get rid islam

Originally posted by dan1123
If Israelis are bent on Muslim destruction, then why does the dome of the rock stand on their holiest of holies?
Because if they tore it down, it would unleash the First World War of Jihad, with the armies of over 20 Muslim countries and citizens of all the rest volunteering to kill every Jew and Jew-lover, by any means necessary. Could Israel stand 20 9-11's and an army of millions? Even the US was initially pushed back, when the Chinese hordes were sent to rescue the N. Koreans during that war. God better be on their side when that day comes.

When the Muslims took over Jerusalem in the seventh century, they destroyed the Jewish temple, and put up their own temple. They made it their holy site, and disallowed any Jews from entering.
You need to read more history, the Romans tore down the temple after the 70AD Jewish revolt against their rule. They also deported most Jews in two waves; after 70AD and after the Bar Kochba revolt.
And I don't think any one rebuilt it, until the Muslims invaded after 632AD, when they put their Mosque there to cement their ownership of the site, which they claimed was where Mohammad rode his horse up to heaven. By the way, Islam wanted to convert the Jews initially, even having the direction of prayer be to Jerusalem at first. But when they didn't convert, the sword was the answer, many Jewish Arab tribes were killed and their possessions taken.
Originally posted by Xev
*Xev rolls her eyes*

Gawd, his head is so far up his ass he fellates his liver!
Thanks for the anatomy lesson Xev, and I suppose you are quite the contortionist to have accomplished that feat! You have such an active imagination!!!

The distinction may not have made a difference to the victims, but it does affect the validity of athiesm and government.

Of course this is obvious to anyone with more than two neurons.
Really? And I suppose both of yours are firing right now? It must be hard work for you, why don't you take a break from all this hard work, and have a little nappy time?
What's the problem Randol? Not man enough to reply my post?

Oh I get it. Two neurons, so only two posts. Of course, any half intelligent person would have just done all their replying in a single post.
This is beginning to scare me - are all theists stupid? Not the normal ones, but the ones that actually try to defend their veiws - they're all utter morons!

What's the problem Randol? Not man enough to reply my post?

I don't think he knows the concept of which you speak. Perhaps you should define "man".

Oh I get it. Two neurons, so only two posts. Of course, any half intelligent person would have just done all their replying in a single post.

Oh, he has two neurons - only one is inhibitory. ;)


Wow, I am stunned by the force of your rebuttel. I think I'm going to lobotomize myself and get religion now.

Now where'd I put that icepick?

Edit to add:

Oookay, let's see how many people were killed by religion:

9/11: ~3900 people (Americans and Afghans killed by accident)

Witch hunts: 600,000 to as high as 9,000,000 - I'm using a middle figure of 1 million.

Spanish Inquisition: 3,000 conservative

Thirty Years War - 6 million at the lowest

Ulster Rebellion of 1641 - ~100,000 - conservative

St.Bartholomew's day massacre: ~4000, conservative

Crusades: ~9 million people

Persecution of Pagans: Unknown, possibly 50,000 - 2 million. I'm going with 30,000 to be extremely conservative.

Persecution of Jews by Romans: ~100,000

Spontaneous Christian Pogrom in 1374: ~10,000

French Wars of Religion: 100,000 Protestants

Currrent Sudenese Civil War: 1 million

Religious tribal wars in Lebanon: 150,000

Battle of Antwerp, 1576: Civilian death toll: 8,000

People killed by India's Thugs: ~1 Million

Buddhist Sinhalese vs. Hindu Tamils: 20,000

Sikhs vs. Punjabs, 1992: 3,800

Arian Schism: 1,000,000

Holy Wars against Netherlands, Albigenses, Waldenses, and Huguenots: 1,000,000

Various people slaughtered by Isrealites: ~976,000 if you accept Biblical sources

Japanese Christians killed in Shimnaburu rebellion: 36,895

Timurlane slaughters 100,000 Hindu prisoners.

Selim the Grim massacres 40,000 Anatolian Shi'ites

Christians persecuted by Roman Pagans: 2,000

Suttee: 2,400 in one century. Extrapolating for 500 years = 12,000

Aztec sacrificial victims: 136,000 at the lowest.

