism came first with its Prophets and proclaimed that Jesus is still to come. Christianity came about when Jesus came (but since he didnt come to the Jews then he cant be a prophet and so the jews are still waiting for him to come- as a jew of course). Islam goes one more step beyond, it accepts all the Prophets of the older two religions and gives us another Prophet Mohammad as the last. Of course now not only the Jews but the Christians are pissed. after all why would the last Prophet be a camel-jockey? he should be a civilised chistian/jew(as the case may be)

Islam is a progression of the same religion of God hence 'people of the Book', but sets out a way of life this time.
7) That when Mohammad could not get Jews to convert, he did two things; a) changed the' Qibla'( the direction of prayer), from Jerusalem to Mecca, & b) killed or forced the conversion of all the 'Jewish' Arabic tribes in Arabia.
Well what happened wasthat during the wars of Mecca and Madina, the Jews signed an agreement with the muslims in madina that yes they are 'people of the Book" and will support the muslims against the idol-worshipers. when the warring began however, the jews backed out of the agreement and many were then killed because of that.. but i repeat again, politics, not religion.

Yes, you're right, a sad occorance in Islamic history which muslims also lament. it is an example of what they shouldnt do.
remember, Islam (unlike Christianity) does not make a god out of its Prophets (incl. Mohammad). It sets out cleary in a verse that We have chosen one from amonst you. it reiterates that Prophet M is a man chosen from amonst man, as fallible. but the thrust is, that if he can do it, so can you.

This of course threatens Christianity because it makes their semi-god Jesus into a prophet, a mere man. a religion which askes for no religios pundits (priests) to give you a link directly with God.

Note the joining of forces of Christian Evangelism and Orthodox Judaism. repeated here in the US, Israel and Palistine etc. paradox.

gotta run!~
Originally posted by Mostly Harmless
Ok. so those 2 neurons are at it again, are they?

Nope, It’s four now, I’ve been multiplying!!!! Look out world!!!!
Since it seems you have studied Islam, (MH, can I call you MaH?), you are no doubt acquainted with the Arabic term ‘shirk’ (don’t remember how to spell it), as it applies to putting something in the place of god? I will use that term a few times here, to make my point of what I think are things that Islam makes ‘shirk’.

God is not "an Arabic god" the K'ran was revealed in arabic because....wait for it.... Mohammad was ARABIC!! Had the K'ran been revealed in Japanese or English there is a strong possibility that Mohammad would'nt have understood a single friggin word!

Yep, M was Arabic, if you look at his understanding of the world, the Koran & his dealing with the outside world, it was Arabic too. And most Muslims put the Arabic language up, in a high pedestal, such as Pickhall in his Forward to his translation, “The Koran cannot be translated. That is the belief of old-fashioned Sheykhs and the view of the present writer. The Book is here rendered almost literally and every effort has been made to choose befitting language. But the result is not the Glorious Koran, that inimitable symphony, the very sounds of which move men to tears and ecstasy. It is only an attempt to present the meaning of the Koran – and peradventure something of the charm – in English. It can never take the place of the Koran in Arabic, nor is it meant to do so.” In my many discussions and heated debates with Muslims, (at Fresno State, several Malaysian neighbors and schoolmates tried to convert me, the others didn’t try, they were just into school & stuff), they all stated that the Koran was not translatable, it could only be understood in Arabic. Because anything else, would not be the Koran. My point is, that if this ‘allah’ is the “God of the Universe”, he would be more multilingual. And his people would not have to learn Arabic, to get the Koran’s true meaning. That would make ‘allah’, what we Mexicans call a stuttered in other languages, right? My belief is that, if the Bible or the Koran are the Word of God, then it should be able to speak to all peoples, at all times, through all circumstances, in whatever language that person speaks. I shouldn’t have to learn Arabic, English or Spanish to talk to the ‘God of the Universe’. As a Chicano (a US-born Mexican), I have seen and experienced first-hand, cultural imperialism expressed in many forms, but the enforcing & elevated status of the invaders’ language, is one of the first things that happens in the attempt to subjugate the recently conquered. Spain, France, England, & the Arabs just went about it in slightly different ways. Putting Arabic in such high status, to me implies cultural imperialism, it is ‘shirk’. To me it would be the same thing; as if you could only be a Christian if you knew & spoke Aramaic, dressed in middle-eastern clothes, prayed in the direction of Jerusalem and followed all the old traditions of the 1st Century. What do you think?
A little sidebar: Find the origin of the word “Hispanic” in modern political & media discourse. Where did it come from? It’s a Nixonian term that is all-inclusive, so that the fanatical support that Republicans (at that time), got from anti-communist Cubans, could be spread to include all the so-called ‘Hispanics’, implying that Mexicans, Puerto Ricans & others supported Republicans too.

