Gay debate (Draqon digression)

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The latter only in a society that is pro freedom.

Ok, so you're being consistent; fair enough. However in a society where the majority doesn't like homosexuality then:

tax - good
exiling homos - good

that's the difference between whats good for society and what society wants for itself. we need the diversity, plus exiling homos would be a ridiculous process.
codanblad no actually it couldnt. There is one (At least) international treatie which specifically bans exile

my thinking was that laws are just words on paper, a gov't which writes its own laws is theoretically able to do anything its physically capable of.
Mod Hat - Now, now ....

Mod Hat — Now, now ....

Oh, come now, people. Lighten up. One of my favorite old Bugs Bunny cartoon scenes involved our favorite long-eared smartass pointing at this bizarre cube of water with a burly construction worker swimming dazedly around inside and saying, "Mommy! Look at the funny fish!"

Let Draqon embarrass himself. And then laugh. I mean, it's not like the retarded kid shitting himself in class for a quarter or anything.

I generally worry more about systematic bigotry, ignorance, and stupidity. There does not appear to be any real system to Draqon's routine. Or maybe there is, but it's harmless. It may be that he says all these stupid things because he feels somebody needs to. Worry not, though. One of these days he'll trip over his own feet and accidentally land in the twenty-first century.

There's a ship a-sort of sinking in the harbor,
And my lover is come down from the sea.
(Or fens, or heather.)
Fair maid, he sings, oh show me to your chamber door.
(Or arbor.)
And he means me well
(Or ill)
Or he ignores me altogether.

My love he is a knight so bold,
Impressive in his ardour—
Or a minstrel or a pirate,
With his thighs and arms so firm.
With a mandolin, or an angry grin, and a dead wife in the larder.
And somewhere around this point in the song
Someone normally gets transformed into a loathly worm.

Sing dum-a-diddle, dum-a-diddle, dum-a-diddle dee,
I'm singing of the forests or the tavern or the sea.
Sing dum-a-diddle, dum-a-diddle, dum-a-diddle die,
You can cross out or forget about the bits that don't apply.​

Well, I sent my love a message as they led me to the pyre.
But he'd shipped off with Prince Charlie to be a buccaneerio.
And the pipes of Faerie skirled and the cows were in the byre,
And we drank good English ale until we felt a little queerio.

Oh I care not nothing for your goose feather crotch,
And I know you by the feathers in your you-know.
And we bantered and we badinaged, and then she stole me watch.
Then we sang and danced and lost our way all under the autumn moon, oh.

Sing dum-a-diddle, dum-a-diddle, dum-a-diddle doot,
No one's really listening and no one gives a hoot.
Sing dum-a-diddle, dum-a-diddle, dum-a-diddle die,
You can cross out or forget about the bits that don't apply.​

—Flash Girls, "All Purpose Folk Song (Child Ballad #1)"

Let it go, people. And, Draqon ... you know, just try. Don't make me splinter out a bunch of useless crap and start issuing warnings and such.

Good enough?

Warning for my own opinion?

Warning for what I believe in?

You choose to nitpick me yet ignore the bigotry and preaching of violence against me from others...

How many did I stood against in this thread? Isn't it fun to join in with others to beat me up, Tiassa. Especially with the power you wield. Neat green letters, very neat.

I use TheStranger for toilet paper, works great, its free after all.
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Half your problem, Draqon, is that you don't know what you believe.
People smell you coming a mile away.

Even this little sign of rebellion is another act, because you think people have respect for the rebellious. You think they respect hard, so you try to be hard. You're trying to be what you're not. You're trying to be what you think you're supposed to be.
But you don't know that yet.

When you do know it, you'll be at the starting line waiting for the gun.

The other half of your problem, of course, is that you claim you're using Camus' "The Stranger" for toilet paper... assuming I'm reading you right.
In which case you deserve everything you get.

Swarm, you do realize I'm arguing for gay rights, right? I'm a libertarian.