Addin' em up:

&#8773 21,835,595 people.
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Damn, I forgot that I had posted on this thread a while back, I should get back into it... though all of the people against me seem to be using the "you're a fat american lazy person who doesn't know what you're doing and shouldn't meddle in others' affairs" argument. :)

I especially like the person who said the US isn't a democracy because of the electoral college... :) Here's a little secret that we don't ever tell to foreigners here in the US... we're actually a radical fascist country, and we're preparing to nuke you right now.
Originally posted by SpyFox_the_KMeson
Damn, I forgot that I had posted on this thread a while back, I should get back into it... though all of the people against me seem to be using the "you're a fat american lazy person who doesn't know what you're doing and shouldn't meddle in others' affairs" argument. :)

I especially like the person who said the US isn't a democracy because of the electoral college... :) Here's a little secret that we don't ever tell to foreigners here in the US... we're actually a radical fascist country, and we're preparing to nuke you right now.

Guess what? I have a surprise for you myself. I am an ethnic caucasian born in the US, lived in the US all my life, and never ventured out of the US. Just goes to show you...
Well, that doesn't suprise me too much. There's no shortage of American-born America haters in America. (How many times can you use America in a sentence? :) )
But you seriously don't think America is democratic? I find that surprising. What do you think it is then? Socialist? Fascist? Communist? Well, I'll grant that America is part socialist, it was founded that way, but only a little bit. And hey, I for the record I am against the censorship laws. I don't believe in censorship.
So I take it from your arguments that you are isolationist, Trans-global?
Originally posted by SpyFox_the_KMeson
Well, that doesn't suprise me too much. There's no shortage of American-born America haters in America. (How many times can you use America in a sentence? :) )
But you seriously don't think America is democratic? I find that surprising. What do you think it is then? Socialist? Fascist? Communist? Well, I'll grant that America is part socialist, it was founded that way, but only a little bit. And hey, I for the record I am against the censorship laws. I don't believe in censorship.
So I take it from your arguments that you are isolationist, Trans-global?

LoL. Yeah, but most criticise not foreign policy, violations of signed treaties/international laws, and the nonsensical teachings of how the US is a democracy (see, i think that Democracy is good. dont get me wrong there. but the US isnt a democracy...), but rather on internal affairs, such as the corruptness of Bush.

I don't THINK the US is a different type of state than a Democracy, I know it and am supported by the FBI, CIA, State Department, the UN, and most major almanacs published inside and outside of the US. Maybe you've heard mostly of socialism, fascism, and communism because the government has preached their "evils" (fascism, i must say, is pretty evil unless the dictator actually has the people in mind. a rare, 1-in-a-million, dr. king-type person. bush would probably do all sorts of dumb stuff like making pretzels the official snacks of all team sports, mandating that each citizen must watch at least 1 hour of sports a day, etc etc). However, there are many OTHER types of governments, many of which are implemented by quite a large number of countries.

REPUBLIC-- not totally sure, but this seems to be a general label for hybrid and bipartisan (or multiparty) countries in which the government type is part of each major party.

FEDERALIST REPUBLIC-- UNequal representitives of at least political denominations to vote for each thing. Usually, these representatives are chosen by another branch of government, and in a few there are systems to make it either seem like it is really a democracy or to come closer to equal representation. Generally seen as between a democracy and a monarchy.

DEMOCRACY-- generally regarded by capitalists as the ideal government type. There is equal representation for each political denomination (often in other things as well, for example if there are harsh disagreements between religions in a country, the representatives may be equal to the population in religion as well, but political preference is usually priority). A democracy isn't nessecarily a free country, however. There may be many laws limiting freedoms (generally laws that violate the general right to the pursuit of happiness, ie not allowing people to smoke weed whenever they want, not allowing suicide or mercy killings, not allowing the consumption of drugs such as heroin, cocaine, various narcotics, stimulants, etc). However, a democracy built on the backbone ideal that everybody has the ultimate right to the pursuit of happiness (as long as they don't infringe on that right of others. yes, this does make saying "fuck" over the airwaves ok, as this may hinder somebody's happiness, but not their right to the pursuit of it. they can change the station or power off the radio if this so concerns them. smokers don't infringe on that right, you can wear a mask if you want. making them stop because of 2nd hand smoke is a crime, if you don't want the smoke, go ahead and mask up. also, pollution can be solved by those who dont like it-- air filters, greenery, etc.) There would be regularly held elections for new parliamentary members to represent portions of the population (for example, if there are 51% republicans and 49% democrats, then there would be a set amount of seats for each-- 51% of the seats in parliament would go to republicans, 49% to democrats. however, republicans and democrats would be able to vote on these. it is also generally agreed that the representatives should be equally voted on by districts based on either population or area) Also, there is the style of democracy where each person votes for everything that a parliament would vote for, yet this is better for very very very small countries than for large countries.

