George Zimmerman found Not Guilty.

I Don't Blame Canada

ElectricFetus said:

With that kind of logic we should execute most of the black population.

Careful with that one. Remember who you're dealing with, and consider carefully whether you can reasonably expect him to comprehend what you're saying.

Here's a fun comparison, though:

• What do you call it when two white guys in college kidnap a female school- and team-mate in order to force her to participate in an ad hoc fake religious ritual? You call it youthful indiscretion, or otherwise blame it on being young and stupid.

• What do you call it when a white guy in his thirties publishes racist rants against blacks and hispanics? You call it youthful indiscretion, or otherwise blame it on being young and stupid, despite the fact that he continued this behavior up until public concern about his place on your senate staff obliges you to terminate this particular business relationship.

• What do you call it when a white guy in his forties has a drinking problem, and possibly a drug problem as well? Youthful indiscretion.​

Now let's check the other side of this spectrum:

• What do you call it when a seventeen year-old black male acts like a teenager? Thuggery. Justification for killing, especially when such information is unknown to the killer and therefore irrelevant.​

Meanwhile, remember that our neighbor from the Northland is contextually challenged; see posts #425 427. I would say it is surprising that I should need to explain—

It's not my solution. It's not even a solution. In the United States, "The Talk" Mudede describes a black father having with his son is an acknowledgment of reality, a necessary bit of instruction on behalf of the young man's survival.​

—except, in truth, it isn't. Sadly, we can expect the sort of rhetorical sleights we saw from our neighbor whenever we deal with such racists.

So my caution to you is that you should expect, at some point in the future, whether in this discussion or another, to see your statement thrown back in your face, but lacking the first five words in the sentence.
Do you have any evidence that white vandals are a "chronic complaint with law enforcement across the nation in communities of color"? Yet somehow the burden of proof lies on WWYD and you can make such statements without any. Also you still have not answer my questions about how any "reverse" racism against whites somehow negates racism against everyone else.

You completely misunderstand my point.

You complain because you think its racism that people dont call the cops on white vandals in a white community.
I complain that WWYD presents only one side of the many combinations.
I used the well known issue of crime in black communities being under reported (and you can look up the outreach efforts in minority communities of Minnesota for a local reference).

The burden of proof Does lie with WWYD to show that this is a white only issue. They dont that I am aware of but that is called biased reporting. It isnt a white only issue and it isnt racism as to why people of All Colors dont call the police on the troublemakers.
@ Electric Fetus and Tiassa,

If average teenagers in your neck of the woods hit teachers, buy illegal firearms, do drugs, beat people up for fun and are sad when not enough blood shows, and are kicked out of their homes, kicked out of school ...

Then you have serious problems.

• What do you call it when two white guys in college kidnap a female school- and team-mate in order to force her to participate in an ad hoc fake religious ritual? You call it youthful indiscretion, or otherwise blame it on being young and stupid.

This would depend on the relationship of the three. University has a history of wacky initiation rituals although most are banned now. I would need more information on this one.

• What do you call it when a white guy in his thirties publishes racist rants against blacks and Hispanics? You call it youthful indiscretion, or otherwise blame it on being young and stupid, despite the fact that he continued this behavior up until public concern about his place on your senate staff obliges you to terminate this particular business relationship.

I'd think he was a a racist and tell him off. I'd also likely be involved in protesting against the publishing agency if it was a newspaper, etc.

• What do you call it when a white guy in his forties has a drinking problem, and possibly a drug problem as well? Youthful indiscretion.
I'd label him an addict and although I may throw money in his cup, I'd not allow him near my family or possessions. Addicts are not real people anymore and will in many cases hurt their own loved ones for a fix.

• What do you call it when a seventeen year-old black male acts like a teenager? Thuggery. Justification for killing, especially when such information is unknown to the killer and therefore irrelevant.

So hitting teachers, negotiating for weapons, drug abuse, and getting kicked out of school and home is normal teenage behavior? I quite honestly did none of these and did not know it was normal. The jury that found Zimmerman innocent also knew none of those facts as they were inadmissible. I now think Trayvon attacked Zimmerman but agree Zimmerman should not have been following even though he was neighborhood watch.

@ Electric Fetus,
With that kind of logic we should execute most of the black population. What happen to "innocent until proven guilty"

I doubt most of the black population hits their teachers.
I doubt most of the black population uses guns and negotiates illegal gun deals.
I doubt most of the black population is sad when they beat someone up and don't see enough blood.
I doubt most of the black population was kicked out of their home at age 17
I doubt most of the black population was kicked out of their own home at age 17
I doubt most of the black population are druggies.

4/6 above are real crimes, 3 of which are violent in nature. If you want to execute anybody (White or Black) who does all of these I think it would be extreme, but you have my vote. Maybe less children will be gunned down on swing sets.

His texts PROVE all of the above were true. I had assumed he was just an average kid walking home until I saw the investigative report last night. I did think innocent, but now he is proved guilty of all of the above.

We know he knew enough mixed martial arts that another kid wanted training from him, and Zimmerman claimed and was witnessed being attacked.

