Gay rights

so, do you think they should have the age of concent lowered? becasue they want it? i take it you do becasue you avoided the question

no i dont think they should lower the age of consent,i think 16 is low enough.
have you been taking stupid pills?
You have GOT to be kidding LA, lower the age of concent?

So all people atracted to the same sex are pediophiles?
You really are a bigot arnt you

thats not what i am saying, a couple of years ago the gay community wanted the age of cencent lowered to 16, i am not a bigot, i just dont think on the same lines has you i guess.

So all people atracted to the same sex are pediophiles?

and that is NOT what i said, you just want to mix everything up to make your points right and mine wrong, this is a disscusion and we are two differant people who are bound to have differant views on differant things!
LA the age of concent has apsolutly ZIP to do with gay marrage or gay adoption. BTW the age of concent in most states of australia IS 16, ironically enough in some states its 16 for hedrosexuals and 18 for same sex relationships which IS just an example of blatant discrimination. So if this is what your refering to then your right they SHOULD have it the same as everyone else
damn wont you share??

anyway its natural for 2 people to have differant views on somthing,

yes,that is natural.however in this instance it isnt the appear to have no coherent view of your own and are just blurting random stupid comments.
LA the age of concent has apsolutly ZIP to do with gay marrage or gay adoption. BTW the age of concent in most states of australia IS 16, ironically enough in some states its 16 for hedrosexuals and 18 for same sex relationships which IS just an example of blatant discrimination. So if this is what your refering to then your right they SHOULD have it the same as everyone else

i was going to say somthing to that asgaurd but i dont want to offend,

18 is a perfect age for homosexual sex, FFCS asgaurd, anal sex (sorry folks) is not has safe has virginal sex, you can rip the outing skin of the anal passage if it is done to soon!!

Is it safe?
Anal sex, if practised with care, is possible for most couples. It does, however, carry additional health risks and there are safer sexual practices that couples can enjoy. The main health risks, which affect both heterosexual and homosexual couples, are described below.

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV): there is good research evidence that anal intercourse carries a greater risk of transmission of HIV - the virus that can cause acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) than other sexual activities, particularly for the receptive partner.
Human papilloma virus (HPV, wart virus): can be transmitted during anal intercourse and lead to anal warts, which in turn can predispose infected individuals to cancer of the anal canal.
Hepatitis A (infectious hepatitis): is a viral infection that can cause jaundice and abdominal pain. It is not usually a serious illness, although sufferers can feel very ill. It can be transmitted by oral-anal contact.
Hepatitis C: is a cause of progressive and sometimes fatal chronic liver disease. It may be transmitted by anal intercourse, although this seems to be a rare occurrence. Sharing of equipment for intravenous drug use is a far more important risk for transmission.
Escherichia Coli (E. Coli): may cause mild to severe, or even fatal, gastroenteritis. It is one of many bacteria and viruses that can be transmitted by oral-anal contact. Some E. coli strains (uropathic E. coli), probably transmitted during anal intercourse, can also cause urinary tract infections, ranging from cystitis to pyelonephritis - a serious kidney infection


to me anal sex is not has safe has vaginal sex:
lucifers angel, i can't believe you think like that.

there's just too much wrong with your argument to even start. you're a bisexual persecuting homosexuals? orphans are worse off with people raising them? sexual preferences affect your ability to raise a child?

hypothetical: man and wife have kids. wife dies while children are toddlers. man meets a gay man so understanding and loving, they become sexually intimate. both are fully committed to raising these children, but are compelled by your argument (well, opinion) to put them into social services. did they make the right choice?

watch brokeback mountain. get a gay friend (not 'i know a gay person, now i can tell people i have a gay friend'). the world has more to offer than leviticus.
who said same sex sex is about anal sex?

For starters lesbian sex is no more about anal than hedrosexual sex is (actually probably less so) and who said gays dont have oral?