OK, now the Palestine-Israel arguement--
Why is it that Arab actions and organizations to the same degree and nature and extent of Pro-Israel/Jewish actions/organizations are frowned upon, and generally thought of as nasty/evil/horrible/unthinkable/why-does-israel-let-them-do-that, while it's fine if the Israel org does the same thing?

For example: IRAN sends weapons to Palestine, US sends weapons to Israel. IRANIAN weapons transfer is seen as immoral, evil, and not-ok, while US weapons transfer is totally ok.

In the US, propaganda organisations pushing Arab ideals are seen by the government as terrorist organisations, and by the general population as not-ok organisations that aren't worthy of the good name of not-for-profit orgs. However, pro-Israel ones are allowed-- FLAME (the so-called FACTS and LOGIC ABOUT the MIDDLE EAST, apparently proper to capitalise it) is a propaganda centre that actually claims to stomp out propaganda. But if one looks at their material, if he is not vulnerable he will realise that this is in fact propaganda. All the material here is pro-Israel, presented totally from only one side. While one may argue this is the same way much of the US media is presented, the US media isn't this blatantly pro-Israel anti-Arab.

I stumbled upon an Arabic-language book a while back about a short verse in the Quu'ran that talks of the defeat of an ultimate enemy to Islam-- one that invades holy lands/Islamic lands-- will be defeated forever in the year 2027 AD (by the Roman calendar, at least. I don't remember the date for sure, but I think it was in the 2020s, the late 2020s to be exact). Interesting, eh?

Also, on the Dar Al-harb/Dar Al-Islam thing, that's not what it is supposed to mean. Dar Al-harb means the land at war with itself-- from a religious viewpoint, this makes much sense. Dar Al-Islam is the Islamic land-- the land that is at peace with itself.
Originally posted by Tyler
I'm beginning to think we should have an intelligence screening for getting into this board......
You're lucky they don't, you'd be off in a second, Youuuuuuuuu idiot.
Plus, if you're such a genius, why aren't you on the MIT or Caltech Nerd sites, instead of with all us common joes?

Do you have anything to suggest this? Or is just a guess that you're making because it supports your side? Please go back to grade 8 and learn how to write arguementative papers.
I don't know what they taught you in 8th grade, but logical, linear thinking was not one of them. Also, Sciforums has no rules about how you discuss, argue or share info, so no matter what you think, I or anyone else, don't need to do anything but what we want, including ignoring you if I want to, you little brat!!!

Youuuuuuuuu idiot. We're discussing killing in the name of theism/atheism. You say that the example of 'killing in the name of atheism' was the CCCP. I point out that they didn't kill in the name of atheism. Now you're telling me that it doesn't matter.

"And I think that if any atheistic-system came into power, well it would want to wipe out those 'pesky' Christians and then start war, genocide, etc..."

The CCCP killed millions of it's citizens through work camps mainly. I, along with many other people would argue Marxist-Leninist Communism is DEFINETLY a religion
1939-1945; Germans slaughter over eight million Jews/Gypsies/Gays/Commies. Many more are tortured - You'd have to be an idiot to not call this Religion Driven
1949-1987; Chinese Communist government slaughters many of it's citizens. Not unlike CCCP. Again, Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Communism is DEFINETLY a religion. If you don't know why, feel free to ask.
Youuuuuuuuu idiot, you just reaffirmed my statement, that the Soviet Union was officially atheistic and killed millions. You need to lay off the drugs!! Youuuuuuuuu idiot.

People just get dumber and dumber.
What are you? A 15 year old or something? Does your mommy know you spend a wee bit too much time on the 'net?

What's the problem Randol? Not man enough to reply my post?