No Trayvon was guilty of real crimes. Your logic is flawed. I refuse to believe anyone here thinks those things are NORMAL teenage behavior.

If you want to support anti racism then pick a better Martyr. Rodney King or someone, but please. Once the above facts start becoming common knowledge people will be happy he's dead. Normal teenager my ass.

Be Honest, did either of you know these facts before I posted them?

Do you honestly think that is normal teenage behavior?
kwhilborn said:
If you want to believe hearsay from your friend who heard a rumor once long ago then go ahead, but I know this group you speak of is a fabrication
I've never been to Toronto. All I know is that the woman I was living with at the time went to Toronto for a job interview, and came back with serious doubts about the neighborhood she was likely to be living in, partly because of the presence of racist thugs. I guarantee you she thought they existed, from visiting the place.

As far as what you "know", you have somehow come to the conclusion that Trayvon Martin's background and character are central issues in Zimmerman's harassment and killing of him, despite the plain fact that Zimmerman didn't know any of that stuff. You "know" that Zimmerman is not racist, and you "know" that Zimmerman's lack of unusual personal racism (outside the norm) is the only racial factor of any importance in this event. You "know" that Zimmerman was seriously assaulted (despite the lack of physical evidence and the forensic examiner at the trial stating that what evidence there was contradicted every one of Zimmerman's several and mutually conflicting versions of events). You "know" a lot of stuff that to me undermines your assurances about racial harmony in Toronto regardless of how sheltered a life you've led - a matter I never brought up.

kwhilborn said:
I now think the kid was looking to break into a house or hurt someone based on his violent attitude and "gangsta"ness. Zimmerman new that
Since Zimmerman did not know anything about Martin's incriminating past, how did Zimmerman "know" what you "know" from it?

kwhilborn said:
In my day we may have pretended to shoot people with our fingers, but never actually made gun deals.
NOTE: This was a gun deal negotiation, not just pretend talk. I do not even know anyone with a handgun except online.
The only person involved in this event we know for sure made a gun deal, had a handgun, carried it around on his person loaded and apparently with the safety off, and was inclined to start violent confrontations with his gun as backup, was Zimmerman. Why isn't your gun phobia directed at him?

kwhilborn said:
I now think Trayvon attacked Zimmerman but agree Zimmerman should not have been following even though he was neighborhood watch.
What's wrong with Trayvon "attacking" Zimmerman? Wasn't he justified, entitled to self defense? I would have been. The thing about angry white guys following people down the street in pickup trucks late at night for no apparent reason - when they get out of their trucks, they're looking for trouble.

And the kicker, of course - the police did not arrest Zimmerman, did not investigate his original story or his modified versions, did not treat him as the perpetrator of a killing that needed justification. Zimmerman was given many weeks and lots of information to get his story in order, for starters - any cop will tell you that is a serious mistake if a crime may be involved.
So hitting teachers, negotiating for weapons, drug abuse, and getting kicked out of school and home is normal teenage behavior? I quite honestly did none of these and did not know it was normal. The jury that found Zimmerman innocent also knew none of those facts as they were inadmissible. I now think Trayvon attacked Zimmerman but agree Zimmerman should not have been following even though he was neighborhood watch.

@ Electric Fetus,

I doubt most of the black population hits their teachers.
I doubt most of the black population uses guns and negotiates illegal gun deals.
I doubt most of the black population is sad when they beat someone up and don't see enough blood.
I doubt most of the black population was kicked out of their home at age 17
I doubt most of the black population was kicked out of their own home at age 17
I doubt most of the black population are druggies.

4/6 above are real crimes, 3 of which are violent in nature. If you want to execute anybody (White or Black) who does all of these I think it would be extreme, but you have my vote. Maybe less children will be gunned down on swing sets.

His texts PROVE all of the above were true. I had assumed he was just an average kid walking home until I saw the investigative report last night. I did think innocent, but now he is proved guilty of all of the above.

We know he knew enough mixed martial arts that another kid wanted training from him, and Zimmerman claimed and was witnessed being attacked.

No Trayvon was guilty of real crimes. Your logic is flawed. I refuse to believe anyone here thinks those things are NORMAL teenage behavior.

If you want to support anti racism then pick a better Martyr. Rodney King or someone, but please. Once the above facts start becoming common knowledge people will be happy he's dead. Normal teenager my ass.

Be Honest, did either of you know these facts before I posted them?

Do you honestly think that is normal teenage behavior?
Firstly, Zimmerman was not on duty that night. He wasn't meant to be patrolling the streets. He was not wearing anything that identified him as Neighbourhood Watch. He was also armed, which is a huge no no for Neighbourhood Watch (guns are not allowed on patrol), not to mention he actively got involved by getting out of his car and following Martin, which if he even was Neighbourhood Watch, is not what anyone on Neighbourhood Watch is meant to do.

As for Martin, I'm sorry, but since when does the victim of a shooting suddenly become guilty of a crime he did not commit against Zimmerman?