THe reason why it was revealed in arabic was also because the Prophet M is meant to be the figurehead muslim. Islam being a way of life has to be understood by the person (the Prophet) establishing that way of life and each and every other person who adheres to it. If he, his followers didnt understand it, then how could they live their life according to it?

It was revealed in Arabic, because M was Arabic, Islam reveals nothing, but a pre-islamic Arabic way of thought. Why is Mecca the ‘Qibla’, why must Muslims make a once in a lifetime journey to Mecca? Who is this, ‘allah’? What does the cresent moon represent on top of mosques? Where did this ‘allah’ come from, since it seems that his name predates M, whose father was named ‘Abdullah, son of Abdul’?
My answer is that M & the Arabs were jealous that Jews & Christians had their own gods, so M being a good Arab, gave Arabs a god they could worship, and changed things enough so that it was closer to monotheism, but with a decidedly Arabic flavor. And just like Joseph Smith was American, so the Mormon books were in English, etc. etc… M developed an interesting ‘Arabic’ religion.

No Sunshine, thats your twisted interpretation. Praying in the direction of Mecca creates a sense of togetherness for muslims. it is their 'holy place of worship'.

So, explain to me Moonshine, if this so called ‘god of the universe’ is the ‘God of the Universe’, why’d he change his mind? Jerusalem, Mecca, Mecca, Jerusalem, enie, meanie, minie, moe? Anyway, to me it’s ‘shirk’, to even think that you should pray in that direction, it makes Mecca an idol, which is ‘shirk’.

I'm sure you wouldnt have complained if everyone prayed in the direction of Washinton D.C. And you know what, if the US had existed then, maybe it would have been.

People here in the US & across the world, already pray toward DC, they worship at the idol of power & money. That’s ‘shirk’ too!!

But it wasnt, so stop whinging about 'why do they pray facing there, it must be because their God is a camel-jockey". wrong. Islam says 'there is only one God' that included the Christian one and Judaistic one.

I don’t know who this ‘allah’ dude is, but he sounds an awful like what Paul was warning about in the ‘Letter to the Galatians’, chapter 1, verses 6 – 9, and to quote v.8,” But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned!”

However, there are no "satanic verses". what you may be refering to is supernatural beliefs.

That’s because they were taken out, one of the early caliphs had all copies & fragments of the Koran burned, so that only the few approved copies would survive, all others would have to be copies of these 4 standards. Ask yourself why does the Koran go from longest verses (suras) to shortest, why are they not in chronolgical order, as given by M?
If I could add a little sidebar here: I think that the origin of the name ‘California’ from a Spanish novel, was a hispanisized version of “Calif Ornia”, after the real life “Caliph Orma”, just a guess.

there are verses in the K'ran that are seen - yes, even by muslims - as very powerful verses. Now, as we all know, power can be used for good or bad, they are the flip side of each other. These verses are purportedly used by people who dable in the supernatural to bring about or help bring about changes in peoples lives; get better if sick, do better at jobs etc., and some purportedly 'use' them to get the opposite effect.

Interesting little sidebar.

except Islam says, no insists, that Islam should be spread through example, i.e. living the way of life, not by battle, which is allowed for self defence.

I supposed that the Byzantine, Persian, Vandal & Visigothic empires just happened to start those little wars of Islamic conquest in 632AD?

and, Islam does not ask to 'conquer' the world.

So what does ‘dar al-harb’ and ‘dar al-Islam’ mean? Is not all the non-islamic world open for battle, plunder, and conversion as part of 'the land of war'? And I suppose that in 632AD, Muslims were content to send Koran-toting missionaries to the rest of the world? As opposed to sword-wielding?

Christianity tried that in its 'crusades' (thanks to bush we're in the middle ages again).

Nothing personal, but why does everybody always bring up the Crusades without putting in timelines & causes?
Ok, genius, which came first? Islamic oppression & denial of entry into the Holy Land to Christian pilgrims? Or the Crusades? What’s your answer?
Mine is: The Crusades were a not-so-Christian hijadic response to Islamic pressures.
Ok, genius, second question, what’s the difference between Christian & Islamic warfare in the Middle Ages?
My answer is: Nothing, they were both brutal, thought they had god on their side, knew they were right & their swords didn’t always distinguish who the non-combatants were that they slew.
Last question, what’s the difference between Jihad & Crusade?
My answer is: nothing, they both have spiritual & war-like meanings, etc...