Oh I get it. Two neurons, so only two posts. Of course, any half intelligent person would have just done all their replying in a single post.
What's this 'man enough' stuff you and Xev are talking about? Is this the Wild West or WWF? Are you challenging me? Please, you take yourself too seriously!!!! In my neck of the woods, to be a 'man', means being responsible, hard working, honest and supporting of family and country. So, please define your meaning? And use 'SpellCheck' more often, you & your tagteam sidekick, Zev. (I like that better than Xev, plus explain what type of 'slut' you are? What exactly do you do?)
Plus, if you're such a genius, why aren't you on the MIT or Caltech Nerd sites, instead of with all us common joes?

Hardly common, and does CalTech have a board?

Also, Sciforums has no rules about how you discuss, argue or share info, so no matter what you think, I or anyone else, don't need to do anything but what we want, including ignoring you if I want to, you little brat!!!"

Actually, we're not supposed to swear or post sexually explicit material.....whatever.

Anyways, you'll do what you'll do, it's just that your actions prove what an idiot you are.

Youuuuuuuuu idiot, you just reaffirmed my statement, that the Soviet Union was officially atheistic and killed millions. You need to lay off the drugs!! Youuuuuuuuu idiot.

Umm, are you normally this stupid or are you making a special effort for Ty?

The fact of the matter is, the USSR "believed" in a quasi-religious brand of Marxist-Leninism. Thus they were not athiestic.

What's this 'man enough' stuff you and Xev are talking about?

Umm, has to do with the idea of a gentleman, having the balls to defend your position or admit that you were wrong, stuff you wouldn't understand.

In my neck of the woods, to be a 'man', means being responsible, hard working, honest and supporting of family and country. So, please define your meaning?

That'd be cool. Let's argue about that.

And use 'SpellCheck' more often, you & your tagteam sidekick, Zev."

Is there a meaning to your ramble, or are you a walking DARE ad?

(I like that better than Xev, plus explain what type of 'slut' you are? What exactly do you do?)

Right now I'm watching Stanley finals and responding to your gibberish. When they are over, I'll probably go for a run and work on a little coding project afterwords.

Oh, are you asking what I do for a living? Damned if I know, I'd do a little freelance web-design if I could, but I'll end up with a muggle job.

I'm the High Priestess of the Great Cthulhu and Guardian of the Holy Mackrel of Athiesm during my free time.
Originally posted by Randolfo

You're lucky they don't, you'd be off in a second, Youuuuuuuuu idiot.
Plus, if you're such a genius, why aren't you on the MIT or Caltech Nerd sites, instead of with all us common joes?

I don't know what they taught you in 8th grade, but logical, linear thinking was not one of them. Also, Sciforums has no rules about how you discuss, argue or share info, so no matter what you think, I or anyone else, don't need to do anything but what we want, including ignoring you if I want to, you little brat!!!

Youuuuuuuuu idiot, you just reaffirmed my statement, that the Soviet Union was officially atheistic and killed millions. You need to lay off the drugs!! Youuuuuuuuu idiot.

What are you? A 15 year old or something? Does your mommy know you spend a wee bit too much time on the 'net?

What's this 'man enough' stuff you and Xev are talking about? Is this the Wild West or WWF? Are you challenging me? Please, you take yourself too seriously!!!! In my neck of the woods, to be a 'man', means being responsible, hard working, honest and supporting of family and country. So, please define your meaning? And use 'SpellCheck' more often, you & your tagteam sidekick, Zev. (I like that better than Xev, plus explain what type of 'slut' you are? What exactly do you do?)

#1: I happen to be a proven genious, yet I hang here. Why? Because Tyler, Xev, and other such visionaries do. Now, you may think my comments aren't exactly ingenius, but I'll get to that later.

#2: Stating your freedom to do as you please when not prompted directly to it is a sign of weakness in an arguement.

#3: So what if the Soviet Union was atheistic? The Palpal States were Christian. Now, take a listen to this: "The US, an officially theistic country [it actually says so in the declaration of independence], murdered millions of Vietnamese during the Vietnam War, as well as millions of Koreans during the Korean War. They also put over 400,000 Americans of Japanese descent, many of which were citizens born in the country, in internment camps. They did NOT do so in the name of theism. But, by your illogical logic, it WAS in the name of theism. In your mind, anything a person or country does is in the name of their religion.

#4: IF he's a genious, he might very well be a 15-year-old. Being younger than 15 myself, I find I can discuss most things with the average adult (over 18) at a higher level than they can. If not higher, usually at least equal. I'll let you take a wild guess at my age if you care to do so...

