George Zimmerman found Not Guilty.

@ Captain Kremmen,

You say that
3. DRUG ABUSE, on his own phone texts.

Could you quote the texts in each case?

Be happy to.

First however it is up to anybody reading these to search the internet and verify these phone extraction records are verified with the websites you trust. These exist on hundreds of websites once they were released by the defense team.

Let me have 20 minutes to edit in rest of post as I need to switch between links here.

Taken From Extraction Report #1

Trayvon: I gotta bill right na for sum fire
read: You want a 22 revolver
read repeating: You want a 22 revolver
Trayvon:Wat shoota??
read : dat me u ass u dnt know how ur chick look
Trayvon: Can fool meet me at da gym??
Trayvon :Bru om here
Trayvon: tell fool I got 80 for him right na
(NOTE: It seems he is buying a 22 caliber revolver according to above).

read: You know somebody with some 38
Trayvon: Yea 150
read: You like other stuff too
read : You got suin for the 80 or 90
Trayvon: That's how much U got??
Trayvon: U Wanna share a .380 w/(name blacked out)
read: wat with da money I gave you
Trayvon yeah nd he gon put in
read :How ima gt da fire
Trayvon yall gon split it
read: it's gne b at my crib
(NOTE: It seems he is selling a .38 caliber handgun here, and trying to talk person into "Sharing" a gun).
read:You want 150 4 the 38
Trayvon: Naw Im finna get it 2 late
From Extraction report # 5
Trayvon: U Wanna share a .380 w/(name blacked out)
read: wat with da money I gave you
Trayvon yeah nd he gon put in
read :How ima gt da fire
Trayvon yall gon split it
read: it's gne b at my crib
Trayvon: U wanna shar it w/(name blacked out again)
read: Na am finna cop a 38 4 a face
Taken from Extraction report # 8
read: You want a .22 revolver
Trayvon : yoo


Taken From Extraction report # 1
Trayvon: Yea cause he got mo hits cause da 1st round he had me on the ground nd i couldn't do ntn.
Trayvon: naw my ol g say she dont want me home cause she think ima get in mo trouble *
Trayvon continued: fighting

Trayvon: : Fightn

Taken from Extraction report # 3
Read: When you gonna teach me how to fight?
(NOTE: Somebody is seeking Trayvon for fight training. This shows Trayvon is respected a bit as fighter by at least someone).
Taken From Extraction Report # 6
Trayvon: Tired and sore
read: mee too, but wat happen tah yuhh??
Trayvon : Fight
read: Y!?
Trayvon: Cause Man dat nigga snitched on me
[NOTE: He is claiming here to beat up a snitch]
read: Bae y yum always fightingg man, ya got suspended?
Trayvon:Naw we thumped afta school in a duckd off spot
read: Ohh Well Damee
Trayvon: I lost da 1st round :) but I won da 2nd and 3rd .....
read: Ohh so it was 3 rounds ? *Dames well at least yu won lol but yuu needa stop fightingg but forreal
Trayvon: Naw im not done wit fool..... ge gone have 2 see me a again
read: No Bae stop, yuu aint gonna bee satisfied till yuh suspended again huh?
Trayvon:Naw but he aint breed nuff 4 me, only his nose.... but afta dat im done
(NOTE: Notice Trayvon was not satisfied with a little blood. He wanted more blood).

3. DRUG ABUSE, on his own phone texts.

Taken From extraction Report # 1
read: Oh you smoke?
Trayvon : Yea do u??
Trayvon: y'all had smoked da rest.

Trayvon: Thats worse than smokin cause addiction to alcohol is worse than addiction to weed
read: U better be high talking a lot dat shit
Trayvon: Naw i aint smok 2day u just wanna act a ass

Trayvon: Can we smoke 1 last time??

Taken from Extraction Report # 2
friend: WAT U DID 2DAY
Trayvon: smoke and sleep

and also:
Was he kicked out of his own moms home?

Taken from Extraction Record # 1

Trayvon: my mom just told me i gotta move with my dad. she just kicked me out :(

NOTE: Some may think all the Smoke talk is about cigarettes. He had THC in his system when he died as well. He does say weed in sms messages.

I did not copy everything, but tried to copy as best I could and keep context. I believe I did not mix up sender/sendee, but it is possible.

It is true Trayvon is not on trial, and had no criminal record, but his sms texts clearly show he was a drugged and violent 6'2 thug who sold illegal handguns.