Hinduism is based on that belief in fact, and goes beyond to subjugate or destroy all others. the aryan theory Nazis favoured was borrowed directly from those very texts. the swastika the symbol of world domination also was taken from such militaristic hinduism. By the way, both are on the rise.

Another interesting sidebar!!

You're talking complete and utter rubbish here and just repeating your own brainwashing. Islam never speaks of Moses or Jesus with disrespect

By trying to co-opt them, Islam makes both Moses & Jesus Muslims, your imam must not be telling you about the many things that Islam says about Jesus, Christians and their place in the Koran. Jesus is also mentioned in the Mormon books too, just not the real Jesus; Islam, same difference. So, are you brainwashed too??? Or are you the perfect one, the totally objective, totally logical one?

(they couldnt be good or bad muslims as Islam did not exist then! DUH!!!) they were/and are more than that, they are also in Islam, ...Prophets! the k'ran brings them into its own ambit so that they are never disrespected.

I know, but that doesn’t stop people from trying to re-invent Jesus, in their image or ideal. And since Arabs had over 600 years to get acquainted with Jesus, M found all sorts of stuff to use for his Koran, making it poetry, literature, a cultural time-capsule of Arabic life and ideals, but not a holy book. Anyway, who are you going to believe more on what Jesus said, did or who he was; the followers of Jesus or the followers of M? Who would tend to want you to follow the real Jesus more? And who would want you to follow an imitation?

Islam is a progression of the same religion of God hence 'people of the Book', but sets out a way of life this time.

I don’t beg to differ, I INSIST that Islam is a false religion, that all true ‘Muslims’ (those that submit to God), well be Christians in name & deed, no matter what language they speak, ethnic origin, or race. And that being ‘after’, does not make you a ‘progressive’ religion, it just makes you only ‘after’. And I think, Islam is not a progression, but a 45 degree turn, it has enough similarities, but just different enough to lead astray.

remember, Islam (unlike Christianity) does not make a god out of its Prophets (incl. Mohammad). It sets out cleary in a verse that We have chosen one from amonst you. it reiterates that Prophet M is a man chosen from amonst man, as fallible. but the thrust is, that if he can do it, so can you.

I beg to differ, look at the status M is afforded, it’s ‘shirk’ to me. Giving him halos, oaths by his beard, etc...

This of course threatens Christianity because it makes their semi-god Jesus into a prophet, a mere man. a religion which askes for no religios pundits (priests) to give you a link directly with God.

Actually, Islam does this too, by saying Jesus will be helping God judge the dead on the Day of Judgment. Whether Jesus is who the Christians or Muslims say he is, is the question of salvation: in Matthew chapter 16, verses 13 – 20, quoting v. 15, “ But what about you?” he asked, “Who do you say I am?”

Note the joining of forces of Christian Evangelism and Orthodox Judaism. repeated here in the US, Israel and Palistine etc. paradox.

No paradox, both Christian Fundamentalist & Evangelicals think that this modern State of Israel is a sign of the Last Days, so they support what they think is God’s plan. The modern, secular Jews want a country of their own, and Orthodox Jews ‘know’ that God gave that land to ancient Israel, so they are there to re-claim it. So, where's the paradox genius? It just a confluence of historical & religious circumstances, that if you knew a little about either people's beliefs or histories you would know. For Jews & Christians, in regards to Israel, their only problem is, those pesky Palestinians, they just won’t go away, like all previously conquered people usually do. Anyway, I find it sadly ironic that both Jews and Arabs greet others with ‘peace’, ‘shalom’ and ‘salaam’.
I'm nt going to address all your points because of time constraints and the fact that much of what you say is more emotional than actual/logical.
Yep, M was Arabic, if you look at his understanding of the world, the Koran & his dealing with the outside world, it was Arabic too. And most Muslims put the Arabic language up, in a high pedestal, such as Pickhall in his Forward to his translation, “The Koran cannot be translated. ....It is only an attempt to present the meaning of the Koran – and peradventure something of the charm – in English. It can never take the place of the Koran in Arabic, nor is it meant to do so.” .....they all stated that the Koran was not translatable, it could only be understood in Arabic. Because anything else, would not be the Koran. My point is, that if this ‘allah’ is the “God of the Universe”, he would be more multilingual.