To be honest your argument is totally ridiculas.

to guess i would say that MOST peoples first sexual experiance (gay OR straight) is by hand and then oral rather than anal OR vaginal sex
lucifers angel, i can't believe you think like that.

there's just too much wrong with your argument to even start. you're a bisexual persecuting homosexuals? orphans are worse off with people raising them? sexual preferences affect your ability to raise a child?

hypothetical: man and wife have kids. wife dies while children are toddlers. man meets a gay man so understanding and loving, they become sexually intimate. both are fully committed to raising these children, but are compelled by your argument (well, opinion) to put them into social services. did they make the right choice?

watch brokeback mountain. get a gay friend (not 'i know a gay person, now i can tell people i have a gay friend'). the world has more to offer than leviticus.[/QUOTE]

i have seen bareback mountain (sorry brokeback) i also have gay friends, they know my views and some even agree with me, one has even said that he wouldnt adopt children because it wouldnt be fair on them or staright couples
who said same sex sex is about anal sex?

For starters lesbian sex is no more about anal than hedrosexual sex is (actually probably less so) and who said gays dont have oral?

To be honest your argument is totally ridiculas.

to guess i would say that MOST peoples first sexual experiance (gay OR straight) is by hand and then oral rather than anal OR vaginal sex

ok, then!!
read ur anal post. at least this is debatable.

firstly, being gay is more than loving anal sex. its loving a person. in the search to find someone that truly loves you and makes you happy, can you afford to limit yourself to just one gender? (courtesy of 'chasing amy'. recommended viewing. along with 'dogma')

secondly, vaginas have all the same risks, of damage during rough sex, of stds.

side note: why are vaginas entry holes and bums exit holes? where does piss leave the body? where does menstruation leave the body?
actually urine doesnt leave through the vagina. It leaves through a seprate hole, its only guys where the uritra is the same tube that is used in sexual reproduction
i have seen bareback mountain (sorry brokeback) i also have gay friends, they know my views and some even agree with me, one has even said that he wouldnt adopt children because it wouldnt be fair on them or staright couples

fair enough, i guess that was presumptious of me.

what i took from brokeback was that they weren't different in any way to other dudes, other than where they put their dicks.

i get why gay people would say its unfair on the children, but perhaps that's only because the child would be persecuted as the child of a gay couple. its society's prejudice they're protecting children from, not their own inability to raise children.

the fact is you don't need a license to raise children. there's so many hetero couples getting divorces and raising children badly etc., gay couples who are forced to undergo a critical evaluation of parenting skills and suitability are surely better candidates than a lot of parents. and also surely better than the child not getting raised and loved at all.
fair enough, i guess that was presumptious of me.

what i took from brokeback was that they weren't different in any way to other dudes, other than where they put their dicks.

i get why gay people would say its unfair on the children, but perhaps that's only because the child would be persecuted as the child of a gay couple. its society's prejudice they're protecting children from, not their own inability to raise children.

the fact is you don't need a license to raise children. there's so many hetero couples getting divorces and raising children badly etc., gay couples who are forced to undergo a critical evaluation of parenting skills and suitability are surely better candidates than a lot of parents. and also surely better than the child not getting raised and loved at all.

i know you need a licence to watch TV, drive a car, but you dont need one to raise a child,

straight couples are also forced to undergo strict evaluation of perenting skills, and sure kids need a loveing caring home.
yeah i know the biology stuff, but in oral and penetrative you're still gonna be touching it.
i know you need a licence to watch TV, drive a car, but you dont need one to raise a child,

straight couples are also forced to undergo strict evaluation of perenting skills, and sure kids need a loveing caring home.

is this an american thing? i thought a couple just had sex, got pregant and had kids?
is this an american thing? i thought a couple just had sex, got pregant and had kids?

some straight couples are forced to have perenting skills, personally i went on a course because of my sons, they also have to undergo perenting skills before they adopt or foster a child