There is more evidence presented to us in forms of police reports, etc that show Trayvon had "Burglary tools" and "stolen jewelry" in his possession when he was searched due to graffiti, but anybody can search for that information on their own. This post is only about phone records.
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I can't understand the language very well.
What does this mean for example?
Trayvon: I gotta bill right na for sum fire
It sounds like has money available for a weapon,
but maybe it means something else.

In the violent assault bit he mentioned rounds.
Sounds like boxing to me.

The Cannabis use is commonplace.
@ Captain Kremmen,

Be happy to.

First however it is up to anybody reading these to search the internet and verify these phone extraction records are verified with the websites you trust. These exist on hundreds of websites once they were released by the defense team.

Again, none of this was allowed in court because it was not relevant.

And it was not relevant because it had nothing to do with why Zimmerman followed him in the first place.
@ Captain Kremmen,

He beat the guy up for snitching. He was going after same guy again because not enough blood. The fight was in "Duck'd off spot".

How organized does it sound?

Either way. Organized or not. He was a reputable fighter. There is other stuff about reputation I left out. His gold teeth helped his reputation.

Trayvon: I gotta bill right na for sum fire

Sounds like he has $100 for a gun to me also, especially when used in context (which I included). What else could it mean?

I am willing to think that all of those (PLURAL) gun dealings were what they seemed. Heck; Maybe he was talking about fancy water gun replicas. Maybe he was rehearsing lines for a gangster film.


none of this was allowed in court because it was not relevant.

Yet the Jury Acquitted Zimmerman WITHOUT knowing all of this damning evidence we hear from Trayvons own Text messages.

I could give a hoot in hell whether he had charges or record against him. I read his own words dealing guns, and wanting more blood from victims. I'd deport him to America (maybe this is normal teenage behavior there).

it had nothing to do with why Zimmerman followed him in the first place.

If Trayvon was looking at homes in the rain deciding which ones could be most easily robbed then his criminal behavior is very relevant. If he was just walking home (does not match first 911 call), then it is not relevant.

I'm not saying He deserved to be shot. I am saying the kid was not mr. perfect and likely a bad choice as a Martyr.
My view is that the main guilty party in this case is the judiciary,
who formulated a law that was bound to lead to legalized murder.

It's a terrible law.
An unarmed boy was killed, and at first the police did not even arrest the killer.
He was "standing his ground", and that's a perfectly legal thing to do,
even if standing your ground means following someone around because they are wearing a hoody.

The texts have nothing to do with the court case.
They were not considered pertinent to the guilt or otherwise of Zimmerman,
who could have known nothing about them before he shot the boy.

The thing is that some people are not only saying that Zimmerman shot an unarmed boy,
but that he shot a very good boy, who was just going for some sweets.

Other people are saying that the same boy was a gun dealing, violent drug addict,
headed for death row in any case.

The truth about the boy is probably somewhere in the middle.
The extreme views of his character are divided along racial and political lines,
and they are nether true nor helpful.
I entered this thread mainly because Obama made comments along the lines of:

If a black man goes into a store he is followed
If a black man approaches a car they lock the doors
If a black man gets in an elevator the woman clutches her purse.
If a black man is driving he is sometimes followed by police for no reason.

My comment is how could the president even know how the same situations are for white men?
My comment is that the presidents remarks were racist.

Any man is followed by store security
Any man has doors locked when they approach strange cars
Any man entering an elevator can intimidate a woman.
Any man driving gets followed by police for no reason.

QUESTION: HOW WOULD YOU PERCEIVE ANY OF THESE INCIDENTS FROM BOTH BLACK/WHITE PERSPECTIVES. I am sure many times if a black man is watched they will think, "Here we go again", as if these things ONLY happen to them because of race.

Apparently my view that racism is lessening has made me a racist in the eyes of that STUPID FUCKIN' BOZO TIASSA.
(NOTE: TIASSA STARTED THAT LANGUAGE IN EARLIER POSTS, AND HAS CALLED ME A MURDEROUS KLU KLUX KLAN MEMBER, calling TIASSA A "STUPID FUCKER" is light in comparison. I started a discussion thread about this, but Tiassa buried it in the CESSPOOL before anyone could see.)