#5: In my neck of the woods, being a man means having a penis.

#6: A slut is USUALLY a person who gets paid to engage in sexual activity. Christians seem to find something wrong with this. I personally think it's OK, but that doesn't mean I have no morals. If she wants to sell herself, fine. It's not a sin. If it is, then capitalism itself is a sin as well. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't go sell myself unless it was to put a minimal amount of food in my mouth, but it's her choice and not mine.
GB-GIL Trans- global

#4: IF he's a genious, he might very well be a 15-year-old. Being younger than 15 myself, I find I can discuss most things with the average adult (over 18) at a higher level than they can. If not higher, usually at least equal. I'll let you take a wild guess at my age if you care to do so...

Ty's 16. I'm 18. Yep, we are young'uns here.

I'll guess that you're 14?

#5: In my neck of the woods, being a man means having a penis.


And an XY chromosome!

#6: A slut is USUALLY a person who gets paid to engage in sexual activity. Christians seem to find something wrong with this. I personally think it's OK, but that doesn't mean I have no morals. If she wants to sell herself, fine. It's not a sin. If it is, then capitalism itself is a sin as well. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't go sell myself unless it was to put a minimal amount of food in my mouth, but it's her choice and not mine.

Bah! Marriage is simply institutionalized prostitution anyway.

In my neck of the woods, a slut is a woman who enjoys sex and is easy enough to get into bed.
Originally posted by Xev

Umm, are you normally this stupid or are you making a special effort for Ty?

The fact of the matter is, the USSR "believed" in a quasi-religious brand of Marxist-Leninism. Thus they were not athiestic.

Umm, has to do with the idea of a gentleman, having the balls to defend your position or admit that you were wrong, stuff you wouldn't understand.

That'd be cool. Let's argue about that.

Oh, are you asking what I do for a living? Damned if I know, I'd do a little freelance web-design if I could, but I'll end up with a muggle job.

I'm the High Priestess of the Great Cthulhu and Guardian of the Holy Mackrel of Athiesm during my free time.

He's probably normally this stupid. If he wasn't, he'd realise there's no point in being stupid for Ty, as Ty appreciates whacking stupid people. ...wait a minute, maybe Randy the Ripper actually WANTS Ty to be happy? Sort of like an early antiholiday gift? How NICE of him!

Exactly right about the USSR, except that they WERE atheists. Being an atheist doesn't mean you're religionless. That's different. Atheism preaches that there IS no supreme figure controlling your life except yourself. (why don't Atheists have traditional + official public gatherings every Thursday [non-conformist, as most religions do so on Monday Friday Saturday Sunday] to eat vegitarian food, hold debates, and just feel the warmth of being part of the Athiest community? that would rock!)

And I can argue about that quite easily. A MAN IS OBVIOUSLY NOT AS RANDY SAID, but rather any human being possessing exactly 1 (1) penis, and no (0) vaginas. Now, if a human has 2 or more penises but still no vaginas, then they would be men, even if they exhibited one personality (I believe... hehehe it would be cool to have sex with two people at once if I had one head and two bodies...)

LoL. Jobs, jobs, jobs... If you have any hardware skills you could take a genious idea on a tangent and make millions. It comes easy to some...

Well, whaddaya know? It's a small world... I'm the Great Cthulhu's younger brother. I'm smaller and uglier, though. In my free time, I'm the high priest of Atheism. Sorta like the Pope, except I don't have to wear a silly hat *giggle* and I don't claim to be the reincarnation of god on earth for reasons that should be obvious :p
you guys are too funny

LOL, what a tag team! I'm so impressed, genuises??????????Yah, right. Keep telling yourself that..Hehehe. By the way, you are defining 'male' of most species, aand Zev, you are a bigger 'man' than me, you Turner's syndrome wannabe.
:rolleyes: :p :rolleyes: :D
"You're lucky they don't, you'd be off in a second, Youuuuuuuuu idiot.
Plus, if you're such a genius, why aren't you on the MIT or Caltech Nerd sites, instead of with all us common joes?"

I joined to find peopel smarter than myself to learn. I stay because there are people here like that. I never said I was a genius. Just that you're a moron.

"I don't know what they taught you in 8th grade, but logical, linear thinking was not one of them. Also, Sciforums has no rules about how you discuss, argue or share info, so no matter what you think, I or anyone else, don't need to do anything but what we want, including ignoring you if I want to, you little brat!!!"

