George Zimmerman found Not Guilty.

But you know what is the best bit... the only evidence that cannot be denied 100% is that zimmerman approached this boy and killed him when he was told specifically by the law not to do the former.

If he disobeyed the law in such a frivolous and incompetent manner ... and even flouting the law in it's judgement then he should be held accountable for the boys murder. This isn't about us having hard solid evidence supporting zimmerman, this is about his flawed and seriously fucked up judgement disobeying the law. He should be held accountable and that's the facts.

this is what i mean, the jury was not thinking or they were incapable. the prosecution may have been inept but anyone who was thinking would realize that zimmerman acted poorly and inconsistently in many ways, that he was armed and was the adult against an unarmed kid that was doing nothing wrong and it would have been evident that zimmerman should have been held accountable. this idea that the acquittal was the only correct call is actually retarded besides ludicous, in light of the facts. unfortunately, there is a proportion of society that is this obtuse.
@ Camebk,

Obviously you have no clue as to what was said. Where do you get the idea that Zimmerman found Trayvon walking home.

The fact is (according to Zimmerman) he first spotted Trayvon Standing on his neighbors lawn. THAT'S THE FACT DESPITE WHAT YOU MAKE UP.

ZIMMERMAN was never told "Not to approach him". He was told "We don't need you to" when he indicated he was following Zimmerman. THAT'S THE FACT DESPITE WHAT YOU MAKE UP.

ALSO ...

In at least three of your recent posts you say stuff like ...

Some might think it is irronic that you call Randwolf an idiot and yet you cannot even differentiate between Prosecution and Defense.

Try thinking why the prosecution would do those things.. Think really hard... Till your brain hurts even...

Can somebody tell camebk his error here?

The prosecution, is to initiate civil or criminal court action against an accused no?

Does it matter whether he was walking home or not? Do you understand this idiot was told not to approach the boy by authorities higher than him? Are you totally neglecting this?

All we have is zimmerman's word that he was ''acting suspiciously.'' Inbetween those events, the boy hadn't done anything outside of zimmerman claiming he attacked him????

Well, here is the rub. If he really attacked him, I dare say zimmerman asked for it since he never followed his authorities directive.
I don't even believe what zimmerman says. Even if there is an element of truth the boy is still dead and is dead because zimmerman couldn't keep his gun in his pocket in light of being told NOT TO APPROACH HIM.

So what part of that can't you understand? If that had been a white boy, I bet the cards would have been turned drastically.

I am in a relationship with a black man who is also from america and he is more than aware than the greater parts of all states in america are racially-motivated, especially in law situations. That is why well over 50% of jails are filled with black men and women.

He was told not to approach him... in zimmermans own words as well... not only the operators

George Zimmerman’s Own Words: ‘The Dispatcher Told Me Not To Follow The Suspect’
George Zimmerman heard the message loud and clear: Don’t follow Trayvon Martin.

In a statement he gave to police the same night he shot and killed the unarmed teen, Zimmerman wrote that he was returning to his vehicle after a police dispatcher told him over the phone to stop pursuing Martin.

“The dispatcher told me not to follow the suspect and that an officer was in route,” Zimmerman wrote in the statement, which was released to the public for the first time on Thursday morning. “As I headed back to my vehicle, the suspect emerged from the darkness and said ‘you got a problem?’”

Zimmerman knew fine well he wasn't to follow him, even interpretating it as ''‘The Dispatcher Told Me Not To Follow The Suspect’'

you can dress it in all the roses you like, he wasn't to FOLLOW HIM! PERIOD!
@ CamelBK,

Okay. I had my fun. The reason why you made a mistake in those posts and still do not realize it is you meant the defense not prosecution. The prosecuion was TRYING to send GZ to jail. Even with this plain explanation I think it is still beyond your grasp.

Listen to the telephone call yourself and then tell me where they say Don't follow.

Try to stay with the truth instead of making stuff up off the top of your head.
@ CamelBK,

Okay. I had my fun. The reason why you made a mistake in those posts and still do not realize it is you meant the defense not prosecution. The prosecuion was TRYING to send GZ to jail. Even with this plain explanation I think it is still beyond your grasp.

Try to stay with the truth instead of making stuff up off the top of your head.

And what did zimmerbrainless do? Followed him.

What did he do?

Shoot him

what happened, the boy was killed.