In my life I have met people addicted to hard drugs (not pot). I write them off as humans because I know they will do almost anything for a fix including hurt and steal from friends. I also am willing to write off as human anybody who deals in illegal handguns. GUNS KILL TWICE AS MANY CHILDREN AS CANCER DOES. In 2010, 15,576 children and teenagers were injured by firearms — three times more than the number of U.S. soldiers injured in the war in Afghanistan.


@ Captain Kremmen,

If you saw someone peering into windows or staring at your neighbors homes in the rain would you
a) Go hide in your basement?
b) Go on Sciforums?
c) Keep an eye on them until you understand their motives?

Witnesses said Trayvon was beating the crap out of Zimmerman. They were definitely in a prolonged fight. Zimmerman was getting his head bashed off pavement (back of his head cut up, and not self inflicted because after the fight many people were there.). This is what witnesses said and the court believed.
Obama is a politician. A conman.
He's decided that there is more political capital in this instance in supporting the black POV than the white one.
His moral qualms don't prevent him from sending in thousands of drone attacks to kill civilians,
or spying on his own citizens, or keeping Guantanamo open.Do they?

He should be calming the situation, not attempting to get "Brother points"
If it gives him leverage for his gun control ambitions then I'm all for it, but wish he had taken a less racist route. It was for his gun control ambitions many think.

Guantanamo is a base. It will always be open. Whether prisoners are there I have no idea. Probably. Do they tell us everything?
hang on he deserved to die because he tried to buy a gun, that's kwhilborn's argument right?

Aren't we talking about an AMERICAN case? you know the country where the response to a school shooting is a recommendation that MORE people buy guns?? The country where the right in the constitution they are most proud of and fearful of being taken away isn't the right to vote its the right to own a gun???

If a couple of pictures of guns is evidence someone should die lets look at those on a Facebook group I'm on



Would Zimmerman have followed Martin around if he wasn't armed?
He wasn't his equal physically.
With this law all you have to do is follow someone and annoy them till they get mad enough to fight you,
then you legally shoot them.
Obama made a valid point because there is no doubt he has been profiled many times in his own life in these United States. If Obama's intent was gun control then bully for him. To Capn's and Asgard's points, exactly right on.
I entered this thread mainly because Obama made comments along the lines of:

If a black man goes into a store he is followed
If a black man approaches a car they lock the doors
If a black man gets in an elevator the woman clutches her purse.
If a black man is driving he is sometimes followed by police for no reason.

My comment is how could the president even know how the same situations are for white men?

Because it well documented that white men don't experience things like that at a statistical rate equivalent to black men?

My comment is that the presidents remarks were racist.


Any man is followed by store security
Any man has doors locked when they approach strange cars
Any man entering an elevator can intimidate a woman.
Any man driving gets followed by police for no reason.

If white men are suspect by police and people as often as black men how come black men...

... Go to prison for smoking pot for more often then white men, yet smoke less pot?


... Are far more likely to be frisked



... more like to be pulled over:

  • A February 2009 study of traffic stops and searches in West Virginia found a similar pattern of racial profiling. The data reveal that African-American motorists were 1.64 times more likely to be stopped than White drivers. Hispanics were 1.48 times more likely to be stopped. After the traffic stop, non-Whites were more likely to be arrested, yet police in West Virginia obtained a significantly higher contraband hit rate for White drivers than minorities.24
  • In Minnesota, a statewide study of racial profiling during 2002 found that African-American, Hispanic, and Native American drivers were all stopped and searched more often than Whites, yet contraband was found more frequently in searches of White drivers’ cars. Had all drivers been stopped at the same rates in the 65 local jurisdictions reporting data, 22,500 more Whites would have been stopped, while 18,800 fewer African Americans and 5,800 fewer Hispanics would have been stopped.25
  • In Illinois, data collected after the 2003 passage of the Illinois Traffic Stops Statistics Act, sponsored by then-Illinois State Senator Barack Obama, shows similar patterns of racial profiling by law enforcement authorities. The number of consent searches after traffic stops of African-American and Hispanic motorists was more than double that of Whites. The consent searches found White motorists were twice as likely to have contraband.26
  • A 2005 study analyzing data gathered statewide in Texas reveals disproportionate traffic stops and searches of African Americans and Hispanics, even though law enforcement authorities were more likely to find contraband on Whites.27