No the board doesn't have that as a rule. It's just a suggestion.

"Youuuuuuuuu idiot, you just reaffirmed my statement, that the Soviet Union was officially atheistic and killed millions. You need to lay off the drugs!! Youuuuuuuuu idiot."

Sigh.....there is a difference between being an atheist and killing and killing in the name of atheism. If a murderer is an atheist, does that mean he killed the person in the name of atheism? If a murderer is a Christian does that mean he killed in the name of Christianity?

"What are you? A 15 year old or something? Does your mommy know you spend a wee bit too much time on the 'net?"

16. And I apparently can follow political logic better than you.

"What's this 'man enough' stuff you and Xev are talking about? Is this the Wild West or WWF? Are you challenging me? Please, you take yourself too seriously!!!! In my neck of the woods, to be a 'man', means being responsible, hard working, honest and supporting of family and country. So, please define your meaning? And use 'SpellCheck' more often, you & your tagteam sidekick, Zev. (I like that better than Xev, plus explain what type of 'slut' you are? What exactly do you do?)"

When you can only figure out how to reply to one arguement out of many and you choose just to ignore the rest, I begin to consider you a pussy. Not a respectable adult. And I'm sorry, you're right. My lack of using spell check obviously proves your side.....

Thank you Xev and GB-Gil
Xev, GB,

Ya know, Randolf is beginning more and more to sound like some spoiled brat. I mean, seriously, just look over his remarks. They smack of that of some grade 6 school yard bully trying to intimidate you. "Turner's syndrome " indeed. Quite pathetic.

However, while I've put Jan Ardena on my ignore list because I've grown fed up with his responses, I acually find Ron's to be amusing. Please, do keep on with the personnal attacks! :)

Anywho, back to the topic at hand ( Which I ponder if we've strayed off of ), I don't think you can say " get rid of islam " anymore than you can say, " get rid of christianity. ". Like the latter, Islam can do just as much bad as it could good. After all, as much as any religion may believe that it was divinely inspired, it is still run by humans. And like any human institution, it can fall prey to any and all human failings.

Just my thoughts...

**edit- I feel I should also note, athiesm is not a "religion" of any kind. It does not preach a philosphy(sp?), it does not hold any promises about the afterlife. It is a default position, of one who has decided that they can not accept any religous claims. That's all.

As for Stalin, and the USSR, I seriously doubt that Stalin's reasons for the murders responsible because of him were because of anti-religous feelings. However, if anyone could point out otherwise, please do so.
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Re: you guys are too funny

Originally posted by Randolfo
LOL, what a tag team! I'm so impressed, genuises??????????Yah, right. Keep telling yourself that..Hehehe. By the way, you are defining 'male' of most species, aand Zev, you are a bigger 'man' than me, you Turner's syndrome wannabe.
:rolleyes: :p :rolleyes: :D

Tag team? ROTFLMAOLAPWH! If I AM part of a "tag team", it's quite unintentionally as I have never had an exclusive dialogue with Tyler or Xev, or both of them at the same time.

Genuises? What's a genuises? Perhaps it's the name of a syndrome? Or an animal? Or place? Or the proper name of a person? Perhaps you're using foreign lexicon unintentionally? Genuises isn't in my dictionary. I even looked up genuis, genuise, genuisé, génuisé, génuis, djnui, and various other words one might expect to be pronounced the same way.

OK, I'll stop "talking cock" (as a Singaporean would say it), I know very well that you mean geniuses. I actually have test results to back my claim that I am a genius.

Am I really defining a male of most species? I wasn't aware that males of most species were humans with penises. Wouldn't that automatically make them humans, not their respective specie(sp?)?

