Gay debate (Draqon digression)

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draqon what would make you want to sleep with a man?

seriously what would make you chose to do that?
You people need to experience firsthand contact with gay people...and how they force their ideas of "you are gay" unto normal straight people. You need to experience the fight that people like me had to endure to prove my not-gayness.

jesus christ man, harden the fuck up. did your father die inside when you came home from school and said "the gays are picking on me, you don't know what i've had to endure".
It is bigotry. No doubt. However, is bigotry always bad? Well, is being intolerant of something always bad? We're all bigots in some way or another.

What's the difference between eliminating gay people and eliminating Jewish people, or people with blue eyes, or people who like Abba?

The idea of gay as acceptable thing must be eliminated. It is like an idea that LSD is good for you. It must be eliminated from our society.

The idea of liking Abba as being an acceptable must be eliminated from our society!

When I say gay people are a virus that must be eliminated, I mean that gay thought/idea must be eliminated, not the people themselves.

The thought of people liking Abba must be eliminated, but not Abba fans themselves.

If gay people cannot be changed, than they must be stopped in converting normal straight people into their corrosive ideology.

If Abba fans cannot be changed, then they must be stopped in converting normal people into their corrosive ideology.

People are not born gay, people are converted into gay by gay people.

People aren't born liking Abba. They are converted into it by existing Abba fans.

Yes I know some people have high estrogen content and low testosterone and that is the chemical imbalance that causes them to have not normal tendencies towards their own sex. This must be corrected, with hormones...etc.

Yes I know that some people have a "different" musical appreciation that is caused by a chemical imbalance that causes them not to have normal tendencies in liking music. That must be corrected.

Either that or shoot them all, I say. Kill Kill Kill the nasty Abba fans!

(*stupid git*)
James R, I'm going to make some assumptions about you but I think they are accurate at any rate so bear with me, and if they are then debate me

I'm assuming, since you present yourself as a liberal, you believe in taxation (I'm not trying to turn this into a taxation thread, just read on). You believe in a fundamental rule, "majority rules", and you also believe in "if you don't like it, you can leave"

Now we apply this to homosexuality. IF a society, the majority, thought homosexuality was wrong and ought not to be tolerated, do you believe a society, whatever that is, has the right to tell gays to leave? Can the gov't tell you to leave if you are gay? After all it can tell you to leave in general, no?

This is, of course, strictly leaving or staying, not killing or eliminating anybody.
I am sorry but you are a wrong. A society with majority of people devoted to their own beliefs, which match majority of all other opinions is not bigotry. It is truth. Gay people do not belong in our society, their presence is a corrosive element, a virus within the system that must be eliminated.

Way to be the bigot!!!
You people need to experience firsthand contact with gay people...and how they force their ideas of "you are gay" unto normal straight people.

Are you going to gay bars so those nasty gays can "force" themselves on your bad self?

You naughty boy!
you believe in taxation
You get what you pay for cheapskate.

You believe in a fundamental rule, "majority rules", and you also believe in "if you don't like it, you can leave"

Nope, the majority sets the pace, but not at the expense of others.

IF a society, the majority, thought homosexuality was wrong and ought not to be tolerated, do you believe a society, whatever that is, has the right to tell gays to leave?

Nope. What hole you stick or get stuck with another concenting adult is not the government's business. Also "leaving" is a false choice. Most people can't just arbitrarily leave and re-establish in a foreign country.

After all it can tell you to leave in general, no?

The US gov canot bannish or exile citizens to my knowledge. Aliens are another story though.
Then the US gov't cannot tax, and cannot tell you to leave if you do not pay the tax. Wonderful. No, really, I wish that were the case.

Although we both know what would happen in that case: men with guns will appear at your door.
His point is relevant; you are not a bigot in a society of bigots. If "majority rules", then the majority have the right to kick out homosexuals if they see fit.

Well except that you are entirely mistaken and you certainly can be a bigot in a society of bigots, the majority has limits to its power and they don't have the right to kick anyone out.

So except for being 100% wrong you are right on target with mr bigot.
You misunderstand. I'm pro gay rights. And I am anti taxation. I'm entirely consistent; I'm merely pointing out the inconsistency in James.
hey draq there is a sex shop round the corner from my house tell me what color you want.
Now we apply this to homosexuality. IF a society, the majority, thought homosexuality was wrong and ought not to be tolerated, do you believe a society, whatever that is, has the right to tell gays to leave? Can the gov't tell you to leave if you are gay? After all it can tell you to leave in general, no?

sure it could, it can do anything. ideally it would be for the greater benefit of the society

tax - good for society
exiling homos - bad for society
sure it could, it can do anything. ideally it would be for the greater benefit of the society

tax - good for society
exiling homos - bad for society

The latter only in a society that is pro freedom.

Ok, so you're being consistent; fair enough. However in a society where the majority doesn't like homosexuality then:

tax - good
exiling homos - good
codanblad no actually it couldnt. There is one (At least) international treatie which specifically bans exile
Then the US gov't cannot tax

Wow you certainly can't read well.

cannot tell you to leave if you do not pay the tax.

Oops you got one right. The gov cannot tell a citizen to leave for not paying taxes, but they will give you room and board for free!

But here is one where you certainly could leave if you wanted to. Just imigrate to a country which has no taxes, ha!, and renounce your citizenship.
People are not born gay, people are converted into gay by gay people. Yes I know some people have high estrogen content and low testosterone and that is the chemical imbalance that causes them to have not normal tendencies towards their own sex. This must be corrected, with hormones...etc.

Impressive ignorance.

Thinking at a 12th century level.
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