You can whine all you want that white men are oppressed by real or imaginary factors, but black men are oppressed MORE, the president's comments are factual because the same things don't happen to white men at equivalent rates. You can call him racist all you want at least he is not trying to validate the killing of a boy by claiming the boy was a murderer/criminal that Zimmerman with his psyche superpowers had the legal right as Judge Dread to kill without conviction, trial or even arrest. Imagine a country were people can kill anyone they want and then blame the victim and claim self defense and get off scott free, oh wait that is the USA. True that problem is raceless in that it can be done to anyone, it just more likely people will get away with it killing minorities, but the case of Trayvon Martin brings up racial profiling as an issue as well, which is real despite your baseless claims otherwise. Was Travyon spotted, chased and shot because he was black, was Zimmerman not arrest because his victim was black, statistically the answer is "probably".
@ Asguard,

You should re-read post 521,

Your last post was based on a wrong argument. Trayvon martin was not trying to buy a gun, he was buying and selling illegal street handguns. He was not selling registered guns to approved citizens. These were street guns with no registered serial numbers, etc.

If you are fine with that as an American then I think it is a ridiculous stance given the number of children that die from these type of guns each year. I'd rather see kids dealing crack than guns, at least crackheads only kill themselves.

@ Electric Fetus,

The fact is Trayvon Martin did buy and sell illegal handguns. We see this in his own words conducting gun transactions (see post # 521). You can try to make this kid sound like a perfect child all you like, but he dealt in firearms, drugs, fighting, and his own mother did not want him at home. I do not think he is the best poster child for a cause of promoting racial discrimination. If anything you are publicizing a child who is exactly the opposite of the way blacks want blacks portrayed (I wouldn't want people comparing Trayvon to me if I was Black).

Your "surveys" are funny. You can get a survey to show just about anything you want. You say blacks use marijuana less than blacks by an average of 5-10% in each year. How was this measured? You yourself point out that the arrest rate for Marijuana possession is much higher among blacks, but when questioned blacks "SAY" they do not do drugs 5-10% more.

I have been to Jamaica. I know marijuana is not considered bad there. I actually think Marijuana seems better for our society than booze although I do not use either. My main beef with Trayvon is A) He bough and sold illegal handguns on the street and B) He wanted more blood from his victim who he'd previously beaten up. Even Clinton has done pot, and something killed off George bush Jr's brain cells.

Zimmerman did not walk up to Trayvon and point a gun, nor did he just shoot the guy. There was a prolonged fistfight that went on for a long enough time that several neighbors had dialed 911. Zimmerman did not use the gun to defend himself during any part of the fight. It was only at the end of this fight that the gun was involved and there were witnesses. Judge Dredd .... really?

What of other minority groups? Are they considered Black? If I counted Middle Eastern, India, Pakistan, etc minority groups as black also then really many cities are vastly outnumbering minority to white populations.

In my city for example if whites were arrested for 1/2 of the crimes it would be grossly unfair because whites make up less than 25% of the population if we go by a previously mentioned one drop rule it is less than that.

@ Electric Fetus (continued),

Your picture above says "Young black men make up 25%+ of all city stops by police" and then it says they are less than 2% of the population. Seriously?
You expect anybody here to believe that young black men make up less than 2% of New York Cities population? I am not even going to google that because common sense tells me that those figures are ridiculous.

I am sure there are a few minorities out there who blame racism every time they are pulled over. Maybe the police are just doing their jobs. I am sure there are some minorities out there who blame racism every time they get turned down for a job. Racism is declining and we see mixed marriages on the rise in every city.

I think the black community needs a better martyr than Trayvon. He is the last guy on earth people should be looking at as an average black person.

It shocks me how many of you support his violent and criminal lifestyle.
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Mod Hat — Intervention

Mod Hat — Intervention

This digression ends now.

KWHilborn said:

I started a discussion thread about this, but Tiassa buried it in the CESSPOOL before anyone could see.


(1) You were given multiple opportunities to lay out your objection in the complaint thread, but chose to not do so.

(2) Learn how to cuss at Sciforums. You're not very good at it.

(3) Given that the record still exists, don't try to con people by misrepresenting it.

(4) This thread is not about you.​

Easy enough? Good.
You seem to know a great deal with a high degree of certainty.
You say:
"These were street guns with no registered serial numbers, etc."

How do you know that? Is that in the transcripts?
Obama's Quandary

Captain Kremmen said:

Obama is a politician. A conman.
He's decided that there is more political capital in this instance in supporting the black POV than the white one.
His moral qualms don't prevent him from sending in thousands of drone attacks to kill civilians,
or spying on his own citizens, or keeping Guantanamo open.Do they?