He had done nothing wrong that night when Zimmerman started to follow him in his car and then on foot. He was walking home. Unless of course you are going to claim that walking home as a black person is now enough of a crime that it warrants armed men chasing you in a car and then on foot? For someone you are now claiming is a criminal, he was not armed, he had no drugs or drug paraphernalia on his person. Perhaps you can explain to me why a man who once physically assaulted a police officer - so much so that he underwent anger management classes as a part of his punishment when it got to court, was allowed to own a gun in the first place? Or why a man who was accused and had a restraining order placed against him for domestic abuse was allowed to own a gun in the first place?

Martin was never charged or found guilty of any crimes. The only crime he is being found guilty of by you and others of your ilk is that of being black and fitting the stereotype you have of black people. The night he was killed, the night Zimmerman followed and then shot him, he had done nothing wrong.

List the crimes Martin was guilty of when he was walking home the night Zimmerman decided to follow him. What was he doing wrong at that particular time? What crime had he committed that warranted a Neighbourhood Watch to act as judge, jury and executioner?

But your accusation of guilt and assigning this guilt to Martin and condoning his murder because you believe he is guilty of something he may have done which was not related to that night is nothing new. It is what whites used to do all the time... 'Fucking Nigger is guilty of something, just hang him'.. It's what people with your attitude used to do to black people all the time. Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.
since Zimmerman did not know anything about Martin's incriminating past, how did Zimmerman "know" what you "know" from it?

I know.

- Trayvon did not have enough money to buy the gun he wanted.

- I know he was negotiating for an illegal weapon. He even said he might just get a .38 off a cop.

- I know he trains as a fighter and trains others.

- I know he was upset he only made his opponent bleed a little bit from the nose.

- I know he uses drugs.

- I know his own mother tossed him out of the house

- I know he was kicked out of his school

- I know he calls himself a "gangsta"

I think Zimmerman did not know these things, but recognized a prowler when he saw one. Trayvon had a criminal history of breaking into peoples house before, it is possible he was doing it again. This kid had no job yet had enough money for drugs and guns. I think Trayvon was a criminal (THAT HIS TEXTS PROVE TO US HE IS) looking for a house to break into and steal from. Had he been gunned down by another thug (like him) we would never have heard his name.

Honestly you are picking a great Martyr here. Using Trayvon as a Martyr is like saying "here is one of our best young men gunned down in his prime", when he is obviously (proven to be by texts actually) a violent criminal.

It was the evidence on Trayvon Martin’s cellphone that is actually proof that he was violent and enjoyed fights. Text messages to his friends proved that he wanted to see his victims bleeding, and even claimed one person he had beaten, “there was not enough blood” (words to that effect).

You people are defending someone that sounds like a lunatic and potential monster.

@ Bells,

Trayvon had a history of breaking into peoples houses and stealing valuables.

From the facts we do know Trayvon had recently done violent criminal acts (fighting, hitting teacher, attempting to purchase illegal firearms, drugs, etc).

You say he was walking home. I thought that as well, until I watched the report last night and realized Trayvon was a little hoodlum (What his friend called him).

Why do you think Trayvon was walking home? The 911 call said Trayvon was checking out the houses and acting erratic. He was approaching Zimmerman with his hand in waistband, and then ran off.

But your accusation of guilt and assigning this guilt to Martin and condoning his murder because you believe he is guilty of something he may have done which was not related to that night is nothing new

Hey Dingbat! I did not accuse him of these crimes. He admitted them in his texts. Did you even read his texts?


He is guilty of negotiating for an illegal Firearm.
He is guilty of drug abuse.
He is guilty of Fighting someone.
He is guilty of hitting a teacher.

List the crimes Martin was guilty of when he was walking home the night Zimmerman decided to follow him.

All of the above and he had THC (Drugs) in his system.

His own mother rejected him.

I DID NO ACCUSING. THESE ARE VIOLENT CRIMES HE FREELY ADMITS TO WITHIN A FEW DAYS PRIOR TO THIS. Martin had been suspended twice already that school year for offenses that should have gotten him arrested – once for getting caught with a burglary tool and a dozen items of female jewelry, the second time for getting caught with marijuana and a marijuana pipe.

So let me get this straight ...

This was a self proclaimed Gangsta, who is admittedly guilty of Assault causing bodily harm, Drugs, and attempts to purchase illegal guns. Who was previously suspended from school for having burglary tools and a dozen female jewelry items in his possession, the jewelry in question has been returned to the legal owner. The house that was burgled was close to the High School that he attended. This Gangsta was picked out from Neighborhood watch for suspicious behavior as described to police.

None of this walking straight home crap. He was unemployed and raising money for a gun or whatever.


Pick a better Martyr, this kid was a hood and likely got what was coming. At least he died stoned.


picture taken on Trayvons phone the day of killing.

Zimmerman is from Spanish decent. If I were to ask Tiassa she would say he was not white (because of all the Spanish drops and whatnots). Even calling Zimmerman white could be considered racist.

Look I do not think Zimmerman should have been armed or even following Trayvon, especially after the police said not to, but I also do not think Trayvon was walking home. He may not have been arrested for his crimes, but his cellphone has too many admissions on it to ignore.





Note: The police knew Trayvon had a recent history of burglarizing homes, perhaps this lent creedence to the Zimmerman version of events. Maybe if you don't want police to think you are a crook, don't be a crook.