Can you speak/understand a language other than English? have you ever read a translation-- of ANY book? no translation is ever perfect or close to it because... it is a TRANSLATION. Ever heard the phrase "each word has a thousand meanings"... Ask any author of any book translated to english, the meaning and basic thrust is conveyed although the subtle nuances are not/cannot be. so each translation of K'ran is fine as it presents the whole text/idea though you can only get a true understanding if you learn the words you are reading and their meaning.

By the way, Arabic is not an archaic language, it is one of the only old/anciant languages which is alive and in active use & which allows it to be understood by all/any wishing it to very easily. For the record thou, the majority of Muslims are not arabic speaking.

[/QUOTE] Ishouldn’t have to learn Arabic, English or Spanish to talk to the ‘God of the Universe’. As a Chicano (a US-born Mexican), I have seen and experienced first-hand, cultural imperialism expressed in many forms, but the enforcing & elevated status of the invaders’ language, is one of the first things that happens in the attempt to subjugate the recently conquered. Spain, France, England, & the Arabs just went about it in slightly different ways. Putting Arabic in such high status, to me implies cultural imperialism, it is ‘shirk’. To me it would be the same thing; as if you could only be a Christian if you knew & spoke Aramaic, dressed in middle-eastern clothes, prayed in the direction of Jerusalem and followed all the old traditions of the 1st Century. What do you think? [/QUOTE]

I understand what you're saying and where you're coming from however, as i said before arabic is a language which is alive and well and can be understood and translated by anyone wishing to comprehend Islam. Arabic is not put on a high status because translations are there, if translators dont think they've done a great job of translating thats because translations can never be the same as an origial. The point is, it would have been in some language or the other (cant be in all). remember most languages of that time and later are extinct.

Most muslims are nt arabic (CIS states/african states/Pakistan etc.) but are still muslims. its true that the saudis and other arabs may wish to put themselves on a pedastool but that doesnt mean everyone else does. after all, look at the CIS states and Turkey where women and men work together, wear what they like speak their own languages and are a world away from saudi-culture, but are muslims nontheless.

saudi is stuck in a warp because of lack of education (dont need it, have oil) & the fact its normal course of politics and possibility of democracy is being hampered. the royal family, currupt and self-indulged is supported and propped up by america for the purpose of getting cheap oil. (which, by the way, is the main reason, according to Osama, why the WTC and other targets are attacked).
I shouldn’t have to learn Arabic, English or Spanish to talk to the ‘God of the Universe’.

You dont have to. You can sit at your desk and speak to him in gibberish if you know what you're saying, he will too!

Now you're making me sound like an evangelist!

As for your fears of imperialism, who says arabic is thrust upon you? it existed before mexican or even english did, so arent YOU the impsor?

Interesting side bar on the word "hispanic", goes to show how a single word can be made to mean so much and that too for political purposes. today it still stands for mexicans, puerto ricans etc. as a whole dispite the fact that theydont consider themselves so.

Islam reveals nothing, but a pre-islamic Arabic way of thought. Why is Mecca the ‘Qibla’, why must Muslims make a once in a lifetime journey to Mecca? Who is this, ‘allah’? What does the cresent moon represent on top of mosques? Where did this ‘allah’ come from, since it seems that his name predates M, whose father was named ‘Abdullah, son of Abdul’?

So islam reveals nothing to you, fine, doesnt mean you have to ask stupid questions! Mecca is Qibla, because it is. you mentioned this before as one of your basis for denouncing Islam that why was Jeruselum and then Mecca. Actually jeruselum was never a "qibla" by word of God! Mohammad had his followers pray towads it because the rest of "the people of the book" i.e. Jews/Christians considered it the holy land. Prophet M only switched it when God commanded him (verse is in K'ran).

Journey to Mecca is a must because it is in Islam. and it keeps you reminded of the past. allah is god, i dont know what the cresent moon represents, many mosques dont have them, i assume its cultural. and i must quote you here: "Where did this ‘allah’ come from, since it seems that his name predates M, whose father was named ‘Abdullah, son of Abdul’? "

Okay then! so your argument is: it is all a hoax because to your learned mind "Abdullah" sounds like "Allah". I agree, and because "God" sounds like "Cod" which was certainly around before god, i reckon the fishmongers brought about christianity for their own evil purposes. Also, i think Jesus was very fond of the fish "cod" and said it quite a lot like the knights which said "nee" a lot. He was actually speaking out one day at a rowdy dinner about how "Cod is great" when some fool thought he said "God is great"! Hence Christianity?