He should be calming the situation, not attempting to get "Brother points"

In the end, it comes down to whether or not he ever should have said anything about this case, ever, at all.

Was this a big enough event in the U.S. that a president—any president—should check in?

If the answer is no, then we have our answer and can figure out that quandary.

If the answer is yes, then what is he supposed to say? He's President of the United States. Does he come out and ignore the longstanding complaints of the black community?

Therein lies the quandary. He's the first black president; racial issues are flaring up. If he's going to speak at all, why should he ignore black people? If his life experience offers him insight into the situation, should he omit that specifically because ... well, why?

In the end, the question is whether he should have said anything at all, ever, about this case. For President Obama, that is a necessary question. For the rest of us, it is a political one.

However, if that answer is yes, this is within the things a president should enter the discourse about, I don't get how any president should come out and give a calming speech that ignores black people.

What was he supposed to say? As I see it, the only other answer is, "Nothing at all." And perhaps that would have been better, but like I said, that's a political question, and gets into all sorts of sticky things about former presidents invoking life experiences—military service, religious faith, &c.—in any context relevant to their jobs. That is to say, isolating the circumstantial differences separating Obama's remarks and reasons from anything President Bush ever said, or Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter, and any president before him, would be one of those logical exercises at the end of which we might reasonably observe, "Wow, that's a lot of moving parts." There are more constrictions in that discussion than the Wonderbras of our local lingerie football team.
Obama could have opposed the law that gave Zimmerman the confidence to follow Martin around,
knowing he had backup in his pocket.
Zimmerman was "standing his ground" because that statute allowed him to.
It allowed him to become a vigilante, with a license to kill.

I still think he may have been guilty of something, legally, perhaps manslaughter.
That's what he should have been tried for.
The police told him to leave Martin alone didn't they?
I won't address anyone specifically, because I've heard this brought up in offline discussions with a few of my friends. Some of my friends are of the mindset, that Treyvon Martin's 'history' somehow has something to do with the overall verdict.

The history of Treyvon Martin, never came into the court case against George Zimmerman, as has been thoroughly discussed here.. The jury merely deliberated on the facts of what happened during the fateful night in question, when GZ decided to follow TM, through the neighborhood, for what many of us deem as 'no apparent reason.'

In discussing this with a friend of mine offline, who is gravely angry with me, but sorry...truth hurts sometimes...I've come to the conclusion that pepole who continuously bring up TM's prior history of drugs and street guns (as my friend does), are doing so because they believe that GZ's actions caused 'one less thug to be on the streets.' I think to pretend to not believe that, insults everyone's intelligence ...

The problem with this type of thinking, is that we look at a person's actions as to what gives them worth, as a human being. I'm not advocating violence, crimes, drug use, etc. What I'm trying to get at is, Treyvon Martin's life isn't worth any less than George Zimmerman's, simply because he made some bad decisions in his life. People who bring up Treyvon's questionable past, do so because they view people's worth to society, in general, as the sum total of their actions. That Treyvon Martin's death was somehow justifiable, not because it was in self defense on GZ's side, but rather because we judge people on the sum total of their actions, prior and present. To bring up Treyvon's past, THAT HAD NO BEARING ON THE CASE AT HAND, tells me that the person doing so, does so, because he/she feels that Treyvon would eventually, 'probably' hurt someone, based on the volatile actions of his past behaviors. That is a mere assumption, and not based on fact. Now, we can connect dots and say it's possible. But, for the sake of this case, some here in this thread, are presuming that because of Treyvon's past, he 'most likely' was up to no good that night when GZ followed him.

Race plays a huge part also in this...when we look society, and the intrinsic value of people.

This to me, is more of what is at the root of the tensions with the GZ case. We can see this illustrated very blatantly, when we see 'breaking news' alerts that a white cute little kid has gone missing. We rarely if ever see the same news coverage, when african american kids 'go missing.' (or are murdered, kidnapped, etc) Why is this? Could it be that subtly, society as a whole, places a larger emphasis on whose life has more value?

If Treyvon Martin was a white kid, on the football team, straight a student, but high that night...and assaulted GZ, we would be seeing a very different outcome to the case. Upper middle class/wealthy white kids are doing drugs, and selling them, just like their peers from middle to lower income households. Excuses are made for white kids however, as to why they end up in trouble. African American kids who 'get in trouble' are not given the same 'leeway.'