FINALLY: I would think the same of any crook/gangsta/hood who had a history of breaking into peoples homes and stealing their stuff, especially if they are violent criminals (proven by texts) and drug abusers. Yes; even if the kid was pale white.

I will go further and say even if the kid was my own. I would think I was a bad parent if my kid died this way (or did any of that bad stuff) more than I would blame anyone.
Last edited:
Only the bad kids ever hit a teacher.

Only the bad kids got kicked out of their own mothers house.

Only the bad kids got kicked out of school.

Only the bad kids did drugs all the time.
And a lot of those bad kids were being abused at home - statistically Trayvon was spanked as a form of 'discipline' and this would have taught him the lesson "Larger people hit littler people" and the "Hitting people is an acceptable means of solving problems". Statistically, not having a father at home, is one of the leading indicators that a child will drop out of school and end up in prison (incidentally, the State pays the mother MORE if the father is not married to her AND is in prison, you can probably guess how this plays out in a sour relationship). It's not uncommon, now, for Public schools to graduate functionally illiterate kids into a Central Planned economy with no place at the table for them. Thanks to minimum wage laws, they're not even competitive for those low-end jobs. It's little wonder many turn to selling drugs (just think, if they had an MD, they could prescribe synthetic heroine for 'pain relief' all day long).
I know.

- Trayvon did not have enough money to buy the gun he wanted.

- I know he was negotiating for an illegal weapon. He even said he might just get a .38 off a cop.

- I know he trains as a fighter and trains others.

- I know he was upset he only made his opponent bleed a little bit from the nose.

- I know he uses drugs.

- I know his own mother tossed him out of the house

- I know he was kicked out of his school

- I know he calls himself a "gangsta"

I think Zimmerman did not know these things, but recognized a prowler when he saw one. Trayvon had a criminal history of breaking into peoples house before, it is possible he was doing it again. This kid had no job yet had enough money for drugs and guns. I think Trayvon was a criminal (THAT HIS TEXTS PROVE TO US HE IS) looking for a house to break into and steal from. Had he been gunned down by another thug (like him) we would never have heard his name.

Honestly you are picking a great Martyr here. Using Trayvon as a Martyr is like saying "here is one of our best young men gunned down in his prime", when he is obviously (proven to be by texts actually) a violent criminal.

It was the evidence on Trayvon Martin’s cellphone that is actually proof that he was violent and enjoyed fights. Text messages to his friends proved that he wanted to see his victims bleeding, and even claimed one person he had beaten, “there was not enough blood” (words to that effect).

You people are defending someone that sounds like a lunatic and potential monster.

@ Bells,

Trayvon had a history of breaking into peoples houses and stealing valuables.

From the facts we do know Trayvon had recently done violent criminal acts (fighting, hitting teacher, attempting to purchase illegal firearms, drugs, etc).

You say he was walking home. I thought that as well, until I watched the report last night and realized Trayvon was a little hoodlum (What his friend called him).

Why do you think Trayvon was walking home? The 911 call said Trayvon was checking out the houses and acting erratic. He was approaching Zimmerman with his hand in waistband, and then ran off.

Hey Dingbat! I did not accuse him of these crimes. He admitted them in his texts. Did you even read his texts?


He is guilty of negotiating for an illegal Firearm.
He is guilty of drug abuse.
He is guilty of Fighting someone.
He is guilty of hitting a teacher.

All of the above and he had THC (Drugs) in his system.

His own mother rejected him.

I DID NO ACCUSING. THESE ARE VIOLENT CRIMES HE FREELY ADMITS TO WITHIN A FEW DAYS PRIOR TO THIS. Martin had been suspended twice already that school year for offenses that should have gotten him arrested – once for getting caught with a burglary tool and a dozen items of female jewelry, the second time for getting caught with marijuana and a marijuana pipe.

So let me get this straight ...

This was a self proclaimed Gangsta, who is admittedly guilty of Assault causing bodily harm, Drugs, and attempts to purchase illegal guns. Who was previously suspended from school for having burglary tools and a dozen female jewelry items in his possession, the jewelry in question has been returned to the legal owner. The house that was burgled was close to the High School that he attended. This Gangsta was picked out from Neighborhood watch for suspicious behavior as described to police.

None of this walking straight home crap. He was unemployed and raising money for a gun or whatever.


Pick a better Martyr, this kid was a hood and likely got what was coming. At least he died stoned.


picture taken on Trayvons phone the day of killing.

Zimmerman is from Spanish decent. If I were to ask Tiassa she would say he was not white (because of all the Spanish drops and whatnots). Even calling Zimmerman white could be considered racist.

Look I do not think Zimmerman should have been armed or even following Trayvon, especially after the police said not to, but I also do not think Trayvon was walking home. He may not have been arrested for his crimes, but his cellphone has too many admissions on it to ignore.





Note: The police knew Trayvon had a recent history of burglarizing homes, perhaps this lent creedence to the Zimmerman version of events. Maybe if you don't want police to think you are a crook, don't be a crook.