That’s because they were taken out, one of the early caliphs had all copies & fragments of the Koran burned, so that only the few approved copies would survive, all others would have to be copies of these 4 standards. Ask yourself why does the Koran go from longest verses (suras) to shortest, why are they not in chronolgical order, as given by M?

RE: satanic verses: And where precisely did you gather such incredible knowledge, pray tell? which caliph burned all the copies of the K'ran? I think you're resorting to bullshit frankly just to prove a point. and instead of asking why the K'ran goes from the longest to shortest verse, why dont you give us one of your brilliantly inciteful reasons?

actually, the Koran wasnt a leather bound book God chucked down from heaven, it's verses were sent down over a period of time, which were compiled by muslims in a book who did so from long to short. unlike you i wont state the reasons why, but would assume it was the easiest way of compiling the K'ran at that time, like arranging them alphabetically when you are not a hundred percent sure the date of each, better than getting it wrong. if you want to read it in chronological order read the Meccan verses first then the ones given at Madina.

As for the rest of your posting, i'm not here to defend ANY wars or actions of warring nations, all cultures Christian, Islamic and Jewish have all had violent pasts and have started, propogated wars which were violent.

Our aim today should be to move away from such violence. whether it comes from an atomic bomb like the one the US dropped and killed thousands with and their generations, or where a 16 girl straps a bomb to herself to kill as many jews as she can, or from Jews sitting in airconditioned tanks shelling homes and villages, killing hundreds in one blow.

strange though, how the 16 year old is seen/projected as the worst of the three by the media. if she was sitting in a tank and killing or sitting in the oval office with a bourbon in one hand and a finger of the other on the "button" , she would be considered civilised and 'at war' and all the innocent people she killed would be "collateral damage", whereas now she's just a 'terrorist'. ..Remember your statement on putting all mexicans, puerto ricans etc all under one label "hispanic" to promote a political agenda. well, thats exactly what is being done with muslims now, being brought under one umbrella of "terrorist".

You refer to some 'imam' of mine teaching me wrong things abt Jesus and Christianity; where the F**K did you come up with that? what imam? what makes you think anyone but myself is teaching me things.

As for the rest of your note, it reflects your beliefs about how Christianity and Islam differ. You can believe in any Jesus you want to, thats not an issue here. the key difference between Christianity and Islam is that Islam believes in one god and no equals whereas Christianity (derived from the name Christ) holds Jesus Christ as supreme and give him the position of a demi-God i.e. that he is a god pretty much himself, or the 'son of god' whihc would also put him in a 'god' catagory.

Islam reemphasises the belief that there is only One God. And that Jesus Christ is a prophet, and no more. Certainly a great prophet, but not a God. Note it doesnt allow muslims to make Mohammad into a God either! though he is a great muslim and a guide.. he is JUST A MAN! And tho Mohammad had a huge following he never made/allowed himself to be made into a God or even related to him as his son etc. after all, the Christians believed Jesus was God's son, if Mohammad wanted to be greater, wouldnt he have called himself God's father, or God on Earth or something? ... just an observation.

that is the difference. Christianity could not accept Islam because it made its demi-god into a human being (the rest of your arguments on 'the fake Jesus" etc. is just a reflection of that) and took away the necessity for a priest who could send you to heavon or hell, or even take away your christendom which islam allows no man to do, a fact which threatened the most powerful of all entities existing at the time, the clergy.

Bytheway.. i've met many, many, many muslims, and not one of them has ever even suggested that they'd like to take an oath on Prophet Mohammad's beard! i dont know where you came up with that, but you must have heard some fool or the other say something as stupid as that. Remeber, that doesnt make it part of a religion. thats just a reflection of the friends you choose to keep!

No paradox, both Christian Fundamentalist & Evangelicals think that this modern State of Israel is a sign of the Last Days, so they support what they think is God’s plan.
Love to know what you're talking about here (tho i'm afraid to ask) what exactly are "the Last Days" and why is the creation of Israel a sign? and what is "God's plan" anyway? the paradox i was referring to was in relation to the political scenario. I repeat for your benefit (as its obvious you havent read the rest of hte thread) that the wars today (between the extremist muslim and extremist capitalists) are everything to do with politics and economics and control of resources rather than religion.
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WTF?? Get rid of Islam because of all the radicals and suicide bombers?? And I understand that the orthodox Islam community disowns and condemns those radicals.

If Christian radicals began suicide bombing Islamic places, would you count the self proclaimed "martyrs in the name of Christ" in your own religion?? I think not. Same applies to your religion whatever it is.

I don't know who started this idiotic topic, neither do I even want to.