The only reason someone has for continuously bringing up Treyvon Martin's prior history, is to justify his death. His death was justified in their eyes, because he was a 'thug.' Not because the case was air tight with substantial evidence to support why GZ shot Martin. No, it is because some people see Martin as a threat to society based on his prior actions, and therefore he was probably 'up to no good' that night, walking through GZ's neighborhood. Throw race into the mix, and the same type of person feels that GZ did a 'good deed.'

That's to me what is not being talked about enough, in these conversations. But, that to me, is what is at its core for many, when bringing up Martin's past of drugs, and guns.
I'm not pointing fingers, but please stop bringing up Treyvon Martin's history of guns and drugs, because it has nothing to do with this case, and why GZ shot him. It has to do with your own justification of why you feel GZ acted 'righteously,' in shooting Treyvon Martin.
@ Captain Kremmen,

If you are going to take the "He was not convicted in aa court of law stance" about Trayvon then you will be correct. The discussion surrounding the .38 indicated a price, and opportunity for customers to share. No legal gun transaction allows you to share a gun with someone. The transaction regarding the .22 caliber revolver discussed money and a meeting place (gym).

I am willing to believe he was not mr innocent based on crimes we have seen from police and school reports as well as his texts. These crimes include Dealing Guns, Drug offences, Beating up snitches, Vandalism (Graffiti), Possessing "Burglary tool" (from CNN news and defense release), Possession of stolen Jewelry (seized by school and police according to released police and school documents and published on CNN).

Maybe he was a typical black teenager just walking home, but if that were true it would seem we are doomed.

The police did not say "stop following him", they said "we don't need you to do that" when they realized he was following them. If you were head of your neighborhood watch and some kid was standing around (not walking home according to first call) looking at people homes in the rain. would you let them out of your sight, or would you just ignore it?

NOTE: I also noticed the police asked the race of person and Zimmerman said "I think he is black". Then a minute later when he got a better look he confirmed it into the phone saying "He is black." . Up until that confirmation Zimmerman was not sure the race of Trayvon including when he placed the call.
Listen yourself ... (original call below)

He says "I think he is black at 28 seconds in", BUT HE DOes not know for sure until he confirms it at 1:08 of this tape saying "He is a black male". He obviously did not know for sure the race of Trayvon until after he was on the phone with police. I think this is actually important and am surprised nobody else noticed this.

@ Tiassa

(1) You were given multiple opportunities to lay out your objection in the complaint thread, but chose to not do so.

I am satisfied with my statements and responses on that thread. I think the objection of your anti-"WHITEY" racism was fairly clear and understood by all. In over a decade that was my third ban and likely deserved one for other things but not that.

I have in the past complained about other moderators there, but most of them were intelligent enough to realize policing complaints about yourself is a little sly and devious given the amount of bias they must feel towards that thread. It is interesting that you had no qualms about trying to hide your actions.

(2) Learn how to cuss at Sciforums. You're not very good at it.

Dang! I thought you taught me well. I cannot recall cussing as much, but was only following your example. LMFAO.

Come on! That was some of the best cussing ever!

(3) Given that the record still exists, don't try to con people by misrepresenting it.

It should still be in Open Government in my opinion, but I'm sure 1000+ views was enough for that thread. I think your bias and temper were evident (unless it really was your stupidity in which case I apologize a bit).

(4) This thread is not about you.

You are the one who has tried to FORCE YOUR OPINIONS. Anybody arguing against you is deemed a racist by you or banned for no legitimate reason (want to argue this more?)..

This digression ends now.


Since it was mostly your digressions it remain to be seen. I am willing to bet you won't leave it alone. You have too strong a temperament.
I am willing to believe he was not mr innocent based on crimes we have seen from police and school reports as well as his texts. These crimes include Dealing Guns, Drug offences, Beating up snitches, Vandalism (Graffiti), Possessing "Burglary tool" (from CNN news and defense release), Possession of stolen Jewelry (seized by school and police according to released police and school documents and published on CNN).

Maybe he was a typical black teenager just walking home, but if that were true it would seem we are doomed.

This right here illustrates my point. No one ever claimed that Treyvon Martin was a choir boy, but even so...does his life have less value than say yours? Because he made some bad decisions along the way? What does this have to do with the case against GZ? Nothing. It has everything to do with why some people are thankful for what GZ did. (and many don't even care if GZ was in the right, so long as kids 'like Treyvon Martin' are rid of)