FINALLY: I would think the same of any crook/gangsta/hood who had a history of breaking into peoples homes and stealing their stuff, especially if they are violent criminals (proven by texts) and drug abusers. Yes; even if the kid was pale white.

I will go further and say even if the kid was my own. I would think I was a bad parent if my kid died this way (or did any of that bad stuff) more than I would blame anyone.

You can put it in bold as much as you want. You still have no proof that Zimmerman knew any of these things. Unless of course you are going to claim that Zimmerman is clairvoyant? Or was his racist white senses tingling?

What is also fact is that Zimmerman was not on duty the night he stalked Martin in his car and then on foot. It is also fact that Zimmerman ignored requests to not follow Martin from the police. It is also fact that Zimmerman was armed and Martin was not. It is also fact that there is no proof that Martin was doing anything wrong or that would illicit suspicion that night.

Now, you claim that Martin is guilty of all of these crimes.. He was never charged, let alone faced court to be deemed guilty. I take it 'innocent until proven guilty in a court of law' isn't something you prescribe to?

So your words and your argument here is tantamount to attributing Zimmerman as being a vigilante who decides to stalk, follow and shoot unarmed teenagers because he isn't comfortable with how they walk down the street. I suppose for racist hicks like you, once a black person looks suspicious to any of your ilk, they are automatically guilty and deserve the death penalty? Would your argument be any different if Zimmerman had strung Martin up a tree? Or would that just be a tasteless way of killing a 'nigger'? Or would that just be too fucking impolite and offend people's delicate sensibilities?

Because if we were to follow your reasoning here, then Martin was well an truly lynched because he looked guilty, which means that Zimmerman did profile him and deem him someone guilty of something or other and therefore, decided to kill him.. just in case. Which is actually illegal. But hey, it's just some black kid. Who cares right? You believe he was guilty when he had done nothing wrong aside from walking home in the evening. Meanwhile the guy who has a criminal record for assaulting police officers and is known in the system for domestic abuse gets to drive around while armed and gets to shoot black kids... And who gets the special investigation and is deemed guilty? The shooting victim who was walking home with a can of iced tea and a packet of lollies.. Yes.. guilty indeed..
I know.

- Trayvon did not have enough money to buy the gun he wanted.

- I know he was negotiating for an illegal weapon. He even said he might just get a .38 off a cop.

- I know he trains as a fighter and trains others.

- I know he was upset he only made his opponent bleed a little bit from the nose.

- I know he uses drugs.

- I know his own mother tossed him out of the house

- I know he was kicked out of his school

- I know he calls himself a "gangsta"

I think Zimmerman did not know these things, but recognized a prowler when he saw one. Trayvon had a criminal history of breaking into peoples house before, it is possible he was doing it again. This kid had no job yet had enough money for drugs and guns. I think Trayvon was a criminal (THAT HIS TEXTS PROVE TO US HE IS) looking for a house to break into and steal from. Had he been gunned down by another thug (like him) we would never have heard his name.

Honestly you are picking a great Martyr here. Using Trayvon as a Martyr is like saying "here is one of our best young men gunned down in his prime", when he is obviously (proven to be by texts actually) a violent criminal.

It was the evidence on Trayvon Martin’s cellphone that is actually proof that he was violent and enjoyed fights. Text messages to his friends proved that he wanted to see his victims bleeding, and even claimed one person he had beaten, “there was not enough blood” (words to that effect).

You people are defending someone that sounds like a lunatic and potential monster.

@ Bells,

Trayvon had a history of breaking into peoples houses and stealing valuables.

From the facts we do know Trayvon had recently done violent criminal acts (fighting, hitting teacher, attempting to purchase illegal firearms, drugs, etc).

You say he was walking home. I thought that as well, until I watched the report last night and realized Trayvon was a little hoodlum (What his friend called him).

Why do you think Trayvon was walking home? The 911 call said Trayvon was checking out the houses and acting erratic. He was approaching Zimmerman with his hand in waistband, and then ran off.

Hey Dingbat! I did not accuse him of these crimes. He admitted them in his texts. Did you even read his texts?


He is guilty of negotiating for an illegal Firearm.
He is guilty of drug abuse.
He is guilty of Fighting someone.
He is guilty of hitting a teacher.

All of the above and he had THC (Drugs) in his system.

His own mother rejected him.

I DID NO ACCUSING. THESE ARE VIOLENT CRIMES HE FREELY ADMITS TO WITHIN A FEW DAYS PRIOR TO THIS. Martin had been suspended twice already that school year for offenses that should have gotten him arrested – once for getting caught with a burglary tool and a dozen items of female jewelry, the second time for getting caught with marijuana and a marijuana pipe.

So let me get this straight ...

This was a self proclaimed Gangsta, who is admittedly guilty of Assault causing bodily harm, Drugs, and attempts to purchase illegal guns. Who was previously suspended from school for having burglary tools and a dozen female jewelry items in his possession, the jewelry in question has been returned to the legal owner. The house that was burgled was close to the High School that he attended. This Gangsta was picked out from Neighborhood watch for suspicious behavior as described to police.

None of this walking straight home crap. He was unemployed and raising money for a gun or whatever.