Who is to blame?


Clear as the driven yellow snow!!!!!!!!!
this is what i mean, some people need everything explicitly laid out for them so they don't have to think. they believe it's others job to get them to understand anything just like that jury, that they have no responsibility to do so themselves. when they said 'we don't need you to do that' it is clear that means to not follow since that was the context of the subject at hand. he was not the police. anyone who is honest or has any understanding of common sense and communication realizes that. unfortunately, that's how dishonest people's minds can go to justify.
''No witnesses have stepped forward publicly to say that they saw the shooting itself or even how the confrontation began, and authorities haven’t pointed to any evidence proving Zimmerman ignored the police dispatcher who was telling him to stop.

The statement released on Thursday morning represents the most complete version of Zimmerman’s side of the story that has been made public so far. It was accompanied by audio and video recordings of police interrogations with him after the shooting, including a daytime reenactment where he walked investigators through the scene of the killing.

Zimmerman wrote that the teen punched him, knocked him to the ground and then got on top of him before slamming his head into the sidewalk beneath them.

“The suspect told me to ‘shut the fuck up’ as I tried to sit up right,” Zimmerman wrote. “The suspect grabbed my head and slammed it into the concrete sidewalk several times…My head felt like it was going to explode.”

How are we to believe that zimmerman, a grown man was overcome by him? Do you know what the ''defense'' put it down to? That the boy was drugged out his skull. I haven't heard so much nonsense in my life, considering the amount of cannabis found in his system couldn't even put a cat to sleep. Zimmerman probably killed him, after a dispute. The only part that probably was true was that the boy did actually say ''you have a problem'' and zimmerman being on the power fucking roll he was on, probably shot him down like dog.That's what I see out of this.
“The dispatcher told me not to follow the suspect and that an officer was in route,” Zimmerman wrote in the statement, which was released to the public for the first time on Thursday morning. “As I headed back to my vehicle, the suspect emerged from the darkness and said ‘you got a problem?’”

he was far from his truck and it was clear he followed martin further almost to his home after he was told not to.
It wasn't zimmerman's head exploding ... it was his temper no doubt on a serious power rush. Either way the above poster is right... there is no excuse in this case. Some people just need to have it laid out in the most simplest way...

Zimmerman approached when told not to.

Zimmerman shot the boy down.

Zimmerman is to blame and that is the end of.
Witnesses said Trayvon was beating the crap out of Zimmerman. They were definitely in a prolonged fight. Zimmerman was getting his head bashed off pavement (back of his head cut up, and not self inflicted because after the fight many people were there.). This is what witnesses said and the court believed.
So what does this prove other than that Zimmerman bit off more than he could chew when he stalked Martin in spite of being warned not to by the dispatch operator?

If a scuffle broke out becuase Zimmerman confronted Martin, then how do we know for sure that Martin did anything other than defend himself - the same claim that Zimmerman made.
If you were a part of your neighborhood watch and you saw a guy in a hoodie standing on your neighbors lawn in the rain how would you proceed?
I probably wouldn't give it a second thought.

For all I know He's a guest of my neighbour or has some valid form of business, or is simply admiring the house.

If the neighbour got broken into and the time frame fit, then I might recall the information and pass it along to the police, but I certainly wouldn't go chasing after them, because unlike Zimmerman, I'm not stupid enough to pick a fight with an opponent I know nothing about.

Who cares about his drug use. The kid was dealing illegal guns (according to his sms text messages.)

The police NEVER TOLD HIM TO STOP FOLLOWING Trayvon. You are making stuff up. The police said "We don't need you to do that" when they discovered he had followed Trayvon.
Cherry pick much?

The dispatcher asked if Mr. Zimmerman was following him. “Yeah,” Mr. Zimmerman said.

“O.K.., we don’t need you to do that,” the dispatcher said. Mr. Zimmerman said: “O.K.”​

@ CamelBK,

Okay. I had my fun. The reason why you made a mistake in those posts and still do not realize it is you meant the defense not prosecution. The prosecuion was TRYING to send GZ to jail. Even with this plain explanation I think it is still beyond your grasp.

Listen to the telephone call yourself and then tell me where they say Don't follow.

Try to stay with the truth instead of making stuff up off the top of your head.