Also codanbland, you do not get to decide what's "good for society", the majority do. Thus, majority rules is the only rule, and thus the Nazis were absolutely correct because they did what was "good for society" in your opinion, right?
I am not calling for elimination of all gays. You are putting words in my mouth. I am however calling for elimination of gay thought in guys. The idea that gay is acceptable itself must be eliminated. Not the people. And if they cant be changed, leave them alone, but deny them any contact with children, so that they do not teach their wrong ways to the generations of the future.

Oh draqon, and I just took you off ignore. <sigh> :rolleyes:
James R, I'm going to make some assumptions about you but I think they are accurate at any rate so bear with me, and if they are then debate me

I'm assuming, since you present yourself as a liberal, you believe in taxation (I'm not trying to turn this into a taxation thread, just read on). You believe in a fundamental rule, "majority rules", and you also believe in "if you don't like it, you can leave"

Now we apply this to homosexuality. IF a society, the majority, thought homosexuality was wrong and ought not to be tolerated, do you believe a society, whatever that is, has the right to tell gays to leave? Can the gov't tell you to leave if you are gay? After all it can tell you to leave in general, no?

This is, of course, strictly leaving or staying, not killing or eliminating anybody.

Nay, that would be against the constitution. Imagine if we exiled all black people out of the country, during a time when the majority were not against slavery. That would be messed up. Historically speaking, the majority is usually in the wrong.

You need to read the federalist papers sometime. Particularly the section on how we must avoid the whims of the mob and "majority tyranny." Being in the majority does not give you the right to harm minorities. If it did, then all non-white people in this country may as well pack up and leave now.
Mod Hat - Response

Mod Hat — Response (one and only)

Draqon said:

Warning for my own opinion?

Warning for what I believe in?

Draqon, I don't think so lowly of you as to believe that you're really so stupid. So the question you need to consider for yourself is very simple:

"Do I really want people to believe that I'm a genocidal lunatic?"​

If the answer is yes, then brave up and be prepared for the slings and arrows reserved for genocidal lunatics.

If the answer is no, then reconsider whether or not you wish to make this futile stand.

As it is, your statement—

Gay people do not belong in our society, their presence is a corrosive element, a virus within the system that must be eliminated.


—violates Section 5 of the Forum Rules, Regulations, and Recommendations. Your persistent defense of the statement only reiterates that violation.

So I can either go through and delete a bunch of posts and then sanction you for invoking unrest with your hateful post, or you can grow up and learn to deal with what you bring upon yourself.

One of the points of performance art, Draqon, is that one should not waver. It kills the power of the exhibition to do so. As such, if you went out to make some sort of obscure point, you blew it when you whined about "the bigotry and preaching of violence against me from others".

So can the idiotic martyr act. Nobody is buying it, Draqon.

How many did I stood against in this thread?

Obviously not enough.

Isn't it fun to join in with others to beat me up, Tiassa.

Actually, it's rather sad. I want them to leave you alone because it's rather like watching people gang up on the slow kid in the class.

And, Draqon ... you have yet to see what it's like if I decide to "beat you up". Ask around, sir. If you're going to start crying at this point, then I would suggest a good ol' fashioned Sciforums brawl is about the last thing you're prepared to endure.

Especially with the power you wield. Neat green letters, very neat.

Stop mucking up the thread with your whimpering and spluttering. If you have any further comments, you may contact me directly or take it up with higher authority.
Mod Hat - Closure

Mod Hat — Closure

Members are advised that in the face of genocidal lunacy, the proper response is not to simply cuss and threaten. I would go so far as to ask that in such circumstances, people apply at least the basic appearance of subtlety and intelligence. If a member wishes to play the role of village idiot, it is enough to simply laugh at his or her idiocy. There is no proper need to threaten, and as for the usual harsh condemnations that fly around Sciforums, well, we must remember that genocidal lunatics have feelings, too.

Shame on you all for making the hatemonger cry.

Or, more seriously, yes, the usual acceptable condemnations of outright stupidity are acceptable. Just ... you know. Just because someone decides to advocate genocide is no reason to threaten them.

This thread is closed for the nature and degree of its digression. We'll try again with, "Gay debate (redux)".

No posts in this thread have been deleted, and none edited. No specific disciplinary sanctions have been issued.
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