Pick a better Martyr, this kid was a hood and likely got what was coming. At least he died stoned.


picture taken on Trayvons phone the day of killing.

Zimmerman is from Spanish decent. If I were to ask Tiassa she would say he was not white (because of all the Spanish drops and whatnots). Even calling Zimmerman white could be considered racist.

Look I do not think Zimmerman should have been armed or even following Trayvon, especially after the police said not to, but I also do not think Trayvon was walking home. He may not have been arrested for his crimes, but his cellphone has too many admissions on it to ignore.





Note: The police knew Trayvon had a recent history of burglarizing homes, perhaps this lent creedence to the Zimmerman version of events. Maybe if you don't want police to think you are a crook, don't be a crook.

FINALLY: I would think the same of any crook/gangsta/hood who had a history of breaking into peoples homes and stealing their stuff, especially if they are violent criminals (proven by texts) and drug abusers. Yes; even if the kid was pale white.

I will go further and say even if the kid was my own. I would think I was a bad parent if my kid died this way (or did any of that bad stuff) more than I would blame anyone.

What a load of racist crap. Do you have proof of any of those allegations? Where is the poof that Martin broke into homes and burglarized them? Martin did have trace amounts of THC in his system. If anything THC makes people mellow and not violent. Two, it doesn't mean he smoked it. It means he was around the drug. Hell the same could have been said of me in my youth. I was never a drug user, but I was around some who were when I was in the service. So my blood would have showed trace amounts of THC too even though I was not a drug user.

Tiassa by the way is a he.
In Honor of Lester Cowens

Bells said:

You can put it in bold as much as you want. You still have no proof that Zimmerman knew any of these things. Unless of course you are going to claim that Zimmerman is clairvoyant? Or was his racist white senses tingling?

No, it's not any Whitey Senses. He's just the Canadian Cowens. Maybe we only left Zimmerman a nigger, but at least he shot them all a nigger.

And that's all that's really important to our neighbor from Toronto.
Its funny how some of you have turned me into a racist here, when I am likely the least racist person I know and have a mixed family, etc.

@ Joepistole,

Trayvons criminal history is no secret and police and school officials testified as to what was true or not. Trayvon returned the jewels and was let off. The Sheriff of that district was fired over this incident as many now feel he should have been prosecuted to the full extent of the law. This was why he was PREVIOUSLY kicked out of school that year.

Why? Where do you get your information from, some fantasy world? TRY READING.

@ Joepistole,

He has photos of a joint in his mouth and blowing pot smoke out of his mouth on his phone.. google it it is all over the internet..

nvm.. you're too lazy...

I'll post one here...


Other pictures with joint are online.

so ...

Two, it doesn't mean he smoked it. It means he was around the drug.

@ Joepistole,

First I want to clarrify you are a first class moron. I clearly have said read the texts posted if you want to comment but you seem unaware that he admits to smoking weed, was caught with pipes and weed at school, had pictures of him smoking weed AND had THC in his system.

Yet you are in some sort of denial over it.

Another thing is I ever said it made him violent. The facts that he "wanted more blood" when he beats people up makes him violent. Again these are facts you moron. Just the fact he beats people up and likes it makes him a violent criminal. Hitting a teacher (according to his texts) is assault.

You should try becoming informed before shooting your mouth off like a moron.

so ...


His texts are in his own words dingbat..

@ Tiassa,

No, it's not any Whitey Senses. He's just the Canadian Cowens. Maybe we only left Zimmerman a nigger, but at least he shot them all a nigger.

And that's all that's really important to our neighbor from Toronto.

How about you FUCK RIGHT OFF saying a stupid thing like that. Now I think you're an asshole as well, but not because of your colour.

Of course you are going to meet racism everywhere you go being black, but let me give you a hint. Maybe it's your assholeness that makes people treat you like crap.
Last edited:
Its funny how some of you have turned me into a racist here, when I am likely the least racist person I know and have a mixed family, etc.

@ Joepistole,

Trayvons criminal history is no secret and police and school officials testified as to what was true or not. Trayvon returned the jewels and was let off. The Sheriff of that district was fired over this incident as many now feel he should have been prosecuted to the full extent of the law. This was why he was PREVIOUSLY kicked out of school that year.

Why? Where do you get your information from, some fantasy world? TRY READING.

@ Joepistole,

He has photos of a joint in his mouth and blowing pot smoke out of his mouth on his phone.. google it it is all over the internet..

nvm.. you're too lazy...

I'll post one here...


Other pictures with joint are online.

so ...

How about some credible proofs?
I'm not done with last thread dingbat.... and he admits it in his texts if you learn to read them.

You are denying things Trayvon admitted to in texts, and his criminal history as documented by police and school officials.

You don't even believe phoos of him smoking a joint, blowing smoke, saying he does weed in texts, and having thc in his system...

If you're just going to make up whatever bullshit you like then paint him as a prince, but anyone realistic enough to look at facts and not your fantasyland dingbat make believe world notions will see the truth.

This type of thing is all over the internet.