Read the whole transcript:

Scroll down to page 2 where its highlighted and you will see the dispatcher ask Zimmerman "Are you following him?" and Zimmerman replies "yes", the dispatcher then says "We don't need you to do that". So why did Zimmerman feel the need to do that? Especially after he replies "okay".

If I tell someone I don't need them to do something and they reply "ok", I expect them NOT to do said thing.

You keep bringing up Trayvon's past. Is it you believe people should be convicted or killed for "pre-crimes"? Because basically that's what you are suggesting.
@ Captain Kremmen,

...It was raining out but this guy was wandering around and very well could have been looking for a home to burglarize.


does no sound like he was walking home. He even was walking towards Zimmerman at one point according to call.

I'm not sure if what North Korean village you hail from but its not a crime to wander around in the rain and shouldn't make anyone especially suspicious. Personally I like rain, I even like walking in the rain. In this life it happens you know, kind of like Gene Kelly, people just walking around in the rain (

Watch the whole link to the end because god knows if it were Gregory Hines swinging from a light pole and tapping in the rain it would have gotten his ass shot:D

As for walking towards Zimmerman I would have probably done the same thing. I would have turned around and called out to him and confronted him. It probably would have sounded something like "What the fuck are you doing following me?" or some such thing but being a female I wouldn't feel moved to hit him but just start screaming "RAPE! RAPE! RAAAAPPPPE!"
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Knowing that someone deals in illegal guns however does not score a lot of points with me. My anti-gun notion expressed above carries to people that traffic them and yes the world should be rid of them, but it is not a fate I would wish on someone.

But you don't know that for a fact you are only assuming its true, or at this point I believe you want it to be true. I'm always suspicious when someone takes something as fact without a doubt, they make bad jurors and bad detectives.

Here are some interesting questions put forth by The Inquisitr;

Finally, was Trayvon Martin smoking marijuana or just cigarettes in those self photos? Either way, Florida’s smoking legal age is 18, but how many of you tried smoking before the legal age? The clear illegal act of smoking doesn’t make Trayvon Martin a thug by itself.

Was Trayvon Martin’s gun photo depicting his own hand, or was it someone else? Was he actually trying to purchase a gun as alleged by the whistleblower in the State Attorney’s Office? In Florida you have to be 18 to own a gun and 21 to purchase ammo. But checking out a friend’s gun is not illegal. Some websites claim Trayvon Martin’s father, Tracy “Fruit” Martin, was one of the people discussing with his son the buying and selling of the.22 caliber handgun. While this sounds bad, you have to keep in mind that a father in most states can buy a guy and hold it in trust until a child turns 18, which would have been this past February if Trayvon Martin were alive today.

Did the marijuana plant photo held by Trayvon Martin depict a friend’s plant or his own? Or was it a texted photo shared by friends? Growing marijuana is still illegal in Florida, but owning a picture of the plant is not. Still, some websites claim a Facebook post about Trayvon Martin’s marijuana said, “D@mn were you at n!gg@ needa plant.” Some people choose to interpret this to mean Trayvon Martin was selling marijuana, but without the full context being known this interpretation is uncertain.

Before we consider the evidence from Trayvon Martin’s cell phone, let’s clear up a few Trayvon Martin rumors. The Trayvon Martin photo showcasing him as a muscle bound thug actually depicts another still-living teen with the same name on Facebook. Another supposed Trayvon Martin photo depicting him with tattoos was actually of a rapper named Jaceon Terrell Taylor. Trayvon Martin did not steal the skittles and drink. He was never arrested and was suspended at the time of the shooting merely for being late to school. He was not 6′ 2″, he was far shorter. One meme even claims Trayvon Martin was an honor student with a 3.7 GPA. Although, there are reports of Trayvon Martin being suspended for writing obscene graffiti on a door at his high school. Reports say “campus security officers found 12 pieces of women’s jewelry, a watch and a screwdriver that they felt could be used as a burglary tool.” But Trayvon Martin said the jewelry belonged to an unnamed friend and Miami-Dade police could not trace the jewelry to any reports of stolen goods. Trayvon Martin also supposedly had a baggie with traces of marijuana.


At the end of the day all of these "incriminating details" have no weight on what happened that night because he was neither smoking pot, nor did he steal nor was he carrying a firearm. He was killed based on ungrounded suspicion. You cannot use any of the details of his past as an excuse of why he should be in a position to be killed by Zimmerman who knew absolutely NOTHING about this kid.