Xev doesn't display characteristics of Turner's. Rather, she's simply a non-conformist and she's proud of that. ( that's why I love her so much:eek: ) She blatantly refuses to conform to the mold society has produced for her. Probably that the reason is of her to now be be official upper atheist community within it. (sometimes, that's how you would seem to speak...) 'That's probably the reason why she holds a high-up position in the Atheist community.' What would seem more to you like Turner's about her is actually just her defending her ideas and opinions, and a response to a very, very, very sick little boy with a severe case of Turner's who just can't seem to present logical arguements, but rather must revert to belittling others to defend oneself. *sigh* That reminds me of the way god is described.
Hey, can i jump into this prattle, you lot r having a real hoo-ha here.. (sorry, CERTAIN readers may not understand that- if you like i'll explain it further?:rolleyes: )

Xev, Ty - take a bite of this (and anyone else, of course)

Ty you said Marxist-Leninist/Mao Communism is really a religion. Xev, you say "Ah, but a quasi-athiestic one is in power - in the US of A. " that is, that the US is a quasi-athiestic country. THe US is not really quasi-athiestic, if you take Tys argument, then the religion of america is Consumerism, all wars proxy and otherwise have been fought for it, it is a belief/ideology that is followed with such fervour, it smacks of extremism. If you live inthe system, you feel its a way of life you've chosen and wonder why everyone else thinks you're stepping on their toes when america, for that purpose chooses to promote/uphold/defend its way of life and kills/murders/maims/bombs/imposes sanctions on/gives militry aid to those who support its cause for that purpose

You will, of course say, "thats collateral damage" (much as Jack the Ripper should have (didnt have all those Harvard Lawyers as the US govt does i guess) and our own Madeline Albright on the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children who died as a direct result of US sanctions on iraq-- i suppose you'll wonder why they 'hate america' -EVIL WEST, EVIL WEST!)

you may say, no Consumerism is not a religion, its a way of life.... welll yeh-hey, you'll sound like those pesky Moslems who also believe in a way of life that YOU choose to call a religion.

So, if america's way of life is Consumerism, whether she kills for oil, raw materials, patents on medicines, sale of military equipment (america's largest industry) etc.- the fact is, she kills for her way of life - Consumerism. Call it what you may. the US is no different than any other power (note i dont say country on purpose). And athiesm hasnt saved her, its only saved her from codes morals and values you'd call religion.

As for the definition of 'slut'. it's not someone who jumps into the sack for cash, thats a 'whore' boys and girls.

A 'slut' is someone who sleeps with everyone..... a 'bitch' is someone who sleeps with everyone... but you! (dont take it personally Randy)
Randolfo, on Dan's Israel/Palistinian conflict..."why the dome of the rock stand on their holiest of holies?"

Because if they tore it down, it would unleash the First World War of Jihad, with the armies of over 20 Muslim countries and citizens of all the rest volunteering to kill every Jew and Jew-lover, by any means necessary.

Ahhh, i can only support such strong arguments. I agree Randolfi... tell me something, were you the great mind behind these quotes too:

"Eeek, the sky is falling, the sky is falling" said Chicken Lickin.
"The end of the world is coming" said several hundred nutters ... "once the 20 Muslim countries have nothing better to do than attack everyone else on the planet" added Randolfo.

By the way... here's an important differentiation you may wish to absorb.... there is a huge difference between Judaism and Israel.... i.e. Israel is a country which is imposing on another, Judaism is a religion which is being used as a tool to incite religios feelings so that the purely economic ones (steal land) are ignored and people like you can scream "they want to kill all the Jews and Jew lovers"

Its Israel's actions and those of the American Jews who are funding congress members which are inciting and creating hatred against Jews. And although i think Israel's (and co.) actions are evil/wrong/unjust, that doesnt mean that Judaism is Evil.

Dont hide behind religion, Israel's actions are as evil as those of the extremists responsible for 9/11, AND if you believe that those countries/persons who aid those extremists should be killed, then that country which aids/promotes and sells weapons to Israel for ITS evil actions should be........... (answer that question, and you will find the reason for 9/11)

AND no, i dont adhere to 9/11 befor you have me sent to Guatemala bay so that the US doesnt have to extend the basic human rights under its own constitution for POWs, like NO torture(most of whom have been released as there is no evidence against them)

Could Israel stand 20 9-11's and an army of millions?

*the rest of the sentence "Even the US was initially pushed back, when the Chinese hordes were sent to rescue the N. Koreans during that war. God better be on their side when that day comes." being nonsensical has been left out for .... obvious reasons.*

I dont know if Israel could stand 20 9-11s, can Palistine (or any other country for that matter) stand for 20 Jenins/Shatilas and their ruthless Nazi-like murders? or even an army maybe not of millions but one who has millions/billions to spend on weapons which make it unnecessary to have millions; keeping it safe while imposing "collateral damage" and killing allies in "friendly fire"?