My family is so-called 'mixed' as well - it's probably why we don't see 'race' the way a racist would. To us it's an ignorant meaningless term. In the USA, circa 1920s, Italians, French, Greeks, English and Germans were all considered different 'races'. This would be considered asinine in the modern age. AND YET, here we are with 'White' and 'Black'. Never mind Zimmerman was part 'Black' (and according to Tiassa's logic was therefor Black), never mind Zimmerman dated a black girl in highschool and took her to the prom, never mind he tutored tutored black kids in his home, never mind he stood up for a black homeless man - nope, he was a 'White-racist' who 'hunted down and murdered an innocent doe-eyed child' - even though a jury of his peers found he wasn't guilty.

There is nothing you can say to people who look at you straight in the eyes and tell you French and Germans are two different 'races'. There's literally nothing you can say to make sense to someone who thinks like this. Nothing. Sure Trayvon was caught with a burglary tool and bag of women's jewelry - just ignore that. Sure he had a recipe for a home-made PCP-like drug called "Lean" (also known as "Skittles") which is made from skittles and iced-tea - just ignore that.

AND whatever you do, do NOT talk about his childhood, do NOT investigate if he was spanked as a form of 'discipline', do NOT talk about children without fathers, do NOT even THINK about discussing the ramifications of Public Schooling on society and community (let alone literacy). No, point at the Fat Hispanic guy with the Peruvian-Black indigenous mother, call him a Racist and put all of the problems of society onto his shoulders.

Much much better to do that rather than take a long look in the mirror.

Roderick Scott, a black man, shot and killed an unarmed 16 year old white teenager, Christopher Cervini, whom he believed was burglarizing a neighbor's car, with a licensed .40 cal. handgun.

There are many similarities between the Scott-Cervini case and the George Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin case in Florida:
(1) In both cases, there had been a spate of criminal activity in the neighborhood.
(2) In both cases, the shooters called 911 to report suspicious activity, yet chose to confront the unarmed suspects outside their residence and off their own property prior to the arrival of the police.
(3) In both cases, the shooters claimed that they felt threatened, and fired in self-defense.
(4) In both cases, local law enforcement applied relevant state law.

Unlike Florida, New York does not have a "stand your ground" law. New York law allows a person to use deadly force to defend his residence from home invasion only as a last resort.
(1) It does not allow the use of deadly force to prevent a property crime, and requires retreat if possible. Thus, while Zimmerman was not arrested under Florida law, Scott was tried for manslaughter.
(2) New York law does allow a person to use deadly force anywhere, including off his own property, if he feels that his life is in imminent danger and retreat is not possible. Despite the fact that he left his own property, confronted, and shot dead an unarmed white person thought to be committing a petty property crime, Scott was acquitted by a majority-white jury after claiming that the Cervini charged at him, putting him in imminent fear of his life.

(1) Despite the racial difference between the shooter and the decedent, there were no allegations of racial bias.
(2) Scott was not charged with a hate crime.
(3) There was no Federal civil rights investigation.
(4) There were no white protests.
(5) The case was settled for what it was: a tragedy caused by a series of poor decisions on behalf of the shooter, and a split-second decision that will forever be second-guessed.
The MSM tells most people what to think. They think it.
Rinse and Repeat.

It's really that simple.
How anyone could bother wasting their time listening to what these morons on the Idiot Box have to say after they helped the Government start two ongoing losing wars is beyond me. But the facts are, they do. Zimmerman will be long forgotten soon enough and replaced with "Living Wage" or other such nonsense soon enough. Regardless, you're not going to make any sense to anyone here by presenting facts.
@ Joepistole,
Believe what you like. If you do not believe the kids own text messages, and photos from his phone where he admits to being a violent criminal.


Send the rest of your comments to


Oh wait..

NO_LIMIT_NIGGA is Trayvon.

His facebook was also filled with people paging him for pot (as if he could possibly be a dealer to).

since you don't want to get your own information and rely only on your fantasy world hallucinations here is a Black Search Engine for all you anti-white dingbats.

Maybe they will have some information you will consider that is more credible than actual evidence.
You completely misunderstand my point.

You complain because you think its racism that people dont call the cops on white vandals in a white community.

Yep that sounds pretty racist! I don't see how changing the race of the vandals or the community changes that.

I complain that WWYD presents only one side of the many combinations.
I used the well known issue of crime in black communities being under reported (and you can look up the outreach efforts in minority communities of Minnesota for a local reference).

So? Does that some how neutralize the racism of white people, just because other human beings a racists?

The burden of proof Does lie with WWYD to show that this is a white only issue.

What, why? does it even matter? racism is racism does not matter the race, now the statistics show that generally everyone but white people are on the receiving end of racism in the states, how is that negated if white people are oppressed, ever? Is not racism the problem to be eliminated? Should we not demand that no matter the race of the vandal or the community that the vandal be called against, why does it matter if all that is present is the case of white people favouring white vandals, how is it only an injustice if the reverse does not happen, but just if black people do the same?

They dont that I am aware of but that is called biased reporting.

WWYD is not a scientific study, just and example.

4/6 above are real crimes, 3 of which are violent in nature. If you want to execute anybody (White or Black) who does all of these I think it would be extreme, but you have my vote. Maybe less children will be gunned down on swing sets.

So fuck innocent until proven guilty: institute death penalty for kids kicked out of their homes or kids who have taken drugs or kids who have bought guns or kids who have hit teachers, no judge and jury either just have psyche "Judge Dread" types running around killing kids left and right because they could read the kids minds and biographies from the ether and just KNOW who should die. I predict far FAR more kids would be gunned down on swing sets as a result, not less.

No Trayvon was guilty of real crimes. Your logic is flawed. I refuse to believe anyone here thinks those things are NORMAL teenage behavior.

That he deserved to die for without judge or jury, without his executioner even knowing? No my logic is quite sound: because if we follow your logic we will have to kill millions of "abnormal" teenagers for crimes we presently do not institute the death penalty for, just shoot them on sight and do so without even knowing their crimes ahead of time. Racism is no longer even the issue with your logic, although blaming the victim is: because he was a young black man that was into gangsta culture he deserved to die by your logic, that isn't simply racist, that no even simply genocidal because you advocate the all out extermination of adolescents for petty crimes and cliche they like without evidence before the execution! I think it would qualify under draconianism perhaps?

Hey why not kill all the old people instead, they just wastes on our resources and time and generally are a racist assholes too, I don't even need to prove this just kill them first and pull up some evidence "During WW2 the executed had collected human ears from Japanese soldiers, he was also living off Social Security and medicare, crimes worthy of death by my logic, I euthanized him quickly with a bullet to the heart while he was walking to his retirment home from a store, also I burned down his retirement home and kill all the old fart inside, extra points!"
I'm not done with last thread dingbat.... and he admits it in his texts if you learn to read them.

You are denying things Trayvon admitted to in texts, and his criminal history as documented by police and school officials.

You don't even believe phoos of him smoking a joint, blowing smoke, saying he does weed in texts, and having thc in his system...

If you're just going to make up whatever bullshit you like then paint him as a prince, but anyone realistic enough to look at facts and not your fantasyland dingbat make believe world notions will see the truth.

This type of thing is all over the internet.

Again, were are the credible proofs? Reposting crap from websites known to routinely post false information does not constitute credible proof of anything.
Be fair, Joe

Joepistole said:

Again, were are the credible proofs?

Oh, come on, Joe. You know that's not fair. He's from Toronto; every time he admits his ignorance about American history, it only makes him more right.
Its funny how some of you have turned me into a racist here, when I am likely the least racist person I know and have a mixed family, etc.

@ Joepistole,

Trayvons criminal history is no secret and police and school officials testified as to what was true or not. Trayvon returned the jewels and was let off. The Sheriff of that district was fired over this incident as many now feel he should have been prosecuted to the full extent of the law. This was why he was PREVIOUSLY kicked out of school that year.

Why? Where do you get your information from, some fantasy world? TRY READING.

@ Joepistole,

He has photos of a joint in his mouth and blowing pot smoke out of his mouth on his phone.. google it it is all over the internet..

nvm.. you're too lazy...

I'll post one here...


Other pictures with joint are online.

so ...

His criminal history has no bearing on why Zimmerman followed him with a gun. And just so you know, he has no criminal history. He was never charged with anything because the police were never able to prove that he had stolen anything. He did not even have a juvenile record.

So you can stop lying now.

You have absolutely no proof about anything you have claimed in this thread about a teenage victim of a shooting. None at all. All you have been doing is trying to perpetuate a racist stereotype to fit into your own racist criteria. Worse still, you have virtually condoned his killing because you believe he was guilty of crimes that were not even connected to Zimmerman. You have claimed, stupid, that Zimmerman somehow knew or recognised him for being a thug... How?

You also claimed things about his teachers and purchasing guns.. Without any proof.. You contradicted his actual teachers, who described him as a creative and intelligent student who was cheerful in class and who was never suspended for bad behaviour or misbehaving. But hey, that doesn't fit into your racist stereotype, does it?

@ Joepistole,

First I want to clarrify you are a first class moron. I clearly have said read the texts posted if you want to comment but you seem unaware that he admits to smoking weed, was caught with pipes and weed at school, had pictures of him smoking weed AND had THC in his system.

Yet you are in some sort of denial over it.

Another thing is I ever said it made him violent. The facts that he "wanted more blood" when he beats people up makes him violent. Again these are facts you moron. Just the fact he beats people up and likes it makes him a violent criminal. Hitting a teacher (according to his texts) is assault.

You should try becoming informed before shooting your mouth off like a moron.

so ...


His texts are in his own words dingbat..

@ Tiassa,

How about you FUCK RIGHT OFF saying a stupid thing like that. Now I think you're an asshole as well, but not because of your colour.

Of course you are going to meet racism everywhere you go being black, but let me give you a hint. Maybe it's your assholeness that makes people treat you like crap.
Oh noes.. He smoked weed like just about every other teenager his age.. What a criminal.

The amount of lies you have spouted to justify your racism is astounding.

Not to mention you just spouted racist insults against another person on this forum because you think he's black..

You have not provided any facts at all. Just copied from sites that are known to be racist and who are known to have made things up. But keep going. At this rate, I don't think anything could dig you out of the hole you just dug for yourself.